9 occurrences

'Wept' in the Bible

And he falleth on the neck of Benjamin his brother, and weepeth, and Benjamin hath wept on his neck;

Verse ConceptsNecksSalutations

And unto the people thou dost say, Sanctify yourselves for to-morrow, and ye have eaten flesh (for ye have wept in the ears of Jehovah, saying, Who doth give us flesh? for we had good in Egypt) -- and Jehovah hath given to you flesh, and ye have eaten.

Verse ConceptsMaking People HolyEating Meat

And it cometh to pass at his finishing to speak, that lo, the sons of the king have come, and they lift up their voice, and weep, and also the king and all his servants have wept -- a very great weeping.

Verse ConceptsMourning The Death Of Others

And at Ezra's praying, and at his making confession, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there have been gathered unto him out of Israel an assembly very great -- men and women and children -- for the people have wept, multiplying weeping.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsGesturesGuilt, Human Aspects OfHouse Of GodLargenessPrayer, As Asking GodRegretRepentance, Examples OfRevival, CorporateConviction Of SinReligious AwakeningsTearsNamed Individuals Who Prayedconfessing

And they have made for thee baldness, And they have girded on sackcloth, And they have wept for thee, In bitterness of soul -- a bitter mourning.

Verse ConceptsBaldnessSackcloth And AshesBitternessgrievingbranding

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Usage: 29