We are BlankCalendarPages
First of all, thank you for using our site for your planning needs! Here at BlankCalendarPages.com,
our goal is to provide you with high quality printables for your personal, academic, or small business needs. Our printables are always free,
as we understand that costs can add up quickly when you embark on a new endeavor. Although calendars are our speciality, we aim to provide you with any
and all printables that you require for your day to day needs. All our calendars are conveniently and automatically updated in perpetuity,
for a consistent and reliable source of information. Additionally, we also provide tools for you to create your own custom calendar, for any year,
as you see fit.
We are a small team of professionals with backgrounds in software development, design, wiriting, and statistics. We are happy to share what we have learned and built with all our visitors. We pride ourselves in providing everything for free.
Our Goals
Although calendars are our speciality, we aim to provide you with any date and time information that you may require for your daily needs. All our calendars are conveniently and automatically updated in perpetuity, for a consistent and reliable source of information.
All of our calendars are designed and built using our custom calendar creator software to ensure accuracy in any language. We strive for simple, yet elegant designs that will allow the most space for all your notes.
How We Started
One of the most important lessons I have learned in life is the necessity of setting goals, and effective time management. Indeed, managing your time is a skill that needs to be taught early in life. That is one of the reasons we started this site, so as to provide quick and easy tools to help you plan and attain your goals.
Back in 2015, what had started off as a personal calendar building tool many years before was transformed into one of the largest sources of origianal content calendar and planning tools on the web. We now comprise of a small team of software developers and content creators, and are headquartered in sunny San Antonio, Texas.
Since then, we have greatly expanded the site by adding holidays, a world clock, sunrise, and moonrise calendars. We pride ourselves in never charging you a single cent for any of our services. Paper calendars are extremely useful in our digital world. Start using one today!
Contact the Team
Aimee, Writer
Christina, Designer
Romeo the Doodle
Johann, CEO
Niko, Developer
Skippy the Doodle
We welcome your emails, whether feedback, suggestions, or even if you just want to say hello. If there is a productivity tool that would make your life easier, let us know, and we can add it to the site.
Since 2020, we have decided to reside in the cloud, and no longer maintain office space. We feel it is unnecessary in this day and age. The best way to contact us is via email.
Please contact us at : [email protected]
If you decide to use our calendars in your blog, you must reference the source as per our terms of service.