SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Charge distribution around spheres Charge inner-sphere complex Charge outer-sphere complex Charge-stabilized silica spheres Charged sphere, scattering Charged spheres attractive force between Charged spheres electrostatic factors Charged spheres, electrostatic repulsion Highly charged sphere Inner-sphere charge transfer Inner-sphere charge transfer photochemistry Inner-sphere charge transfer transitions Inner-sphere complex surface charge Moderately charged sphere Nonuniformly charged sphere Nuclear charge distribution uniformly charged sphere Outer-sphere charge transfer Outer-sphere charge transfer photochemistry Outer-sphere charge transfer transition Outer-sphere complex surface charge density Polarization between charged spheres Potential distribution, charged spheres Repulsion between charged spheres Sphere Rearrangement With Flow of Charge Sphere with surface charge Surface charge density inner-sphere complex Surface potentials, charged spheres Suspensions of charged spheres Uniformly charged sphere approximatio