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12517 xp
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Critic (lvl 5)
564 xp
564 xp
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675 xp
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776 xp
776 xp
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3202 xp
3202 xp
About Me
I've been playing games ever since I could! It started with monopoly and atari, and now I'm into the PS3 and miniatures games like Hordes and Warmachine.
I've got my degree in graphic design, and have been working for many years designing logos, websites, and much more. I have always been a bit discouraged seeing so many great video game websites, but so few in the world of board games. So my family and I have set out on a mission to bring the board game world the site it so very much deserves. And hey, why not make the site itself a game!
Lost Cities: The Card Game
Strong Suits
– The strategies are easy to pick up, and the games go fast
– The illustrations are nice for such a simple game
– If you are going on a trip, you can save space by just taking the cards
– It can get old fast (not much depth), so this is a game you’ll pull out every once in awhile
– It has a nice treasure & expedition theme, but in the end it’s a numbers game
– This game is mostly luck-of-the-draw, so it can be frustrating
During the first couple of turns you have to make big decisions that can greatly affect how your round goes. For example, do you risk playing a point card rather than waiting for the investment cards that can multiply your points at the end. Do you play a couple investment cards, even if you don’t have any other cards for that expedition? Do you discard a high value card, and risk your opponent taking it?
During the game you’re allowed to count how many cards are left in the draw deck, so you know when the round is going to end. Draw cards from the board instead of the deck if you need more time to lay your cards down. Or if you see your opponent a few turns away from completing an expedition, you can try to end the game early by drawing from the deck.
Buy it if … Your looking for a quick to learn 2-player game that is fun to pull out every once in a while, and portable enough to bring on a trip.
Don’t buy it if … You want more depth in the treasure hunting aspect. It’s well produced, but in the end it’s a numbers game.