Beef stew Ugali and Cowpeasleaves

3 cooks are planning to make this
Doreen Keyaer
Doreen Keyaer @cook_14297097

#Festivecontestkakamega. This is a very fond food during most festive season

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2 servings
  1. 1 kg beef meat
  2. 4 tomatotoes
  3. 1/2 table spoon ginger n garlic powder
  4. Salt
  5. 2 tablespoons for cooking oil
  6. 2 glass water
  7. 2 glass maize flour

Cooking Instructions

  1. 1

    Boil the meat with a half of glass of water till it dries up

  2. 2

    Add cooking oil and fry dry it well for about 3-4 minutes to golden brown

  3. 3

    Add salt onion ginger garlic and tomatoes steam till tomatoes form the paste

  4. 4

    Add 2 glass of water and boil for 5-10minute

  5. 5

    Use different sufuria for ugali

  6. 6

    Boil 2 1/2 glass of water to get ready

  7. 7

    5 bunch cowpeas leaves chopped well and boil with soda ash

  8. 8

    Use a different sufuria to add cooking oil to get heat

  9. 9

    Add onions to golden brown add tomatoes to form the paste with salt

  10. 10

    Mix the cowpeas(kunde) together in a sufuria to get well cooked add small water not to get stuck down for 3-5minute

  11. 11

    Serve wen still hot

  12. 12



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Grey hand-drawn cartoon of a camera and a frying pan with stars rising from the pan


Written by

Doreen Keyaer
Doreen Keyaer @cook_14297097

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