In step with the Blue Band

on the Legacy.

High Schoolers…

Experience Blue Band!

Forward March: The Blue Band Experience

The Penn State Blue Band will host YOU and other high school band participants as a Penn State Blue Band recruit, giving you the chance to perform with the historic Penn State Blue Band inside Beaver Stadium during the annual Blue-White game.

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025

Blue Band High School Summer Clinic

This is an opportunity for current high school marching band instrumentalists and band front members to learn the marching and music traditions of the Penn State Marching Blue Band and get a taste of what is like to be a student at Penn State!

Dates: Thursday–Saturday, June 26–28, 2025


Are you ready to step into the future with the Penn State Marching Blue Band?

Blue Band Silks marching in perfect rows in an on-street parade.

We Are!

For more than 100 years, the Blue Band has exemplified the spirit of Penn State through its trademark drills and soaring instrumentals.

The band’s reliable precision and unmistakable sound is indelible in the mind and heart of every Penn Stater, but the band’s ability to bring people together is what truly sets it apart.

Masked Blue Band performing in front of Beaver Stadium.
Masked Blue Band performing in front of Beaver Stadium.

Penn State!

Located in 24 communities across Pennsylvania and globally online, Penn State’s world-class education reaches nearly 100,000 students annually with more than 130 countries represented in the student community.

The Blue Band has the unrivaled ability to bring students and more than 700,000 alumni together in celebration of shared values with a timeless reverence for ‘dear old state.’

Penn State!

Located in 24 communities across Pennsylvania and globally online, Penn State’s world-class education reaches nearly 100,000 students annually with more than 130 countries represented in the student community.

The Blue Band has the unrivaled ability to bring students and more than 700,000 alumni together in celebration of shared values with a timeless reverence for ‘dear old state.’

Masked Blue Band performing in front of Beaver Stadium.

Check out our YouTube channel!

View past and present performances!

Illustration of a Blue Band member with "Down Beat with the Blue Band" text.

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New episode every other week!

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For the Future. For The Glory.

With your support, the Blue Band can continue to ‘raise the song’ as a beacon of Penn State pride, tradition, and excellence.

To learn about ways to support the Blue Band visit our Giving page.