About Us
We are a creative team of enthusiastic designers.
We provide Free CDR, Vector, Stock Images, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks.
We provide Free CDR, Vector, Stock Images, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks.
There are many platforms providing a wide range of photoshop & ilustrator but very few options are available for Corel Draw Designs. We are on work to provide you Corel Draw Designs and the tutorials for you all to learn about corel draw. We believe that in this TechGen where originality & creativity of work is valued above everything else. Every individual must have freedom to create their own designs and showcase their creativity. It is a great opportunity to enhance your skills and be a DigiMind. Anybody who is interested to connect with us in this creative cause can join us as a freelancer.
We are a group with a vision to help each and everyone who has interest in Corel Draw & is interested to bring out their imagination & creative side. We believe in Any Body Can Design.

Download Our Android App
Use CorelDraw Design App to download free .CDR design templates and use it to create beautiful creatives/designs for your business. Get Royalty free high quality DSLR images absolutely free. Learn designing with our quality tutorials. Get aware of latest tips and tricks with CorelDraw design app.
Join the Designer community all over world with lovers of CorelDraw Software.

Benefits to Join CorelDraw Design Photographer/Desginer Community
- CorelDraw Design is an intiative to bring all the designer and photographer all over the world on one platform to share their creativity and create earning resources.
- CorelDraw have more than 50000+ monthly visitors and 130000+ app downloads, so if you post your design/photo it will reach a vast section of online audiance of your field.
- You will get likes and follow for your design/photo. so you will become famous in designer/photographer community.
- We have a donation section for each and every design/photo. So you will get your share of donation for each of your design/photo. Everytime anyone made donation "Work once earn multiple time".
- You will get better ideas and help form other designer/Photographer to from us.