'Teeth' in the Bible
“His eyes are darker and sparkle more than wine,And his teeth whiter than milk.
While the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord struck them with a very severe plague.
‘They will be wasted by hunger, and consumed by plagueAnd a bitter destruction;And I will send the teeth of beasts against them,With the venom of crawling things of the dust.
“The roaring of the lion and the voice of the fierce lion,And the teeth of the young lions are broken.
“Why should I take my flesh in my teethAnd put my life in my hands [incurring the wrath of God]?
“His wrath has torn me and hunted me down,He has gnashed at me with his teeth;My adversary sharpens His gaze and glares [with piercing eyes] at me.
“My bone clings to my skin and to my flesh,And I have escaped [death] by the skin of my teeth.
“And I smashed the jaws of the wickedAnd snatched the prey from his teeth.
“Who can open the doors (jaws) of his face?Around his [open jaws and] teeth there is terror.
Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God!For You have struck all my enemies on the cheek;You have shattered the teeth of the wicked.
Like godless jesters at a feast,They gnashed at me with their teeth [in malice].
The wicked plots against the righteousAnd gnashes at him with his teeth.
My life is among lions;I must lie among those who breathe out fire—The sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows,And their tongue a sharp sword.
O God, break their teeth in their mouth;Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord.
The wicked will see it and be angered,He will gnash his teeth and melt away [in despair and death];The desire of the wicked will perish and come to nothing.
Blessed be the Lord,Who has not given us as prey to be torn by their teeth.
Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes,So is the lazy one to those who send him to work.
There is a generation (class of people) whose teeth are like swordsAnd whose jaw teeth are like knives,To devour the afflicted from the earthAnd the needy from among men.
in the day when the keepers of the house (hands, arms) tremble, and the strong men (feet, knees) bow themselves, and the grinders (molar teeth) cease because they are few, and those (eyes) who look through the windows grow dim;
when the doors (lips) are shut in the streets and the sound of the grinding [of the teeth] is low, and one rises at the sound of a bird and the crowing of a rooster, and all the daughters of music (voice, ears) sing softly.
“Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewesWhich have come up from washing,All of which bear twins,And not one among them has lost her young.
“Your teeth are like a flock of ewesWhich have come up from their washing,All of which bear twins,And not one among them has lost her young.
“In fact, I have made of you a new, sharp threshing implement with sharp edges;You will thresh the mountains and crush them,And make the hills like chaff.
“In those days they will not say again,‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes,And the children’s teeth are set on edge.’
But everyone will die [only] for his own wickedness; every man who eats sour grapes—his [own] teeth shall be set on edge.
All your enemiesHave opened their mouths wide against you;They [scornfully] hiss and gnash their teeth.They say, “We have swallowed her up!Certainly this is the day for which we waited;We have reached it, we have seen it!”
He has broken my teeth with gravel;He has [covered me with ashes and] made me cower in the dust.
“What do you mean by using this proverb concerning the land of Israel,‘The fathers eat sour grapes [they sin],But the children’s teeth are set on edge’?
And behold, another beast, a second one (the Medo-Persian Empire), was like a bear, and it was raised up on one side (domain), and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much meat.’
After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, [I saw] a fourth beast (the Roman Empire), terrible and extremely strong; and it had huge iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had ten horns (ten kings).
“Then I wished to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, extremely dreadful, with teeth of iron and claws of bronze, which devoured, crushed and trampled down what was left with its feet,
For a [pagan and hostile] nation has invaded My land [like locusts],Mighty and without number;Its teeth are the teeth of a lion,And it has the fangs of a lioness.
“I also gave you cleanness of teeth [because of the famine] in all your citiesAnd lack of bread in all your places,Yet you have not returned to Me [in repentance],” says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord concerning the [false] prophets who lead my people astray;When they have something good to bite with their teeth,They call out, “Peace,”But against the one who gives them nothing to eat,They declare a holy war.
I will take the blood from their mouthsAnd their detestable things from between their teeth [those repulsive, idolatrous sacrifices eaten with the blood].Then they too will be a remnant for our God,And be like a clan in Judah,And Ekron will be like one of the Jebusites.
while the sons and heirs of the kingdom [the descendants of Abraham who will not recognize Me as Messiah] will be thrown out into the outer darkness; in that place [which is farthest removed from the kingdom] there will be weeping [in sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [in distress and anger].”
and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].
and throw the wicked into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].
Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the darkness outside; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].’
and will cut him in two and put him with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].
And throw out the worthless servant into the outer darkness; in that place [of grief and torment] there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].
and whenever it seizes him [intending to do harm], it throws him down, and he foams [at the mouth], and grinds his teeth and becomes stiff. I told Your disciples to drive it out, and they could not do it.”
In that place there will be weeping [in sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [in distress and anger] when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being thrown out and driven away.
Now when they heard this [accusation and understood its implication], they were cut to the heart, and they began grinding their teeth [in rage] at him.
They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions.
Related Words
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- Teacher (57 instances )
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- Teaches (17 instances )
- Teaching (109 instances )
- Teachings (22 instances )
- Tear (29 instances )
- Tearing (2 instances )
- Tears (45 instances )
- Teems (1 instance )
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- Telling (45 instances )
- Tells (15 instances )
- Temper (7 instances )
- Temperate (7 instances )
- Temperately (1 instance )
- Tempest (21 instances )
- Tempestuous (1 instance )
- Temples (8 instances )
- Temporal (5 instances )
- Temporarily (31 instances )
- Temporary (36 instances )
- Tempt (9 instances )
- Temptation (23 instances )
- Temptations (5 instances )
- Tempted (17 instances )
- Tempter (2 instances )
- Tempting (2 instances )
- Tempts (1 instance )
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- Ten's (1 instance )
- Ten-cubit (1 instance )
- Ten-year (1 instance )
- Tenants (12 instances )
- Tend (8 instances )
- Tended (2 instances )
- Tendency (2 instances )
- Tender (43 instances )
- Tenderhearted (3 instances )
- Tenderly (12 instances )
- Tenderness (4 instances )
- Tending (3 instances )
- Tendons (1 instance )
- Tendrils (3 instances )
- Tends (4 instances )
- Tenons (4 instances )
- Tens (4 instances )
- Tense (1 instance )
- Tent (272 instances )
- Tent-makers (1 instance )
- Tenth (58 instances )
- Tenths (2 instances )
- Tents (64 instances )
- Terebinth (6 instances )
- Terebinths (5 instances )
- Term (2 instances )
- Termed (1 instance )
- Terminate (1 instance )
- Terminated (1 instance )
- Terms (19 instances )
- Terraces (1 instance )
- Terrible (52 instances )
- Terribly (6 instances )
- Terrific (2 instances )
- Terrified (29 instances )
- Terrifies (2 instances )
- Terrify (13 instances )
- Terrifying (7 instances )
- Territories (1 instance )
- Territory (53 instances )
- Terror (100 instances )
- Terrorize (1 instance )
- Terrorized (1 instance )
- Terrorizing (2 instances )
- Terrors (18 instances )
- Test (45 instances )
- Testament (9 instances )
- Tested (20 instances )
- Testicles (3 instances )
- Testified (16 instances )
- Testifies (7 instances )
- Testify (30 instances )
- Testifying (10 instances )
- Testimonials (1 instance )
- Testimonies (34 instances )
- Testimony (110 instances )
- Testing (7 instances )
- Tests (3 instances )
- Text (1 instance )
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