Advocacy Policy
A Advocate For CARITAS helps orphaned and other disadvantaged children find hope by helping find them sponsors. Connecting sponsors with needy children is a rewarding way to spend your time, and it is easy to do.
Advocate Reporting and Management
To avoid confusion among staff and Advocates and also prevent duplication of services one person will be responsible for Advocates. The Advocate Manager will provide a central coordinating point for effective Advocate management within the agency, and direct and assist staff and Advocate efforts. The Advocate Program Manager shall have primary responsibility for planning for effective Advocate utilization, for assisting staff in identifying productive and creative Advocate roles, for recruiting suitable Advocates, and for tracking and evaluating the contribution of Advocates to the agency. All staff should be prepared to supervise Advocates when appropriate.
Definition of ‘Advocate’
A Advocate is anyone who performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the agency, without compensation or expectation of compensation. A Advocate must be officially accepted and enrolled by the agency before performing any tasks. Advocates are not considered employees of the agency. Agency clients, relatives of clients and employees MAY/MAY NOT be accepted as Advocates. (Relatives of clients will not be placed in a position of direct service or relationship to members of their family receiving services.) Advocates who have not reached their age of majority must have the written consent of a parent or guardian prior to Advocating.
Service at the Discretion of the Agency
The agency accepts the service of all Advocates with the understanding that they serve at the sole discretion of the agency. The agency may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to terminate the Advocate’s relationship with the agency. The Advocate may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to end their relationship with the agency.
Advocate Position Descriptions
The Advocate Manager keeps the duties and qualifications for all Advocate positions on file. Staff will request Advocates through the Advocate Manager using the position description format. Each Advocate is given a written Advocate Position Description.
Advocate Recruitment
Advocates will be recruited by the agency on a pro-active basis, with the intent of expanding the Advocate involvement of the community with the agency. Advocates shall be recruited without regard to gender, handicap, age, race or other condition. All Advocate recruitment is coordinated through the Advocate Manager, with all staff assisting in this effort.
Advocate Placement
All potential ongoing Advocates must complete an application and must be interviewed by the Advocate Manager to ascertain their suitability for and interest in a position. The interview should determine the qualifications of the Advocate, their commitment to fulfill the requirements of the position, and should answer any questions that the Advocate might have about the position. Advocates WILL/MAY be asked to provide references and/or submit to a background check. Advocates who do not agree to the background check may be refused assignment. All Advocates will be given written job descriptions and will sign an agreement. Interviewing of special event or one-time Advocates may not be required. These individuals will Advocate at the discretion of the Advocate Manager.
Advocate Information
A current list of Advocates, schedules, contact information and dates/times available will be kept up to date. In addition, the Advocate hours, with date and times, will be recorded. Advocate personnel records shall be accorded the same confidentiality as staff personnel records.
Advocate Rights and Responsibilities
Advocates are viewed as a valuable resource to this agency, its staff, and its clients. Advocates who meet the criteria for placement, have the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to effective supervision, and the right to recognition for work done. In return, Advocates shall agree to actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities and to remain loyal to the goals and procedures of the agency.
Advocates are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a Advocate, whether this information involves a single staff, Advocate, client, or other person or involves overall agency business. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the Advocate’s relationship with the agency or other corrective action.
All Advocates will receive a general orientation on the nature and purpose of the agency, the operation of the program for which they are recruited, and specific information on the position which they fill.
Dismissal of a Advocate
Advocates who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of the agency or who fail to satisfactorily perform their Advocate assignment are subject to dismissal by the Advocate Program Manager. Possible grounds for dismissal may include, but are not limited to, the following: gross misconduct or insubordination, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, theft of property or misuse of agency equipment or materials, abuse or mistreatment of clients or co-workers, failure to abide by agency policies and procedures, failure to meet physical or mental standards of performance, excessive absenteeism, and failure to satisfactorily perform assigned duties.