Who is Zach Hoefler?

Taken Too Soon…
But His Spirit Lives On

A Life of Sports and Friendship

Zach Hoefler, “Z,” grew up in Allen, Texas playing youth soccer, baseball, basketball, and his first love, football. While Zach certainly loved playing sports, it was the camaraderie with his teammates along the way he enjoyed the most. Zach was a lovable, caring, compassionate, funny, optimistic, and loyal friend. He was also a young man who loved family immensely.

Zach, by nature, was highly competitive in sports and in life. His competitive spirit, talent, and knowledge of the game allowed him to become an excellent quarterback in the Allen system. Z was not just an athlete, he was a fan, especially of Boston sports. He enjoyed cheering for the Red Sox, the Celtics, and his favorite, the New England Patriots. He had a diverse taste in music but enjoyed classic rock and country the most. Zach was a very faithful follower of Christ, a member of Suncreek United Methodist Church, and an active participant in their youth program.

Facing a Life-Changing Diagnosis

Just before Zach’s senior year at Allen High School, he began to experience severe headaches, which were initially diagnosed as migraine headaches. As the headaches began to increase in frequency and severity, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas.

After a summer of surgeries and chemotherapy, doctors encouraged Zach to get back to school. Unfortunately, his diagnosis led him to stay on the football sidelines, cheering for his Allen Eagles. Following his graduation in May 2017, Zach completed Proton radiation therapy and was able to enroll in the University of Mississippi, “Ole Miss,” to begin his college career. He loved his college life, joining the brotherhood of Pi Kappa Alpha and making friends along the way.

Strength Through Adversity

Before Zach could complete his first year at Ole Miss, he experienced seizures and returned to Children’s Health, Dallas for more tests and treatment. Zach’s tumor had started to change and become much more aggressive. The once seemingly manageable diagnosis of Pilocytic Astrocytoma took a terrible turn, and while the cure rate of that type of tumor is 90%, Z did not fall into the favorable odds.

Over the course of two years, Zach endured 5 brain surgeries, 6 different chemotherapy drugs, and 6 weeks of Proton radiation therapy. Even with horrific side effects, Z was confident the treatment would do its job and never complained. He just viewed treatment as something he needed to do and always just said, “It is what it is.”

A Legacy of Love and Inspiration

Zach’s compassion, competitive spirit, sense of humor, optimism, and faith were palpable and infectious. Following his passing, the Hoefler received innumerable heartfelt texts, voicemails, and calls about how much Zach impacted so many people’s lives. Z made people feel good about themselves and was deeply loved by many. Zach will be missed, but the we know he is wrapped in God’s arms and is no longer suffering from the disease he battled like a warrior for two years. Heaven got a good one! Z’s spirit and legacy will be forever #HoeflerStrong.

The Vision Behind The Big Z Foundation

In their journey with Zach at Children’s Health, Dallas, the Hoefler family witnessed an incredible need to assist families whose children are diagnosed with serious pediatric illnesses. They want families to feel loved and supported during this difficult time. It is from that vision that The Big Z Foundation was created.

A Letter to Zach’s Mom

Hi Mrs hoefler,

It's Eli Dressler. You may not remember me, but I have heard of zach's recent battles. It has been a while since I saw him, but he was one of my very first friends when I moved to Texas in elementary school and is the most absolutely incredible man I have ever been lucky enough to know. It kills me that I am not able to be there with him right now as I am away at college, but I just wanted to let you know that he has added nothing but positivity and love to this world since I have known him. And although we are not as close as we once were he is like a brother to me. So in honor of his bravery, courage, and unmatched strength that he is showing and I know he will continue to show, I have gotten the word BrotherZ tattooed on my arm. We may not look very much alike or be related by blood, but there is nobody I would be more proud to call my brother than your son. I will be praying, hoping, and fighting every step of the way for and with my brother. If there is absolutely anything I can do to help my family please do not hesitate to reach out. Lastly I just want to assure you that if there is anyone in this world that can beat this, it is your son and my brother Zach. I wish you and your family endless blessings and love. #Hoeflerstrong

“Words can’t describe how much you mean to me. I still can’t believe you’re gone. You were always so good to me. God knew what he was doing when he sent you to me. You were one of my very best friends. I’m going to miss laughing at your silly jokes and hearing you laugh at the horrible jokes I came up with. I know God wanted you home and you’re no longer in pain, but I still miss you. I can only imagine what you’re seeing up there. I’ll see you again, and maybe you can teach me all the songs they sing in heaven. Rest easy, Zachie. I love you very much.”

Bryce Salcido