View ongoing rollouts

Cloud Quotas lets you view quota value rollouts that are in progress. This section explains how to view these rollouts from the Google Cloud console and the Cloud Quotas API.

Understand ongoing rollouts

When another Google Cloud service increases the default quota values for resources and APIs, these changes take place gradually. This might result in ongoing rollouts across different regions or resources. During the rollout, the quota value that appears in the Google Cloud console or Cloud Quotas API won't reflect the new, increased quota value until the rollout completes.

View ongoing rollouts from the console

If there are ongoing quota rollouts in progress, an informational message appears at the top of the Cloud Quotas page in the console. The message appears similar to the following text, which also contains a link. Click quotas to filter so that only quotas with ongoing rollouts appear:

Values for quotas are being updated. This may take 2-3 weeks to complete.

The update rolling update indicator appears next to the quota values impacted by ongoing rollouts.

If you don't see the update rolling update indicator, follow these steps:

  1. In the console, navigate to the Cloud Quotas page.

    Go to Quotas & System Limits

  2. Click the link to quotas in the informational message. This turns on the filter: Has ongoing rollout: True.

  3. The table updates to show a update rolling update indicator next to quota values with ongoing rollouts.

The rolling update indicator also appears in the Edit Quotas and monitoring Quota usage chart panels to help you identify quotas with in progress rollouts.

View ongoing rollouts from the Cloud Quotas API

You can also view ongoing rollouts using the Cloud Quotas API. For more information, see instructions on how to set up the Cloud Quotas API and implement common use cases.

The Cloud Quotas API resource model uses the QuotaInfo and QuotaPreference resources to indicate ongoing rollouts:

  • The QuotaInfo resource returns the previous quota value during ongoing rollouts. For quotas experiencing an ongoing rollout, a rollout_info field appears in the response under QuotaDetails. This field indicates that there is both an ongoing rollout and an increase in the quota value for the dimensions specified in each dimensionsInfo resource.

  • The QuotaPreference resource returns the previous quota value during ongoing rollouts.

During ongoing rollouts, the following Cloud Quota APIs return the previous quota value:

Before you use the Cloud Quotas API

The following sections assume that you are familiar with the Cloud Quotas API. Before you use the Cloud Quotas API, make sure that you set up your development environment and are comfortable with the commands to make GET requests for quota information:

Example API response during a ongoing rollout

The following example shows the results of a regional quota supported in four regions: us-central1, us-central2, us-west1, us-east1. Its default value is 200 in us-central1 and 100 in all other regions. This regional quota also has an additional quota override of 300 in us-central2.

Assume that the service producer updates the default value to be 220 in us-central1 and us-central2. The example that follows shows a QuotaInfo response where the service config rollout is ongoing for us-central1 and us-central2:

  • For each location, the details field displays the quota value before the rollout completes.
  • For us-central1, the quota value is as 200 and the rolloutInfo field indicates that an ongoing rollout is in progress. The quota value changes to 220 only after the rollout completes.
  • For us-central2, the quota value is 300 due to the quota override. The rolloutInfo field does not appear because the quota value remains unchanged after the rollout completes.
  • For both us-west1 and us-east1, the value defaults to 100.
"name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/services/",
"quotatId": "GPUS-PER-GPU-FAMILY-per-project-region",
"metric": "",
"service": "",
"isPrecise": true,
"containerType": "PROJECT",
"dimensions": [
"quotaDisplayName": "GPUs per GPU family",
"metricDisplayName": "GPUs",
"dimensionsInfos": [
        "dimensions": { "region" : "us-central1" } ,
        "details": {
            "value": 200,
            "rolloutInfo": {
              "ongoingRollout": true
        "applicableLocations":  [ "us-central1" ] ,
        "dimensions": { "region" : "us-central2" } ,
        "details": {
            "value": 300,
        "applicableLocations":  [ "us-central2" ]
        "dimensions": {},
        "details": {
            "value": 100,
         "applicableLocations": [ "us-west1", "us-east1" ]