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The Road

by DakhaBrakha

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Ой ішов чумак з Дону, (2) Як із Дону до дому. Ой як з Дону до дому (2) Та й сів над водою. Та й і сів над водою, (2) Та й проклинає ж свою долю. Ох доле ж моя доле, (2) Да чом ти не такая? Ох да чом ти не такая, (2) Ох як доля людськая? А я чужу долю да сім раз поцілую Да долю хорошую. Ой а я свою долю поб’ю-порубаю Да в річку побрасаю. Ой пливи, моя ж доле, пливи за водою, Ох а я за тобою. --- Oh Chumak was coming from the Don, (2) As from the Don to his home. As from the Don to his home, (2) And sat over the water. And sat over the water, (2) And curses his fate. Oh fate, my fate, Why you are not like? Why you are not like, (2) Like fates of the people? And I will kiss someone’s else fate for seven times Someone’s good fate. Oh and I will cut and kick my fate And throw it into the river. Oh swim, my fate, swim adri , Oh and I’ll swim a er you.
Чорна хмара наступає, чорна хмара наступає, Гей-гей, чумак воли запрягає. Чумак їде, ще й гальмує, чумак їде, ще й гальмує, Гей-гей, де є корчма, там ночує. Де є корчма хоч маленька, де є корчма хоч маленька. Гей-гей, шинкарочка молоденька. А шинкарка здогадала, а шинкарка здогадала - Гей-гей, на сто рублів боргом дала. На сто рублів боргом дала, на сто рублів боргом дала - Гей-гей, а на двісті записала. Пропив чумак, пропив воли, пропив чумак, пропив воли Гей-гей, бо в шинкарки чорні брови. Пропив воли ще й притики, пропив воли ще й притики Гей-гей, я в шинкарки без копійки. Пропив воли, пропив ярма, пропив воли, пропив ярма Гей-гей, ти дивився, що я гарна. --- Black cloud is coming, black cloud is coming Hey-hey, Chumak is gearing up the oxens. Chumak is going and slowing down, Chumak is going and slowing down. Hey-hey, he spends the night, where the tavern is. If there is a tavern, even small, if there is a tavern, even small. Hey-hey, and young ale wife. And the ale wife guessed, and the ale wife guessed - Hey-hey, and she gave a loan of a hundred rubles She gave a loan of a hundred rubles, she gave a loan of a hundred rubles, Hey-hey, but she wrote down as two hundred And Chumak drank away his oxens, drank away his oxens. Hey-hey, because the ale wife has black eyebrows He drank away his oxens and parts of the cart, his oxens and parts of the cart. Hey-hey, I’m penniless. Drank away the oxens, drank away the oxbows, drank away the oxens, drank away the oxbows Hey-hey, you were looking, that I’m pretty
Сhumak 06:59
Поїхав чумак, да й у Крим по сіль. Да воли його захрамали, ще й чумак заслаб. Ой заслаб, заслаб, під возом лежить. Та ніхто його не спитає, що в нього болить. Болить чумаку живіт, голова. Та зостаються дробниє дєткі, жінка молода. Ой ви чумаки, рідн брати, да як будете волів напасати, напасіть й мої. Рикнули воли, стоячи в ярмі - Да помер, помер наш хазяїн в чужой стороні. --- Went Chumak, And to the Crimea for salt. And his oxen began to limp, And Chumak got sick Oh sick, sick, Laying under the cart. And nobody asks him What hurts him Hurts him, Chumak, His stomach or his head And there are le his li le children And a young wife Hey you, Chumaks Dear brothers, When you’ll pasture your oxen Pasture mine, too Roared the oxen Staying in the oxbow- Our owner died In a foreign land
Salgir boyu 06:04
Yavrum da Salğırnıñ boyu, Öz tuvganımnıñ da toyu. Kefeden, Kerçiten, Canköyden kelir, Özüniñ aruv da soyu. Yavrum da Salğırnıñ boyu, Özümniñ dostumnıñ toyu. Atqa minse yaraşır, Özüniñ selbi de boyu. Altmış baş, yetmiş baş tuvar, Ayda ket, Salğırğa suvar. Uzaq yerden qız alsañ, Anası, babası cılar. Переклад: Ай, як чарівні береги Салгіра, Так і весілля мого родича! З Феодос , Керчі й Джанкою Приїжджають до нього друзі й рідні. Ай, як чарівні береги Салгіра, Так і веслілля мого родича! Приємно бачити його на коні, Стрункого, як тополя. Аман! Стада скот жени, Та у Салгірі напої. Якщо віддаси дівчину в далеку дорогу, брат, Заплачуть батько й мати. --- Oh, as charming banks of Salgir The same is the wedding of my relative! From Feodosia, Kerch and Dzhankoy Friends and relatives come to him. Oh, as charming banks of Salgir The same is the wedding of my relative! It is pleasant to see him on horseback Slim like a poplar. Aman! Shepherd the ca le herds, And let them drink from Salgir If you will take the girl for a long journey, brother, Both her father and mother will cry
Karamysly 07:12
Карамыслы да купорыслы Да ведерцы дубови. Пр.: ох и лёли, ой да лёли, лёли. Да Мариюшка да воду нося, Да карамыслы гнутся. Карамыслы они гнутся, Да с ведер вода льется. Иванюшка, глядя у окошко, Да слезою зальется. Пашто же ты, да мой Ванюша, Да давно не жанился? Гармонист, гармонист, Голову не вешай, Смотри прямо на меня - Совлекать буду тебя. Совлекала, совлекала Совлекала - не берет. Подарила я платочек - Он на ленточки берёт. Посадила гармониста под самые образа. Не гармошка совлекала - Його карые глаза. Я одела белу кофту - Одевай подружка й ты. Нас мильонки побрасали, Мы обыдви сыроты. Я б давно, давно жанился, Да никто не влюбился, Да никто не влюбился, Да никто не под совесть Пр.: ох лёли, ох да лёли, лёли. --- Yokes oh yokes And buckets of oakwood. Chorus: oh lyoli, oh lyoli, lyoli. And Mariya, while carrying the water And the yokes are bending. The yokes, they are bending, And the water from the buckets is pouring. And Ivan, while staring out the window. Bursts into tears, Why you, my Ivan, Did not marry for so long? Accordionist, hey, accordionist Do not hang your head, Look straight at me - I will lure you. I have lured, I have lured, I have lured, it did not work. I presented the handkerchief, He takes it for ribbons. I have made the accordionist sit Under the icons. I have been lured not with the accordion, But with his brown eyes I have put on a white blouse So, my friend, do the same. Our sweethearts le us We both are orphans. I would marry long time ago, But no one fell in love. And no one is in my breast. Chorus: oh lyoli, oh lyoli, lyoli.
А дощик накрапає - (2) Батько, батько дочку ла(є) А батько дочку лає - (2) Гулять, гулять не пускає А мати горе знає - (2) Гулять, гулять дозволя(є) Ой на дворе дощ, дощ Не сильной, не дробной - (2) Не ситечком сеян - (2) С ведра поливая Да Мариюшка плача Вна плача рыдая - (2) Ой гуляй доню гуляй - (2) Поки, поки молода А вже як стара будеш - (2) Гулять, гулять не буд(еш) А вже як стара станеш - (2) Гулять, гулять перестан(еш) Ой на дворе дощ, дощ Не сильной, не дробной - (2) Не ситечком сеян - (2) С ведра поливая - (2) Всю пыль прибивая Да Мариюшка плача Вна плача рыдая - (2) Тяжело воздыхая Ой кобы мне быти Куда же мне деться - (2) Куда схорониться Я кинуся, брошусь Батюшке й у сени - (2) Матушке в колени Мне батюшка скажет Радимой прикажет Да невеста, невеста В нас тебе не место - (2) Да не вековоє - (2) Только часовоє. --- (2) Father, father scolding daughter And father scolding daughter - (2) To walk, does not let her walk And mother knows the sorrow - (2) To walk, she lets her walk There’s raining outside, there’s raining It is neither strong, nor drizzle - (2) It is not sowed with a strainer - (2) It rains cats and dogs - (2) It lays the fug down And Maria is crying And crying and sobing - (2) Heaving a sigh Oh what am I supposed to do Where can I go Where can I hide out Oh, walk, my daughter, walk While you are young And when you are old - (2) You will not walk And when you are old - (2) You will stop walking There’s raining outside, there’s raining It is neither strong, nor drizzle - (2) It is not sowed with a strainer - (2) It rains cats and dogs - (2) It lays the fug down And Maria is crying And crying and sobing - (2) Heaving a sigh Oh what am I supposed to do Where can I go Where can I hide out I will rush, I will throw myself To my father onto the inner porch - (2) And to my mother’s knees And the father will tell me He will order his darling You’re the bride, the bride And here is not your place - (2) Not for ages - (2) But it’s temporary
Monakh 04:57
Ішов монах із походу Під морози, під негоду, Чуть же він не змерз - (2) Не знав монах, де подіться - Зайшов у кабак погріться, Збросив свой мундір - (2) Збросив мундір, ще й очки, Порвав ряси на клочки Сам пошов плясать - (2) Наплясавшись, наігравшись, З доброй волей розпрощавшись, Скочив на крильцо Вдарив у кольцо. Монах на коня садиться, Під монахом конь резвиться Зеленим лугом - (2) Конь лугом, лугом, лугом Ходять дєвочки кругом. Дєвки не знайшов - До вдови пойшов. Цілував, милував, Роздушею називав, Закричав - ура! - (2) Ой ура, ура, ура Сочинилася біда Та й не малая - (2) В Великоднюю суботу Побрасали всі роботу Рухнули в кабак - (2) Мед їли, вино пили, Кабачника обдурили - Курили табак - (2) Накурившись табаку, Полягали на боку. Оця пісня вся Кончилася. The Ocean’s warm The Water’s deep We beg for storm The wind is here What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. --- The monk was coming from campaign During frost and bad weather And he almost froze to death - (2) He did not know where to go Came into the pub to get warm, He took o his uniform - (2) Took o his uniform and the glasses, Broke the cassocks to shreds And he went to dance - (2) A er he danced enough and played enough He said goodbye to goodwill, Jumped to the porch Knocked the ring. The monk mounts a horse, But the horse gambols under him By the green meadow - (2) The horse by the green meadow, And the girls walk around. He did not nd the girl, So he came to the widow Kissed her, caressed her, Called her his soul Shouted - hurray! - (2) Oh - hurray, hurray, hurray Misfortune had happened And not the small one - (2) On Easter Saturday Everyone stopped working Went to the pub - (2) Ate honey, drank wine, Fooled a pub keeper Smoked tobacco - (2) And a er smoking enough of tobacco, Lay themselves on their sides. Oh this song is all Over. The Ocean’s warm The Water’s deep We beg for storm The wind is here What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
Solovey 07:25
Ох ти соловей, а я й утойка. Ох ти полєтіш, а я тутойка. Ох ти соловей, чого невесьол? Чого невесьол, чого засмучон? Ох да як же мнє, да й не журиться, Моя утонька пораньонная? Ох товариш мой, чого невесьол, Чого невесьол, чого засмучон? Ох да якже мнє, та й не журиться? Мав я дівчину - засватаная. Ох коби через село, та й не жалко було, А то через двор взяв товариш мой, Як по воду йде, - “добрий день” дає, А з водою йде - сльозойками ллє. --- Oh you are a nightingale, and I am the duck Oh you will y away, and I’m still here. Oh you are a nightingale, why are you mirthless? Why are you mirthless, why are you sad? Oh how can I, how can I not lament, My sweet duck is injured? Oh my friend, why are you mirthless, Why are you mirthless, why are you sad? Oh how can I, how can I not lament? I had a girlfriend, we were engaged. Oh if on the other side of the village, it wouldn’t hurt so much. But my friend took her from the other side of the yard. Every time she’s going for water saying “good day”, And when with water going - tears are pouring.
Seno 06:54
Сєно моє сєно, под тобою вода. Плакала-рідала дівчина молода. Плакала-рідала, з личенька змарніла, Видно по дівчині віночка жалєла. Не жаль мені вєнка, Не жаль тої речі - Розпустила коси, Да й встелила плєчі. Коски розпустила, Плєчкі й устелила, Пошла за нелюба - Жалю й наробіла. Ой жалю мій жалю, Мій горький печалю, Да й прийшов нелюбий, Зайняв й усю лаву. Прийшов мой мілєнький - Нєгдє ж йому сєсти. Нєгдє ж йому сєсти, Вечероньки з’єсти. --- Hay, my hay, There is water under you. There was crying, there was sobbing A young girl. She was crying, she was sobbing, And her face became morbid. It was seen, She was sorry for her wreath. I’m not sorry for my wreath, I’m not sorry of that thing. She unbound her plait, And covered her shoulders with it. She unbound her plait, And covered her shoulders with it. She married with the unloved - And made it a repentance. So bi er sorrow. And the unloved has come, Took the whole bench for himself. My sweetheart came, Has no place to sit, Has no place to sit, Some dinner to eat.
Svyryd 09:12
Ой Свириду, ой да Свиридочку, Ой сватай же ж мене, ой коханочку. Ой радий я, ой да тебе сватать, Ой да боюся, ой да твого ж брата. Убий, дівко, ох да свого брата, Ой тоді же ж буду ох тебе же брати. Іди, дівко, ой да в чисте поле Ой да там циганка, ой просо жинкує. Там циганка, ой просо жинкує, Ой вона тобі, ой зілля зготує. --- Oh Svyryd, oh Svyryd Oh seek in a marriage with me, ask me, your sweetheart. Oh I am glad, oh to seek in a marriage with you. Oh I’m afraid of, oh your brother Kill, girl, oh your brother. Oh then I will, oh seek in a marriage with you. Go, girl, oh to the wild eld. Oh there is a Gypsy there, oh who harvests the millet, There is a Gypsy, oh who harvests the millet, Oh she will prepare for you, oh the potion.


released December 1, 2016

This album was created at the very difficult time for our Motherland.
We want to dedicate it to those who gave their lives for our freedom, who continue stand over its guard, and who go the challenging way of a free person without losing their hope.

(Marko Halanevych, Iryna Kovalenko,
Olena Tsybulska, Nina Garenetska)

Project curator: Vlad Troitskyi
Art-Manager: Iryna Gorban
Sound producer of the recording,
mixing: Yury Khustochka
Sound: BAMBRAFONE in ZvukoCeh
Mastering: Benjamin Joubert - studio
Design: Marko Halanevych
Photo: Iryna Gorban
Translation: Nastya Telikova
Copy editor: Yuriy Mazur

Ukraine, Kyiv


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DakhaBrakha Київ, Ukraine

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