15 occurrences

'Wrong' in the Bible

And the thing is very wrong in the eyes of Abraham, for his son's sake;

and God saith unto Abraham, 'Let it not be wrong in thine eyes because of the youth, and because of thy handmaid: all that Sarah saith unto thee -- hearken to her voice, for in Isaac is a seed called to thee.

Verse ConceptsAbrahamProphecies Concerning ChristPay Attention To People!sarah

And Joseph seeth that his father setteth his right hand on the head of Ephraim, and it is wrong in his eyes, and he supporteth the hand of his father to turn it aside from off the head of Ephraim to the head of Manasseh;

Verse ConceptsHands On HeadsBlessings For The Right HandTroubling Individuals

'When there is a strife between men, and they have come nigh unto the judgment, and they have judged, and declared righteous the righteous, and declared wrong the wrong-doer,

Verse Conceptsethics, incentives towardsInnocence, Teaching OnJustification, Necessity OfLawsuitsMagistrates

And the heads of the Philistines say, 'What are these Hebrews?' and Achish saith unto the heads of the Philistines, 'Is not this David servant of Saul king of Israel, who hath been with me these days or these years, and I have not found in him anything wrong from the day of his falling away till this day.'

Verse ConceptsFaultlessnessSaul And David

And He giveth rest, and who maketh wrong? And hideth the face, and who beholdeth it? And in reference to a nation and to a man, It is the same.

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodGod, Revelation OfSilenceGod HidingGod Being SilentWork Ethic

The whole I have considered in the days of my vanity. There is a righteous one perishing in his righteousness, and there is a wrong-doer prolonging himself in his wrong.

Verse ConceptsApparent InjusticeProsperity Of The WickedThe Righteous PerishingBad DaysDoing The Right ThingEnjoying Life

Do not much wrong, neither be thou a fool, why dost thou die within thy time?

Verse ConceptsEuthanasiaEarly DeathFools Becoming WiseDeathAssisted Suicide

I have turned round, also my heart, to know and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and reason, and to know the wrong of folly, and of foolishness the madness.

Verse ConceptsInvestigatingStudying Insanity

My wrong, and that of my flesh is on Babylon, Say doth the inhabitant of Zion, And my blood is on the inhabitants of Chaldea, Say doth Jerusalem.

Therefore doth law cease, And judgment doth not go forth for ever, For the wicked is compassing the righteous, Therefore wrong judgment goeth forth.

Verse ConceptsInjustice, Examples OfOpposition, To Sin And EvilRighteous, TheNo JusticeBreaking God's Law

receive us; no one did we wrong; no one did we waste; no one did we defraud;

Verse ConceptsIntegrityCoveting, prohibition ofDefraudingCheatingNo Room

If, then, I also wrote to you -- not for his cause who did wrong, nor for his cause who did suffer wrong, but for our diligence in your behalf being manifested unto you before God --

Bible Theasaurus

Amiss (8 instances)
Damage (69 instances)
Grievance (9 instances)
Improper (9 instances)
Incorrect (1 instance)
Injurious (10 instances)
Molest (8 instances)
Unseasonable (1 instance)
Unsuitable (2 instances)
Untimely (6 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
hurt , do wrong , wrong , suffer wrong , be unjust , take wrong , injure , be an offender , vr hope
Usage: 24

Usage: 60

Usage: 19

Usage: 8

Usage: 17

my wrong
Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 36

Usage: 113

Usage: 3

Usage: 20