Troubleshoot Google Distributed Cloud observability issues

This document helps you troubleshoot observability issues in Google Distributed Cloud. If you experience any of these issues, review the suggested fixes and workarounds.

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.

Cloud Audit Logs aren't collected

Cloud Audit Logs are enabled by default unless there's a disableCloudAuditLogging flag set under the clusterOperations section of cluster config.

If Cloud Audit Logs are enabled, permissions are the most common reason that logs aren't collected. In this scenario, permission denied error messages are displayed in the Cloud Audit Logs proxy container.

The Cloud Audit Logs proxy container runs as a DaemonSet in all Google Distributed Cloud clusters.

If you see permission errors, follow the steps to troubleshoot and resolve permission issues.

kube-state-metrics metrics aren't collected

kube-state-metrics (KSM) runs as a single replica Deployment in the cluster and generates metrics on almost all resources in the cluster. When KSM and the gke-metrics-agent run on the same node, there's a greater risk of outage among metrics agents on all nodes.

KSM metrics have names that follow the pattern of kube_<ResourceKind>, like kube_pod_container_info. Metrics that start with kube_onpremusercluster_ are from the on-premises cluster controller, not from KSM.

If KSM metrics are missing, review the following troubleshooting steps:

  • In Cloud Monitoring, check the CPU, memory, and restart count of KSM using the summary API metrics like . This is a separate pipeline with KSM. Confirm that the KSM Pod isn't limited by not enough resources.
    • If these summary API metrics aren't available for KSM, gke-metrics-agent on the same node probably also has the same issue.
  • In the cluster, check the status and logs of the KSM Pod and the gke-metrics-agent Pod on the same node with KSM.

kube-state-metrics crash looping


No metrics from kube-state-metrics (KSM) are available from Cloud Monitoring.


This scenario is more likely to occur in large clusters, or clusters with large amounts of resources. KSM runs as a single replica Deployment and lists almost all resources in the cluster like Pods, Deployments, DaemonSets, ConfigMaps, Secrets, and PersistentVolumes. Metrics are generated on each of these resource objects. If any of the resources has many objects, like a cluster with over 10,000 Pods, KSM potentially runs out of memory.

Affected versions

This issue could be experienced in any version of Google Distributed Cloud.

The default CPU and memory limit have been increased in the last few Google Distributed Cloud versions, so these resource issues should be less common.

Fix and workaround

To check if your problem is because of out of memory problems, review the following steps:

  • Use kubectl describe pod or kubectl get pod -o yaml and check the error status message.
  • Check the memory consumption and utilization metric for KSM and confirm if it's reaching the limit before getting restarted.

If you confirm that out of memory problems are the issue, use either one of the following solutions:

  • Increase the memory request and limit for KSM.

  • Reduce the number of metrics from KSM.

    For Google Distributed Cloud 1.13, KSM only exposes a smaller number of metrics called Core Metrics by default. This behavior means that resource usage is smaller than previous versions, but the same procedure can be followed to further reduce the number of KSM metrics.

    For Google Distributed Cloud versions earlier than 1.13, KSM uses the default flags. This configuration exposes a large number of metrics.

gke-metrics-agent crash looping

If gke-metrics-agent only experiences out of memory issues on the node where kube-state-metrics exists, the cause is a large number of kube-state-metrics metrics. To mitigate this issue, scale down stackdriver-operator and modify KSM to expose a small set of needed metrics as detailed in the previous section. Remember to scale back up stackdriver-operator after the cluster is upgraded to Google Distributed Cloud 1.13 where KSM by default exposes a smaller number of Core Metrics.

For issues that aren't related to out of memory events, check the Pods logs of gke-metric-agent. You can adjust CPU and memory for all gke-metrics-agent Pods by adding the resourceAttrOverride field to the Stackdriver custom resource.

stackdriver-metadata-agent crash looping


No system metadata label is available when filtering metrics in Cloud Monitoring.


The most common case of stackdriver-metadata-agent crash looping is because of out of memory events. This event is similar to kube-state-metrics. Although stackdriver-metadata-agent isn't listing all resources, it still lists all objects for the relevant resource types like Pods, Deployments, and NetworkPolicy. The agent runs as a single replica Deployment, which increases the risk of out of memory events if the number of objects is too great.

Affected version

This issue could be experienced in any version of Google Distributed Cloud.

The default CPU and memory limit has been increased in the last few Google Distributed Cloud versions, so these resource issues should be less common.

Fix and workaround

To check if your problem is because of out of memory problems, review the following steps:

  • Use kubectl describe pod or kubectl get pod -o yaml and check the error status message.
  • Check the memory consumption and utilization metric for stackdriver-metadata-agent and confirm if it's reaching the limit before getting restarted.
If you confirm that out of memory issues are causing problems, increase the memory limit in the resourceAttrOverride field of the Stackdriver custom resource.

metrics-server crash looping


Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and kubectl top don't work in your cluster.

Cause and affected versions

This issue isn't very common, but is caused by out of memory errors in large clusters or in clusters with high Pod density.

This issue could be experienced in any version of Google Distributed Cloud.

Fix and workaround

Increase metrics server resource limits. In Google Distributed Cloud version 1.13 and later, the namespace of metrics-server and its config has been moved from kube-system to gke-managed-metrics-server.

For Google Distributed Cloud, editing of the nanny config would be reverted in an event of cluster update or upgrade. You would need to reapply your configuration changes. To work around this limitation, scale down metrics-server-operator and manually change the metrics-server pod.

What's next

If you need additional assistance, reach out to Cloud Customer Care.