Can I create a flag like the numerous tutorials around but is triangular (ie a pennant). Must be able to respond to the wind etc?
add a cloth simulation, and a wind force field, and you will get a realistic flag tho
thanks for your response but when I create the triangle by modifying a plane I can no longer create a subdivision that would allow the flexibility for the cloth. The triangle is created by selecting a side of the plane and setting the size of the side to zero to sqish the side thus making a triangle from the plane. Any ideas?
You can achieve it by two types.
Add plane then subdivide it then add another plane & make triangular shape & use Boolean.
Or crate a triangular shape & subdivide it. But before adding subdivision you need to remove double vertex from geometry.
Hi John thanks for your response. This is exactly what I want.
Can you please tell me how you created the triangle? Is it built on a plane? If so how?
Then is the fabric just done the with a subdivide the same as doing it on a regular flag?