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Neural Networks, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 1998
- Richard Rohwer, Michal Morciniec:
The Theoretical and Experimental Status of the n-tuple Classifier. 1-14 - Franco Scarselli
, Ah Chung Tsoi:
Universal Approximation Using Feedforward Neural Networks: A Survey of Some Existing Methods, and Some New Results. 15-37 - Toshiki Kindo, Hideki Kakeya
A Geometrical Analysis of Associative Memory. 39-51 - Sreerupa Das, Michael Mozer:
Dynamic On-line Clustering and State Extraction: An Approach to Symbolic Learning. 53-64 - Jie Zhang
, A. Julian Morris:
A Sequential Learning Approach for Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks. 65-80 - James W. Howse, Chaouki T. Abdallah
, Gregory L. Heileman:
A learning algorithm for applying synthesized stable dynamics to system identification. 81-87 - Dirk Husmeier
, John G. Taylor:
Neural Networks for Predicting Conditional Probability Densities: Improved Training Scheme Combining EM and RVFL. 89-116 - Jim Kay, Dario Floreano, William A. Phillips
Contextually guided unsupervised learning using local multivariate binary processors. 117-140 - Rafik Braham:
Incorporation of Long-Range Feedback in Neural Networks Under Stability Conditions. 141-144 - H. Alejandro Ceccatto, Hugo D. Navone, Henri Waelbroeck:
Learning persistent dynamics with neural networks. 145-151 - Narayan Srinivasa, Rajeev Sharma:
Efficient Learning of VAM-Based Representation of 3D Targets and its Active Vision Applications. 153-171 - Andrei Cimponeriu, Julien Gresser:
Precision Requirements for Closed-Loop Kinematic Robotic Control Using Linear Local Mappings. 173-182
Volume 11, Number 2, March 1998
- Steven J. Olson, Stephen Grossberg:
A neural network model for the development of simple and complex cell receptive fields within cortical maps of orientation and ocular dominance. 189-208 - Ken-ichi Funahashi:
Multilayer neural networks and Bayes decision theory. 209-213 - Peter T. Szymanski, Michael D. Lemmon, Christopher J. Bett:
Hybrid interior point training of modular neural networks. 215-234 - Doron Stein, Arie Feuer:
Cubic approximation neural network for multivariate functions. 235-248 - Jun Nishii:
A learning model for oscillatory networks. 249-257 - Lorenzo Vecci, Francesco Piazza, Aurelio Uncini
Learning and Approximation Capabilities of Adaptive Spline Activation Function Neural Networks. 259-270 - Naonori Ueda, Ryohei Nakano:
Deterministic annealing EM algorithm. 271-282 - Sarunas Raudys:
Evolution and generalization of a single neurone: I. Single-layer perceptron as seven statistical classifiers. 283-296 - Sarunas Raudys:
Evolution and generalization of a single neurone: : II. Complexity of statistical classifiers and sample size considerations. 297-313 - C. N. S. Ganesh Murthy, Yedatore Venkatakrishnaiya Venkatesh:
Encoded pattern classification using constructive learning algorithms based on learning vector quantization. 315-322 - Gail A. Carpenter, Natalya Markuzon:
ARTMAP-IC and medical diagnosis: Instance counting and inconsistent cases. 323-336 - Jung-Hsien Chiang
A hybrid neural network model in handwritten word recognition. 337-346 - Hiroaki Kurokawa, Chun-Ying Ho, Shinsaku Mori:
The Neural Network Approach To A Parallel Decentralized Network Routing. 348-357 - Pedro Martín, José del R. Millán
Learning reaching strategies through reinforcement for a sensor-based manipulator. 359-376
Volume 11, Number 3, April 1998
- Tianping Chen, Shun-ichi Amari, Qin Lin:
A unified algorithm for principal and minor components extraction. 385-390 - Francisco Javier González-Serrano
, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez
Fourier analysis of the generalized CMAC neural network. 391-396 - Markus Lappe:
A model of the combination of optic flow and extraretinal eye movement signals in primate extrastriate visual cortex: Neural model of self-motion from optic flow and extraretinal cues. 397-414 - Joël Pham, Khashayar Pakdaman, Jean Champagnat, Jean-François Vibert:
Activity in sparsely connected excitatory neural networks: effect of connectivity. 415-434 - Kenji Okajima:
The Gabor function extracts the maximum information from input local signals. 435-439 - Kenji Okajima:
Two-dimensional Gabor-type receptive field as derived by mutual information maximization. 441-447 - Hung-Jen Chang, Walter J. Freeman, Brian C. Burke:
Optimization of olfactory model in software to give 1/f power spectra reveals numerical instabilities in solutions governed by aperiodic (chaotic) attractors. 449-466 - Ethem Alpaydin
Soft vector quantization and the EM algorithm. 467-477 - Stephen A. Billings, Xia Hong:
Dual-orthogonal radial basis function networks for nonlinear time series prediction. 479-493 - Eugene M. Izhikevich:
Multiple cusp bifurcations. 495-508 - Khashayar Pakdaman, Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo
, C. P. Malta, Ovide Arino, Jean-François Vibert:
Effect of delay on the boundary of the basin of attraction in a system of two neurons. 509-519 - Emmanuel Daucé
, Mathias Quoy, Bruno Cessac, Bernard Doyon, Manuel Samuelides:
Self-organization and dynamics reduction in recurrent networks: stimulus presentation and learning. 521-533 - Loo-Nin Teow, Kia-Fock Loe:
Effective learning in recurrent max-min neural networks. 535-547 - Cathy M. Helgason, Thomas H. Jobe:
The fuzzy cube and causal efficacy: representation of concomitant mechanisms in stroke. 549-555 - Po Ki Yuen
, Haim H. Bau:
Controlling chaotic convection using neural nets--theory and experiments. 557-569
Volume 11, Number 4, June 1998
- Philip T. Quinlan
Structural change and development in real and artificial neural networks. 577-599 - Francesco Palmieri
, Michele Corvino:
Self-association in multilayer linear networks with limited connectivity. 601-609 - Stefan Reimann:
On the design of artificial auto-associative neuronal networks. 611-621 - Michael Egmont-Petersen, Jan L. Talmon, Arie Hasman, Anton W. Ambergen:
Assessing the importance of features for multi-layer perceptrons. 623-635 - Alexander J. Smola, Bernhard Schölkopf, Klaus-Robert Müller
The connection between regularization operators and support vector kernels. 637-649 - Vera Kurková
, Petr Savický, Katerina Hlavácková
Representations and rates of approximation of real-valued Boolean functions by neural networks. 651-659 - Robert M. Burton, Herold G. Dehling:
Universal approximation in p-mean by neural networks. 661-667 - Leonard G. C. Hamey
XOR has no local minima: A case study in neural network error surface analysis. 669-681 - Ida G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper
, Egbert J. W. Boers:
The error surface of the 2-2-1 XOR network: The finite stationary points. 683-690 - Richard H. R. Hahnloser
On the piecewise analysis of networks of linear threshold neurons. 691-697 - Mario Ferraro, Terry Caelli
Neural computations of algebraic and geometrical structures. 699-707 - Sybert H. Stroeve
An analysis of learning control by backpropagation through time. 709-721 - Alan M. Parkinson, Dawood Y. Parpia:
Intensity encoding in unsupervised neural nets. 723-730 - José Aguilar
Definition of an energy function for the random neural to solve optimization problems. 731-737 - Zheng Rong Yang, Sheng Chen
Robust maximum likelihood training of heteroscedastic probabilistic neural networks. 739-747 - Hubert Y. Chan, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Real-time synthesis of sparsely interconnected neural associative memories. 749-759 - Lutz Prechelt
Automatic early stopping using cross validation: quantifying the criteria. 761-767 - Mohamad T. Musavi, Ronald J. Bryant, M. Qiao, Muriel T. Davisson, E. C. Akeson, B. D. French:
Mouse chromosome classification by radial basis function network with fast orthogonal search. 769-777
Volume 11, Number 5, July 1998
- Andrew C. C. Cheng, Ling Guan:
A combined evolution method for associative memory networks. 785-792 - Gail A. Carpenter, Boriana L. Milenova, Benjamin W. Noeske:
Distributed ARTMAP: a neural network for fast distributed supervised learning. 793-813 - Antony Browne:
Detecting systematic structure in distributed representations. 815-824 - David M. Weber, David P. Casasent:
The extended piecewise quadratic neural network. 837-850 - Osamu Fujita:
Statistical estimation of the number of hidden units for feedforward neural networks. 851-859 - Tsungnan Lin
, Bill G. Horne, C. Lee Giles
How embedded memory in recurrent neural network architectures helps learning long-term temporal dependencies. 861-868 - Holger Bosch, Franz J. Kurfess
Information storage capacity of incompletely connected associative memories. 869-876 - Yee Leung, Tian-Xin Dong, Zongben Xu:
The optimal encodings for biased association in linear associative memories. 877-884 - Bruno Apolloni, Giacomo Zamponi, Anna Maria Zanaboni:
Learning fuzzy decision trees. 885-895 - David D. Vogel:
Auto-associative memory produced by disinhibition in a sparsely connected network. 897-908 - Ralf Der, Darragh Smyth:
Local online learning of coherent information. 909-925 - Ichiro Tsuda, Akihiro Yamaguchi:
Singular-continuous nowhere-differentiable attractors in neural systems. 927-937 - Jun Wang
, Guang Wu:
A multilayer recurrent neural network for solving continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations. 939-950 - Alexander V. Goltsev
, Donald C. Wunsch:
Inhibitory connections in the assembly neural network for texture segmentation. 951-962 - Ales Leonardis, Horst Bischof
An efficient MDL-based construction of RBF networks. 963-973
Volume 11, Number 6, August 1998
- Tianping Chen:
A unified approach for neural network-like approximation of non-linear functionals. 981-983 - Katsumi Tateno
, Hatsuo Hayashi, Satoru Ishizuka:
Complexity of spatiotemporal activity of a neural network model which depends on the degree of synchronization. 985-1003 - Thierry Wannier, Walter Senn
Recruitment of reticulospinal neurones and steady locomotion in lamprey. 1005-1015 - Hugues Bersini:
The frustrated and compositional nature of chaos in small Hopfield networks. 1017-1025 - Mitra Basu, Quan Liang:
The fractional correction rule: a new perspective. 1027-1039 - Burkhard Lenze
Complexity preserving increase of the capacity of bidirectional associative memories by dilation and translation. 1041-1048 - Shin Suzuki:
Constructive function-approximation by three-layer artificial neural networks. 1049-1058 - Yutaka Fukuoka
, Hideo Matsuki, Haruyuki Minamitani, Akimasa Ishida:
A modified back-propagation method to avoid false local minima. 1059-1072 - Shin Ishii
, Masa-aki Sato:
Constrained neural approaches to quadratic assignment problems. 1073-1082 - Young-Sik Kim, Mi-Jung Noh, Tack-Don Han, Shin-Dug Kim:
Mapping of neural networks onto the memory-processor integrated architecture. 1083-1098 - Jesús M. Zamarreño
, Pastora Vega:
State space neural network. Properties and application. 1099-1112 - Hahn-Ming Lee, Kuo-Hsiu Chen, I-Feng Jiang:
A neural network classifier with disjunctive fuzzy information. 1113-1125 - Amit Gupta, Siuwa M. Lam:
Weight decay backpropagation for noisy data. 1127-1138 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Manolis A. Christodoulou, Petros A. Ioannou:
Correction on 'Dynamical neural networks that ensure exponential identification error convergence'. 1139-1140
Volume 11, Number 7-8, October 1998
- Vladimir Brajovic, Ryohei Miyagawa, Takeo Kanade:
Temporal photoreception for adaptive dynamic range image sensing and encoding. 1149-1158 - Gregory Gancarz, Stephen Grossberg:
A neural model of the saccade generator in the reticular formation. 1159-1174 - Philippe Lefèvre, Christian Quaia
, Lance M. Optican:
Distributed model of control of saccades by superior colliculus and cerebellum. 1175-1190 - Francesco Panerai, Giulio Sandini
Oculo-motor stabilization reflexes: integration of inertial and visual information. 1191-1204 - Paul Dean, John Porrill:
Pseudo-inverse control in biological systems: a learning mechanism for fixation stability. 1205-1218 - Michael G. Paulin:
A method for analysing neural computation using receptive fields in state space. 1219-1228 - Christian Quaia
, Lance M. Optican, Michael E. Goldberg:
The maintenance of spatial accuracy by the perisaccadic remapping of visual receptive fields. 1229-1240 - Jeffrey D. Schall, Doug P. Hanes:
Neural mechanisms of selection and control of visually guided eye movements. 1241-1251 - H. Sebastian Seung:
Continuous attractors and oculomotor control. 1253-1258 - Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Luc Berthouze
Neural learning of embodied interaction dynamics. 1259-1276 - Andrew H. Fagg
, Michael A. Arbib:
Modeling parietal-premotor interactions in primate control of grasping. 1277-1303 - Jacob J. van Heijst, Johan E. Vos, Daniel Bullock:
Development in a biologically inspired spinal neural network for movement control. 1305-1316 - Daniel M. Wolpert
, Mitsuo Kawato:
Multiple paired forward and inverse models for motor control. 1317-1329 - Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Mitsuo Kawato:
A tennis serve and upswing learning robot based on bi-directional theory. 1331-1344 - Joseph A. Doeringer, Neville Hogan:
Serial processing in human movement production. 1345-1356 - Heidar A. Talebi
, Khashayar Khorasani, Rajnikant V. Patel
Neural network based control schemes for flexible-link manipulators: simulations and experiments. 1357-1377 - Matthew M. Williamson:
Neural control of rhythmic arm movements. 1379-1394 - Jean-Luc Buessler, Jean-Philippe Urban:
Visually guided movements: learning with modular neural maps in robotics. 1395-1415 - Pietro G. Morasso, Vittorio Sanguineti
, Francesco Frisone, Luca Perico:
Coordinate-free sensorimotor processing: computing with population codes. 1417-1428 - Björn O. Peters, Gert Pfurtscheller, Henrik Flyvbjerg
Mining multi-channel EEG for its information content: an ANN-based method for a brain-computer interface. 1429-1433 - Holk Cruse, Thomas Kindermann, Michael Schumm, Jeffrey Dean, Josef Schmitz:
Walknet--a biologically inspired network to control six-legged walking. 1435-1447 - Gennady S. Cymbalyuk
, Roman Borisyuk
, Uwe Müller-Wilm, Holk Cruse:
Oscillatory network controlling six-legged locomotion: Optimization of model parameters. 1449-1460 - Dario Floreano, Francesco Mondada
Evolutionary neurocontrollers for autonomous mobile robots. 1461-1478 - Barbara Webb:
Robots, crickets and ants: models of neural control of chemotaxis and phonotaxis. 1479-1496 - Terrance L. Huntsberger, John Rose:
BISMARC: a biologically inspired system for map-based autonomous rover control. 1497-1510 - Juyang Weng, Shaoyun Chen:
Vision-guided navigation using SHOSLIF. 1511-1529 - Paul F. M. J. Verschure
, Thomas Voegtlin:
A bottom up approach towards the acquisition and expression of sequential representations applied to a behaving real-world device: Distributed Adaptive Control III. 1531-1549 - Christian Scheier, Rolf Pfeifer, Yasuo Kuniyoshi:
Embedded neural networks: exploiting constraints. 1551-1569
Volume 11, Number 9, December 1998
- Mohamed Tajine, David A. Elizondo:
The recursive deterministic perceptron neural network. 1571-1588 - Masahiro Kimura, Ryohei Nakano:
Learning dynamical systems by recurrent neural networks from orbits. 1589-1599 - Jinde Cao, Dongming Zhou
Stability analysis of delayed cellular neural networks. 1601-1605 - Yi-Jen Wang, Chin-Teng Lin
A second-order learning algorithm for multilayer networks based on block Hessian matrix. 1607-1622 - Donq-Liang Lee, Wen-June Wang:
A multivalued bidirectional associative memory operating on a complex domain. 1623-1635 - Ali A. Sadeghi:
Self-organization property of Kohonen's map with general type of stimuli distribution. 1637-1643 - Guoping Liu
, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
, Stephen A. Billings:
On-line identification of nonlinear systems using Volterra polynomial basis function neural networks. 1645-1657 - Mads Hintz-Madsen, Lars Kai Hansen
, Jan Larsen, Morten With Pedersen, Michael Larsen:
Neural classifier construction using regularization, pruning and test error estimation. 1659-1670 - Cevdet Aykanat, Tevfik Bultan, Ismail Haritaoglu:
A fast neural-network algorithm for VLSI cell placement. 1671-1684 - David McLean, Zuhair Bandar, James O'Shea:
An empirical comparison of back propagation and the RDSE algorithm on continuously valued real world data. 1685-1694 - M. S. Ahmed, M. A. Al-Dajani:
Neural regulator design. 1695-1709

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