Cloud Baby Monitor Review
Based on online research and 31 Cloud Baby Monitor reviews, Cloud Baby Monitor's overall score is 4.0 out of 5 stars. Cloud Baby Monitor's review score is based on Cloud Baby Monitor's customer ratings, its brand popularity, its price competitiveness, as well as the breadth and quality of features it offers to customers. The Cloud Baby Monitor review table below incorporates summarizes 31 Cloud Baby Monitor ratings on 6 features. You can also compare Cloud Baby Monitor against popular alternatives like Nanit, Miku and Angelcare. or you can view the top 50 brands in similar categories, such as home & garden brands, baby stores and baby safety brands.
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Cloud Baby Monitor Review: Cloud Baby Monitor Pros & Cons
Cloud Baby Monitor ( is a small smart baby monitor system brand which competes against other smart nursery monitor manufacturers like Nanit, Miku, Angelcare, Infant Optics and Hubble Connected. Based on our in-depth Cloud Baby Monitor review, when compared to its competitors, Cloud Baby Monitor is a mid-range performing brand within its category. Read the full review below for more details.
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- Battery life: How long does each brand last between charges? How long is the battery life for each manufacturer?
- Video recording quality: How good is each brand's video recording quality? How is each manufacturer's video capture quality?
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- Mobile app: Does each brand come with a mobile app? Does each manufacturer offer a mobile app?
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- Android compatibility: Can I use each brand's app on an Android device? Is each manufacturer's app compatible with Android devices?
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- Products made in USA: Are each brand products made in the USA? Does each manufacturer manufacture their products in the United States?
- Voice assistant support: Can each brand be controlled with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple Siri? Does each manufacturer connect with voice assistant devices?
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Cloud Baby Monitor's strengths are:
Knoji has 31 Cloud Baby Monitor reviews and ratings as of March 15, 2025. Knoji editors and the Knoji shopper community have reviewed Cloud Baby Monitor and compared it against 42 top smart baby monitor systems brands, reviewing Cloud Baby Monitor based on product and store features. Knoji reviews and ranks and other smart baby monitor system manufacturers based on how many features each offers and based on a 5-star rating scale. Based on these factors and 31 Cloud Baby Monitor reviews, Cloud Baby Monitor earns an overall score of 4.0 out of 5.0 points. Cloud Baby Monitor offers 6 total features. Cloud Baby Monitor's review score also reflects the fact that it is a lesser known brand with lower name recognition among shoppers.