Welcome to the Dark and Darker Builds Overview Page. This is the overview page for all community builds for DnD. You can play both male and female characters. Have you found any errors or want to give feedback? Please report in our community Discord in the feedback channel.
You will find a complete list of all community builds on this page for Dark and Darker. The builds are sorted by most popular. However, you can also use the filters to narrow down your search or sort after newest builds.
When you click on a build you will be directed to the individual build page with a lot more information about the specific build.
Dark and Darker currently offers six playable classes:
- Fighter
- Wizard
- Ranger
- Barbarian
- Cleric
- Rogue
For a full overview of all classes please visit the Dark and Darker Class Overview Page. If you want to create your own build, please visit the Dark and Darker Build Editor.
The Fighter in Dark and Darker
The Fighter class in Dark and Darker is well-rounded, can equip most items and has a sprint ability. However, the class is very gear dependent.

The Wizard in Dark and Darker
The Wizard class in Dark and Darker can cast powerful spells and wield magical weapons. However, the Wizard has low health and low physical damage.

The Ranger Class in Dark and Darker
The Ranger class in Dark and Darker is quick with the bow, can track enemies and set traps. However, the Ranger only has limited melee options.

The Barbarian Class in Dark and Darker
The Barbarian class in Dark and Darker has very high health and is an expert with two-handed weapons. However, the Barbarian has slow movement and slow attack speed.

The Cleric Class in Dark and Darker
The Cleric class in Dark and Darker can cast healing spells and is strong against undead enemies. However, the Cleric has slow attack speed and low damage bonus.

The Rogue Class in Dark and Darker
The Rogue class in Dark and Darker has high movement speed, quick attack speed and moves more silently than other classes. However, the Rogue does have low health.