Leviticus is the third book of Moses. It is a continuation from his writings in Exodus, which follows on, chronologically from the book of Genesis. While Genesis takes us from the beginning of creation to the call of Abraham and his migration to Egypt because of a worldwide famine, and Exodus relays Israel's escape from slavery, the giving of the Law, and their wilderness wanderings, Leviticus is the book that outlines the Feasts of the Lord, the Levitical read more...
The Law of Moses was far wider than the 10 commandments that we generically call 'The Law'. It covers food laws, sacrificial laws, laws that pertain to the feast days, and laws concerning prophets, priests, and kings.
There were also household laws and laws to do with sickness and personal cleanliness, together with a wide range of moral laws, judgements for breaking the Law, and laws connected with sacrificial offerings.
The Pharisees poured over the Old Testament Scriptures because they thought that they would find the key to eternal life within their sacred pages, and yet they failed to recognise the very Person towards which all Scripture points, and about Whom all Scripture speaks.
When the Lord Jesus met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they also demonstrated a serious lack of scriptural knowledge, but the Lord Jesus opened up their read more...
We gain some important understanding of the atoning power of blood in Leviticus 17: All life belongs to the Lord. He is the one who made us with a spirit, soul, and body, and He is the One Who breathed life into Adam, making man a living soul. When Adam sinned, it was the shedding of blood that covered his transgression. The leaves of a fig tree were not sufficient to make atonement for his sin. Only the blood of an innocent animal could cover sin until the Seed of read more...
Whatever translation of the Bible you choose to read, the practice of homosexuality in the eyes of God is a sin. It is detestable and an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. And although the Old Testament Law of Moses was given explicitly to Israel, nevertheless the practice of same-sex relations (of both men and women) is equally abhorrent to the Lord in the New Testament.
The rewriting of the Scriptures to remove the disgraceful read more...
Though it is often ridiculed by those that have not read it, or misunderstood by those who do not have spiritual discernment, Leviticus is a book that concentrates on holiness - the holiness of God and the need for the nation of Israel to be holy. "You shall be holy," God informed His chosen nation through Moses. "You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy."
From start to finish,
The Law of Moses not only instructed the Israelites on the Ten Commandments with which we are all so familiar, but also the many other laws concerning the consecration of the priests and their duties, the feast days of the Lord, and the five types of sacrifices. They included cleansing rituals and different food laws, and the various rules and regulations concerning personal conduct in the everyday activities of life.
There were a
There were many sacred days and special festivals that were to be celebrated by Israel, many of which are tied to the New Moon, including the weekly Sabbath Day, the Sabbatical years, and the Year of Jubilee. The regulations for these and other holy days were given to Moses on Mount Sinai.
The Sabbath, or seventh day of each week, was to be a constant reminder to Israel that God created the world in six days and rested from His read more...
The Lord our God is unknowable and yet in a wonderful way, He has made Himself known to the children of men. He started to reveal Himself to Adam at the dawn of time and thus began the ongoing unveiling of Himself to humanity.
He slowly started to reveal each of His attributes, in different ways, to various people. It was an unveiling of His nature, a revealing of His attributes to human-kind, and a gradual revealing of His plan read more...