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Now showing items 1-20 of 11088
2-D Anisotropic Inversion of Frequency-Domain Induced Polarization Data
Kenkel, Johannes (2018-03-23)Measured data in IP (time or frequency domain) are usually interpreted with inversion algorithms, which may be based on stochastic or iterative schemes for finding an optimal data-associated model of the subsurface. Despite ... -
2-dimensionales Speckle Tracking bei Patienten mit symptomatischer Mitralklappeninsuffizienz und MitraClip Prozedur
Lang, Carl Philip (2016-06-29)Die Mitralklappeninsuffizienz (MI) gehört zu den häufigsten therapiebedürftigen Herzklappenerkrankungen und betrifft insbesondere ältere Menschen. Goldstandard für die Therapie der symptomatischen MI ist die herzchirurgische ... -
The 2003 Hellenic presidency of the European Union: Mediterranean perspectives on the ESDP
Xenakis, Dimitris K.; Chryssochoou, Dimitris N. (2003) -
The 2007-2013 European cohesion policy: A new strategic approach by the Commission?
Schröder, Sonja (2008) -
2012 – die globalisierte Apokalypse aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive
Gunsenheimer, Antje; Wehrheim, Monika; Albert, Mechthild; Noack, Karoline (2017)2012 erlebte die Welt einen spektakulären Medienhype um einen angeblich im Maya-Kalender vorausgesagten Weltuntergang. Was ist in den Maya-Hieroglypheninschriften diesbezüglich tatsächlich vermerkt? Welchen historischen ... -
A 24-hour food list for dietary assessment in large-scale epidemiological studies
Freese, Johanna A. (2015-06-18)The validity of dietary assessment in large-scale cohort studies has been questioned. Combining different instruments for the assessment of consumption probability and amounts consumed might be feasible and improve the ... -
2D-IR-Spektroskopie an linearen Wasserstoffbrücken-Netzwerken
Knop, Stephan (2014-06-26)Die dynamischen schwingungsspektroskopischen Eigenschaften synthetisch hergestellter eindimensionaler asserstoffbrückenbindungsnetzwerke wurden mit Hilfe der zwei-dimensionalen Pump-Probe Spektroskopie untersucht. Zusätzlich ... -
2nd International Conference on Machine Control & Guidance: proceedings ; March 9 - 11, 2010
Lammers, Peter Schulze; Kuhlmann, Heiner (2010)The importance of 3D-position sensors for the navigation of machinery on construction sites of roads, tunnels, railways, and airports has been steadily increasing over the last few years and the market keeps growing. Also, ... -
3-D Cloud Morphology and Evolution Derived from Hemispheric Stereo Cameras
Beekmans, Christoph (2020-02-11)Clouds play a key role in the Earth-atmosphere system as they reflect incoming solar radiation back to space, while absorbing and emitting longwave radiation. A significant challenge for observation and modeling pose cumulus ... -
A 3-mm Imaging Line Survey of the Central Molecular Zones of M 82 and IC 342
Chidiac, Céline (2020-07-07)The central molecular zones of two nearby galaxies M 82 and IC 342 are among the most prominent extragalactic molecular sources in the northern hemisphere. While M 82 is a relatively small late type starburst galaxy, IC ... -
3D Analysis-suitable T-splines: definition, linear independence and m-graded local refinement
Morgenstern, Philipp (2016-01)This paper addresses the linear independence of T-splines in three space dimensions. We give an abstract definition of analysis-suitability, and prove that it is equivalent to dual-compatibility, wich guarantees linear ... -
3D Hand Pose Estimation from Single RGB Images with Auxiliary Information
Yang, Linlin (2022-12-14)3D hand pose estimation from monocular RGB inputs is critical for augmented and virtual reality applications, and has achieved remarkable progress due to the revolution of deep learning. Existing deep-learning-based hand ... -
3D hydrological simulation of a forested headwater catchment: Spatio-temporal validation and scale dependent parameterization
Fang, Zhufeng (2016-09-30)Soil moisture plays a key role in the water and energy balance in soil, vegetation and atmosphere systems. There is a grand need to increase global-scale hyper-resolution water-energy-biogeochemistry land surface modelling ... -
3D incompressible two-phase flow benchmark computations for rising droplets
Adelsberger, Jutta; Esser, Patrick; Griebel, Michael; Groß, Sven; Klitz, Margrit; Rüttgers, Alexander (2014-03)We perform 3D incompressible two-phase flow simulations of rising droplets. Based on a similar 2D benchmark, a 3D benchmark configuration with two test cases is formulated in which we compare the flow solvers DROPS, NaSt3DGPF ... -
3D Motion Analysis via Energy Minimization
Wedel, Andreas (2009-12-04)This work deals with 3D motion analysis from stereo image sequences for driver assistance systems. It consists of two parts: the estimation of motion from the image data and the segmentation of moving objects in the input ... -
3D Radar reflectivity assimilation with an ensemble Kalman filter on the convective scale
Bick, Theresa (2017-03-10)Atmospheric processes are governed by strongly nonlinear dynamics, and predicting convective events is a challenging task. In numerical weather prediction (NWP), an accurate description of the current state of the atmosphere ... -
3D Reconstruction of Plant Architecture by Grammar-based Modeling and Markov Chain Sampling
Schöler, Florian Erwin (2014-09-11)The world population is growing rapidly. As a consequence increasingly more products of crop plants are needed. Here, plant breeding gains a special significance. The goal of plant breeding is to develop new cultivars that ... -
3D Reconstruction of Plant Roots from MRI Images to Advance Root-Soil Systems Modelling
Selzner, Tobias (2024-11-14)<strong>Background and Motivation:</strong> Roots are of particular interest for the efficient use of nutrients and water by plants. Therefore, the optimization of root system architecture (RSA) offers large potential in ... -
3D-Echokardiographie: Nicht-invasive Bestimmung von linksventrikulärer Muskelmasse und Funktion im Mausmodell
Grett, Nicolas (2009-06-19)Die hochauflösende Echokardiographie erlaubt die Bestimmung morphologischer und funktioneller Parameter in murinen Tiermodellen. Bislang wurden 2D-Techniken zur Quantifizierung z.B. der linksventrikulären Muskelmasse (LVM) ... -
3D-Infarktgrößenbestimmung im Kryoinfarktmodell der Maus
Happe, Stephan Engelbert (2009-11-23)<u>Einleitung:</u> Myokardinfarktmodelle an transgenen Mäusen und verschiedene invasive und nicht-invasive morphometrischen Messverfahren sind Gegenstand der aktuellen Erforschung des kardialen Remodeling. Die heute meist ...