Hi, I’m Christina, an atmospheric scientist researching aerosols and clouds. I’m a Tenure Track Research Professor at the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) at the University of Helsinki.
Prior to this I was a Research Scientist at CIRES at the University of Colorado, Boulder working at NOAA in the Chemical Sciences Laboratory.
My research focuses on using in-situ measurements of the microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosol to improve their representation in models to reduce uncertainties in climate prediction. I have a special interest in new particle formation and its influence on the preindustrial atmosphere.
Recent projects include observations to better understand aerosol properties in the stratosphere (SABRE), and the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP), which aims to measure the impact of the Asian summer monsoon on atmospheric chemistry and radiation.
My doctoral work at the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main was with the CLOUD collaboration at CERN, where I studied aerosol nucleation and growth in a chamber environment.
Views and opinions shared on this blog are my own, and do no represent those of FMI, the University of Helsinki or any other organization.