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    • Registering allows you to fully participate in the community. After you register, you can:
      • Post new messages and reply to other members' posts
      • Receive email when someone responds to a specific post or topic
      • Exchange private messages with other members
      • Personalize your experience in the community with customization settings
    • Once you've registered and confirmed your registration through the email that is sent to you, you can sign in to the community and begin participating!

      To sign in:

      1. Click the Sign In link at the top of the page.
      2. Enter your Login name and Password
      3. Click Sign In.

      Forgot your login name or password? Click Need help with your login name or password? and we'll email them to you.

    • Not to worry if you've forgotten your password. If you have an email address on record, we can send your login name and password to you.

      To get help with your password:

      1. Click Need help with your login name or password? at the bottom of the page.
      2. Enter the email address you used when you signed up in the community and click Reset Password.
    • The image next to your name is your avatar and it's an easy way for you to personalize your profile. You automatically get an avatar when you join the community, but you can change it to something you prefer better.

      To change your avatar:

      1. After you sign in, click My Settings to go to your My Settings page.
      2. Click the Avatars tab.
        You can choose one of the community avatars, or you can upload an image.
      3. To choose an avatar from the community collection, choose a Collection from the drop down to see the set of avatars. Select the avatar you wish to use.
        You can change avatars as often as you like. Your current avatar always appears at the top of the Avatar page.
      4. To use an image from the web, click From the Web and enter the URL for the image. Click Set Avatar.
    • Your signature is text that appears at the bottom of your posts. This is your chance to be creative (within community guidelines, of course).

      To create your personal signature:

      1. Click My Settings to go to your My Settings page.
      2. On the Personal Profile tab, click Personal Information.
      3. Enter your signature text in the Signature box.
        You can use basic HTML in your signature.
      4. Click Save Changes.
    • You can tell other community members as much or as little about yourself as you wish - whatever you're comfortable with. You can enter a short biography, your location, your interests, or anything else (within community guidelines, of course).

      To tell other community members about yourself:

      1. Click the My Settings link to go to your My Setting page.
      2. On the Personal Profile tab, click the Personal Information link.
      3. Scroll down to Biography and tell a bit about yourself.
        You can also enter your name and location and any other information you want to share with the community.

      By default, anyone in the community can see the information you enter on this page. If you do not wish to have this information displayed to the community, you can limit display to just the people on your Friends List.

      Here's how to show your information only to people on your Friends List:

      1. Click the Preferences tab and click Privacy.
      2. For Show profile to (the first setting), choose Friends Only.
    • Your Friends List is a way to create your own little community within the community.

      Depending on your Privacy settings, the people on your Friends List can see your biography and other personal information or whether you're online. If you send Private Messages, you can choose your friends from a list instead of typing their user names.

      To add people to your Friends List:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the user name of a friend to see the friend's About user name page.
      3. In the Contact area, click Add user name to Friends.
    • You can make several changes in the way you look at community pages -- from the time zone and language, to text size, to the way menus behave, the order that messages appear, your privacy settings, kudos leaderboards, and more.

      To set your viewing preferences:

      1. Click My Settings to go to your My Settings page. Click the Preferences tab.
        Tip:This page has several tabs for the different kinds settings you can change. If this is your first visit, take a moment to click through the tabs and see what's available.
      2. Make any changes you may have and click Save Changes.
    • This community provides a place for community members or participants to search for information, read and post about topics of interest, and learn from each other. Within the Canon community, you'll find:
      • boards where you can post questions and answers

        Guests (unregistered visitors) can browse or search the entire community for information. Registered members can post messages or comments, track discussions, and get e-mail notifications on new posting activity.

    • Communities like this one have a place for all kinds of contributions: posting questions and sharing answers, voting for ideas you like, or just searching for answers to your questions.

      We encourage you visit often and participate. Come with your toughest questions. Chances are someone has a solution or can point you in the right direction. If you find a solution that works, let others know, and pass on your own tips and insights. You might just have the answer someone else has been looking for!

      Please remember to thank community members who have helped you. You can show your appreciation by giving ${general.likes} to helpful posts, by accepting a solution that answers your question, or by posting thank-you replies.

    • We want the community to be appropriate, friendly, informative, and fun for everyone.

      Be sure to read the Canon Terms of Use and Community Guidelines so that you are aware of what to expect and what is expected of you when you're in the Community.

    • Go to the board you want to post on, and click the Reply located near the top of the message list.

      On the Post Message page, you will see a Subject area and a Body area.

      1. In the first field, the Subject field, type a title for your message.
        This is the only part of the message that shows up on the message listing page, so try to make it something that will be clear and concise. Try using keywords about your topic.
      2. In the second field, the Body field, type your message. Put details about your topic here. If you are posting on a technical topic, it is helpful to include all pertinent information regarding your inquiry in the body.
      3. You can use the controls to change the fonts, colors, and other aspects of your message. You can add smiley faces using the smiley menu. And you can format the text at the character or paragraph level.
      4. There is also an option where you can click Spell Check to look for misspelled words, or you can click on the Preview Post tab to see what your post will look like on the boards.
      5. When you are happy with your message, click the Submit Post button.
        Your message will be added to board and everyone else on the board will be able to read it.
    • Click the Reply button in a message to write a response to a particular post. You'll see a screen similar to the Post Message screen. There are a few differences:
      • When you reply to a post, the subject line will be filled in for you automatically. You can change the subject line if you would like.
      • You can use the Quote Message button located to the right of the spell check feature to paste the message to which you are replying into the body of your reply.
      Please note, when you post a message as a reply, it will be added to the existing thread. It won't create a new thread.
    • Macros let you create boilerplate text that you can paste into any message with the click of a mouse.

      To set up a macro:

      1. Click My Settings and click the Macros tab.
        You can create up to nine macros.
      2. Type a name for the first macro in the Macro 1 Title box.
        Make the name short, but memorable (you'll choose it by name from a menu).
      3. Type the text you want to be able to paste in the Macro 1 box. You may also use HTML tags if you wish to add this in your macro.
      4. 4. Follow the same procedures listed above if you would like to create additional macros. Please note adding additional macros are optional and not required.
      5. Click Save Changes located at the bottom of the Macros page.

      To use a macro when you post:

      1. Go to a Post page.
        The Macros menu is on the right side of the Post page toolbar. You can use a macro in any sort of post: a message, a reply, or comment.
      2. Click in the Subject or Body area where you want to paste the macro text.

        Tip: It's a good idea to keep your subjects short.

      3. Choose a macro in the Macros menu.
        That's all there is to it! The text of your macro appears wherever your cursor was.
    • Bookmarks allow you to list community content -- boards, articles, ideas, topics, or individual posts -- on a special page so you can easily find it again.

      To bookmark a piece of content:

      1. Go to the item you want to bookmark.
        You can bookmark a board, article, or any other location in the community. You can also bookmark a specific post.
      2. To bookmark a specific board, choose (Board) Options> Bookmark.
      3. To bookmark a specific post, go to the post and choose (Post) Options > Bookmark

      To view and manage your bookmarks:

      1. Click My Settings and click the Subscriptions & Bookmarks tab.
      2. Click Bookmarks to see a list of the items you've bookmarked.
        You can click a bookmark to go to the item.
      3. To delete a bookmark, click the check box for the bookmark and choose Bookmark Options > Delete Selected Bookmarks.
    • Subscriptions let you get email updates whenever new content appears in an area of the community that you're interested in. You can subscribe to a boardany in any location in the community. You can also subscribe to a specific post.

      To subscribe a piece of content:

      1. Go to the item you want to subscribe to.
      2. To subscribe to a board, click the dropdown (Board) Options > Subscribe.
      3. To subscribe to a specific post, go to the post and choose (Post) Options > Subscribe

      To view and manage your subscriptions:

      1. Click My Settings and click the Subscriptions & Bookmarks tab.
      2. Click Email Subscriptions to see a list of the items you've subscribed to.
        You can click a subscription to go to the item.
      3. To delete a subscription, click the check box for the subscription and choose Email Subscription Options > Delete Selected Subscriptions.
    • Starting from your image gallery, you choose the image, give it a name, and you're done.

      To upload an image to your image gallery:

      1. Go to your Profile page and click the View Image Gallery link.
      2. Click Browse to select an image file to be uploaded.
        If the image is small enough (the size limit is set by the forum), the image is uploaded. A preview of the image appears so that you can make sure you uploaded the right image.
      3. Type a title for the image.
        The image title appears above the image when you view images one at a time.
      4. Click the Hide in Gallery (Private) check box to make this image private.
        Private images never appear when other forum members view your image gallery. They only appear if you insert the image in a post.
      5. Click Save to Gallery.
    • You can use any approved image you've uploaded as your personal avatar.

      To use an uploaded image as your personal avatar:

      1. Go to your My Settings page and click the Avatars tab.
      2. Click From Your Image Gallery or From Uploaded Images to see the images that you've already uploaded.
      3. Click an image to use it as your personal avatar.

    • To insert an image in a post:

      1. Start a new post.
      2. Click Insert Image.
      3. Choose an image source location.
      4. Follow the on-screen instructions

    • You can post comments and likes the same way you would on messages or other posts. You might see a cool image in a post and want to like the author. Or you might want to comment on an image and start a conversation.

      To comment on an image:

      1. Go to the Albums and Images page of the image's owner.
        You see this user's public albums, but not any private ones.
      2. Open the album that contains the image you want to comment on and click the image.
        If the album contains more than a handful of images, use the carousel control to scroll through the images to find the one you're looking for.
      3. Click the image and click the familiar likes button to like the image.
      4. To add a tag, click Add Tag, enter the tag, and click Add.
      5. To add a comment, click in the comment editor, type your comment, and click Post Your Comment.
        Don't forget to check your spelling and add some formatting if you wish before you post.

    • Image albums are a way to organize the photos and other graphics files that you have uploaded to the community. You start with two default albums, Private and Public, which contain previously uploaded images.

      You create image albums when you upload images. When you create an album you enter a name and a description and choose whether the album is public or private. You can change any of these settings later if you wish. You can also choose an image to appear as the album cover.

      To edit an image album:

      1. Go to your Albums and Images page.
      2. Click the name of the album you want to edit.
      3. Edit the album name or description or change the privacy setting as needed.
      4. Click Save.

    • When you upload an image, the default name for the image is the file name. After the image is uploaded, you can change the name, add a description, and apply tags to the image. You can also choose the image as the album cover.

      To edit an image:

      1. Go to your Albums and Images page.
      2. Open the album that contains the image you want to edit and click the image.
      3. Click Edit and change the image title, add a description, and enter tags.
      4. If you want this image to be on the front of the album, click Use this image for the album cover.
      5. Click Save.

    • A private image is one that only you, (and community moderators and administrators) can see.

      Each time you upload an image you can place it in a private album (where only you can see it) or in a public album where others can see it once it's been approved.

      The location you choose depends on why you're uploading the image. If you want others to see it, place it in a public album. If you want to keep the image secret until you insert it in a post, upload it to a private album and then move it when you're ready to include it in a post.

      To change the privacy setting for an image:

      1. Click the image to go to the image page.
      2. Choose Image Options > Move Image.
      3. Choose an album as the new location for the image and click Move.
        To make an image private, move it to a private album. To make a private image public, move it from a private album to a public one.

    • Accepted Solutions is a way for you to choose the reply that best answers a question that you've posted. When you accept a solution, both the question and the solution get special icons and links that take you directly from the question to the answer and back again.

      An Accepted Solutions icon also appears on boards and in search results so you can see which messages have solutions.

      You can mark a solution as accepted only for questions that you've posted (you started the thread). Community moderators can also mark one of the replies to a message as an accepted solution.

    • If you've posted a question to the community, you can choose the reply that best answers your question and mark it as an accepted solution.

      To mark a message as a solution:

      • Click the Accept as Solution icon on the reply.

      If you change your mind about the quality of the answer, or if another reply provides an even better answer, you can revoke the first selection and accept the second reply.

      To revoke an accepted solution:

      • Choose Options > Unmark as Accepted Solution.

      You can choose another solution or leave the question unsolved.

    • Likes are a way to acknowledge the messages you think are the most useful or important.

      When you like a message, you are offering a thumbs-up for good content and a pat on the back to its author. Your Likes help to boost the value of certain messages and enhance the reputation of their authors.

      Liking is as easy as a single click, but the impact of Likes ripples across the community.

    • You can Like any post in the community except your own.

      To Like a message and its author:

      • Click the Like button located at the bottom right hand corner on the message.

      If you change your mind about the quality of the message, you can unlike the post.

      To unlike the post:

      • Choose Options > Revoke My Likes from this Message.

      The Likes count is updated and the Likes button shows that you can now Like the message again.

    • Want to know who likes your messages? Your Profile page is the place to start. You can also see Likes activity for other community members on their Profile pages.

      To see who's given you Likes:

      1. Click your login name to go to your Profile page.
        YYour Profile pages shows the names of community members who Liked you, the messages they Liked, your top Liked messages, and the Likes you've given.
      2. To see all of your recent Likes activity in an area, click the View All link at the bottom of the list.
        Your Likes Activity page shows the recent Likes you've given or received.
      3. Click the tabs to see more info about your Likes activity.
    • It's easy to find out which community members and Product Experts have Liked a message.

      To see who's Liked a message:

      1. Go to the message page.
      2. Click the Likes! total.
        The Who Liked this Message page shows you all the community members who've liked the message.
      3. Click the Experts tab to see Likes given by high-ranking members of the forum.
      4. Click the User Name or Likes link to sort this page by the name of the user who gave Likes or by the Like count.
    • Your Likes weight is the number of Likes you give each time you click a Likes button. If you're new to the community, you will probably give Kudos one at a time (your Likes weight is 1). More experienced forum members might have a higher Likes weight, so they could give two or three Likes each time they click.

    • There are a few reasons why you might not be able to like a post.

      • You've already Liked a message (you can only Like something once).
      • You wrote the message (you can't Like your own messages).
      • Your community manager wants you to only Like a message that starts a thread and not replies.
      • Your community manager has turned Likes off for a message or a community.
      • Your community manager has frozen Likes for this message. You can still see how many Likes the message has received, but you can't Like it any more.
    • Sometimes a message gets so many likes that we run out of space to show the number. When that happens, you'll see a Hot Liked symbol or icon instead of the Like count on the Likes badge.

    • A tag can be a single keyword or a phrase that describes the topic, theme, or subject of the post. You can add as many tags as you wish, and so can other community members.

      For example, in a post about a mouse, you might have these tags: mouse, USB mouse, optical mouse, wireless, DPI. Be sure to use commas between tags.

    • A tag cloud displays tags used frequently within the community or within an area of the community. The more frequently a tag is used, the larger it appears in the tag cloud. Just by looking at a tag cloud, you can get a sense of what the hot topics are in a given area.

    • Tagging is a way to help other users discover interesting posts. It's also a way to organize content in the forum that you think is related. When you apply tags to a post, you add to the value by providing another way for people to find it.

    • Some users will tag posts for their own convenience in finding them later. Other users enjoy helping categorize interesting posts for the benefit of the community members.

    • A tag can use tags to bookmark, categorize, or identify a post. Your tags can also help other community members find interesting content.

      To add a tag:

      1. Navigate to an interesting post or comment.
        When you're at a place where you can read the whole message, you'll see the Tags area.
      2. Click in the Add Tag field and type your tags in the free form box.
        You can type more than one tag -- just put a comma between tags.
      3. Click Add Tag.
        The Tags area is updated to show your new tags.

    • You can find messages you've tagged by visiting your profile. To get to your profile, simply click on your username located at the top left hand corner of the community. Tags will be located on the right side bar labeled Tags. Here you can click on your tags, which will then direct you to the post or comment in which you've tagged. You may also view Recently Tagged, My Recent Tagged Messages and Most Tagged messages.

    • Your Canon Community rank identifies your contributions within the community relative to other members.
    • Your rank is displayed next to your username within the community as well as on posts, replies, likes and on your user profile page.
    • Simply put, your rank increases as you help others. This can be achieved in two ways: You contribute helpful content to the platform - for example: If you have a question for the community, you create a post asking for help or ideas If another member asks a question, you can reply with an insightful answer If you respond to a member?s question and your answer is marked by the author as an ?Accepted Solution? You recognize the contributions others have made - for example: When you ask for help and receive a helpful answer, you can mark your post as an ?Accepted Solution? When you Like a helpful post, or when others Like your post
    • No, all of your contributions over time will add to your rank. As long as you have a active account (i.e. the account has not been deactivated) and continue to make contributions, you will continue to accumulate progress toward your next rank.
    • There are two. One for visitors and one for contributors. (1) Visitors: Spectator, Scout, Established Member (2) Contributors: Apprentice, Contributor, Enthusiast, Rising Star, Mentor, Whiz, Authority, Elite, VIP, Legend
    • The Private Messenger allows you to send private messages to other members of the community. Private Messenger has two big advantages over e-mail:
      • You don't have to know the other member's e-mail address to send the note. Also, you don't have to reveal yours.
      • You can read and send private messages without leaving the community, making it easy to a quick conversation with another community member.

      To use the Private Messenger, you must be registered and signed in. You'll see a Private Message icon (a red envelope) at the top right of your page. If you have any new messages, you'll see the number of unread messages next to the envelope icon.

      Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.

    • To send a private message:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. Click Compose New Message.
      4. Enter the recipient's name in the Send to area.
      5. Enter the subject for the message in the Message Subject area.
      6. Type the reply in the Message Body editor.
      7. Click Send Message.
        You can look for the messages you've sent in the Sent Messages tab.
    • If you have any new messages, you'll see the number of unread messages next to the envelope icon.

      To read a private message:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. To read a message, click the message subject.
      4. To reply to a message, click Reply. Type the reply and click Send Message.
      5. To delete a message, click Delete Message and confirm that you want to delete it.
      6. To add the sender to your Friends List, click Add username to Friends.
      7. To prevent this user from sending you messages, click Ignore username.
    • To reply to a private message:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. To read a message, click the message subject.
      4. To reply to a message, click Reply.
        The recipient and subject are automatically entered for you, but you can edit them.
      5. Type the reply in the Message Body editor.
      6. Click Send Message.
    • You can delete messages one at a time as you read them, or in bulk from your Inbox.

      To delete a private message:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. To delete several messages at once, click the check box for each message you want to delete.
      4. Choose Message Options > Delete Checked and confirm you want to delete the messages.
      5. To read and delete a message, click the message subject from the Inbox.
      6. Click Delete Message and confirm that you want to delete it.
    • To see the private messages you've sent:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. Click Sent Messages.
    • Your Friends List is a way to create your own little community within the community.

      Depending on your Privacy settings, the people on your Friends List can see your biography and other personal information or whether you're online. If you send Private Messages, you can choose your friends from a list instead of typing their user names.

      To add people to your Friends List:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the user name of a friend to see the friend's About user name page.
      3. In the Contact area, click Add user name to Friends.
    • Most users in an online community get along very well. Sometimes, however, you might encounter someone you consider a nuisance. If you are receiving messages that you'd prefer not to receive, you can add the sender to your Ignored Users list. The system blocks all messages from users on your Ignored Users list.

      To add someone to your Ignored Users list:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click the message count or envelope icon to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
      3. Click a message from the user you want to ignore and click Ignore user name.

      To remove someone from your Ignored Users list:

      1. Sign in to the community.
      2. Click Ignored Users to see the list.
      3. Click Remove from Ignored list to begin receiving messages from this user again.

      You can also search for community members and add them to your Ignored Users list.

      To search for a user:

      1. On any page, enter a user name in the Search box.
      2. Choose Users and click Search.
      3. In the Search Results, click the user's user name to visit the user's About page.
      4. Click the Ignore user name link in the Contact area.