The Boys’ Brigade is committed to prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in everything that we do. Leaders and staff are responsible for this and to support them we have a range of procedures, guidance and policies with ongoing training and development.
In England, Scotland or Wales please contact us on 0300 303 4454 or email [email protected]. If your concern is about a leader, child or young person in the Republic of Ireland please click here.When you have a safeguarding concern or allegation, in relation to a child or young person, or about a leader:
- Immediately inform your Company Captain/Correspondent, and the relevant Church Official (Minister, Chaplain, Safeguarding Lead/Co-ordinator) in line with Church procedures.
- You (or the Captain/Correspondent) MUST inform the BBHQ Safeguarding Manager with 24 hours.
Always remember: In any situation where you think a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, then contact the emergency services. Remember you still need to report this as outlined above.
What is Safeguarding?
The NSPCC explains that Safeguarding is the measures and actions that are taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. In The Boys’ Brigade we have Safety and Safeguarding Policies, procedures and guidance developed to guide leaders in what to do and ensure we remain a safe space for children and young people.
What is Child Protection?
Child Protection is the actual action and processes we undertake to protect individual children we suspect have suffered or are suffering harm. We have clear procedures for leaders to follow to ensure any safeguarding concerns are responded to appropriately and reported promptly. Anyone can report a Safeguarding concern or allegation, not just our leaders.
Why should we safeguard young people?
We want to be a safe space for children and young people. We want young people to trust our leaders so they can report concerns in their lives and seek help.
It may seem obvious, but its important to remind ourselves that . . .
- Abuse is wrong and should be reported.
- Children and young people should feel safe from harm in all areas of their lives.
- There are adults in our communities that children and young people need to be protected from.
- Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.
Clear Safeguarding processes within an organisation help to identify unsafe adults and enable us to respond to concerns appropriately. If something does go wrong, by dealing with it properly we protect our children and young people, now and in the future.
We must never ignore a safeguarding concern.
How we are Keeping Everyone Safe . . .
The Boys’ Brigade has policies and procedures in place for leaders to promote the welfare of children and young people and protect them from harm.
We do this through…
- Safer Recruitment – There are a number of elements our ‘Safer Recruitment’ process that only suitable leaders are appointed to work in the organisation. This includes recommendations by other leaders or the local Church, references, and vetting & barring checks are completed.
- We train and develop our leaders – Mandatory training is provided, to ensure leaders know how to Recognise, Respond to, Report and Record Safeguarding Concerns and Allegations. We are currently developing further Safeguarding refresher and themed modules to support the continuing development of our Leaders. Our training is regularly evaluated and reviewed to ensure it is current and relevant.
- We have a Leaders Code of Conduct – This outlines the expectations we have of our leaders in relation to their behaviours and actions. By following the Code of Conduct leaders will will ensure they always conduct themselves appropriately, doing the right things in the right way.
- We also have Guidance for Good Practice – We want our volunteers to be safe, approachable, and caring role models for children and young people. As such we have developed guidance and will continue to review and update our guidance to support leaders in their roles.
- Challenging Poor Practice – It is also essential that everyone challenges poor practice within The Boys’ Brigade even when there is a belief that the motives of an individual are well meaning. Unchallenged poor practice can lead to an environment where safeguarding concerns remain unnoticed, and when recognised are not acted upon.
- Our Policies & Procedures – The Boys’ Brigade has a robust Safeguarding Policy Statement, Safeguarding Policy with Procedures and guidance to support them.
- Getting Advice & Support – Advice and support are always available from within our local structures as well as through our Safeguarding Manager at BB Headquarters.
All of our Policies, Procedures, and Guidance are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain current and in line with changing Legislation.
We are responsible for The Boys’ Brigade in England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland. Each UK nation and RoI has their own framework of legislation, guidance and best practice in relation to safeguarding and child protection. Although there are differences the principles are very similar, as such our initial reporting procedures are the same.
Take a look at our Guidance for Leaders in responding to a Safeguarding concern or allegation.
More Information
You can also find more information on safeguarding online at:
Getting in Touch
If you have any questions about content in the Safeguarding area, please do not hesitate to contact the BB Safeguarding Manager on 0300 303 4454 or [email protected]