Authors: Miniati, Roberto | Dori, Fabrizio | Cecconi, Giulio | Gusinu, Roberto | Niccolini, Fabrizio | Gentili, Guido Biffi
Article Type: Research Article
Abstract: Background: A fundamental element of the social and safety function of a health structure is the need to guarantee continuity of clinical activity through the continuity of technology. Objective: This paper aims to design a Decision Support System (DSS) for medical technology evaluations based on the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in order to provide a multi-disciplinary valuation of a technology in a health structure. Methods: The methodology used in planning the DSS followed the following key steps: the definition of relevant KPIs, the development of a database to calculate the KPIs, the calculation of the defined KPIs and …the resulting study report. Finally, the clinical and economic validation of the system was conducted though a case study of Business Continuity applied in the operating department of the Florence University Hospital AOU Careggi in Italy. Results: A web-based support system was designed for HTA in health structures. The case study enabled Business Continuity Management (BCM) to be implemented in a hospital department in relation to aspects of a single technology and the specific clinical process. Finally, an economic analysis of the procedure was carried out. Conclusions: The system is useful for decision makers in that it precisely defines which equipment to include in the BCM procedure, using a scale analysis of the specific clinical process in which the equipment is used. In addition, the economic analysis shows how the cost of the procedure is completely covered by the indirect costs which would result from the expenses incurred from a broken device, hence showing the complete auto-sustainability of the methodology. Show more
Keywords: Hospital based technology assessment, healthcare continuity, business continuity management
DOI: 10.3233/THC-120709
Citation: Technology and Health Care, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 49-61, 2013
Authors: Miniati, Roberto | Cecconi, Giulio | Dori, Fabrizio | Marchetti, Matteo | Gentili, Guido Biffi | Porchia, Barbara | Presicce, Giorgio | Franchi, Sara | Gusinu, Roberto
Article Type: Research Article
Abstract: Background: This study, carried out at the Florence Teaching Hospital Careggi (AOUC), reports the technological evaluation, through the use of Health Technology Assessment (HTA), on the application of mitral clips in the treatment of mitral insufficiency. Objective: The assessment, carried out by analyzing the clinical, technological, social, procedural, safety and economic elements, sought to answer the following research questions: Evaluation of the general technological status of the mitral clips in the treatment process of mitral regurgitation, with particular reference to traditional methods; and contextualisation of the analyses within the hospital structure, by identifying criticality issues and improvements. Methods: The methodology …was based on the following steps: technological description; areas of evaluation and the selection of Key Performance Indicators; research of scientific facts and the collection of expert opinions; evaluation and reporting of findings. Results: The results are based on an analysis which included a total of 50 indicators, effectively evaluating 86.5% of them, from the least from the clinical sector (80%) to the most in the areas of procedure, safety and social (100%). Traditional surgery (repair or valve replacement) still represents the gold standard for the treatment of mitral regurgitation due to its maturity both on a technological and clinical level. The minimally invasive procedures which use the mitral clips present interesting opportunities both on a social level (minimum stay in hospital and no post-operative rehabilitation) and clinical level, especially as an alternative to medication, even if they are still at an emergent level (the long-term results are unknown) and complex to use. From the clinical point of view they show some interesting findings related to immediate and post-operative mortality (none during the operation and a minor and equal amount 30 days and 12 months later in comparison to traditional methods) whilst economically, despite the fact that the cost of the device is greater than those used in traditional interventions, the cost-refund relationship does not show significant differences compared to the traditional types of treatment. Conclusion: The HTA evaluation of minimally invasive technologies that use clips for the treatment of mitral regurgitation shows, in the hospital setting, very interesting results, particularly for inoperable patients, where the clinical and social improvements are significant compared to pharmacological treatments, whilst for 'operable' patients, the traditional techniques are still the most appropriate. Show more
Keywords: Health technology assessment, hospital based, mitral regurgitation, mitral clips
DOI: 10.3233/THC-130756
Citation: Technology and Health Care, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 535-546, 2013