This page helps you resolve issues with the image pull process in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). If you use Image streaming, see Troubleshoot Image streaming for advice instead. This page focuses on standard image pulls.
This page is for Application developers who want to ensure that their apps are successfully deployed and for Platform admins and operators who want to understand the root cause of image pull failures and verify platform configuration. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.
The image pull process is how Kubernetes, and therefore GKE, retrieves container images from a registry. When an image pull fails, you might notice slowness in your app, or your app not working at all.
To determine if image pulls are the cause of your app not working, this page helps you diagnose image pull failure by finding and understanding relevant error messages. Then, you learn to address the following common causes of image pull failures:
- Authentication settings: your cluster lacks the necessary permissions to access the container image registry.
- Network connectivity: your cluster cannot connect to the registry due to DNS problems, firewall rules, or lack of internet access in clusters that use network isolation.
- Image not found in registry: the specified image name or tag is incorrect, the image has been deleted, or the registry is unavailable.
- Performance limitations: large image size, slow disk I/O, or network congestion can cause slow pulls or timeouts.
- Incompatible image architecture: the image was built for a different CPU architecture than your GKE node pool.
- Incompatible schema versions: you might be using containerd 2.0 or later with a v1 Docker schema, which isn't supported.
If you've already seen a specific event message, search this page for the message and follow the listed troubleshooting steps. If you haven't seen a message, work through the following sections in order. If the problem persists, contact Cloud Customer Care.
Understand image pulls
Before you begin troubleshooting, it helps to understand a little more about the lifecycle of an image and where you can host your images.
Image lifecycle
When you create a Pod, the kubelet receives the Pod definition, which includes the specification for the image. The kubelet needs this image so that it can run a container based on the image. Before pulling the image, the kubelet checks the container runtime to see if the image is present. The kubelet also checks the image pull policy of the Pod. If the image isn't in the cache of the container runtime, or if the image pull policy requires it, then the kubelet directs the container runtime (containerd) to pull the specified image from the registry. A failed image pull prevents the container in the Pod from starting.
After a successful image pull, the container runtime unpacks the image to create a read-only base file system for the container. The container runtime stores this image and the image remains present as long as running containers reference it. If no running containers reference an image, the image becomes eligible for garbage collection and the kubelet eventually removes it.
Image hosting options
We recommend that you use one of the following options to host your images:
Artifact Registry: Artifact Registry is Google's fully managed package manager. Artifact Registry closely integrates with other Google Cloud services and offers fine-grained access control. To learn more, see Work with container images in the Artifact Registry documentation.
Self-hosted registry: a self-hosted registry offers you more control, but it also requires you to manage the registry. Consider this option if you have specific compliance or security needs that Artifact Registry can't meet.
Diagnose image pull failure
To diagnose image pull failures, perform the investigations detailed in the following sections:
- View Pod status and events.
- Understand status meaning.
- Use event messages to find the cause of image pull failure.
- View Logs Explorer logs.
View Pod status and events
To help you verify that an image pull failed, GKE records the following statuses for Pods:
and ErrImagePull
are the most common of these statuses.
In addition to these statuses, Kubernetes events help you find the cause of image pull failures.
To confirm if your image pull is failing, check for status messages and then read event messages by selecting one of the following options:
Complete the following steps:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workloads page.
Select the workload that you want to investigate. If you're not sure which workload that you need to examine, review the Status column. This column indicates which workloads are experiencing issues.
In the Details page for the workload, find the Managed pods section and click the name of the Pod with a status indicating an image pull failure.
In the Details page for the Pod, click the Events tab.
Review the information in the table. The Message column lists Kubernetes events, which show more information about failed image pulls. The Reason column lists the Pod status.
Complete the following steps:
View the status of your Pods:
kubectl get pods -n
with the namespace that your Pods run in.The output is similar to the following:
POD_NAME_1 2/2 Running 0 7d5hPOD_NAME_2 0/1 ErrImagePull 0 7d5hThe
column indicates which Pods have experienced an image pull failure.View events for Pods with image pull failures:
kubectl describe
with the name of the Pod that you identified in the previous step.The
section shows more information about what happened during any failed image pulls.The output is similar to the following:
... Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning Failed 5m (x4 over 7m) kubelet, NODE Failed to pull image "
IMAGE_ADDRESS ": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: repositoryIMAGE_ADDRESS not found Warning Failed 5m (x4 over 7m) kubelet, NODE Error: ErrImagePull Normal BackOff 5m (x6 over 7m) kubelet, NODE Back-off pulling image "IMAGE_ADDRESS " Warning Failed 2m (x20 over 7m) kubelet, NODE Error: ImagePullBackOffIn this output,
is the full address of the image. For example,
Understand status meaning
To better understand what the different statuses mean, see the following descriptions:
: the kubelet failed to pull the image, but it will keep retrying with an increasing delay (or backoff) of up to five minutes.ErrImagePull
: a general, non-recoverable, error during the image pull process.ImageInspectError
: the container runtime encountered a problem when trying to inspect the container image.InvalidImageName
: the name of the container image specified in your Pod definition isn't valid.RegistryUnavailable
: the registry isn't accessible. This is typically a network connectivity issue.SignatureValidationFailed
: the digital signature of the container image couldn't be verified.
Use event messages to find the cause of image pull failure
The following table lists event messages that relate to image pull failures and the troubleshooting steps that you should follow if you find one of these messages.
Messages that relate to image pull failures often have the following prefix:
Failed to pull image "IMAGE_ADDRESS ": rpc error: code = CODE = failed to pull and unpack image "IMAGE_ADDRESS ": failed to resolve reference "IMAGE_ADDRESS ":
This message includes the following values:
: the full address of the image. For example,
: an error code associated with the log message. For example,NotFound
Some causes of image pull failures don't have a related event message. If you don't see any of the event messages in the following table, but still experience image pull issues, we recommend that you continue reading the rest of the page.
Event message | Detailed troubleshooting |
Authentication | |
Network connectivity | |
Image not found | |
Image timeout | |
Incompatible schema | |
View Logs Explorer logs
To examine historical image pull events or correlate image pull failures with other component activity, view logs with Logs Explorer:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page.
In the query pane, enter the following query:
log_id("events") resource.type="k8s_pod" resource.labels.cluster_name="
CLUSTER_NAME " jsonPayload.message=~"Failed to pull image"Replace
with the name of the cluster that the Pod with image pull errors runs on.Click Run query and review the results.
Investigate authentication settings
The following sections help you to verify that your GKE environment has the proper authentication settings to pull images from the repository.
To check whether you have authentication issues causing an image pull issue, perform the investigations detailed in the following sections:
- Verify access to the image.
- Verify imagePullSecret configuration and Deployment specification.
- Verify the node's access scope for private Artifact Registry repository
- Verify VPC Service Controls settings to access Artifact Registry.
Verify access to the image
If you encounter a 403 Forbidden
image pull error, verify that required
components can access the container image.
The method to verify and apply the necessary roles to grant the required access differs depending on what type of repository stores your images. To verify and grant access, select one of the following options:
If you use an imagePullSecret, the service account linked with the Secret needs read permission to the repository. Otherwise, the node pool's service account needs permission.
- Follow the instructions in the IAM documentation to view the roles assigned to your service account.
If your service account doesn't have the Artifact Registry Reader (
) IAM role, grant it:gcloud artifacts repositories add-iam-policy-binding
REPOSITORY_NAME REPOSITORY_LOCATION \ --member=serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ --role="roles/artifactregistry.reader"Replace the following:
: the name of your Artifact Registry repository.REPOSITORY_LOCATION
: the region of your Artifact Registry repository.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
: the email address of the required service account. If you don't know the address, list all service account email addresses in your project by using thegcloud iam service-accounts list
If you use an imagePullSecret, the service account linked with the Secret needs read permission to the repository. Otherwise, the node pool's service account needs permission.
- Follow the instructions in the IAM documentation to view the roles assigned to your service account.
If your service account doesn't have the Storage Object Viewer (
) IAM role, grant it so that the service account can read from the bucket:gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://
BUCKET_NAME \ --member=serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ --role=roles/storage.objectViewerReplace the following:
: the email of the required service account. You can list all the service accounts in your project by using thegcloud iam service-accounts list
: the name of the Cloud Storage bucket that contains your images. You can list all the buckets in your project by using thegcloud storage ls
If your registry administrator set up
repositories in Artifact Registry
to store images for the
domain instead of Container Registry, you
must grant read access to Artifact Registry instead of Container Registry.
Depending on how you configured your self-hosted registry, you might need keys, certificates, or both to access the image.
If you use keys, use an imagePullSecret. imagePullSecrets are a secure way to provide your cluster with the credentials it requires to access a self-hosted registry. For an example that shows you how to configure an imagePullSecret, see Pull an Image from a Private Registry in the Kubernetes documentation.
To secure the HTTPS connection to your registry, you might also need certificates, which verify the integrity of the connection to the remote server. We recommend that you use Secret Manager to manage your own self-signed Certificate Authority. To learn more, see Access private registries with private CA certificates.
Verify imagePullSecret configuration and Deployment specification
If you use an imagePullSecret, make sure that you created a Secret that holds the authentication credentials for pulling images and that all Deployments specify the Secret that you defined. For more information, see Specifying imagePullSecrets on a Pod in the Kubernetes documentation.
Verify the node's access scope for private Artifact Registry repository
If you store your container image in a private Artifact Registry repository,
your node might not have the correct access scope. When this happens, you might
notice a 401 Unauthorized
image pull error.
To verify the access scope and grant it if needed, follow these steps:
Identify the node running the Pod:
kubectl describe pod
POD_NAME | grep "Node:"Replace
with the name of the Pod that experiences an image pull failure.Verify that the node you identified in the previous step has the correct storage scope:
gcloud compute instances describe
NODE_NAME \ --zone="COMPUTE_ZONE \ --format="flattened(serviceAccounts[].scopes)"Replace the following:
: the name of the node you identified in the previous step.COMPUTE_ZONE
: the Compute Engine zone that the node belongs to.
The output should contain at least one of the following access scopes:
If the node doesn't contain one of these scopes, the image pull fails.
Recreate the node pool that the node belongs to with sufficient scope. Because you can't modify existing nodes, you must recreate the node with the correct scope.
We recommend that you create the node pool with the
scope. This scope provides access to the following scopes:
If the
scope isn't suitable, grant the node pool thedevstorage.read_only
scope, which allows access to only read data.Create a node pool with the
scope:gcloud container node-pools create
NODE_POOL_NAME \ --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \ --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE \ --scopes="gke-default"Replace the following:
: the name of the new node pool.CLUSTER_NAME
: the name of your existing cluster.COMPUTE_ZONE
: the Compute Engine zone that the new node pool should belong to.
Create a node pool with the
scope:gcloud container node-pools create
NODE_POOL_NAME \ --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \ --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE \ --scopes=""Replace the following:
: the name of the new node pool.CLUSTER_NAME
: the name of your existing cluster.COMPUTE_ZONE
: the Compute Engine zone that the new node pool should belong to.
Verify VPC Service Controls settings to access Artifact Registry
If you use VPC Service Controls, make sure that service perimeters allow access to Artifact Registry. To learn more, see Protect repositories in a service perimeter in the Artifact Registry documentation.
Investigate network connectivity
During an image pull, network connectivity can prevent the process from completing.
To check whether network connectivity issues are causing an image pull issue, perform the investigations detailed in the following sections:
- Investigate DNS resolution.
- Investigate your firewall configuration.
- Investigate internet connectivity of external registry endpoints.
- Investigate whether the connection to Google APIs is timing out.
Investigate DNS resolution
If you see a server misbehaving
image pull error, DNS resolution might be the
cause of the image pull failure.
To investigate issues with DNS resolution, try the following solutions:
- Troubleshoot the metadata server. The node's metadata server resolves all DNS queries. Any issues that involve this server can disrupt name resolution, preventing connection to the repository and causing the image pull to fail.
- If you use Cloud DNS for DNS resolution, ensure that your Cloud DNS managed private zones, forwarding zones, peering zones, and response policies are correctly configured. Misconfigurations in these areas can disrupt DNS resolution. To learn more about Cloud DNS, see Using Cloud DNS for GKE. For advice on how to troubleshoot Cloud DNS in GKE see Troubleshoot Cloud DNS in GKE.
- If you use kube-dns for DNS resolution, make sure it's working correctly. For advice on troubleshooting kube-dns, see Troubleshoot kube-dns in GKE.
- If the cluster's nodes don't have external IP addresses (which is common if you use network isolation), enable Private Google Access on the subnetwork used by the cluster and make sure you meet the network requirements. If you use Cloud NAT, Google Cloud enables Private Google Access automatically.
Investigate your firewall configuration
When a problem with your firewall causes your image pull to fail, you might see the following error message:
Failed to start Download and install k8s binaries and configurations
Diagnose issues with your firewall
If you're using a Standard cluster and you want confirm if a problem with your firewall is causing issues with image pulls, follow these steps:
Use SSH to connect to the node that experiences issues:
gcloud compute ssh
NODE_NAME --zone=ZONE_NAME Replace the following:
: the name of the node.ZONE_NAME
: the Compute Engine zone that the node was created in.
Send the most recent logs for the
Services to text files namedkube-node-installation_status.txt
:systemctl status kube-node-installation.service > kube-node-installation_status.txt systemctl status kube-node-configuration.service > kube-node-configuration_status.txt
If these logs don't include information from when your image pull failed, generate a complete copy of the logs:
sudo journalctl -u kube-node-installation.service > kube-node-installation_logs.txt sudo journalctl -u kube-node-configuration.service > kube-node-configuration_logs.txt
Review the contents of the
and files. If you seei/o timeout
in the output, the issue is likely with your firewall.
Resolve issues with your firewall configuration
To resolve issues with your firewall, try the following solutions:
Identify and resolve any firewall rules that are blocking network traffic. For example, you might have a rule that blocks traffic to the registry that stores your image.
Access VPC Flow Logs:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page.
In the query pane, enter the following query:
resource.type="gce_subnetwork" logName="projects/
PROJECT_ID /logs/[](" resource.labels.subnetwork_name="SUBNET_NAME ",Replace the following:
: the ID of your Google Cloud project.SUBNET_NAME
: the name of your subnetwork.
To learn more, see Access flow logs by using queries in the VPC documentation.
If you find any firewall rules that are blocking required traffic, update them.
If the cluster's nodes don't have external IP addresses (which is common if you use network isolation), enable Private Google Access on the subnetwork used by the cluster and make sure you meet the network requirements. If you use Cloud NAT, Google Cloud enables Private Google Access automatically.
Investigate internet connectivity of external registry endpoints
If your network configuration directs traffic through an external registry
endpoint, that endpoint might lack internet connectivity. When the endpoint
lacks access, the image pull might fail and you see an i/o timeout
image pull error.
To check the network connectivity from the external registry endpoint to the
registry, use ping
or traceroute
with the registry endpoint.
This value could be a hostname or an IP address.
If you find an error with the connectivity, review VPC routes:
In the Google Cloud console, go to Routes.
Review the Priority column and make sure the highest priority route is going to a source which has access to the registry. Routes with lower values take precedence.
Investigate whether the connection to Google APIs is timing out
If you use
network isolation,
you might experience an error where the connection to Google APIs and services
time out, leading to an i/o timeout
image pull error.
This error occurs because your nodes couldn't reach one of the following APIs when they tried to pull images from the registry:
To make sure you can connect to the required APIs, try the following solutions:
- Enable Private Google Access. Nodes without external IP addresses need Private Google Access to reach the external IP addresses of Google APIs and services.
- Use a supported domain.
Review your firewall policies:
In the Google Cloud console, go to Firewall policies.
Verify if you have any rules that block egress TCP traffic on port
, or any IP address range used by your chosen domain for Google APIs and services. The IP address ranges199.36.153.4/30
are used for Private Google Access and Restricted Google Access, respectively. TCP traffic on port443
to these ranges is for accessing Google APIs and services.If you find any of these rules, create an egress firewall rule to allow such traffic.
If you use Artifact Registry, make sure your environment meets the requirements for using Artifact Registry with network isolation.
Verify that virtual IP addresses (VIPs) (
) have VPC routes configured:In the Google Cloud console, go to VPC networks.
In the Name column, click default.
In the VPC network details page, click the Routes tab.
Review the routes table.
If your VPC network contains a default route (destination
) and the next hop for that route is the default internet gateway (Network default), use that route for the VIPs to access Google APIs and services.If you replaced a default route with a custom route whose next hop isn't the default internet gateway, meet the routing requirements for Google APIs and services by using custom routing.
Investigate why the kubelet can't find your image
When the kubelet can't find your image, you might see an image not found
error and experience image pull failures.
To help the kubelet find your image, try the following solutions:
- Review the manifest of your Pod and ensure that the name of your image and image tag are spelled correctly. Any spelling or formatting errors cause the image pull to fail.
- Verify that the image still exists in the registry that you stored it in. If the image has a full registry path, verify that it exists in the Docker registry that you use. If you provide only the image name, check the Docker Hub registry.
- If your cluster uses
network isolation,
try the following solutions:
- Enable Private Google Access.
- Verify that your service perimeter is configured correctly.
Investigate why there are image pull timeouts or slow image pulls
If you use a very large image for your GKE workload, the
image pull might time out and cause a context cancelled
error. Although images
don't have a defined size limit, the context cancelled
error often indicates
that the size of the image is the cause.
You might also notice image pulls that don't fail, but take much longer than
usual. If you want to have a baseline of what your regular image pull times are,
review the Successfully pulled image
log entry. For example, the following log
message shows that the image pull took 30.313387996 seconds:
Successfully pulled image "IMAGE_ADDRESS " in 30.313387996s.
Timeouts and slow image pulls share many of the same causes. To resolve these issues, try the following solutions:
- Check for outages. If you only noticed this issue during a particular timeframe, check if there were any Google Cloud outages.
- Check disk performance. Slow disk I/O can increase image pull times.
Consider upgrading to Persistent Disks with SSDs (
) or using larger disks for improved performance. For more advice, see Troubleshooting issues with disk performance. - Reduce image size. For example, you might be able to move some data from the container images to Persistent Volumes.
- Take advantage of image caching for fast Pod startup times. GKE caches images on nodes. During an image pull, the container runtime only downloads layers that are not already present in the cache. To maximize the effectiveness of this caching mechanism and minimize image pull times, structure your Dockerfile to put frequently changing parts of the image (like your application code) towards the end of the file and use smaller base images.
- Enable Image streaming. This feature can speed up Pod startup and image downloads. To learn more, see Use Image streaming to pull container images.
- Ensure the default service account has the necessary permissions. Modifying roles that are assigned to the default service account can disrupt workloads, including image pulls. For more advice, see Identify clusters with node service accounts that are missing critical permissions.
- Examine proxy configurations. If a proxy exists between your GKE cluster and a non-Google managed repository, it could introduce latency.
- Check third-party software. Some third-party software can interfere with image pulls. Investigate if any recently installed tools might be causing conflicts.
Verify that the image manifest uses the right architecture
If the image that you're trying to pull was built for a different computer architecture than the one that your node pools use, the image pull fails.
To confirm whether your image manifest uses the right architecture, follow these steps:
To confirm which architecture your image uses, view the manifest for your image. For example, to view a Docker image, run the following command:
docker manifest inspect --verbose
with the name of the image you want to view.The output is similar to the following:
... "Platform": { "architecture": "amd64", "os": "linux" } ...
In this example, the supported architecture is
.Review the machine type that your node pools use:
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster
CLUSTER_NAME --locationLOCATION Replace the following:
: the name of the cluster that the Pod with image pull errors runs on.LOCATION
: the Compute Engine zone or region that the node was created in. For example,us-central1-a
The output is similar to the following:
NAME: example-node-pool MACHINE_TYPE: e2-standard-2 DISK_SIZE_GB: 100 NODE_VERSION: 1.30.8-gke.1162000
In this example, the machine type is
.Compare the values in the
fields and make sure that both values are compatible. For example, if the image has aamd64
architecture, it would be compatible with a node pool that usese2-standard-2
as its machine type. However, if the node pool usedt2a-standard-1
(an Arm based machine type), this machine type would cause a failure.If the image's architecture isn't compatible with the node pool's machine type, rebuild the image to target the required architecture.
Verify image schema version compatibility
Using containerd 2.0 with a v1 Docker schema image causes image pulls to fail because containerd 2.0 removed support for pulling Docker Schema 1 images in GKE 1.33. When this issue is the cause of your image pull failure, you might see the following error message:
Failed to get converter for "IMAGE_ADDRESS": Pulling Schema 1 images have been deprecated and disabled by default since containerd v2.0. As a workaround you may set an environment variable `CONTAINERD_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_PULL_SCHEMA_1_IMAGE=1`, but this will be completely removed in containerd v2.1.
To resolve this issue, identify and migrate these images by following the instructions in Migrate from Docker Schema 1 images.
What's next
If you need additional assistance, reach out to
Cloud Customer Care.