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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, 2019
- Sparsh Mittal:
A survey of techniques for dynamic branch prediction. - Ermeson C. Andrade, Bruno Costa e Silva Nogueira, Gustavo Callou, Gabriel Alves:
Dependability analysis of a cyber-physical system for smart environments. - Putt Sakdhnagool, Amit Sabne, Rudolf Eigenmann:
Comparative analysis of coprocessors. - Yalda Ebadi, Nima Jafari Navimipour:
An energy-aware method for data replication in the cloud environments using a Tabu search and particle swarm optimization algorithm. - Hongzhi Zhao, Yongchang Wang, Ke Xiong, Lihua Song:
An efficient Manhattan-distance-constrained disjoint paths algorithm for incomplete mesh network. - Mostafa Mehrabi, Nasser Giacaman, Oliver Sinnen:
@PT: Unobtrusive parallel programming with Java annotations. - Sukhpal Singh Gill, Inderveer Chana, Maninder Singh, Rajkumar Buyya:
RADAR: Self-configuring and self-healing in resource management for enhancing quality of cloud services. - Edoardo Coronado-Barrientos, Guillermo Indalecio Fernández, Antonio J. García-Loureiro:
AXC: A new format to perform the SpMV oriented to Intel Xeon Phi architecture in OpenCL. - Yasser H. Khalil, Mohammad Alshayeji, Imtiaz Ahmad:
Distributed Whale Optimization Algorithm based on MapReduce. - Yunqi Dong, Wenjun Jiang:
Brand purchase prediction based on time-evolving user behaviors in e-commerce.
Volume 31, Number 2, January 2019
- Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro Javier García:
Trends in High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era (HiPINEB 2017).
- Felix Zahn, Steffen Lammel, Holger Fröning:
On link width scaling for energy-proportional direct interconnection networks. - Mariano Benito, Enrique Vallejo, Cruz Izu, Ramón Beivide:
Non-minimal adaptive routing based on explicit congestion notifications. - Francisco J. Andujar, Juan A. Villar, José L. Sánchez, Francisco J. Alfaro, José Duato, Holger Fröning:
Constructing virtual 5-dimensional tori out of lower-dimensional network cards. - Evangelos Tasoulas, Feroz Zahid, Ernst Gunnar Gran, Kyrre M. Begnum, Bjørn Dag Johnsen, Tor Skeie:
Efficient routing and reconfiguration in virtualized HPC environments with vSwitch-enabled lossless networks. - Pedro Yébenes, Jesús Escudero-Sahuquillo, Pedro Javier García, Francisco J. Quiles, Torsten Hoefler:
Head-of-line blocking avoidance in Slim Fly networks using deadlock-free non-minimal and adaptive routing.
- Ladjel Bellatreche, Carson Kai-Sang Leung, Yinglong Xia, Didier El Baz:
Advances in cloud and big data computing.
- Massimo Marchiori:
Learning the way to the cloud: Big Data Park. - Yudith Cardinale, Joyce El Haddad, Maude Manouvrier, Marta Rukoz:
Fuzzy ACID properties for self-adaptive composite cloud services execution. - Ehsan Ghasemi, Paul Chow:
Accelerating Apache Spark with FPGAs. - Thanh-Nghi Do, François Poulet:
Latent-lSVM classification of very high-dimensional and large-scale multi-class datasets. - Jean-Philippe Attal, Maria Malek, Marc Zolghadri:
Parallel and distributed core label propagation with graph coloring. - Hasna Njah, Salma Jamoussi, Walid Mahdi:
Deep Bayesian network architecture for Big Data mining.
Volume 31, Number 3, February 2019
- Hai Zhuge, Xiaoping Sun:
Semantics, knowledge, and grids at the age of big data and AI.
- Mehmet S. Aktas, Merve Astekin:
Provenance aware run-time verification of things for self-healing Internet of Things applications. - Suyel Namasudra:
An improved attribute-based encryption technique towards the data security in cloud computing. - Jingqiang Chen, Hai Zhuge:
Automatic generation of related work through summarizing citations. - Sandi Gec, Dragi Kimovski, Uros Pascinski, Radu Prodan, Vlado Stankovski:
Semantic approach for multi-objective optimisation of the ENTICE distributed Virtual Machine and container images repository. - Mohamed Jehad Baeth, Mehmet S. Aktas:
Detecting misinformation in social networks using provenance data. - Zolzaya Dashdorj, Erdenebaatar Altangerel:
High-level event identification in social media. - Yan Wu, Wei Xu, Lu Liu, Dejun Miao:
Performance formula-based optimal deployments of multilevel indices for service retrieval. - Qichen Ma, Xiangfeng Luo, Hai Zhuge:
Finding influential users of web event in social media. - Mirela Riveni, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Mehmet S. Aktas, Schahram Dustdar:
Application of provenance in social computing: A case study. - Juan Yang, Michael S. C. Thomas, Hongtao Liu:
Rule extraction from autoencoder-based connectionist computational models.
Volume 31, Number 4, February 2019
- Tyler Crain, Vincent Gramoli, Michel Raynal:
A speculation-friendly binary search tree. - Jeffrey C. Murphy, Bhargav Shivkumar, Amy Pritchard, Grant Iraci, Dhruv Kumar, Sun Hyoung Kim, Lukasz Ziarek:
A survey of real-time capabilities in functional languages and compilers. - Maosheng Zhang, Ruimin Hu, Lin Jiang:
Three-dimensional sound reproduction in vehicle based on data mining technique. - M. Anand, T. Sasikala, M. Anbarasan:
Energy efficient channel aware multipath routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network. - A. N. Gnana Jeevan, M. A. Maluk Mohamed:
SOGC: Implementing surrogate object garbage collector management for a Mobile Cloud Environment. - Jun Liu, Xiaoyong Li, Kaijun Ren, Junqiang Song:
Parallelizing uncertain skyline computation against n-of-N data streaming model. - Jingcheng Shen, Kentaro Shigeoka, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara:
GPU-based branch-and-bound method to solve large 0-1 knapsack problems with data-centric strategies. - Ravi Reddy Manumachu, Alexey L. Lastovetsky:
Design of self-adaptable data parallel applications on multicore clusters automatically optimized for performance and energy through load distribution. - Xing Fan, Oliver Sinnen, Nasser Giacaman:
Balancing parallelization and asynchronization in event-driven programs with OpenMP.
Volume 31, Number 5, March 2019
- José Daniel García, Diego R. Llanos:
High-level parallel programming in a heterogeneous world.
- Rohit Atre, Zia Ul Huda, Felix Wolf, Ali Jannesari:
Dissecting sequential programs for parallelization - An approach based on computational units. - Ana Moreton-Fernandez, Arturo González-Escribano:
Automatic runtime calculation of communications for data-parallel expressions with periodic conditions. - Ari Rasch, Sergei Gorlatch:
ATF: A generic directive-based auto-tuning framework. - August Ernstsson, Christoph W. Kessler:
Extending smart containers for data locality-aware skeleton programming. - Massimo Torquati, Daniele De Sensi, Gabriele Mencagli, Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto:
Power-aware pipelining with automatic concurrency control. - Anshu S. Anand, R. K. Shyamasundar, Sathya Peri:
STMs in practice: Partial rollback vs pure abort mechanisms. - Miguel Areias, Ricardo Rocha:
Multi-dimensional lock-free arrays for multithreaded mode-directed tabling in Prolog.
Volume 31, Number 6, March 2019
- Pablo Ezzatti, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Alfredo Remón, Jens Saak:
Power-aware computing.
- José Ignacio Aliaga, Maria Barreda, M. Asunción Castaño:
Energy-aware strategies for task-parallel sparse linear system solvers. - Hartwig Anzt, Jack J. Dongarra, Goran Flegar, Nicholas J. Higham, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí:
Adaptive precision in block-Jacobi preconditioning for iterative sparse linear system solvers. - Peter Benner, Ernesto Dufrechou, Pablo Ezzatti, Alfredo Remón, Jens Saak:
A GPU-aware mixed-precision solver for low-rank algebraic Riccati equations. - Madhura Kumaraswamy, Anamika Chowdhury, Michael Gerndt, Zakaria Bendifallah, Othman Bouizi, Uldis Locans, Lubomír Ríha, Ondrej Vysocky, Martin Beseda, Jan Zapletal:
Domain knowledge specification for energy tuning. - Azzam Haidar, Heike Jagode, Phil Vaccaro, Asim YarKhan, Stanimire Tomov, Jack J. Dongarra:
Investigating power capping toward energy-efficient scientific applications. - Martin Köhler, Jens Saak:
Frequency scaling and energy efficiency regarding the Gauss-Jordan elimination scheme with application to the matrix-sign-function on OpenPOWER 8. - Juan José Escobar, Julio Ortega Lopera, Antonio Francisco Díaz, Jesús González, Miguel Damas:
Energy-aware load balancing of parallel evolutionary algorithms with heavy fitness functions in heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures. - Krzysztof Rojek:
Machine learning method for energy reduction by utilizing dynamic mixed precision on GPU-based supercomputers.
Volume 31, Number 7, April 2019
- Zhihua Jiang, Dongning Rao:
Scalable and optimal planning based on Pregel. - André Luís Barroso Almeida, Leonardo de Souza Cimino, José Estevão Eugênio de Resende, Lucas Henrique Moreira Silva, Samuel Queiroz Souza Rocha, Guilherme Aparecido Gregorio, Gustavo Silva Paiva, Saul E. Delabrida, Haroldo Gambini Santos, Marco Antonio Moreira de Carvalho, André Luiz Lins de Aquino, Joubert de Castro Lima:
A general-purpose distributed computing Java middleware. - Pramod Yelmewad, Basavaraj Talawar:
Parallel iterative hill climbing algorithm to solve TSP on GPU. - M. Anbarasan, S. Prakash, M. Anand, Arokiasamy Antonidoss:
Improving performance in mobile ad hoc networks by reliable path selection routing using RPS-LEACH. - Anshu S. Anand, Akash Srivastava, R. K. Shyamasundar:
A deadlock-free lock-based synchronization for GPUs. - Naman Shah, Matthew Malensek, Harshil Shah, Shrideep Pallickara, Sangmi Lee Pallickara:
Scalable network analytics for characterization of outbreak influence in voluminous epidemiology datasets. - Wen Zeng:
A methodology for cost-benefit analysis of information security technologies. - Raza Abbas Haidri, Chittaranjan Padmanabha Katti, Prem Chandra Saxena:
Cost-effective deadline-aware stochastic scheduling strategy for workflow applications on virtual machines in cloud computing. - Ali A. El-Moursy, Amr Saleh Elhelw:
Adaptive TB-LMI: An efficient memory controller and scheduler design.
- Chuan Sun, Wei Liu, Duanfeng Chu, Wushuang Li, Zhenji Lu, Jianyu Wang:
A novel method of symbolic representation in diving data mining: A case study of highways in China.
Volume 31, Number 8, April 2019
- Mohammad Shojafar, Zahra Pooranian, Mehdi Sookhak, Rajkumar Buyya:
Recent advances in cloud data centers toward fog data centers.
- Mohammad Mahdi Tajiki, Behzad Akbari, Nader Mokari, Luca Chiaraviglio:
SDN-based resource allocation in MPLS networks: A hybrid approach. - Qiucheng Miao, Weipeng Jing, Houbing Song:
Differential privacy-based location privacy enhancing in edge computing. - Mohammad Mahdi Tajiki, Mohammad Shojafar, Behzad Akbari, Stefano Salsano, Mauro Conti:
Software defined service function chaining with failure consideration for fog computing. - Mauro Conti, Pallavi Kaliyar, Chhagan Lal:
CENSOR: Cloud-enabled secure IoT architecture over SDN paradigm. - Attiqa Rehman, Syed Sajid Hussain, Zia ur Rehman, Seemal Zia, Shahaboddin Shamshirband:
Multi-objective approach of energy efficient workflow scheduling in cloud environments. - Anum Khurshid, Abdul Nasir Khan, Fiaz Gul Khan, Mazhar Ali, Junaid Shuja, Atta ur Rehman Khan:
Secure-CamFlow: A device-oriented security model to assist information flow control systems in cloud environments for IoTs. - Adnan Khalid, Muhammad Shahbaz, Imran Ahmed Khan:
Intelligent use of fog devices in edge-cloud paradigm to assist in E-polling. - Mahboobeh Haghparast, Noorhidawati Abdullah, Fariza Hanum Nasaruddin:
Fog learning for cultivating critical thinking in information seeking process. - Nader Sohrabi Safa, Carsten Maple, Mahboobeh Haghparast, Tim Watson, Mehrdad Dianati:
An opportunistic resource management model to overcome resource-constraint in the Internet of Things.
Volume 31, Number 9, May 2019
- Lin Mei, Zhiguo Yan, Jie Shao:
Special issue on multimodal information learning and analytics on cross-media big data.
- Yuanchao Zhang, Jingwei Gao, Qiao Li:
Study on tire-ice traction using a combined neural network and secondary development finite element modeling method. - Qinghua Wu, Zhixin Zhu, Xuesong Yan, Wenyin Gong:
An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for AVO elastic parameter inversion problem. - Guang Yang, Shuofeng Yu:
Synthesized fault diagnosis method reasoned from rough set-neural network and evidence theory. - Xinwei Zhang, Shaohua Dong, Yanhui Liu:
p-hub median location optimization of hub-and-spoke air transport networks in express enterprise. - Xiang Yong, Cui Yan, Weiyao, Xu Qiang:
A study on the construction of evaluative system of Smart City based on entropy-weighted matter-element model method. - Qiansheng Zhao, Zi Chen, Chang Liu, Nianxue Luo:
Extracting and classifying typhoon disaster information based on volunteered geographic information from Chinese Sina microblog. - Yan Wang, Mengnan Wu:
A novel systematic algorithm paradigm for the electric vehicle data anomaly detection based on association data mining. - Jian Ji, Chuanchao Huang, Ya Cao, Sen Hu:
The network structure of Chinese finance market through the method of complex network and random matrix theory. - Yan Zhang, Haitao Pu:
Environmental indicators of sustainable computing applications for Smart City. - Xu Guo:
Performance analysis of Israeli-Jalfon's algorithm using probabilistic model checking. - Xi'na Ma, Jingyuan Zhao, Peng Guo:
The urban computing on the distribution of inhalable particulate matters to Smart City-based residential groups. - Wenhao Xie, Gongqian Liang, Qiao Guo:
A new improved FSVM algorithm based on SVDD. - Zejun Li, Jingjing Wang, Zhongheng Shi, Yan Zou:
Relieve the congestion by shuttle bus in rush hours using aggregation clustering algorithm on group travel pattern. - Zhipeng Lv, Ming Wu, Lan Liu, Haitao Liu, Zhenhao Song, Lijing Sun:
Energy router with virtual inertia control schemes and concurrency operation. - Bo Yang:
Analysis on profit model of multi-information products logistics using evolutionary game algorithm. - Guo Yue, Getachew Nathan Girma:
Research on the mass media effects to the learning efficiency based on social agents. - Qian Guo:
Research on index weight of logistics integration based on cloud models. - Cheng Wang, Zhuo Hu, Ming Xie, Yuxiang Bian:
Sustainable facility location-allocation problem under uncertainty. - Juan Li, Bin Chen:
Modeling for information spreading basing on dynamics. - Zhanjun Liu, Zhaoyi Li, Yuxia Cheng, Xiaoge Huang, Qianbin Chen:
A full-duplex relay selection strategy based on potential game in cognitive cooperative networks. - Qingguo Shen, Qinghua Chen, Jing Gong, Feng Zhou:
Networking of multi-domain unified communications systems: Structure design and performance evaluation. - Hong Chen, WenZhe Hu:
Research on exchange rate pass-through effect based on artificial intelligence approach.
Volume 31, Number 10, May 2019
Special Issue Papers
- Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Mai Mohamed, Ehab Rushdy:
Internet of things in smart education environment: Supportive framework in the decision-making process. - Bi Zhang, Wei Li:
Intelligent air quality detection based on genetic algorithm and neural network: An urban China case study. - Ge Ke, Qijie Jiang:
Application of Internet of Things technology in the construction of wisdom museum. - Shunli Zhang, Guohua Geng, Jian Zhao:
Fast parallel image reconstruction for cone-beam FDK algorithm. - Liqiang Gao, Xiong Hu, Wei Liu, Dejian Sun:
Study on wear mechanism of gear pump end plate of combined harvester based on CFD fluid analysis. - Wenqi Liu, Mingyu Fan, Guangwei Wang:
Adaptive flow abnormity identification based on information entropy. - Bin Li, Jian Li, Shilin Yan, Linfeng Ju, Xu He:
Impacts of porous material fluid bulk properties on noise attenuation performance of cylinder shell structure based on finite element model. - Yu-Long Zhou, Ren-Jie Han, Qian Xu, Qi-Jie Jiang, Wei-Ke Zhang:
Long short-term memory networks for CSI300 volatility prediction with Baidu search volume. - Lunlong Zhong, Zhongjun Qu, Félix Mora-Camino:
A model-based flight qualities evaluation approach for civil aircraft. - Zigang Lu, Zhinong Wei, Yonghui Sun:
Power system dynamic state estimation considering correlation of measurement error from PMU and SCADA. - Xiao-Yi Li, Jiaqi Li, Xiaolin Tian:
A suspected lunar volcano identification algorithm based on convolutional neural network by the rapid location of light shadow impacts. - Wangshu Su, Jinzheng Ren:
Risk propagation model based on social life and credit activities multilayers fusion network. - Danwen Bao, Zhiwei Di, Tianxuan Zhang:
A reliability-based method for optimizing airport collection and distribution network. - Xi Chen, Xin Li, Zhenzhen Huang:
Exploration of power consumption monitoring based on Internet of things. - Xiaofei Li, Da Li:
Study on the public intention for environmental protection based on social network. - Kehong Li, Yadong Zhang, Jin Guo, Xiaocheng Ge, Yuebin Su:
System dynamics model for high-speed railway operation safety supervision system based on evolutionary game theory. - Hong-chao Ding, Min-rong Lian, Xue-Ying Chen, Jia-Ming Liu, Zu-Chang Zhong, Yu-fan Zhang, Min-yao Zhou:
Research on the correlation of port logistics and regional economic growth base on gray relational analysis method. - Jian Qiao, Qinghua Lu, Wenbao Zhang, Xiangyao Xue:
The research about micromachining accuracy control based on fuzzy evaluation algorithm. - Xiao-Qin Liu, Qiu-Lin Wu, Wen-Tsao Pan:
Sentiment classification of micro-blog comments based on Randomforest algorithm. - Yong Xie, Huiming Su:
Research on the application of cloud computing mode in athletes' technical movement capture. - Yina Sun, Fanhe Zhu, Weimin Dai:
Acquisition of transgenic salt-tolerant upland rice based on genetic algorithm and its resistance. - Zhang Bochen:
Research on the integration of photographic images and photography art based on 3D virtual reality technology. - Mei-Ling He, Qijie Jiang, Zheng Hong:
Mathematical analysis of financial decentralization and economic efficiency in both state-owned and private enterprises. - Ke Niu, Weining Fang, Beiyuan Guo:
A team task complexity measure for emergency procedures in fully automatic metro. - Chong Wu, Yanlei Yin, Xuemei Yang, Lijuan Feng, Haixia Tang, Jihan Tao:
A Markov-based model for predicting the development trend of soil microbial communities in saline-alkali land in Wudi County. - Tao Gu, Lijun Song, Hua Wang, Maozhu Jin:
Key analysis of smart tourism project setting and tourists' satisfaction degree based on data mining. - Chensi Yu, Wei Zha:
Detection and application of breaking of automobile mechanical transmission rod based on ant colony algorithm. - Saurabh Mathur, Daphne Lopez:
A scaled-down neural conversational model for chatbots. - Hejun Liang, Lily Sun:
Improve cloud manufacturing supply chain note-enterprises optimize combination of the Cuckoo search. - Junjian Tang, Shunli Hao, Wenqi Qu:
Sentiment analysis of online Chinese comments based on statistical learning combining with pattern matching. - Jinbo Chen, Ye Huang, Pengxiao Xia, Yuying Zhang, Yu Zhong:
Design and implementation of real-time traceability monitoring system for agricultural products supply chain under Internet of Things architecture. - Feihong Xu:
Accurate measurement of structural vibration based on digital image processing technology. - Weipeng Zhang, Ying Xu, Chanti Wu:
Comparative study of PLS path algorithm in water utilization rate of sponge city. - Yunlu Gong, Nannan Lu, Jiajian Zhang:
Application of deep learning fusion algorithm in natural language processing in emotional semantic analysis. - Wei Yu, Shijun Li:
Research on financial data analysis based on data mining algorithm. - Litao Guo, Xiaofeng Guo:
A new kind of parameter for fault tolerance of graphs. - Dapeng Zhu:
Digital generation of non-Gaussian random vibration signals in railway transportation and package response analysis. - Dongsheng Wang, Chuanhe Huang:
Distributed cache memory data migration strategy based on cloud computing. - Rong Lu, Fengshan Ma, Jie Guo, Haijun Zhao:
Analysis and monitoring of roadway deformation mechanisms in nickel mine, China. - Yeqin Wang, Zhen Wu, Aoyun Xia, Chang Guo, Yuyan Chen, Yan Yang, Zhongyi Tang:
Energy management strategy for HEV based on KFCM and neural network. - Zhigang Yan, Jiazheng Han, Jieqing Yu, Yuanxuan Yang:
Water inrush sources monitoring and identification based on mine IoT. - Wenting Chen, Qian Zhang, Maozhu Jin, Jie Yang:
Research on online consumer behavior and psychology under the background of big data. - Delu Li:
Study on control strategy and application of a new harmonic detection method in three-phase four-wire APF. - Zhewei Zhang, Tao Jing, Chunhua Tian, Meilin Gao, Xuejing Li:
Hybrid context modeling and wavelet transform for region of interest detection and rate control based on VP9 video codec. - Chenxi Zeng:
Optimal resource allocation in mobile satellite networks: A noncooperative dynamic game-based approach. - Yu Jiang, Hua Zhu, Reza Malekian, Cong Ding:
An improved quantitative recurrence analysis using artificial intelligence based image processing applied to sensor measurements. - Tingting Luo, Guangyao Li, Naijiang Yu:
Research on manufacturing productivity based on improved genetic algorithms under internet information technology. - Fei Wang, Yi Hong, Cong Xu:
PPLTCAM: A parallel TCAM-based IP address lookup structure with high incremental update performance. - Xia Lin, Qingjia Huang, Fei Bai, Dun Jin, Wei Lu, Hongbing Tao:
Study on the posts and performance evaluation model of inpatients in public hospitals based on .NET platform DRGs payment mode. - Pengfei Li, Hongyun Chen, Shangshang Wang, Zhipeng Xu, Zhenyu Lei:
Research on dynamic optimal control strategy of distributed super capacitor energy storage system based on convolution neural network. - Liangxu Liu, Zhenghua Hu, Chaolan Zhou, Guohu Xu:
Research on the clustering algorithm of the bicycle stations based on OPTICS. - Yuxue Li, Lijun Song, Yucheng Zeng:
Research on information security and privacy protection model based on consumer behavior in big data environment. - Jing Jia, Geng Tu, Xin Deng, Chuchu Zhao, Wenlong Yi:
Real-time hand gestures system based on leap motion. - Dapeng Bao:
Exploration of virtual human running based on CCD algorithm. - Yan Huang, Yadong Huang:
Informatization design of raw material purchase and payment for feed processing enterprises under ERP system environment.
Volume 31, Number 11, June 2019
- Rafael Keller Tesser, Lucas Mello Schnorr, Arnaud Legrand, Franz Christian Heinrich, Fabrice Dupros, Philippe O. A. Navaux:
Performance modeling of a geophysics application to accelerate over-decomposition parameter tuning through simulation. - Bing Yang, Kenneth B. Kent, Eric Aubanel, Stephen A. MacKay, Tobi Agila:
A multi-granularity locking scheme for java packedobjects based on a concurrent multiway tree. - Gianpaolo Coro, Marco Palma, Anton Ellenbroek, Giancarlo Panichi, Thiviya Nair, Pasquale Pagano:
Reconstructing 3D virtual environments within a collaborative e-infrastructure. - Fangliang Xu, Yijie Wang, Xiaoqiang Pei, Xingkong Ma:
LAR: Locality-Aware Reconstruction for erasure-coded distributed storage systems. - Marco Antonio C. de Figueiredo, Edans Flavius de Oliveira Sandes, Genaína Nunes Rodrigues, George Luiz Medeiros Teodoro, Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo:
MASA-OpenCL: Parallel pruned comparison of long DNA sequences with OpenCL. - Dandong Yin, Yan Liu, Hao Hu, Jeff Terstriep, Xingchen Hong, Anand Padmanabhan, Shaowen Wang:
CyberGIS-Jupyter for reproducible and scalable geospatial analytics. - Wai-Kong Lee, Bok-Min Goi, Raphael C.-W. Phan:
Terabit encryption in a second: Performance evaluation of block ciphers in GPU with Kepler, Maxwell, and Pascal architectures. - Jason W. Woodworth, Mohsen Amini Salehi:
S3BD: Secure semantic search over encrypted big data in the cloud. - Haiyang Yu, Yongquan Cai, Richard O. Sinnott, Zhen Yang:
ID-based dynamic replicated data auditing for the cloud. - Ashish Kumar Maurya, Anil Kumar Tripathi:
An edge priority-based clustering algorithm for multiprocessor environments.
Volume 31, Number 12, June 2019
Special Issue Papers
- Jingmei Li, Qiao Tian, Fangyuan Zheng, Weifei Wu, Jiaxiang Wang:
Research on parallel solution of GRAPES Helmholtz equation. - A. Senthil Selvi, R. Sukumar:
Removal of salt and pepper noise from images using hybrid filter (HF) and fuzzy logic noise detector (FLND). - V. Sujitha, D. Chitra:
Highly secure palmprint based biometric template using fuzzy vault. - Qing Yang, Zhong Yang, Tianyi Zhang, Guoxiong Hu:
A random chemical reaction optimization algorithm based on dual containers strategy for multi-rotor UAV path planning in transmission line inspection. - Qin Yang:
A robust recommended system based on attack detection. - Weiguang Li, Wang Wei, Qiang Han, Mingquan Shi:
Collaborating visual tracker based on particle filter and correlation filter. - Yaqin Liu, Xinxing Luo:
C2C interaction quality identification with SVM based on Kano model. - Jinyu Du, Jiayu Yi, Zhongming Yang, Yi Yu, Bo Tu, Xiangchao An:
Theoretical and experimental study on the astigmatism self-compensation in multi-disk laser resonator based on exhaustive method. - Zhaojun Tang, Chuandong Li:
Tracking control with event-triggered strategy for multi-agent systems with noises. - (Withdrawn) Study on measurement reliability based on Liu estimator.
- (Withdrawn) Evaluation of the predictive performance of the principal component two-parameter estimator.
- Xijun Ye, Bingcong Chen:
Model updating and variability analysis of modal parameters for super high-rise structure. - (Withdrawn) The mechanism and experimental study on the interference of high voltage lines to navigation system.
- Jiaoying Huang, Daming Yang, Cheng Gao, Chengcheng Fu:
A PCA and Mahalanobis distance-based detection method for logical hardware Trojan. - Kun Wang, Wei Wang, Xiong Yan:
Effect of hole on sound absorption coefficient of micro-perforated panels investigated by Melling computing. - Nisha Soms, P. Malathi:
Secured and anonymous data transmission in Manet environment using zone-based intrusion detection system. - Venkat Vignesh, K. Premalatha:
Channel load based interference-aware scheduling in military communication environment. - N. Suresh Kumar, Paramasivam K:
Energy efficient low-power full-adder by 65 nm CMOS technology in ALU. - Ming He:
Distinguish computer generated and digital images: A CNN solution. - Tichun Wang, Changsheng Tong, Sheng-hu Yao:
An improved prediction algorithm of seamless tubing corrosion based on an extension neural network. - Cheng Gao, Rui Zhang, Jiaoying Huang, Chengcheng Fu:
Study of single event transient induced by heavy-ion in NMOS transistor and CMOS inverter. - Sheping Zhai:
Distance variety preserving hashing for large-scale retrieval. - Fan Yang, Limei Yan, Jianjun Xu, Hongyu Li:
Analysis of an optimal PMU configuration method based on incomplete observation. - Kaijun Wu, Yu Chao, Dicong Wang:
The dynamics behaviors of Chay neuron model under different parameters. - Jing Zhao, Jianqi Liu, Zhenting Zhao, Miao Xin, Yu Chen:
A high-performance maintenance strategy for stochastic selective maintenance. - Kanimozhi Sakthivel, Arputharaj Kannan, K. SuganyaDevi, Selvamani Kadirvelu:
Secure cloud-based e-learning system with access control and group key mechanism. - S. Raja Shree, A. Chilambu Chelvan, M. Rajesh:
An efficient RSA cryptosystem by applying cuckoo search optimization algorithm. - G. S. Satheesh Kumar, C. Nagarajan:
Design and implementation of intelligent energy control for tariff management using multi-agent system in smart/micro grid. - Hejun Zhu, Liehuang Zhu:
Online and automatic identification of encryption network behaviors in big data environment. - Akila K, S. Chitrakala:
An efficient method to resolve intraclass variability using highly refined HOG description model for human action recognition. - T. Karthick, M. Manikandan:
Fog assisted IoT based medical cyber system for cardiovascular diseases affected patients. - Velumadhava Rajasekaran, Selvamani Kadirvelu, Kanimozhi Sakthivel, Arputharaj Kannan:
Hierarchical group key management for secure data sharing in a cloud-based environment. - P. C. Prabhu Kumar, G. Geetha:
Web-cloud architecture levels and optimized MQTT and COAP protocol suites for web of things. - Nalini Subramanian, J. Andrews:
Strong authentication framework using statistical approach for cloud environments. - P. Sundara Vadivel, D. Yuvaraj, S. Navaneetha Krishnan, S. R. Mathusudhanan:
An efficient CBIR system based on color histogram, edge, and texture features.
- (Withdrawn) Retracted: A hybrid feature selection algorithm for microarray data.
Volume 31, Number 13, July 2019
- Tatiana Pereira Filgueiras, Leonardo M. Rodrigues, Luciana de Oliveira Rech, Luciana Moreira Sá de Souza, Hylson Vescovi Netto:
RT-JADE: A preemptive real-time scheduling middleware for mobile agents. - Mohammad Mosleh:
A novel design of multiplexer based on nano-scale quantum-dot cellular automata. - Fred G. Gustavson, David W. Walker:
Algorithms for in-place matrix transposition. - Fredrik Robertsen, Keijo Mattila, Jan Westerholm:
High-performance SIMD implementation of the lattice-Boltzmann method on the Xeon Phi processor. - Mohamed Moussaoui, Montaceur Zaghdoud, Jalel Akaichi:
A possibilistic framework for the detection of terrorism-related Twitter communities in social media. - Mahdi Hajiali, Maryam Amirmazlaghani, Hossain Kordestani:
Preventing phishing attacks using text and image watermarking. - Isil Öz, Haluk Rahmi Topcuoglu, Oguz Tosun:
A user-assisted thread-level vulnerability assessment tool. - Junchang Wang, Tao Li, Xiong Fu:
Accurate counting algorithm for high-speed parallel applications. - Karthick Seshadri, K. Viswanathan Iyer, Mercy Shalinie Selvaraj:
Design and evaluation of a parallel document clustering algorithm based on hierarchical latent semantic analysis. - Richard E. Kavanagh, Karim Djemame:
Rapid and accurate energy models through calibration with IPMI and RAPL.
Volume 31, Number 14, July 2019
- S. Sakthitharan, S. Jayashri:
Establishing an emergency communication network and optimal path using multiple autonomous rover robots. - R. Poovendran, S. Sumathi:
An area-efficient low-power SCM topology for high performance network-on Chip (NoC) architecture using an optimized routing design. - N. Suresh Kumar, M. Thangamani:
Parallel Semi-supervised enhanced fuzzy Co-Clustering (PSEFC) and Rapid Association Rule Mining (RARM) based frequent route mining algorithm for travel sequence recommendation on big social media. - S. Kanithan, G. M. Tamilselvan:
A novel enhanced bat optimization based energy efficiency and imperfect channel state information in cooperative MIMO-AF systems. - Gayathiri N. R., Natarajan A. M.:
MapReduce-based storage and indexing for big health data. - A. Maria Jossy, T. Vigneswaran, S. Malarvizhi, K. K. Nagarajan:
Characterization and modeling of dual material double gate tunnel field effect transistor using superposition approximation method. - Kavitha Balamurugan, K. Chitra, A. Jawahar:
Reconfigurable routing protocol with optical sphere in FSO MANET. - N. Nirmala, S. Sumathi:
An area-efficient FFT processor for the OFDMA transceiver communication system. - S. Deva priya, N. Kannan:
Enhanced spectrum aggregation based frequency-band selection routing protocol for cognitive radio ad-hoc networks. - Sundar Suvitha, J. Magdalene Mathana:
A novel automated MOALO algorithm aided RF low-noise amplifier design for wireless applications. - P. Bhuvaneswari, L. Nithyanandan:
Improving energy efficiency in LTE-A networks with the reduction of failure rate in eNB components. - Subramanian Maruthathurai Vijayarajan, P. Jaganathan:
A novel comparative study on breast cancer detection using different types of classification techniques. - R. Arun Sekar, S. Sasipriya:
Implementation of FIR filter using reversible modified carry select adder. - P. J. A. Alphonse, Venkatramana Reddy Y:
Scalable and secure group key agreement for wireless ad-hoc networks by extending RSA scheme. - Kaliram Perumal, Suganthi Muthusamy, Gowrison Gengavel:
Sparse data encoder and decoder to improve security in video steganography. - N. V. Shibu, P. Malathi:
Accurate and reliable reversible data hiding using sequential encoding techniques. - Michael Angelo Kandavalli, S. Abraham Lincon:
Design and implementation of colour texture-based multiple object detection using morphological gradient approach. - S. Gayathri Devi, M. Sabrigiriraj:
A hybrid multi-objective firefly and simulated annealing based algorithm for big data classification. - S. Shanmugapriya, A. Valarmathi, D. Yuvaraj:
The personal authentication service and security enhancement for optimal strong password. - R. Kanthavel, J. Banumathi, R. Dhaya, Fahad Algarni:
On demand knowledge-based memory-aided rebroadcast algorithm for multimedia voice data transmission in MANET. - M. Maragatharajan, Bala Subramanian Chokkalingam, S. P. Balakannan:
A secured MANET using position-based opportunistic routing and SEMI MARKOV process. - J. P. Nivash, L. D. Dhinesh Babu:
Analyzing the impact of news trends on research publications and scientific collaboration networks. - R. Mohanapriya, K. B. Jayanthi:
Performance improvement in vertical heterogeneous handoff methodology using CANFIS classification approaches. - R. Geetha Ramani, K. Priya:
Improvised emotion and genre detection for songs through signal processing and genetic algorithm. - Poonguzhali Ilango, Arun Chokkalingam:
A Novel Architecture of Modified Turbo Codes with an area efficient high speed interleaver. - V. Sakthivelmurugan, R. Vimala, K. R. Aravind Britto:
Magnum opus of an efficient hospitality technique for load balancing in cloud environment. - Mallikarjun M. Kodabagi, Ahelam Mainoddin Tikotikar:
Clustering-based approach for medical data classification. - M. Samayaraj Murali Kishanlal, A. Jawahar:
Enabling internal methods in passive optical network architecture for next generation OFDM-PON supporting radio-over-fiber. - Ramayanam Suresh, A. Nagaraja Rao, B. Eswara Reddy:
Detection and classification of normal and abnormal patterns in mammograms using deep neural network. - S. Poongodi, M. Rajesh Babu:
Analysis of crop suitability using clustering technique in Coimbatore region of Tamil Nadu. - Zisang Xu, Cheng Xu, Haixian Chen, Fang Yang:
A lightweight anonymous mutual authentication and key agreement scheme for WBAN. - M. A. Mukunthan, S. Selvakumar:
Multilevel Petri net-based ticket assignment and IT management for improved IT organization support. - P. Priya Ponnuswamy, R. Vidhya Priya, C. P. Shabari Ram:
File retrieval and storage in the open source cloud tool using digital bipartite and digit compact prefix indexing method. - V. Sudarsan, Rajendran Sugumar:
Building a distributed K-Means model for Weka using remote method invocation (RMI) feature of Java.
Volume 31, Number 15, August 2019
- Marcos Amaris, Giorgio Lucarelli, Clément Mommessin, Denis Trystram:
Generic algorithms for scheduling applications on heterogeneous platforms. - Yan Yao, Jian Cao, Shiyou Qian, Shanshan Feng:
Decentralized executions of privacy awareness data analytics workflows in the cloud. - Sparsh Mittal, Venkat Mattela:
A survey of techniques for improving efficiency of mobile web browsing. - Rohit Handa, C. Rama Krishna, Naveen Aggarwal:
Document clustering for efficient and secure information retrieval from cloud. - Raoudha Ben Djemaa, Hajer Nabli, Ikram Amous Ben Amor:
Enhanced semantic similarity measure based on two-level retrieval model. - Rong Gu, Chongjie Li, Peng Shu, Chunfeng Yuan, Yihua Huang:
Adaptive cache policy scheduling for big data applications on distributed tiered storage system. - A. Murat Yagci, Tevfik Aytekin, Fikret S. Gürgen:
Parallel pairwise learning to rank for collaborative filtering. - Thankaraja Raja Sree, Somasundaram Mary Saira Bhanu:
Secure logging scheme for forensic analysis in cloud. - Demis Gomes, Guto Leoni Santos, Daniel Rosendo, Glauco Estácio Gonçalves, André L. C. Moreira, Judith Kelner, Djamel Sadok, Patricia Takako Endo:
Measuring the impact of data center failures on a cloud-based emergency medical call system. - Beytullah Yildiz, Kesheng Wu, Suren Byna, Arie Shoshani:
Parallel membership queries on very large scientific data sets using bitmap indexes. - Pengfei Wang, Jens Krinke, Xu Zhou, Kai Lu:
AVPredictor: Comprehensive prediction and detection of atomicity violations. - Eman AbdElhalim, Marwa Ismael Obayya, Sherif S. Kishk:
Distributed Fog-to-Cloud computing system: A minority game approach. - K. Saravanakumar, R. Rajeswari:
Microbial fuel cell-based self-powered biosensor for environment monitoring in IoT cloud framework. - Xiaoling Li, Xiaoyong Li, Yusong Tan, Hao Zhu, Shuang Tan:
Multi-resource workload mapping with minimum cost in cloud environment.
Volume 31, Number 16, August 2019
- Abhinav Thota, Yun He:
Special Issue of the Cray User Group (CUG 2018).
- Douglas M. Jacobsen, Randy Kleinman, Harold Longley:
Managing a Cray supercomputer as a git branch. - Alex Kristiansen:
Use of the ERD for administrative monitoring of Theta. - Scott A. Lathrop, Celso L. Mendes, Jeremy Enos, Brett M. Bode, Gregory H. Bauer, Roberto Sisneros, William T. Kramer:
Best practices for management and operation of large HPC installations. - JaeHyuk Kwack, Galen Arnold, Celso L. Mendes, Gregory H. Bauer:
Roofline analysis with Cray performance analysis tools (CrayPat) and roofline-based performance projections for a future architecture. - Brandon Cook, Thorsten Kurth, Jack Deslippe, Pierre Carrier, Nick Hill, Nathan Wichmann:
Eigensolver performance comparison on Cray XC systems. - Simon McIntosh-Smith, James Price, Tom Deakin, Andrei Poenaru:
A performance analysis of the first generation of HPC-optimized Arm processors. - Verónica G. Vergara Larrea, Michael J. Brim, Wayne Joubert, Swen Boehm, Matthew B. Baker, Oscar R. Hernandez, Sarp Oral, James Simmons, Don Maxwell:
Are we witnessing the spectre of an HPC meltdown? - Andreas Jocksch, Matthias Kraushaar, David Daverio:
Optimized all-to-all communication on multicore architectures applied to FFTs with pencil decomposition. - Nick Brown, Michael R. Bareford, Michèle Weiland:
Leveraging MPI RMA to optimize halo-swapping communications in MONC on Cray machines. - Thorsten Kurth, Mikhail Smorkalov, Peter Mendygral, Srinivas Sridharan, Amrita Mathuriya:
TensorFlow at Scale: Performance and productivity analysis of distributed training with Horovod, MLSL, and Cray PE ML. - Alexander Heye:
Scaling deep learning without increasing batchsize. - Alex Gittens, Kai Rothauge, Shusen Wang, Michael W. Mahoney, Jey Kottalam, Lisa Gerhardt, Prabhat, Michael F. Ringenburg, Kristyn J. Maschhoff:
Alchemist: An Apache Spark ⇔ MPI interface. - Jonathan Sparks:
Enabling Docker for HPC.
- Maytal Dahan, Paul A. Navrátil:
Special issue XSEDE16 & PEARC17 - Practice and experience in advanced research computing.
- Hao Hu, Dandong Yin, Yan Y. Liu, Jeff Terstriep, Xingchen Hong, Jeff Wendel, Shaowen Wang:
TopoLens: Building a CyberGIS community data service for enhancing the usability of high-resolution national topographic datasets. - David Y. Hancock, Craig A. Stewart, Matthew Vaughn, Jeremy Fischer, John Michael Lowe, George W. Turner, Tyson Lee Swetnam, Tyler K. Chafin, Enis Afgan, Marlon E. Pierce, Winona Snapp-Childs:
Jetstream - Early operations performance, adoption, and impacts. - Feng Li, Fengguang Song:
Building a scientific workflow framework to enable real-time machine learning and visualization.
Volume 31, Number 17, September 2019
- Prema Soundararajan, Rupesh Nasre, R. Jehadeesan, B. K. Panigrahi:
A study on popular auto-parallelization frameworks. - Xianqian Zhou, Liyuan Fang, HaiMing Xie, Wanchun Jiang:
TAP: Timeliness-aware predication-based replica selection algorithm for key-value stores. - Namom Alencar, Angelo Brayner, José Maria Monteiro, José de Aguiar Moraes Filho:
DaC-Join: A join operator for improving database performance on modern hardware. - Xiaojun Zhai, Abbes Amira, Faycal Bensaali, AlMaha Al-Shibani, Asma Al-Nassr, Asmaa El-Sayed, Mohammad Eslami, Sarada Prasad Dakua, Julien Abinahed:
Zynq SoC based acceleration of the lattice Boltzmann method. - Karzan Wakil, Arshad Badfar, Pooyan Dehghani, Seyed Mojtaba Shoja Sadati, Nima Jafari Navimipour:
A fuzzy logic-based method for solving the scheduling problem in the cloud environments using a non-dominated sorted algorithm. - Einollah Jafarnejad Ghomi, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Nooruldeen Nasih Qader:
Applying queue theory for modeling of cloud computing: A systematic review. - Shashank Gupta, Monika Sharma, Dhrub Kumar:
SEC-H5: Secure and efficient integration of settings of enhanced HTML5 XSS vector defensive framework on edge network of fog nodes. - Mala Kalra, Sarbjeet Singh:
Multi-criteria workflow scheduling on clouds under deadline and budget constraints. - Gang Tian, Qibo Wang, Jian Wang, Keqing He, Weidong Zhao, Panpan Gao, Yanjun Peng:
Leveraging contextual information for cold-start Web service recommendation. - Adam S. Z. Belloum, Spiros Koulouzis, Tomasz Wiktorski, Andrea Manieri:
Bridging the demand and the offer in data science. - Rohit Handa, C. Rama Krishna, Naveen Aggarwal:
Searchable encryption: A survey on privacy-preserving search schemes on encrypted outsourced data. - Hari Singh, Seema Bawa:
An improved integrated Grid and MapReduce-Hadoop architecture for spatial data: Hilbert TGS R-Tree-based IGSIM. - Kang Yang, Hongye He, Kamal Al-Sabahi, Zuping Zhang:
EcForest: Extractive document summarization through enhanced sentence embedding and cascade forest. - Nileshchandra K. Pikle, Shailesh R. Sathe, Arvind Y. Vyavahare:
Accelerating the finite element analysis of functionally graded materials using fixed-grid strategy on CUDA-enabled GPUs. - Wanfeng Dou, Yanan Li, Yanli Wang:
An equal-area triangulated partition method for parallel Xdraw viewshed analysis. - Chuan Xu, Zhenzhen Han, Qianyun Wang, Guofeng Zhao, Shui Yu:
Modelling the impact of interference on the energy efficiency of WLANs. - Vahideh Panahi, Nima Jafari Navimipour:
Join query optimization in the distributed database system using an artificial bee colony algorithm and genetic operators. - Shashikant Ilager, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Rajkumar Buyya:
ETAS: Energy and thermal-aware dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data center with proactive hotspot mitigation. - Olivier Valery, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu:
A collaborative CPU-GPU approach for deep learning on mobile devices. - Paul Margheritta, Michel R. Dagenais:
LTTng-HSA: Bringing LTTng tracing to HSA-based GPU runtimes. - A. Anasuya Threse Innocent, K. Sangeeta, G. Prakash:
Universal gates on garbled circuit construction. - Feng Yao, Yiping Yao, Huangke Chen, Tianlin Li, Menglong Lin, Xiaoxiong Zhang:
An efficient virtual machine allocation algorithm for parallel and distributed simulation applications. - Elham Azhir, Nima Jafari Navimipour, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Arash Sharifi, Aso Mohammad Darwesh:
Deterministic and non-deterministic query optimization techniques in the cloud computing. - Swati Gupta, Isha Agarwal, Ravi Shankar Singh:
Workflow scheduling using Jaya algorithm in cloud. - David W. Walker, Stephan C. Kramer, Fabian R. A. Biebl, Paul D. Ledger, Malcolm Brown:
Accelerating magnetic induction tomography-based imaging through heterogeneous parallel computing. - Xiaole Li, Hua Wang, Shanwen Yi, Linbo Zhai:
Cost-efficient disaster backup for multiple data centers using capacity-constrained multicast. - Le Luo, Yi Liu:
Improving parallel efficiency for asynchronous graph analytics using Gauss-Seidel-based matrix computation. - Yashuang Mu, Xiaodong Liu, Lidong Wang, Aamer Bilal Asghar:
A parallel tree node splitting criterion for fuzzy decision trees. - Dengao Li, Zheng Wei, Jumin Zhao, Junbing Cheng, Zhiying Ma:
Integrated positioning algorithm based on GPS/WLAN. - Arturo Téllez-Velázquez, Raúl Cruz-Barbosa:
A Spark image processing toolkit. - Hoang Pham, Jason Woodworth, Mohsen Amini Salehi:
Survey on secure search over encrypted data on the cloud. - Ali Pourghaffari, Morteza Barari, Saeed Sedighian Kashi:
An efficient method for allocating resources in a cloud computing environment with a load balancing approach.
Volume 31, Number 18, September 2019
- Cristina Boeres, Cristiana Bentes, Edward D. Moreno:
New advances in high-performance computing systems.
- Mateus Ferreira e Freitas, Daniel Xavier de Sousa, Wellington S. Martins, Thierson Couto Rosa, Rodrigo M. Silva, Marcos André Gonçalves:
Parallel rule-based selective sampling and on-demand learning to rank. - Rommel Anatoli Quintanilla Cruz, Cristiana Bentes, Bernardo B. Labronici, Eduardo C. Vasconcellos, Esteban Clua, Pablo Carvalho, Lúcia M. A. Drummond:
Maximizing the GPU resource usage by reordering concurrent kernels submission. - Pablo J. Pavan, Ricardo K. Lorenzoni, Vinícius R. Machado, Jean Luca Bez, Edson L. Padoin, Francieli Zanon Boito, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Jean-François Méhaut:
Energy efficiency and I/O performance of low-power architectures. - Gustavo Portella, Genaína Nunes Rodrigues, Eduardo Yoshio Nakano, Alba C. M. A. Melo:
Statistical analysis of Amazon EC2 cloud pricing models. - Leandro A. J. Marzulo, Alexandre da Costa Sena, Alexandre Solon Nery, Cristiana Bentes, Igor Machado Coelho, Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro, Saulo T. Oliveira, Tiago A. O. Alves, Felipe M. G. França:
DTM@GPU: Characterizing and evaluating trace redundancy in GPU. - Leandro Rouberte, Alexandre da Costa Sena, Alexandre Solon Nery, Leandro A. J. Marzulo, Tiago A. O. Alves, Felipe M. G. França:
DF-DTM: Dynamic Task Memoization and reuse in dataflow. - Thiago Carrijo Nasciutti, Jairo Panetta, Pedro Pais Lopes:
Evaluating optimizations that reduce global memory accesses of stencil computations in GPGPUs.
- César A. F. De Rose, Márcio Castro:
Foreword to the special issue of the workshop on high performance computing systems (XVIII Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, WSCAD 2017).
- Antonio Guimarães, Diego de Freitas Aranha, Edson Borin:
Optimized implementation of QC-MDPC code-based cryptography. - Mario João Jr., Alexandre da Costa Sena, Vinod E. F. Rebello:
On the parallelization of Hirschberg's algorithm for multi-core and many-core systems. - Danilo Carastan-Santos, David Correa Martins Jr., Siang W. Song, Luiz C. S. Rozante, Raphael Y. de Camargo:
A hybrid CPU-GPU-MIC algorithm for minimal hitting set enumeration. - Pedro Henrique Penna, Antônio Tadeu A. Gomes, Márcio Castro, Patricia Della Méa Plentz, Henrique C. Freitas, François Broquedis, Jean-François Méhaut:
A comprehensive performance evaluation of the BinLPT workload-aware loop scheduler. - Uillian L. Ludwig, Miguel G. Xavier, Dionatra F. Kirchoff, Ian B. Cezar, César A. F. De Rose:
Optimizing multi-tier application performance with interference and affinity-aware placement algorithms. - Jeronimo Costa Penha, Lucas B. da Silva, Jansen Silva, Kristtopher Coelho, Hector P. Baranda, José Augusto Miranda Nacif, Ricardo Ferreira:
ADD: Accelerator Design and Deploy - A tool for FPGA high-performance dataflow computing.
Volume 31, Number 19, October 2019
- Roman Wyrzykowski, Boleslaw K. Szymanski:
Algorithmic advances in parallel architectures and energy-efficient computing.
- Konstantinos Krestenitis, Tobias Weinzierl:
A multi-core ready discrete element method with triangles using dynamically adaptive multiscale grids. - Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, Angelika Beatrix Schwarz, Lars Karlsson:
Parallel robust solution of triangular linear systems. - Louise Spellacy, Darach Golden, Ivan Rungger:
Performance analysis of a pairwise method for partial inversion of complex block tridiagonal matrices. - Raimondas Ciegis, Vadimas Starikovicius, Svetozar Margenov, Rima Kriauziene:
Scalability analysis of different parallel solvers for 3D fractional power diffusion problems. - Giuliano Laccetti, Marco Lapegna, Valeria Mele, Raffaele Montella:
An adaptive algorithm for high-dimensional integrals on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. - Kohei Yamashita, Yasuaki Ito, Koji Nakano:
Bulk execution of the dynamic programming for the optimal polygon triangulation problem on the GPU. - Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Albert Wolant:
GPU R-Trie: Dictionary with ultra fast lookup. - Lukasz Masko, Marek S. Tudruj:
Application global state monitoring in optimization of parallel event-driven simulation. - Vladimir V. Stegailov, Grigory S. Smirnov, Vyacheslav S. Vecher:
VASP hits the memory wall: Processors efficiency comparison. - Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger:
A scheduling selection process for energy-efficient task execution on DVFS processors.
- Lei Pan, Jun Zhang, Jonathan J. Oliver:
Editorial: Recent advances in machine learning for cybersecurity.
- Yu Wang, Weizhi Meng, Wenjuan Li, Zhe Liu, Yang Liu, Hanxiao Xue:
Adaptive machine learning-based alarm reduction via edge computing for distributed intrusion detection systems. - Chee Keong Ng, Frank Jiang, Leo Yu Zhang, Wanlei Zhou:
Static malware clustering using enhanced deep embedding method. - Xinbo Ban, Shigang Liu, Chao Chen, Caslon Chua:
A performance evaluation of deep-learnt features for software vulnerability detection. - Yuying Liu, Yonggang Huang, Jiao Zhang, Hualei Shen:
Anti-noise image source identification. - Yonghang Tai, Lei Wei, Hailing Zhou, Qiong Li, Xiaoqiao Huang, Junsheng Shi, Saeid Nahavandi:
Machine learning-based haptic-enabled surgical navigation with security awareness. - Lefeng Zhang, Ping Xiong, Wei Ren, Tianqing Zhu:
A differentially private method for crowdsourcing data submission. - Bo Liu, Ming Ding, Tianqing Zhu, Yong Xiang, Wanlei Zhou:
Adversaries or allies? Privacy and deep learning in big data era.
Volume 31, Number 20, October 2019
- Xiaoli Ren, Juan Zhao, Xiaoyong Li, Kaijun Ren, Junqiang Song, Difu Sun:
PAGCM: A scalable parallel spectral-based atmospheric general circulation model. - M. Pradeep, P. Sampath:
An optimized multi-attribute vertical handoff approach for heterogeneous wireless networks. - Youzhong Ma, Ruiling Zhang, Shijie Jia, Yongxin Zhang, Xiaofeng Meng:
An efficient similarity join approach on large-scale high-dimensional data using random projection. - Chen Gu, Matthew Bradbury, Arshad Jhumka:
Phantom walkabouts: A customisable source location privacy aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. - Kuldeep R. Kurte, Jibonananda Sanyal, Anne Berres, Dalton D. Lunga, Mark Coletti, Hsiuhan Lexie Yang, Daniel Graves, Benjamin Liebersohn, Amy N. Rose:
Performance analysis and optimization for scalable deployment of deep learning models for country-scale settlement mapping on Titan supercomputer. - Sara Kardani-Moghaddam, Rajkumar Buyya, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
Performance anomaly detection using isolation-trees in heterogeneous workloads of web applications in computing clouds. - Deepa K, Radhamani G, Vinod P, Mohammad Shojafar, Neeraj Kumar, Mauro Conti:
Identification of Android malware using refined system calls. - UmaMaheswari Gurusamy, K. Hariharan, M. S. K. Manikandan:
Detection and mitigation of UDP flooding attack in a multicontroller software defined network using secure flow management model. - Mohammad Sajid, Zahid Raza:
Energy-efficient quantum-inspired stochastic Q-HypE algorithm for batch-of-stochastic-tasks on heterogeneous DVFS-enabled processors. - Einollah Jafarnejad Ghomi, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Nooruldeen Nasih Qader:
Service load balancing, scheduling, and logistics optimization in cloud manufacturing by using genetic algorithm. - Sara Ouaftouh, Ahmed Zellou, Ali Idri:
Social recommendation: A user profile clustering-based approach. - Xuefeng Fu, Xiangfeng Luo, Yike Guo:
Entity emotion mining in social media environment. - Mehmet Belgin, Tyler A. Perini, Fang (Cherry) Liu, Nuyun Zhang, Semir Sarajlic, Andre C. McNeill, Paul Manno, Neil Bright:
A data-driven support strategy for a sustainable research software repository. - Chuitian Rong, Xiaohai Cheng, Ziliang Chen, Na Huo:
Similarity joins for high-dimensional data using Spark. - Damodar Sahasrabudhe, Martin Berzins, John A. Schmidt:
Node failure resiliency for Uintah without checkpointing. - Ruo-Fan Qiu, Hai-Ning Wang, Jianfeng Zhu, Rong-Qian Chen, Chengxiang Zhu, Yancheng You:
Compressible lattice Boltzmann simulations on high-performance and low-cost GeForce GPU. - Jiangjiang Zhang, Fei Xue, Xingjuan Cai, Zhihua Cui, Yu Chang, Wensheng Zhang, Wuzhao Li:
Privacy protection based on many-objective optimization algorithm. - Martin Andreoni Lopez, Diogo M. F. Mattos, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, Guy Pujolle:
Toward a monitoring and threat detection system based on stream processing as a virtual network function for big data. - Savyan P. Velayudhan, Somasundaram Mary Saira Bhanu:
Compromised account detection in online social networks: A survey. - Yuan Zhuang, Xiaohui Wei, Hongliang Li, Yongfang Wang, Xubin He:
An optimal checkpointing model with online OCI adjustment for stream processing applications. - Jingya Yang, Linfu Sun, Qishi Wu:
Constraint projections for semi-supervised spectral clustering ensemble.
Volume 31, Number 21, November 2019
- Yang Xiang, Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Aniello Castiglione, Yu Wang:
Foreword to the special issue on security, privacy, and social networks.
- Xiangyu Hu, Lemin Li, Tingmin Wu, Xiaoxiang Ai, Jie Gu, Sheng Wen:
Every word is valuable: Studied influence of negative words that spread during election period in social media. - Shashank Gupta, Brij B. Gupta, Pooja Chaudhary:
A client-server JavaScript code rewriting-based framework to detect the XSS worms from online social network. - Xu Yang, Xun Yi, Ibrahim Khalil, Hui Cui, Xuechao Yang, Surya Nepal, Xinyi Huang, Yali Zeng:
A new privacy-preserving authentication protocol for anonymous web browsing. - Youwen Zhu, Yue Zhang, Xingxin Li, Hongyang Yan, Jing Li:
Improved collusion-resisting secure nearest neighbor query over encrypted data in cloud. - Haining Yang, Jiameng Sun, Jing Qin, Jixin Ma:
An improved scheme for outsourced computation with attribute-based encryption. - Xiao Zhang, Faguo Wu, Wang Yao, Zhao Wang, Wenhua Wang:
Multi-authority attribute-based encryption scheme with constant-size ciphertexts and user revocation. - Chen Wang, Lu Xiao, Jian Shen, Rui Huang:
Neighborhood trustworthiness-based vehicle-to-vehicle authentication scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks. - Rui Chang, Liehui Jiang, Yaobin Xie, Hongqi He, Danmin Chen, Lu Ren:
Implementing a hardware-assisted memory management mechanism for ARM platforms using the B method. - DongXing Huang, Yong Tang, Yi Wang, Shuning Wei:
Toward efficient and accurate function-call graph matching of binary codes. - Yubin Yang, Liming Cheng:
An SDN-based MTD model. - Chun Shan, Jun Cai, Yan Liu, Jian-Zhen Luo:
Node importance to community based caching strategy for information centric networking.
- Hong Shen, Hui Tian, Yingpeng Sang:
Foreword to the Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies.
- Liyang Xu, Miao Wang, Xinhai Xu, Chen Cui, Xuejun Yang:
Dynamic mesh re-partitioning considering iterative convergence rate for multiphase flows in OpenFOAM. - Yuedan Chen, Kenli Li, Xiongwei Fei, Zhe Quan, Keqin Li:
Implementation and optimization of a data protecting model on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer with heterogeneous many-core processors. - Huaiwen He, Hong Shen, Dieyan Liang:
Cost-minimizing online algorithm for internet green data centers on multi-source energy.
- Manuel E. Acacio, Julio Sahuquillo:
Foreword to the Special Issue on Processors, Interconnects, Storage, and Caches for Exascale Systems.
- Joshua Lant, Caroline Concatto, Andrew Attwood, Jose Antonio Pascual, Mike Ashworth, Javier Navaridas, Mikel Luján, John Goodacre:
Enabling shared memory communication in networks of MPSoCs. - Juan-José Crespo, José L. Sánchez, Francisco J. Alfaro-Cortes:
Silicon photonic networks: Signal loss and power challenges. - Jose Duro, Jose Antonio Pascual, Salvador Petit, Julio Sahuquillo, María Engracia Gómez:
Modeling and analysis of the performance of exascale photonic networks. - Juan Piernas, Pilar González-Férez:
Leveraging OSD+ devices for implementing a high-throughput parallel file system. - Jose Antonio Pascual, Joshua Lant, Caroline Concatto, Andrew Attwood, Javier Navaridas, Mikel Luján, John Goodacre:
On the effects of allocation strategies for exascale computing systems with distributed storage and unified interconnects. - Francisco M. Castro, Nicolás Guil, Manuel J. Marín-Jiménez, Jesús Pérez Serrano, Manuel Ujaldon:
Energy-based tuning of convolutional neural networks on multi-GPUs.
Volume 31, Number 22, November 2019
- Slawomir Zólkiewski, Leszek Chybowski:
Foreword to the special issue of the World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2017).
- Marius-Constantin Vochin, Sorin Zoican, Eugen Borcoci:
Intelligent vehicle navigation system with assistance and alerting capabilities. - Piotr Sulikowski, Tomasz Zdziebko, Dominik Turzynski:
Modeling online user product interest for recommender systems and ergonomics studies. - Yassine Drias, Samir Kechid:
Dynamic Web information foraging using self-interested agents: Application to scientific citations network. - Jezreel Mejía, Freddy Íñiguez, Mirna Muñoz:
Analyzing the requirements to implement a data analysis model for software process improvement. - Elzbieta Jarzebowska, Krzysztof Augustynek, Andrzej Urbas:
Automated generation of reference dynamical models for constrained robotic systems in the presence of friction and damping effects. - Ricardo Bragança, Filipe Portela, Manuel Santos:
A regression data mining approach in Lean Production.
- Sheng Wen, Aniello Castiglione, Tian Wang, Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan:
Forward to the special issue of the 9th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2017).
- Dongjin Yu, Yike Jin, Yuqun Zhang, Xi Zheng:
A survey on security issues in services communication of Microservices-enabled fog applications. - Fan Zhao, Xiangyang Luo, Yong Gan, Shuodi Zu, Qingfeng Cheng, Fenlin Liu:
IP Geolocation based on identification routers and local delay distribution similarity. - Donghai Tian, Xiaoqi Jia, Zhaolong Zhang, Li Zhan, Changzhen Hu, Jingfeng Xue:
An online approach to defeating ROP attacks∗. - Hong Zhang, Yifan Yang, Ding Yuan, Daniel Sun, Jun Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Mingui Sun:
Video denoising for security and privacy in fog computing. - Jie Li, Jinshu Su, Rongmao Chen, Xiaofeng Wang, Shuhui Chen:
Practical privacy-preserving deep packet inspection outsourcing. - Hui Cao, Shubo Liu, Longfei Wu, Zhitao Guan, Xiaojiang Du:
Achieving differential privacy against non-intrusive load monitoring in smart grid: A fog computing approach. - Yun Zhou, Lianyong Qi, Alexander Raake, Tao Xu, Marta Piekarska, Xuyun Zhang:
User attitudes and behaviors toward personalized control of privacy settings on smartphones. - Jing Li, Licheng Wang, Lihua Wang, Xianmin Wang, Zhengan Huang, Jin Li:
Verifiable Chebyshev maps-based chaotic encryption schemes with outsourcing computations in the cloud/fog scenarios. - Pooneh Nikkhah Bahrami, Hamid H. S. Javadi, Tooska Dargahi, Ali Dehghantanha, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
A hierarchical key pre-distribution scheme for fog networks. - Liangliang Wang, Mi Wen, Kefei Chen, Zhongqin Bi, Yu Long:
A new VRSA-based pairing-free certificateless signature scheme for fog computing. - Longxia Huang, Gongxuan Zhang, Shui Yu, Anmin Fu, John Yearwood:
SeShare: Secure cloud data sharing based on blockchain and public auditing. - Hui Huang, Kuan-Ching Li, Xiaofeng Chen:
Blockchain-based fair three-party contract signing protocol for fog computing.
Volume 31, Number 23, December 2019
- Jinjun Chen:
Special issue: 2016 International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME2016).
- Hong Liu, Yan Li, Wenhao Li, Dianjie Lu, Guijuan Zhang:
A grouping approach based on non-uniform binary grid partitioning for crowd evacuation simulation. - Li-Hui Lin, Cheng-Hsuan Li, Sheng Yang, Shao-Zi Li, Yi Wei:
Automated classification of Wuyi rock tealeaves based on support vector machine. - Guijuan Zhang, Dianjie Lu, Hong Liu:
Visualization of fluid simulation: An SPH-based multi-resolution method. - Dazhen Lin, Ben Ma, Donglin Cao, Shaozi Li:
Chinese microblog rumor detection based on deep sequence context. - Taoyun Zhou, Yun Cheng, Baowang Lian, Bibi Irfana, Hongwei Zhao:
Research on high-precision passive localization based on phase difference changing rate. - Guorong Cai, Songzhi Su, Chengcai Leng, Jipeng Wu, Yun-Dong Wu, Shaozi Li:
Cover patches: A general feature extraction strategy for spoofing detection. - Zuoyong Li, Zhaochai Yu, Weixia Liu, Yong Xu, Daoqiang Zhang, Yong Cheng:
Tongue image segmentation via color decomposition and thresholding. - Xiangwei Zheng, Yuang Zhang, Hui Zhang, Qingshui Xue:
An RBF neural network-based dynamic virtual network embedding algorithm. - Liang Dai, Jia Zhang, Candong Li, Changen Zhou, Shaozi Li:
Multi-label feature selection with application to TCM state identification.
- Xianghan Zheng, Chunming Rong, Tuyatsetseg Badarch:
Foreword to the special issue of green cloud computing: Methodology and practice.
- Ayesha Siddiqa, Faisal Fayyaz Qureshi, Munam Ali Shah, Rahat Iqbal, Abdul Wahid, Victor Chang:
CCN: A novel energy efficient greedy routing protocol for green computing. - Xing Chen, Junxin Lin, Bing Lin, Tao Xiang, Ying Zhang, Gang Huang:
Self-learning and self-adaptive resource allocation for cloud-based software services. - Dongyang Zhan, Lin Ye, Binxing Fang, Hongli Zhang:
SAVM: A practical secure external approach for automated in-VM management. - Xiaofeng Ding, Yangling Ou, Jianhong Jia, Hai Jin, Jixue Liu:
Efficient subgraph search on large anonymized graphs. - Yi-Lei Wang, Wen-Zhe Tang, Xian-Jun Yang, Yingjie Wu, Fu-Ji Chen:
An efficient method for autoencoder-based collaborative filtering. - Ayong Ye, Xiaoliang Yang, Qing Li, Aimin Chen:
A novel adaptive radio map for RSS-based indoor positioning. - Dehua Chen, Nannan Che, Jiajin Le, Qiao Pan:
A co-training based entity recognition approach for cross-disease clinical documents. - Wenwu He, Fumin Zou, Quan Liang:
Online learning with sparse labels.
- Priyadarsi Nanda, Deepak Puthal, Saraju P. Mohanty:
Editorial to the Special Issue on Recent Advances on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications.
- Thomas Given-Wilson, Annelie Heuser, Nisrine Jafri, Axel Legay:
An automated and scalable formal process for detecting fault injection vulnerabilities in binaries. - Hassan Qahur Al Mahri, Leonie Simpson, Harry Bartlett, Ed Dawson, Kenneth Koon-Ho Wong:
Fault analysis of AEZ. - Michael Bewong, Jixue Liu, Lin Liu, Jiuyong Li, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo:
A relative privacy model for effective privacy preservation in transactional data. - Mosarrat Jahan, Suranga Seneviratne, Partha Sarathi Roy, Kouichi Sakurai, Aruna Seneviratne, Sanjay K. Jha:
Light weight and fine-grained access mechanism for secure access to outsourced data. - Da-Zhi Sun, Ze-Guang Zhu, Guangquan Xu, Wei Guo:
One-round provably secure yoking-proof for RFID applications. - Lansheng Han, Man Zhou, Shuxia Han, Wenjing Jia, Changhua Sun, Cai Fu:
Targeting malware discrimination based on reversed association task. - Annie Gilda Roselin Arockia Baskaran, Priyadarsi Nanda, Surya Nepal, Sean He:
Testbed evaluation of Lightweight Authentication Protocol (LAUP) for 6LoWPAN wireless sensor networks.
Volume 31, Number 24, December 2019
- Gang Li, Lynn Batten:
Foreword to the Special Issue of the 8th International Conference on Applications and Techniques for Information Security (ATIS 2017).
- Xu Bai, Jiajia Yang, Qiong Dai, Zhaolin Chen:
A hybrid ARM-FPGA cluster for cryptographic algorithm acceleration. - Sharon X. Lee, Kaleb L. Leemaqz, Geoffrey J. McLachlan:
PPEM: Privacy-preserving EM learning for mixture models. - Ziqi Yan, Qiong Wu, Meng Ren, Jiqiang Liu, Shaowu Liu, Shuo Qiu:
Locally private Jaccard similarity estimation.
- Luca Foschini, Hyunbum Kim:
Foreword to the Special Issue on the 2017 Edition of the Workshop on Performance Evaluation of communications in DIstributed Systems and WEb-based Service Architectures (PEDISWESA 2017).
- Omar Ait Oualhaj, Abdellatif Kobbane, Jalel Ben-Othman:
Mobile delay-tolerant networks with energy-harvesting and wireless energy transfer cooperation. - Walid Bouksani, Boucif Amar Bensaber:
RIN: A dynamic pseudonym change system for privacy in VANET. - Tawfiq Nebbou, Mohamed Lehsaini, Hacène Fouchal, Marwane Ayaida:
An urban location service for vehicular area networks. - Teodora Sanislav, Sherali Zeadally, George Dan Mois, Hacène Fouchal:
Reliability, failure detection and prevention in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) with agents. - Walid Serrai, Abdelkrim Abdelli, Lynda Mokdad, Ashref Serrai:
How to deal with QoS value constraints in MCDM based Web service selection. - Emmanouil Lakiotakis, Christos Liaskos, Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos:
Improving networked music performance systems using application-network collaboration.
- Fang Dong, Chenshu Wu, Shangce Gao:
Cloud computing-based big data processing and intelligent analytics.
- Jingya Zhou, Jianxi Fan, Jin Wang, Juncheng Jia:
Dynamic service deployment for budget-constrained mobile edge computing. - Junxu Xia, Deke Guo, Geyao Cheng:
In-network block repairing for erasure coding storage systems. - Fusheng Xu, Zhongxiang Huang, Hao Dai, Xueying Zhu, Hongwei Wu, Jun Zhang:
A real-time traffic index model for expressways. - Jinghui Zhang, Jian Chen, Jun Zhan, Jiahui Jin, Aibo Song:
Graph partition-based data and task co-scheduling of scientific workflow in geo-distributed datacenters. - Dian Shen, Pengcheng Zhou, Yidan Gao, Xiaolin Guo, Runqun Xiong:
Rendering differential performance preference through intelligent network edge in cloud data centers. - Meiya Dong, Jumin Zhao, Biaokai Zhu, Zhaobin Liu:
CHAMELEON: Hides privacy in cloud IoT system by LSB and CSE. - Yuxiang Wang, Zhangpeng Ge, Haijiang Yan, Xiaoliang Xu, Yixing Xia:
Semantic locality-based approximate knowledge graph query. - Junbing Cheng, Dengao Li:
A SINS-aided two-step fast acquisition method for GNSS signal based on compressive sensing. - Youquan Wang, Changjian Fang, Dongqin Shen, Zhiang Wu, Jie Cao:
Verifying the claimed sale-ranking trustworthy: A maximum marginal relevance-based ranking method.
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