This page contains information about the PostgreSQL system catalog tables available in Spanner.
PostgreSQL system catalog tables
store schema data, such as information about tables and columns, and internal
bookkeeping information. These system catalog tables are part of a namespace
called pg_catalog
Limitations and differences
This section lists the columns that are missing and other differences between the Spanner implementation of PostgreSQL system catalog tables and PostgreSQL.
Unsupported columns
Spanner doesn't support every column in its implementation of PostgreSQL system catalog tables. The following columns aren't supported and therefore don't show up in the table.
Catalog table name | Missing column names |
pg_am |
amhandler |
pg_attribute |
attacl , attmissingval |
pg_class |
relacl |
pg_namespace |
nspacl |
pg_proc |
prosupport , proacl |
pg_sequences |
data_type |
pg_type |
typsubscript , typinput , typoutput , typreceive , typsend , typmodin , typmodout , typanalyze , typacl |
Empty columns
Some columns in supported system catalog tables don't contain data. These columns could have content added later so avoid queries that rely on these columns being empty. For each table listed on this page, supported columns are listed, along with information about whether or not the column has content.
Empty tables
Some tables and views have no data in them. This is so that queries can refer to them without encountering errors. This improves compatibility with tools without requiring rewrites to avoid those tables.
Difference from PostgreSQL
In PostgreSQL, you can write to these tables directly to modify the database. In Spanner, system tables are read-only.
The Spanner implementation contains the following changes to PostgreSQL system catalog columns:
columns (most notablypg_attrdef.adbin
) are text columns that contain the SQL expressions.oidvector
columns (most notablypg_proc.proargtypes
) areoid[]
columns areint8[]
column isNULL
for sequences because you can't select them in Spanner.pg_collation
only contains default and C. General collation support isn't available.
PostgreSQL system catalog tables list
This section contains the PostgreSQL system catalog tables that Spanner supports.
The pg_am
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
amname |
text |
Y |
amtype |
char |
Y |
The pg_attrdef
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
adrelid |
oid |
Y |
adnum |
int8 |
Y |
adbin |
text |
Y |
The adbin
column should contain a text
value that represents the serialized
value of the default value.
The pg_attribute
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
attrelid |
oid |
Y |
attname |
text |
Y |
atttypid |
oid |
Y |
attstattarget |
int8 |
N |
attlen |
int8 |
N |
attnum |
int8 |
Y |
attndims |
int8 |
Y |
attcacheoff |
int8 |
Y |
atttypmod |
int8 |
N |
attbyval |
bool |
N |
attalign |
char |
N |
attstorage |
char |
N |
attcompression |
char |
Y |
attnotnull |
bool |
Y |
atthasdef |
bool |
Y |
atthasmissing |
bool |
Y |
attidentity |
char |
Y |
attgenerated |
char |
Y |
attisdropped |
bool |
Y |
attislocal |
bool |
Y |
attinhcount |
int8 |
Y |
attcollation |
oid |
N |
attoptions |
text[] |
N |
attfdwoptions |
text[] |
N |
The pg_class
has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
relname |
text |
Y |
relnamespace |
oid |
Y |
reltype |
oid |
N |
reloftype |
oid |
N |
relowner |
oid |
N |
relam |
oid |
Y |
relfilenode |
oid |
N |
reltablespace |
oid |
N |
relpages |
int8 |
N |
reltuples |
float8 |
N |
relallvisible |
int8 |
N |
reltoastrelid |
oid |
N |
relhasindex |
bool |
Y |
relisshared |
bool |
N |
relpersistence |
char |
Y |
relkind |
char |
Y |
relnatts |
int8 |
Y |
relchecks |
int8 |
Y |
relhasrules |
bool |
N |
relhastriggers |
bool |
N |
relhassubclass |
bool |
N |
relrowsecurity |
bool |
N |
relforcerowsecurity |
bool |
N |
relispopulated |
bool |
Y |
relreplident |
char |
N |
relispartition |
bool |
N |
relrewrite |
oid |
N |
relfrozenxid |
int8 |
N |
relminmxid |
int8 |
N |
reloptions |
text[] |
N |
relpartbound |
text |
N |
The pg_collation
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
collname |
text |
Y |
collnamespace |
oid |
Y |
collowner |
oid |
N |
collprovider |
char |
Y |
collisdeterministic |
bool |
Y |
collencoding |
int8 |
Y |
collcollate |
text |
N |
collctype |
text |
N |
colliculocale |
text |
N |
collversion |
text |
N |
The pg_constraint
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
conname |
text |
Y |
connamespace |
oid |
Y |
contype |
char |
Y |
condeferrable |
bool |
N |
condeferred |
bool |
N |
convalidated |
bool |
Y |
conrelid |
oid |
Y |
contypid |
oid |
N |
conindid |
oid |
N |
conparentid |
oid |
N |
confrelid |
oid |
Y |
confupdtype |
char |
Y |
confdeltype |
char |
Y |
confmatchtype |
char |
N |
conislocal |
bool |
N |
coninhcount |
int8 |
N |
connoinherit |
bool |
N |
conkey |
int8[] |
Y |
confkey |
int8[] |
Y |
conpfeqop |
oid[] |
N |
conppeqop |
oid[] |
N |
conffeqop |
oid[] |
N |
conexclop |
oid[] |
N |
confdelsetcols |
int8[] |
N |
conbin |
text |
N |
The pg_description
table has no content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
objoid |
oid |
N |
classoid |
oid |
N |
objsubid |
int64 |
N |
description |
text |
N |
The pg_enum
table has no content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
N |
enumtypid |
oid |
N |
collnamespace |
float8 |
N |
enumlabel |
text |
N |
The pg_index
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
indexrelid |
oid |
Y |
indrelid |
oid |
Y |
indnatts |
int8 |
Y |
indnkeyatts |
int8 |
Y |
indisunique |
bool |
Y |
indnullsnotdistinct |
bool |
N |
indisprimary |
bool |
Y |
indisexclusion |
bool |
Y |
indimmediate |
bool |
N |
indisclustered |
bool |
Y |
indisvalid |
bool |
Y |
indcheckxmin |
bool |
Y |
indisready |
bool |
Y |
indislive |
bool |
Y |
indisreplident |
bool |
Y |
indkey |
int8[] |
N |
indcollation |
oid[] |
N |
indclass |
oid[] |
N |
indoption |
int8[] |
N |
indexprs |
text |
N |
indpred |
text |
N |
The pg_namespace
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
nspname |
text |
Y |
nspowner |
oid |
N |
The pg_proc
has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
proname |
text |
Y |
pronamespace |
oid |
Y |
proowner |
oid |
N |
prolang |
oid |
N |
procost |
float8 |
N |
prorows |
float8 |
N |
provariadic |
oid |
Y |
prokind |
char |
Y |
prosecdef |
bool |
N |
proleakproof |
bool |
N |
proisstrict |
bool |
N |
proretset |
bool |
Y |
provolatile |
char |
N |
proparallel |
char |
N |
pronargs |
int8 |
Y |
pronargdefaults |
int8 |
Y |
prorettype |
oid |
Y |
proargtypes |
oid[] |
Y |
proallargtypes |
oid[] |
N |
proargmodes |
char[] |
N |
proargdefaults |
text |
N |
protrftypes |
oid[] |
N |
prosrc |
text[] |
N |
probin |
text[] |
N |
prosqlbody |
text |
Y |
proconfig |
text[] |
N |
The pg_sequence
table has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
seqrelid |
oid |
Y |
seqtypid |
oid |
Y |
seqstart |
int8 |
Y |
seqincrement |
int8 |
N |
seqmax |
int8 |
N |
seqmin |
int8 |
N |
seqcache |
int8 |
Y |
seqcycle |
bool |
Y |
The pg_type
has content.
The following table shows whether columns have content.
Column name | Type | Has content |
oid |
oid |
Y |
typname |
text |
Y |
typnamespace |
oid |
Y |
typowner |
oid |
N |
typlen |
int8 |
Y |
typbyval |
bool |
Y |
typtype |
char |
Y |
typcategory |
char |
Y |
typispreferred |
bool |
Y |
typisdefined |
bool |
Y |
typdelim |
char |
Y |
typrelid |
oid |
Y |
typelem |
oid |
Y |
typarray |
oid |
Y |
typalign |
char |
N |
typstorage |
char |
N |
typnotnull |
bool |
N |
typbasetype |
oid |
N |
typtypmod |
int8 |
N |
typndims |
int8 |
N |
typcollation |
oid |
N |
typdeafultbin |
text |
N |
typdefault |
text |
N |