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The transfiguration of Jesus: Let us Come down the Mountain

The transfiguration of Jesus: Let us Come down the Mountain


GOSPEL:  Matthew 17:1-9

Dear friends,

As we continue our Lenten journey and Jesus continues his own journey towards Jerusalem, he knows what he is facing. He will be betrayed, denied, condemned and crucified. Perhaps he feels and senses the disciples' fear and anxiety and so wants to reassure them. So he gives them a glimpse of the shape of things to come; he is revealed to them in all his glory. The-Transfiguration-by-Carl-Bloch-Danish-painter-1834-1890-cropped.

This brief glimpse of Jesus in all his glory is also meant for us today. Perhaps like the disciples, we too experience fear, doubt and even a lack of faith. Perhaps we too need to be encouraged and strengthened by Jesus, especially as we continue our journey through Lent. The transfiguration of Jesus is a small glimpse of the destination of the Lenten journey, Christ's risen glory. 

For our Lenten journey to be effective and fruitful, we need to have our destination in mind. There is, of course, a danger of losing sight of it, of turning our eyes away. We need Christ to lift us up, to take away our fear. We should have eyes for him only. We try, through our Lenten penances, to be detached from the things of this world and not to fix our faces on the earth, but rather keeping our vision fixed on the Christ who touches our very lives. We too need to know that our prayer, fasting and sharing with the poor is not an end in itself or it is all done in vain.

We are heading towards the resurrection and the new life of Easter, but we have a distance yet to go. The experience of the transfigured Jesus offers each of us taste of what lies ahead. If we share in the suffering and passion of Jesus, we will also share in his resurrection. This is the hope in which we are asked to have faith as we make our way through Lent. When we are tempted to give up and give in, let us look to Jesus changed and transformed. May we see in him the future that is promised to us, not only at Easter but in the fullness of God's Kingdom.

As we continue to make our way through Lent, let us Come down the mountain and move forward to the market place, to our daily life, to our homes, to the place of work with renewed faith hope and love to serve the needy or even sponsor a needy child.

Fr Kyazze Frank Lwanga