We hope you, your family, and friends are all well and happy. The states we live in have put into effect the shelter-at-home orders, so life is quite different.
One thing that has brightened our social distancing time is the site Tabletopia.com. (This isn’t a paid promotion or anything like that) I had seen the site when it was first launching and was very impressed, but we typically prefer to play in person. Since we’re trying to help flatten the curve we decided to give Tabletopia a go. We started up a group call on our phones, and once we got used to the controls and how to interact with the game pieces we were having blast! We’ve played Roll Player, Terra Mystica and Viticulture. An added bonus is a couple of us from our game night group have moved to other states, so I can see us finally getting our group back together!
Here’s a link to the site: Tabletopia.com >
How are you dealing with the current craziness? Are you playing more or less board games? What games are you currently enjoying the most?
I wrote a short post about that at the beginning of the Pandemic: .
It actually hasn’t changed, I’m almost at the end of my Pandemic Legacy campaign now
I played Horrified and Runes & Regulations this weekend and am getting ready to play War of Whispers today. I have several more KS projects to play that I haven’t played before so I will study as many unplayed as possible.
I plaly easy light games like Clash of Clans and Candy Crash. Love them
Mostly i play are the common ones. Uno, Monopoly, Games of the Generals, etc. Though I have heard of this upcoming card game called LAGIM. I’m very curious about it. Check out their web page it’s quite exciting. https://lagimcardgame.com/
7 games of Scrabble online, 2 remotely vs a friend and 5 vs bots.
1 game of Azul with my wife.
Going to check out Board Game Arena over Easter.
I was able to play 10 solo rounds of Oh My Goods this weekend. I found a solo variant that works very well. The regular game has players draw two cards at the beginning of each round. For the solo mode, you create a “timer” deck of 20 cards. At the beginning of each turn, the solo player takes two cards from the timer deck. After ten rounds, the timer is exhausted, and the player totals his victory points.
I had owned Oh My Goods for more than two years before finding this variant. I had neglected to play it because it was just too fiddly. The multi-use cards and production chain took a bit of study to comprehend, but it has been a fun exploration. I don’t know if I will ever play it as a multiplayer game, but I am okay with that.
I have done my best to follow “social distancing” guidelines this weekend. I played several solo games of Onirim, Oh My Goods, and Carcassonne on my tablet.
We are goind Old School: Space Fleet, Stratego, and RISK 2210AD with some Magic the Gathering thrown in.
Fortune and Glory: the Cliffhanger Game (x1)
Pandemic w/On the Brink expansion (x2)
Roll player (x1)
Tiny Epic Tactics (x1)
DC Deck Builder…and a lot of apps on my iPad.
Likely going to give in and do the Wingspan expansion solo as well.
Started playing Lord of the Rings, LCG over the phone. Works fine. Games are a bit longer but we’re beginning to slim down the play time.
Some friends and I played Medium (not on this site yet) over Google Hangouts. It was fun, though I had to show everyone their cards, they had to write down their words, and I had to keep track of the points. Still, not crazy hard with 5 people.
For group online games with little to keep track of, I highly recommend this one. Provides moments of great hilarity and virtual high five moments, which is great for this time of so much isolation.
I’ll next want to try Wavelength and Codenames online.
Playing Overpower CCG and Star Realms and maybe some DC Deckbuilding.