ChemSpider SyntheticPages

The Royal Society of Chemistry"

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Why is ChemSpider SyntheticPages currently closed to submissions?

After reviewing usage and submissions to ChemSpider SyntheticPages, we realised that the needs of the community for a platform for sharing data have changed. As a result, we are investigating how best we can support the Synthetic Chemistry community, so that we can develop a solution that will be most beneficial to chemists.

How do I cite ChemSpider SyntheticPages in my paper/thesis?

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A. Chemist, ChemSpider SyntheticPages, 2001,

Is ChemSpider SyntheticPages intended to replace publication in journals?

No, ChemSpider SyntheticPages is not a substitute for peer-reviewed journals. These are important and enduring vehicles for the timely presentation of original work. ChemSpider SyntheticPages presents an individual’s original laboratory experience of a practical procedure.

How does ChemSpider SyntheticPages compare to database X, Y, Z?

ChemSpider SyntheticPages is not a replacement for other popular chemistry databases, which provide exhaustive coverage of all of the scientific literature. If you get a hit from the ChemSpider SyntheticPages database, you get an individual’s original laboratory experience of a practical procedure.

Do I have to transfer my copyright to ChemSpider SyntheticPages?

Authors do not transfer copyright and can further use their content without limitation. However, authors do grant ChemSpider SyntheticPages a perpetual license to display their content on this website.

Who do I contact if I have other questions?

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