Land Rover Defender 110 3D 模型

- 可用的格式: Autodesk FBX: fbx 29.37 MB3DS MAX ver.2015: max2015 86.61 MB
渲染: VRay 3.0Wavefront OBJ: obj 15.27 MB
- 多边形:650,000
- 顶点:650,000
- 动画:No
- 纹理:
- 操纵:No
- 材料:
- 低聚:No
- 集合:No
- UVW 贴图:No
- 使用插件:No
- 打印准备:No
- 3D扫描:No
- 成人内容:No
- PBR:No
- 人工智能培训:No
- 几何:Polygonal
- 包装 UVs:Unknown
- 日期:171
- 日期: 2025-01-24
- 项目 ID:552969
- 评分:
- Everything is ready to render. Just click on the render button and you'll get pictures
- High quality exterior and basic interior
- Doesn't need any additional plugins
- Textures are included
- Suitable for close-up rendering
- All objects are intelligently separated and named
- All materials are correctly named
- You can easily change or apply new materials, color etc.
- The model have good topology;
- The model have real dimensions. Real world scaled. Set to origin(0,0,0 xyz axis);
- Studio scenes, lights, and render/scene setup are included.
- 3dsmax 2015 * V-ray 3
- 3dsmax 2015 Scanline
Origanally created with Autodesk Max 2015 SP3; Rendered with VRay 3; Only Max studio format contains V-Ray materials, lightning setup and environment; Other fbx, obj, come with default materials.
Don't forget to check my other models. Thank you for purchasing Mavi3D models.
打印准备: 否如果你需要一个不同的格式,请打开一个新的支持票和为此请求。我们可以转换到 3D 模型: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. 我们不转换 3d 场景 以及 .step、.iges、.stp、.sldprt 等格式。!