Inspiring Fireplace Surround Mosaic
Artist Elinor Willis has recently completed a mixed-media mosaic fireplace surround, and it is wonderful. She also did a great job of photo-documenting the progress of her mosaic, which she made using the direct method of gluing one tile at a time directly to the backer.
Dancing Color Rhythm Abstract Mosaic
I continue to work on this new series of abstract mosaics, and I am loving it. Dancing Color Rhythm is my latest stained-glass mosaic, and it is also 16 x 16 inches and mounted on 1/2-inch plywood and framed with 1/4-inch oak, painted in black. I’ve developed several improved methods that make the process more…
Mosaic Shower Insert
Artist Nona Carr has recently completed a mosaic shower insert for a young child’s bathroom. The concept for the mosaic was an eclectic collection of iconic images rendered in adjacent frames, similar to my Mosaic Door project.
Latin Jazz Abstract Mosaic
I recently completed this abstract mosaic using our American-made stained glass. The title is Latin Jazz, and it is 16 x 16 inches in size and mounted on a plywood backer covered with two plies of fiberglass mesh and PVA adhesive.
Abstract Stained-Glass Mosaic
I am now obsessed with abstract stained-glass mosaic. I recently completed two small studies on 6×6-inch plywood backers in preparation for some larger compositions. These larger compositions will be semi-abstract with the outlines of figures hidden in Fauvist contours. I am very excited about these coming works because they will make use of contoured andamento,…
Fleur-de-Louisiana: A Study in Subtle Colors
Artist Sharon Thomassie emailed me a photo of her mosaic in progress and asked for advice about choosing color(s) for the background.
Mosaic Table Insets
Inserting detailed mosaic insets in fields of monochromatic tile is the perfect compromise that allows an artist to make a mosaic table top with original artwork with fine detail without overcommitting time or effort.
Horses in Wildflowers Mosaic
I finished my latest miniature mosaic: Horses in Wildflowers. It’s about 10 inches wide and mounted on a reinforced mortar stone, which is my backer of choice. The grout is charcoal black in color, which is my go-to color for grout. The grout is non-sanded because my grout gap is incidental and thin, the tiles…
Online Mosaic Design Tool
To promote mosaic as a fine art, we encourage people to make their own mosaic designs and to choose non-gridded over gridded designs. Nevertheless, there are many situations that call for naturalistic images, and these are most easily made using a gridded design where each tile is treated as a tiny pixel.
Boo! Mosaic Patterns for Halloween
Ivana created some patterns for Halloween mosaic designs that will be part of an ongoing series with new designs for each holiday. These patterns are for use with whole tiles in a grid with no grout gap and are designed for Morjo™ 10mm Vitreous Glass Mosaic Tile on a 12×12-inch mosaic backer. You can order…
Partial Taping of In-Process Mosaic
Mosaic Mounting Tape sticks well-enough to whole uncut tile as small as 12mm to allow the sheet to be lifted and dangled and handled without tiles falling off. This is also true of whole uncut tile as small as 8mm, although the sheet can’t be handled as casually. But what about using Mosaic Mounting Tape…