Johann Georg Grimm
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Johann Georg Grimm (1846-1887) was a german Painter. After studies at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts from 1868 to 1870 and a voyage to Italy, Greece, Turkey, Palestine and North Africa he went to Brazil in 1878 and produced studies of landscapes and coffee plantations. From 1882 to 1884, as a lecturer in landscape, flora and fauna at the Academia Imperial de Belas Artes - AIBA (Imperial Academy of Fine Arts) he implemented new teaching methods regarding practised open-air painting. In the middle of 1884 Grimm broke with the institution due to growing divergences with the other professors. He then gathered a group of artists that would later be known as the Grupo Grimm (Grimm Group).
Georg Grimm (1846–1887) | |||
Alternative names |
Georg Grimm, Jorge Grimm | ||
Description | German painter, university teacher and drawer | ||
Date of birth/death | 22 April 1846 | 18 December 1887 | |
Location of birth/death |
English: Bühl am Alpsee, today part of Immenstadt im Allgäu, Bavaria, Germany |
English: Palermo, Italy | |
Work period | from 1867 until 1887 | ||
Work location | Deutsch: Deutschland, Italien, Sizilien, Nord-Afrika, Spanien, Frankreich, Korsika, England, Portugal, Griechenland, Türkei, Palästina, Ägypten, Brasilien. | ||
Authority file |
Grimm's Paintings before and during his voyage through Mediterranian Countries
Mann mit einem Auge
Museum Hofmühle, Immenstadt -
Fischer am Strand von Capri mit Blick auf die Faraglioni
Pfarrer mit gelbem Sonnenschirm in felsiger Landschaft
Fischerboote im Golf von Neapel mit Blick auf den Vesuv
Rua de Túnis (1874)
Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo -
Arabische Gasse
Museum Hofmühle, Immenstadt -
Johann Georg Grimm Stube, Bühl/Immenstadt -
Costa do mar em Nervi perto de Gênova na Itália (1875)
Coleção Particular, Rio de Janeiro -
Castelo de Cintra (1877)
Museum Hofmühle, Immenstadt
Grimm's Landscape Paintings in Brazil
Fazenda das Águas Claras, em São José do Rio Preto (1879)
Fazenda Marzagão (1880)
Fazenda Recreio - Bemposta (1881)
Fazenda Retiro (1881)
Universidade de São Paolo -
Paisagem (1883)
Museu Antônio Parreiras -
Vista do Rio de Janeiro, Tomada da Rua Senador Cassiano, em Santa Teresa (1883)
Coleção Sergio Sahione Fadel -
Vista do cavalão (1884)
Acervo do Museu Nacional de Belas Artes -
Vista da Ponta de Icaraí (1884)
Coleção Sergio Sahione Fadel -
Ilha da Boa Viagem (1884)
Coleção Particular -
Paisagem com Fazenda de Café (1884)
Pinakotheke/Galeria de Arte (Rio de Janeiro) -
Vista Panorâmica de Sabará (1885)
Coleção Sergio Sahione Fadel -
Cascatinha de Teresópolis (1885)
Coleção Particular -
Trecho de Paisagem com Cascata (1885)
Coleção Particular -
Vista de Teresópolis (1885)
Coleção Particular -
Fazenda do Belém, em São José do Rio Preto (1886)
Coleção Particular -
Vista da Cidade de Sapucaia (1886)
Vista da Cidade de São José do Rio Preto (1886)
Coleção Particular -
Fazenda em Paraíba do Sul (1886)
Rochedo da Boa Viagem (1887)
Museu Antônio Parreiras -
Brasilianische Berglandschaft
Museum Hofmühle, Immenstadt
The painter
Portrait of Johann Georg Grimm
Delfim da Câmara (1879) -
Portrait of Johann Georg Grimm
by Angelo Agostini
A Revista Ilustrada (1888) -
Portrait of the suffering Johann Georg Grimm (1887)
Johann Georg Grimm Stube, Bühl/Immenstadt -
Die Gruppe Grimm
Lithografie von Angelo Agostini -
Erinnerungstafel am Elternhaus in Bühl
von Matthias Buchenberg (2006)
Johann Georg Grimm Stube, Bühl/Immenstadt