বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

বুধের ভূ-তাত্ত্বিক কাঠামোসমূহের তালিকা

উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে
কাঠামো অক্ষাংশ দ্রাঘিমাংশ যে বিষয়ের নামে নামাঙ্কিত
Caloris Montes 39.4 187.2 Latin for 'heat's mountains'
Antoniadi Dorsum 25.1 30.5 Eugène Antoniadi
Schiaparelli Dorsum 23 164.1 Giovanni Schiaparelli
Arecibo Vallis -27.5 28.4 Arecibo Observatory
Goldstone Vallis -15.8 31.7 Goldstone Observatory
Haystack Vallis 4.7 46.2 Haystack Observatory
Simeiz Vallis -13.2 64.3 Simeiz Observatory
Borealis Planitia 73.4 79.5 Latin for 'northern plain'
Budh Planitia 22 150.9 Hindu word for Mercury.
Caloris Planitia 30.5 189.8 Latin for 'heat's plain'
Odin Planitia 23.3 171.6 Norse god Odin
Sobkou Planitia 39.9 129.9 Messenger god.
Suisei Planitia 59.2 150.8 Japanese for Mercury.
Tir Planitia 0.8 176.1 Norse for Mercury.
Adventure Rupes -65.1 65.5 Ship of Captain Cook
Astrolabe Rupes -42.6 70.7 Ship of Jules Dumont d'Urville
Discovery Rupes -56.3 38.3 Ship of Captain Cook
Endeavour Rupes 37.5 31.3 Endeavour, ship of Captain Cook
Fram Rupes -56.9 93.3 Fram, ship of Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup and Roald Amundsen
Gjöa Rupes -66.7 159.3 Ship of Roald Amundsen
Heemskerck Rupes 25.9 125.3 Ship of Abel Tasman
Hero Rupes -58.4 171.4 Ship of Nathaniel Palmer
Mirni Rupes -37.3 39.9 Ship of Fabian von Bellingshausen
Pourquoi-Pas Rupes -58.1 156 Ship of Jean-Baptiste Charcot
Resolution Rupes -63.8 51.7 Resolution, ship of Captain Cook
Santa María Rupes 5.5 19.7 Ship of Christopher Columbus
Victoria Rupes 50.9 31.1 Ship of Ferdinand Magellan
Vostok Rupes -37.7 19.5 Ship of Fabian von Bellingshausen
Zarya Rupes -42.8 20.5 Zarya, a Russian experimental schooner
Zeehaen Rupes 51 157 Ship of Jules Dumont d'Urville


  • Batson R.M., Russell J.F. (1994), Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, United States Geological Survey Bulletin 2129 [১]