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My Sense Fully Depleted and Now No Record of Readiness Scores

I forgot to charge my sense the other day, and ended up letting it charge over night instead of my usual routine of wearing it to track my sleep.  After recharging it said I needed to collect 7 more days of sleep data to get my readiness score.  Sounds good, normal process, and no questions there.  What's strange though is if I go to past weeks or months they all say No Score.  There should be at least 3-4 weeks of scores.  I'm trying to use that data to better understand the balance between my rest, activities, and if the readiness score aligns with how I'm physically feeling. Without the data I'm not getting anywhere with this. I have a tendency to over-do-it between working on my house (digging, building, cleaning, yardwork), taking bike rides, and walking 20,000 steps in a day. I'm hoping that the readiness feature can help me correlate the score with how I physically feel each day, and how much of each type of activity I had the previous day(s), so I can better understand how much physical effort I can handle as I push to get myself in better shape.  If I didn't have the tendency to do too much in a day, resulting in a crash and burn where I can't workout or do much physical activity for days afterward, I wouldn't care as much.  Why did the scores for the previous days all disappear?

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