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Dedenne デデンネ Dedenne
English expansion
Furious Fists
English card no.
Japanese expansion
Rising Fist
Japanese rarity
Japanese card no.
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Dedenne.
Dedenne (Japanese: デデンネ Dedenne) is a Lightning-type Basic Pokémon card. It was first released as part of the Furious Fists expansion.
Card text
Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokémon and put them onto your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
This attack does 20 damage times the amount of Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokémon.
Pokédex data
Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.
ヒゲが アンテナの 役割。電波を 送受信して 遠くの 仲間と 連絡を 取り合うのだ。
Release information
This card was included in the Furious Fists expansion, first being released in the Japanese Rising Fist expansion. In Japan, this card was reprinted as one of the XY-P Promotional cards, and was available in the Hyper Metal Chain Deck Famitsu Navi Book, released on September 13, 2014. This print has the Famitsu logo on the bottom left of the card. It was reprinted again in Japan as part of the M Master Deck Build Box Speed Style, released on August 7, 2015.
Entrainment is a move in the Pokémon games that Dedenne can learn. This card's Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon X.