Eurorails is another entry in the Mayfair Games crayon rail games, like Empire Builder and India Rails. Its puzzle-piece board forms a map of Europe broken down into dots. Players use different-colored crayons to draw rail from dot to dot, building their rail system. A large deck of cards is used to determine how much money will be generated by picking up a particular commodity and delivering it to the listed city, with the payoffs being related to how far away the source is from the destination. As players generate more money, they build successively larger and more comprehensive rail systems, hopefully connecting to almost all the major cities. The goal of the game is to generate a set amount of money once you've linked all the major cities.
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Eurorails (1990)
Pick up and deliver goods through Europe on your crayon rail train line.
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No necessary in-game text
BGG Item ID: 157
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- Quick Ref for rail-building & event cards
- Cross Reference: Goods - Supplying Cites - Demanding Cities - Payouts
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- This spreadsheet incorporates the Eurorails Edition 4 (2009) demand card data and provides an attempt…
- A spread sheet analyzing cities vs deliveries. Its organized in a way that showing the…