The Concrete Present

by Matt Atkins

  • Streaming + Download

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    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      €5 EUR  or more


  • Full Digital Discography

    Get all 30 Dasa Tapes releases available on Bandcamp and save 50%.

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Havuz III-IV, Dreams for Falling Leaves, You Might Rest on This, Adorations, New Relics, Sotto l’Albero Tutto Si Copre, Voyages, Inflorescence, and 22 more. , and , .

    Purchasable with gift card

      €71 EUR or more (50% OFF)


  • Matt Atkins | Billy Gomberg | Lori Goldston & Stefan Christoff | Bundle Edition of 25

    Limited bundle of all three tapes in a special price. The tapes come in a handmade cardboard packaging sleeve. Only 25 sets available. We will email you the download codes for the tapes as soon as you make the purchase.

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  • Limited Edition Cassette
    Cassette + Digital Album

    Pro-Dubbed cassette, limited to 60 copies.

    Includes unlimited streaming of The Concrete Present via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

    Sold Out

Greenland 07:47
Sinking In 02:59
Tilting 03:34


Artist notes:
'These pieces came together in Spring 2021. I was interested in exploring the textures and timbres of my acoustic percussion instruments and juxtaposing them with electronic processing and a recently acquired simple modular synth set up. I wanted to let the sounds breathe and unfold and allow that to steer me through the creative process, me following where they lead me. These tracks were made during quite a meditative period for me, which is where the idea for the title came from.'

Matt Atkins – Percussion, modular synth, tapes, processing.


released February 19, 2022

Vital Weekly:
Matt Atkins solo release for Dasa Tapes in Greece is a bit longer, and has seven pieces. Atkins has an extensive catalogue of works to his name, and it's easy to common threads in these, and it's challenging to appoint highlights (or low lights). In much of his music, the physicality of objects plays a big role. Akins uses objects in his music and microphones, very close by, so we are near where the action takes place. The rumbling of objects, playing by hand, machines, sound effects (reverse delay in 'Greenland' for instance), and maybe even some modular electronics. The additional sound effects seem to take on a bigger role in this music, more than it was before, so I believe. For instance, in 'Parallel Meridians', the effects took over it, and it becomes a spooky and mysterious piece. In other pieces, ping pong rolls about, cups are struck, and small objects are being played, and we are reminded of Atkins's background as a drummer. It is the same, and it is different. It is slightly diverging from what we heard before, recognizable Atkins music. Chalking up 'another fine release' here.


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Dasa Tapes Greece

Dasa Tapes is a limited editions cassette label which aims to explore the unexpected makings and hearings of experimental music.
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