CILT - Knowledge Centre
CILT(UK) Knowledge Centre
One of the largest sources of logistics, transport and supply chain information in the world.

Knowledge Centre staff use all the resources at their disposal - the paper collection in the John Williams library, the online and in-house databases and any other internal or external information resource – to answer queries and provide information, quickly, efficiently and thoroughly. Please use the below links to explore our wide array of resources. Members must be logged in to access the full range.

CILT Login - to access Knowledge Centre Resources >>
Please note that the databases below are benefits only available to CILT members, find out more about our membership or login to access Knowledge Centre facilities
  • The John Williams Library

The John Williams Library, based at the CILT(UK) offices in Corby, Northamptonshire houses over 11,000 books, some of which date back to the 1890’s, and 250 journal titles, alongside numerous conference proceedings, corporate white papers, and a collection of historical texts relating to the Institute. The library is available at your fingertips, online, from wherever you and your computer happen to be.

  • Online Library Catalogue

The Online Library Catalogue is the search tool that provides remote access to the institutes specialist library of printed information. There are over 55,000 individually catalogued items which can be requested through the basket facility for the Knowledge Centre team to action. Books are posted free of charge within the UK and to BFPO addresses.

  • In House Databases

The In House Databases are resources that are exclusive to the Knowledge Centre Team and can be used on behalf of members as requested through information enquiries. The databases are also available to Corporate members visiting the John Williams Library.

View more information on In House Databases here >>

Did you know...

You can purchase books at a discounted rate at the CILT Bookshop. Kogan Page offers a preferential rate and access to a range of sector specific books.

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Registered Office:

Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road, Corby
Northants, NN17 4AX
Main Switchboard: 01536 740100

Company Registration Number: 2629347 
(A Company Limited by Guarantee)
Charity Registration Number: 1004963

© The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

Registered Office:

Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road, Corby
Northants, NN17 4AX
Main Switchboard: 01536 740100

Company Registration Number: 2629347 
(A Company Limited by Guarantee)
Charity Registration Number: 1004963

© The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport