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At Calvary Church, we give generously, responding to who Jesus is and what he’s called us to do. Thank you for partnering with us financially! (Click GIVE NOW to also view current and previous giving statements)

Why We Give:

At Calvary we like to say “Jesus matters most.” This includes the ways in which we steward our finances. Everything we do at Calvary is to help people experience the transforming love of Jesus. Thank you for modeling what it looks like to follow Jesus!

What We Give Towards:

When you give to Calvary, you are partnering with us in the following transformational ways:

  • Inspirational Worship: We want to help lead ourselves and others into a growing relationship with Jesus through inspiring worship and engaging teaching environments.
  • Meaningful Connection: We believe people grow most in the context of caring relationships. Your generosity helps to fund small groups, children’s ministries, connection events, and more.
  • Irreplaceable Impact: We believe that God is using Calvary to make an irreplaceable impact in our community and around the world. To see the missions that our church supports, click here.
  • Operations: Your donations help support the operational costs of running a church including staff compensation, property expenses, insurance and utilities, and more.

January 2025 Financial Update

Amount needed weekly: $62,106.90

Thank you for your generosity!!

Monthly Income: $168,959.52
Monthly Budgeted Income: $269,129.90
Monthly Expenses: $240,350.63

Year-to-Date Income: $168,959.52
Year-to-Date Budgeted Income $269,129.90
Year-to-Date Expenses: $240,350.63

We've spoken a few times on generosity and the heartbeat behind it. Check out a few of those sermons here.




  • Give Online - Click the button above or here.
  • Give by Text - Text "Give" + the amount to 636-200-5011.
  • Give by Mail - Gifts can be mailed to the church office, c/o Accounts Receivable:

    3998 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376
  • Give during worship services - Give during Sunday morning worship services via the black boxes in the back of the worship center, via envelope at the Big Desk, or in the offering basket on select weekends.
  • Give via Investments - Donating from stocks, mutual funds, retirement accounts, or other investments can be a tax efficient way to give. Please contact a financial advisor to talk through your options or contact Brad Aslin with specific questions.
  • Give through Estate Planning - Including Calvary Church in your estate planning is a great way to continue to support the work of our church by ensuring your values continue even after you’ve passed.
We send out direct links to giving records on a quarterly basis or you can access your giving statement any time through the Online Giving page – just make sure that you’re logged in!
Unless otherwise designated, all gifts are allocated to our general ministry account. Please note that designated gifts can only be accepted on a tax-deductible basis for programs, projects, and ministries that have been approved by the Elder Board and Finance Team. If projects become fully funded or a need arises, designated contributions will be used where most appropriate.
Yes, Calvary Church is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
For all giving questions, please contact our Accounts Receivable Team at [email protected].

For all other finance questions, please contact Pastor Brad Aslin, our Strategic Operations Pastor, at [email protected]. Or call the church during business hours (M-Th 9 - 4): 636-939-4343.