The Team

Stuart Watson
Stuart came to us in 2009 following a 2 year HND at Hadlow College. Despite limited experience, he quickly filled the role required and well over a decade later is still as dedicated as ever. The fish manager who keeps his cool even when we throw everything at him at once. Any more laid back and I think his heart would stop. He always smiles no matter the weather and the jibes from us in the warm office! The man is most definitely 'a machine'.
Jago Farmer
Jago joined The Carpco on completion of his course at Hadlow College. A very gentle man with a big heart, it is always a pleasure to see his smiling face in the morning. Having taken Stuart’s lead, Jago is most definitely another work horse and we could not do hundreds of orders a week without him. A definite asset to us and we are lucky to have him.
Aaron Lintott
Aaron completed a degree in Environment Science in 2019. He then spent a few months on a Koi farm in South Carolina before travelling a little around Asia. The pandemic bought him back to Kent and he joined us in the spring of 2020. He has taken responsibility for fish health around the farm and has developed a real passion for quality koi.
Aaron has a very unenviable position. He will be the last to be appreciated and the first to be blamed. The joys of being the boss’s son unfortunately! It is a pleasure to have you working here, Aaron.
Toby Hayward
Toby joined as part of the Tropco before being asked to help out on the farm for a few days. These few days led to weeks and now he is a permanent fixture in and around the ponds. A mountain of a man, he has proved himself to be very useful to the Carp Co., His ability to destroy a strimmer in 20 minutes and snap a sledge hammer with one swing are aspects that we may have to work on!
Jack Nicklin
Jack is one of the most versatile and intelligent people that you will ever meet. He has a mind full of useless information and can remember every bit of it when required. Nothing is a problem for Jack and that is why he spends most of his time sorting other people’s problems! He may be the shortest and turns into a right 'Diva' when he is hungry but he is also indispensable and a great General Manager!

Natalie King
Natalie left for a while to have a Son and we were worried that she would not return. Well, she has and immediately continued where she left off. She is an expert multi-tasker and is never too busy to help anyone. She is a fundamental part of the operations of a busy internet business, Ornamental Fish Farm and now the Trop Co. How she still manages to find the energy to look after her horse is a mystery to us all! I suspect that dealing with horses for many years is how she is so equipped at controlling the fish boys though!
Beth Simmonds
She may be small, but she has a big personality. As the office manager, there is a high chance when you call or email the office you'll be lucky enough to speak to Beth. She always does her best to go the extra mile for our customers and, although she can be a bit scary at times, the farm would come to a standstill without her.
Andrew Lintott
Andy is Managing Director and founder of the company. Since 1995, he has gone from 7 day a week fish farmer to office boy. He now seems to spend 12 hours a day in front of a computer or on the phone. His love of fish is still there but now he finds the whole job a bit wet and cold! He still dreams of retiring to the Caribbean but every year seems to get further away from it!