106 years young Feisty 106-year Texan speaks out against ageism at airports: "I know what's going on!" (video) Carla Sinclair
art Salvage dealer bought $12 drawing that is likely a Renoir worth, um, quite a bit more (video) Allan Rose Hill
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News Oh look, just two regular folks taking a leisurely stroll away from their car on train tracks Ellsworth Toohey
"total disregard for intelligence" Atlantic editor not the only mistake: Waltz added 2nd person to Signal chat who did not belong Carla Sinclair
News Kansas babysitter checks for monsters, finds actual creep hiding under kid's bed Ellsworth Toohey
politics "Fertilization President" Trump spreads bizarre anti-vax fear in chaotic clips Jason Weisberger
Technology Musk simps spread fake story about their hero saving sick kid with brain chip, get busted by Snopes Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Enjoy iOS data management with one click with this app, now $20 for life Boing Boing's Shop
madagascar The lowland streaked tenrec uses its spines to communicate via ultrasonic noises Jennifer Sandlin
Trump 2.0 Marjorie Taylor Greene slams UK reporter for being British: "Go back to your country!" (video) Carla Sinclair