Tuesday, January 5, 2016

oops...missed a day

in the middle of the night
i realized that i had not opened
my blog yesterday.
there goes my discipline!

yesterday i went to the movies
to see JOY.......
not a good movie in my humble
opinion.  very slow.  not a great
story line.  i would not recommend.

today i am continuing on my
quest for a more simple life,
simple home, using up all that "stuff"
or giving it away.

please don't make a movie about this.....
it would not bring you joy.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Downton returns

At last, the Downton Abbey series returns!

looking forward to
the final season of
Downton Abbey.

it will be interesting
to watch as the
characters take on
new and interesting

Saturday, January 2, 2016

day two

of the New Year.

my resolutions are already beginning to suffer.
but i don't want to ignore the blog.

somehow i have volunteered to do some teaching
at the local Arts Center.  I will teach a collage workshop
in three separate classes beginning next Sunday.
this seems very scary since i have never officially
taught a class in anything.

also in my garden club i will be demonstrating how
to make a garden angel.  so today my partner in the
demonstration and i went to Goodwill to scour the
shelves for appropriate dishes.  i missed a golden
opportunity to take a couple of bags of donations
which i have been gathering.  next time.

lots more organizing and cleaning to do in the house.

more tomorrow.......

Friday, January 1, 2016

welcome to 2016

Another new year....another fresh start.

each january begins another purging process.
this year is no exception.  i have a 30 day plan
to find items that i no longer use, need, or love.

i will begin in the basement (where everything
that i don't know what else to do with goes)
and work my way through the house.

i don't know if 30 days will be enough time!
I hope that when February rolls around, my home
will be filled with only things that bring me JOY.

a joyful new year.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hello 2015

As  say good-bye to another year,
i am filled with new resolutions and
new inspirations.

During the last hours of 2014, i have
torn open cupboards, drawers, and closets,
sorting and discarding excess "stuff", in an
attempt to reorganize.

later i will take the bag or bags of
stuff to the hospital thrift shop or perhaps
to the Goodwill.

two years of unrecorded growth

I am surprised to discover that during the past two years, i posted only a few times.
Two years.
Much has happened during those months.
I have retired from a job that I truly loved, but felt that it was time.  (get out while I still love it).
Bought a house in my hometown and moved back to be near Lake Erie.
reacquainted with classmates, and made some new friends.
Got involved with volunteer groups.  Some that I continue with, some merely tried out.
Became a "snow bird"  (Ha!  that surprised me!) and went to Florida to get out of the snow.
Traveled some, though now I couldn't tell you where.
And so now, with 2016 fast approaching, I find it is time to get back to the blogosphere and document a monumental year, catch up with fellow bloggers, and discipline myself once again.

hello 2016!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

buried treasure….the possibility of i


the posibility of i

my very first book making assignment was to make a quick, copy paper book.  for me, this turned out not to be so quick,
though this is a book i repeatedly come back to.
as a photographer, my intent was to use photos as the content in my books.
where does an idea begin?
at the time (2004) i was making b & w collages in an attempt to be "edgy"...my photography felt too obvious, but i could cut and paste to create another dimension.
i copied some collages that i had done, further layering with vellum sheets printed with words that i felt described me and also the collage.
here are a few pages from
"the possibility of i"



infinite possibilities.