Friday, June 24, 2016

Warhammer 40K: June Status

June comes and go. With the month almost ending, time to check what's new so far

Hive Fleet Tiamat
More work done on the genestealers. Mostly highlights on the carapace, limbs and the face. Additional bonus was a cheap broodlord from Shield of Baal:Deathstorm boxset which I pick up while looking for X-Wing minis for my collection.

"Spawn of Cryptus" close up
Also, I picked up a carnifex which I made into Old One Eye. Probably need more blue highlights instead of the existing grey which I used.

Lost Patrol aka 10th Company Scouts
Preordered a box of Lost Patrol when I heard it coming out. Probably the cheapest box set game that is released by GW although this is a second edition reprint of the 2000 edition. At least this time, my genestealers should be model correct, compared to my earlier works (4 scything talons, etc). Also on the plus side, more genestealers for my Death Angel Card game (which the purchase of the minis for the game was waaay overdue, no thanks to other projects) XD

Decided to start work primarily on the scouts which I have assigned to the 10th Company of my DA chapter. Probably need to tone down the green to match my existing models.

* Just "finished" the scouts over the weekend