Why should I register?
Registering allows you to fully participate in the community. After you register, you can:- Post new messages and reply to other members' posts
- Receive email when someone responds to a specific post or topic
- Exchange private messages with other members
- Personalize your experience in the community with customization settings
How do I sign in?
Once you've registered and confirmed your registration through the email that is sent to you, you can sign in to the community and begin participating!
To sign in:- Click the Sign In link at the top of the page.
- Enter your Login name and Password
- Click Sign In.
Forgot your login name or password? Click Need help with your login name or password? and we'll email them to you.
How do I get help with my password?
Not to worry if you've forgotten your password. If you have an email address on record, we can send your login name and password to you.
To get help with your password:- Click Need help with your login name or password? at the bottom of the page.
- Enter the email address you used when you signed up in the community and click Reset Password.
To comment on an image:
You see this user's public albums, but not any private ones.
If the album contains more than a handful of images, use the carousel control to scroll through the images to find the one you're looking for.
Don't forget to check your spelling and add some formatting if you wish before you post.