NavNight Resources
Digital NavNight Resource Hub
Videos and tools to help run a digital NavNight from anywhere!
Digital NavNight #1: Anxiety
U.S. Collegiate Director Ben Nugent shares about his struggles with anxiety, and how the Lord would have us respond during these anxious days.

Ben Nugent
Digital NavNight #2: Living In Exile
Fran Sciacca, Director of Hands of Hur and longtime friend of The Navigators, brings a valuable and challenging perspective encouraging us to place our current story in the context of God’s greater story, and give some tips on how to do so. You can find more teaching and wisdom from Fran on his podcast here.

Fran Sciacca
Digital NavNight #3: Where Are You Living?

Wanda Anderson
Digital NavNight #4: Loving and Serving Well at Home

Laurence Koo
Digital NavNight #5: The Choices We Make
Jean Fleming is an author and international speaker. Her books include Finding Focus in a Whirlwind World, the bestselling A Mother’s Heart, and The Homesick Heart. She and her late husband, Roger, have served with the Navigators in California, Korea, Okinawa, Arizona, Washington and Colorado. Since Roger’s homegoing two years ago, Jean continues to minister and write in Montrose, Colorado. Her prayer in widowhood is that God will make it the most fruitful time of her life.

Jean Fleming
Digital NavNight #6: Advance the Gospel During Lockdown
Al Engler, Director of Disciplemakers for Life for The Navigators, shares a timely reminder from the Scriptures of the Gospel advancing in spite of significant obstacles.