Dear users, we would like to make an apology for the incident with the giveaway of Action! featured on our website back in March. The software we were giving away was supposed to provide you with a lifetime license for the product. However, due to the fact that the license key provided for the activation of the product was made public by one or several members of our community, the developer was forced to blacklist the key, which permanently voided all the associated licenses. We’d like to note that we have not been informed about the fact by the developer and only your reports helped us to clear everything out.
Unfortunately, the developer is not ready to launch another campaign until the source of the leakage is identified.
We will do our best to improve our security measures to prevent such situations in future. We often get complaints about the complexity of the activation methods we use sometimes. Please mind, that the safety of the information the developers provide us with is of crucial importance for building long-term cooperative relationships and thus, providing you with awesome software products that are easy to activate. In turn, we would like to ask you to refrain from posting license information on third-party websites. We rely on your consciousness and work hard to bring the best possible software products at your disposal, but it is you, who make our website such a great place for developers.
If you enjoy the product and would like to share it with your friends, send them a link, it won’t take long to download the software. If you missed the giveaway of the product you wanted to get, contact the developer directly, in most cases the companies we work with are super-excited to share their product with you and will gladly provide you with the required information. Don’t know how to get in touch with the developer? Drop us a line at [email protected] and we will provide you with relevant contact details.
Once again, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks everyone for understanding and support.
Always yours,