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21st ECAI 2014: Prague, Czech Republic
- Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich, Barry O'Sullivan:
ECAI 2014 - 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Including Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2014). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 263, IOS Press 2014, ISBN 978-1-61499-418-3 - Ozgur Akgun
, Ian P. Gent, Christopher Jefferson
, Ian Miguel
, Peter Nightingale
Breaking Conditional Symmetry in Automated Constraint Modelling with CONJURE. 3-8 - Natasha Alechina, Brian Logan, Hoang Nga Nguyen, Franco Raimondi
Decidable Model-Checking for a Resource Logic with Production of Resources. 9-14 - Manuel Atencia, Jérôme David, Jérôme Euzenat:
Data interlinking through robust linkkey extraction. 15-20 - Maduka Attamah, Hans van Ditmarsch, Davide Grossi
, Wiebe van der Hoek
Knowledge and Gossip. 21-26 - Tim Baarslag
, Alexander Dirkzwager, Koen V. Hindriks
, Catholijn M. Jonker:
The Significance of Bidding, Accepting and Opponent Modeling in Automated Negotiation. 27-32 - Christer Bäckström:
Parameterising the Complexity of Planning by the Number of Paths in the Domain-transition Graphs. 33-38 - Jean-François Baget, Fabien Garreau, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Swan Rocher:
Extending Acyclicity Notions for Existential Rules. 39-44 - Samuel Barrett, Noa Agmon, Noam Hazon
, Sarit Kraus
, Peter Stone:
Communicating with Unknown Teammates. 45-50 - Anicet Bart, Frédéric Koriche, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Pierre Marquis:
Symmetry-Driven Decision Diagrams for Knowledge Compilation. 51-56 - Emanuele Bastianelli, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce
, Roberto Basili
, Daniele Nardi
Effective and Robust Natural Language Understanding for Human-Robot Interaction. 57-62 - Ringo Baumann:
Context-free and Context-sensitive Kernels: Update and Deletion Equivalence in abstract Argumentation. 63-68 - Ringo Baumann, Wolfgang Dvorák, Thomas Linsbichler, Hannes Strass, Stefan Woltran:
Compact Argumentation Frameworks. 69-74 - Dorothea Baumeister, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Lang, Nhan-Tam Nguyen, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Jörg Rothe:
Scoring Rules for the Allocation of Indivisible Goods. 75-80 - Francesco Belardinelli
Model Checking Auctions as Artifact Systems: Decidability via Finite Abstraction. 81-86 - Nawal Benabbou
, Patrice Perny, Paolo Viappiani
Incremental Elicitation of Choquet Capacities for Multicriteria Decision Making. 87-92 - Christoph Benzmüller
, Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo:
Automating Gödel's Ontological Proof of God's Existence with Higher-order Automated Theorem Provers. 93-98 - Christian Bessiere, Remi Coletta, Abderrazak Daoudi, Nadjib Lazaar
, Younes Mechqrane, El-Houssine Bouyakhf:
Boosting Constraint Acquisition via Generalization Queries. 99-104 - Daan Bloembergen, Bijan Ranjbar Sahraei
, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Karl Tuyls
, Gerhard Weiss:
Influencing Social Networks: An Optimal Control Study. 105-110 - Bart Bogaerts
, Joost Vennekens
, Marc Denecker
, Jan Van den Bussche
Inference in the FO(C) Modelling Language. 111-116 - Richard Booth, Dov M. Gabbay, Souhila Kaci, Tjitze Rienstra, Leendert W. N. van der Torre
Abduction and Dialogical Proof in Argumentation and Logic Programming. 117-122 - Richard Booth, Eduardo L. Fermé
, Sébastien Konieczny
, Ramón Pino Pérez:
Credibility-Limited Improvement Operators. 123-128 - Stefano Borgo
'Being a Manifold' as the Topological Primitive of Mereotopology. 129-134 - Myriam Bounhas, Henri Prade, Gilles Richard:
Analogical classification: A new way to deal with examples. 135-140 - Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Lang:
Manipulating picking sequences. 141-146 - Ronen I. Brafman
, Guy Shani
On The Properties of Belief Tracking for Online Contingent Planning using Regression. 147-152 - Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Woltran:
GRAPPA: A Semantical Framework for Graph-Based Argument Processing. 153-158 - Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler
, Jörg Pührer:
Multi-Context Systems for Reactive Reasoning in Dynamic Environments. 159-164 - Rémi Brochenin, Yuliya Lierler, Marco Maratea:
Abstract Disjunctive Answer Set Solvers. 165-170 - Jennifer Elisabeth Buehler, Maurice Pagnucco
Planning and Execution of Robot Tasks Based on a Platform-Independent Model of Robot Capabilities. 171-176 - Nils Bulling, Wojciech Jamroga
, Matei Popovici:
ATL* With Truly Perfect Recall: Expressivity and Validities. 177-182 - Olivier Cailloux
, Ulle Endriss
Eliciting a Suitable Voting Rule via Examples. 183-188 - Federico Campeotto, Agostino Dovier
, Ferdinando Fioretto
, Enrico Pontelli
A GPU Implementation of Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems. 189-194 - Timothy Joseph Cerexhe, David Rajaratnam
, Abdallah Saffidine, Michael Thielscher
A Systematic Solution to the (De-)Composition Problem in General Game Playing. 195-200 - Jirí Cermák, Branislav Bosanský, Viliam Lisý
Practical Performance of Refinements of Nash Equilibria in Extensive-Form Zero-Sum Games. 201-206 - Federico Cerutti
, Nava Tintarev, Nir Oren
Formal Arguments, Preferences, and Natural Language Interfaces to Humans: an Empirical Evaluation. 207-212 - Víctor Codocedo
, Amedeo Napoli:
Lattice-based biclustering using Partition Pattern Structures. 213-218 - Marco Console, Maurizio Lenzerini
Reducing global consistency to local consistency in Ontology-based Data Access. 219-224 - Marco Correia
, Jorge Cruz
, João Leite
On the Efficient Implementation of Social Abstract Argumentation. 225-230 - Nadia Creignou, Odile Papini, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran:
Belief merging within fragments of propositional logic. 231-236 - Matthew Crosby, Anders Jonsson
, Michael Rovatsos:
A Single-Agent Approach to Multiagent Planning. 237-242 - Joaquín Derrac, Steven Schockaert
Characterising Semantic Relatedness using Interpretable Directions in Conceptual Spaces. 243-248 - Felix Distel, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch:
Concept Dissimilarity Based on Tree Edit Distances and Morphological Dilations. 249-254 - Changying Du, Jia He, Fuzhen Zhuang, Yuan Qi, Qing He:
Nonparametric Bayesian Multi-Task Large-margin Classification. 255-260 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, Steven Schockaert
Reasoning about Uncertainty and Explicit Ignorance in Generalized Possibilistic Logic. 261-266 - Phan Minh Dung:
An Axiomatic Analysis of Structured Argumentation for Prioritized Default Reasoning. 267-272 - Malcolm Egan, Michal Jakob:
A Profit-Aware Negotiation Mechanism for On-Demand Transport Services. 273-278 - Elias Egho, Chedy Raïssi, Nicolas Jay
, Amedeo Napoli:
Mining Heterogeneous Multidimensional Sequential Patterns. 279-284 - Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, Daria Stepanova
Towards Practical Deletion Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs. 285-290 - Ulle Endriss
, Umberto Grandi:
Collective Rationality in Graph Aggregation. 291-296 - Jean-Guillaume Fages, Xavier Lorca
, Thierry Petit:
Self-decomposable Global Constraints. 297-302 - Zhiwen Fang, Chu-Min Li, Kan Qiao, Xu Feng, Ke Xu:
Solving Maximum Weight Clique Using Maximum Satisfiability Reasoning. 303-308 - S. Shaheen Fatima
, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Multilateral Bargaining for Resource Division. 309-314 - S. Shaheen Fatima
, Tomasz P. Michalak
, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Bargaining for Coalition Structure Formation. 315-320 - Zohar Feldman, Carmel Domshlak:
Monte-Carlo Tree Search: To MC or to DP? 321-326 - Frédéric Flouvat, Jérémy Sanhes, Claude Pasquier, Nazha Selmaoui-Folcher
, Jean-François Boulicaut:
Improving pattern discovery relevancy by deriving constraints from expert models. 327-332 - Yang Gao, Francesca Toni
Argumentation Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems. 333-338 - Cristina Gârbacea, Manos Tsagkias, Maarten de Rijke
Detecting the Reputation Polarity of Microblog Posts. 339-344 - William Gatens, Boris Konev
, Frank Wolter
Lower and Upper Approximations for Depleting Modules of Description Logic Ontologies. 345-350 - Martin Gebser
, Tomi Janhunen, Jussi Rintanen
Answer Set Programming as SAT modulo Acyclicity. 351-356 - Florian Geißer, Thomas Keller
, Robert Mattmüller:
Past, Present, and Future: An Optimal Online Algorithm for Single-Player GDL-II Games. 357-362 - Gen Yang, Sébastien Destercke
, Marie-Hélène Masson:
Nested Dichotomies with probability sets for multi-class classification. 363-368 - Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lespérance, Fabio Patrizi
, Stavros Vassos
LTL Verification of Online Executions with Sensing in Bounded Situation Calculus. 369-374 - Ricardo Gonçalves
, Matthias Knorr
, João Leite
Evolving Multi-Context Systems. 375-380 - Mehmet Gönen
Embedding Heterogeneous Data by Preserving Multiple Kernels. 381-386 - Mehmet Gönen
, Gülefsan Bozkurt Gönen, Fikret S. Gürgen:
Bayesian Multiview Dimensionality Reduction for Learning Predictive Subspaces. 387-392 - Laurent Gourvès, Jérôme Monnot, Lydia Tlilane:
Near Fairness in Matroids. 393-398 - Guido Governatori
, Francesco Olivieri
, Simone Scannapieco
, Antonino Rotolo, Matteo Cristani:
Strategic Argumentation is NP-Complete. 399-404 - Alban Grastien:
Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems with SMT: Opportunities and Challenges. 405-410 - Jiong Guo, Yash Raj Shrestha:
Controlling Two-Stage Voting Rules. 411-416 - Galit Haim, Ya'akov (Kobi) Gal
, Sarit Kraus
, Bo An:
Human-Computer Negotiation in Three-Player Market Settings. 417-422 - Vahid Hashemi
, Ulle Endriss
Measuring Diversity of Preferences in a Group. 423-428 - Fredrik Heintz, Daniel de Leng:
Spatio-Temporal Stream Reasoning with Incomplete Spatial Information. 429-434 - Andreas Herzig, Maria Viviane de Menezes, Leliane Nunes de Barros, Renata Wassermann
On the revision of planning tasks. 435-440 - Jörg Hoffmann, Peter Kissmann, Álvaro Torralba
"Distance"? Who Cares? Tailoring Merge-and-Shrink Heuristics to Detect Unsolvability. 441-446 - Daniel Höller, Gregor Behnke
, Pascal Bercher
, Susanne Biundo:
Language Classification of Hierarchical Planning Problems. 447-452 - Alexey Ignatiev
, António Morgado
, Vasco Manquinho
, Inês Lynce
, João Marques-Silva:
Progression in Maximum Satisfiability. 453-458 - Tatsuya Imai, Alex Fukunaga:
A Practical, Integer-Linear Programming Model for the Delete-Relaxation in Cost-Optimal Planning. 459-464 - Philippe Jégou, Cyril Terrioux:
Combining Restarts, Nogoods and Decompositions for Solving CSPs. 465-470 - Qiu Ji, Zhiqiang Gao, Zhisheng Huang:
Conflict Resolution in Partially Ordered OWL DL Ontologies. 471-476 - Özgür Kafali, Akin Günay, Pinar Yolum:
GOSU: computing GOal SUpport with commitments in multiagent systems. 477-482 - Michal Krajnanský, Jörg Hoffmann, Olivier Buffet, Alan Fern:
Learning Pruning Rules for Heuristic Search Planning. 483-488 - Thomas E. Krak, Linda C. van der Gaag:
Knowledge-based Bias Correction - A Case Study in Veterinary Decision Support. 489-494 - Arne Kreutzmann, Diedrich Wolter:
Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning with AND/OR Linear Programming. 495-500 - Jérôme Lang, Marija Slavkovik
How Hard is it to Compute Majority-Preserving Judgment Aggregation Rules? 501-506 - Jae Hee Lee
The Complexity of Reasoning with Relative Directions. 507-512 - Jianwen Li, Lijun Zhang, Geguang Pu, Moshe Y. Vardi, Jifeng He:
LTLf Satisfiability Checking. 513-518 - Rui Li, Zahra Ahmadi
, Stefan Kramer:
Constrained Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Subgroup Discovery with Topic Rules. 519-524 - Dianhuan Lin, Eyal Dechter, Kevin Ellis, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Stephen H. Muggleton:
Bias reformulation for one-shot function induction. 525-530 - Ye Liu, Liqing Zhang:
Uncorrelated Multilinear Nearest Feature Line Analysis. 531-536 - Ye Liu, Hao Zhang, Qibin Zhao, Liqing Zhang:
Common Spatial-Spectral Boosting Pattern for Brain-Computer Interface. 537-542 - Alessio R. Lomuscio
, Jakub Michaliszyn
Decidability of model checking multi-agent systems against a class of EHS specifications. 543-548 - Emiliano Lorini, Guifei Jiang, Laurent Perrussel:
Trust-based belief change. 549-554 - Michel Ludwig, Dirk Walther:
The Logical Difference for ℰℒℋr-Terminologies using Hypergraphs. 555-560 - Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez
, Gerardo I. Simari
Probabilistic Preference Logic Networks. 561-566 - Ahmed Mabrouk, Christophe Gonzales, Karine Jabet-Chevalier, Eric Chojnacki:
An Efficient Bayesian Network Structure Learning Algorithm in the Presence of Deterministic Relations. 567-572 - Luís Felipe K. de Macedo, Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro, Marilton S. de Aguiar
, Helder Coelho:
An Evolutionary Spatial Game-based Approach for the Self-regulation of Social Exchanges in MAS. 573-578 - Krzysztof Magiera, Piotr Faliszewski
How Hard is Control in Single-Crossing Elections? 579-584 - Michael J. Maher:
Comparing Defeasible Logics. 585-590 - Samhar Mahmoud, Lina Barakat, Simon Miles
, Adel Taweel
, Brendan Delaney
, Michael Luck
Information-based Incentivisation when Rewards are Inadequate. 591-596 - Shlomi Maliah, Guy Shani
, Roni Stern
Privacy Preserving Landmark Detection. 597-602 - João Marques-Silva, Alexey Ignatiev
, António Morgado
, Vasco Manquinho
, Inês Lynce
Efficient Autarkies. 603-608 - Pierre Marquis
, Odile Papini, Henri Prade:
Some Elements for a Prehistory of Artificial Intelligence in the Last Four Centuries. 609-614 - Diego Marron, Albert Bifet
, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales
Random Forests of Very Fast Decision Trees on GPU for Mining Evolving Big Data Streams. 615-620 - Steffen Michels, Arjen Hommersom, Peter J. F. Lucas, Marina Velikova:
Imprecise Probabilistic Horn Clause Logic. 621-626 - Laurent Miclet, Nelly Barbot, Henri Prade:
From analogical proportions in lattices to proportional analogies in formal concepts. 627-632 - Vitaly Mirkis, Carmel Domshlak:
Landmarks in Oversubscription Planning. 633-638 - Gilbert Müller, Ralph Bergmann:
A Cluster-Based Approach to Improve Similarity-Based Retrieval for Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning. 639-644 - Mushthofa Mushthofa
, Steven Schockaert
, Martine De Cock
A finite-valued solver for disjunctive fuzzy answer set programs. 645-650 - Ramasuri Narayanam, Oskar Skibski
, Hemank Lamba, Tomasz P. Michalak
A Shapley Value-based Approach to Determine Gatekeepers in Social Networks with Applications. 651-656 - Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh:
The Computational Impact of Partial Votes on Strategic Voting. 657-662 - Zeinab Noorian, Mohsen Mohkami, Julita Vassileva
How much trust is enough to trust? A market-adaptive trust threshold setting for e-marketplaces. 663-668 - Ingrid Nunes
, Simon Miles
, Michael Luck
, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa
, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Pattern-based Explanation for Automated Decisions. 669-674 - Umut Oztok, Adnan Darwiche:
CV-width: A New Complexity Parameter for CNFs. 675-680 - Lin Padgham
, Kai Nagel
, Dhirendra Singh, Qingyu Chen:
Integrating BDI Agents into a MATSim Simulation. 681-686 - Juan José Palacios
, Camino R. Vela
, Inés González Rodríguez
, Jorge Puente
Schedule Generation Schemes for Job Shop Problems with Fuzziness. 687-692 - Arnoud Pastink, Linda C. van der Gaag:
The Persistence of Most Probable Explanations in Bayesian Networks. 693-698 - Yannick Pencolé:
DITO: a CSP-based diagnostic engine. 699-704 - Tom Pepels
, Mandy J. W. Tak, Marc Lanctot, Mark H. M. Winands
Quality-based Rewards for Monte-Carlo Tree Search Simulations. 705-710 - Célia da Costa Pereira
, Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi:
Syntactic Possibilistic Goal Generation. 711-716 - Rok Piltaver, Mitja Lustrek, Jernej Zupancic, Saso Dzeroski
, Matjaz Gams:
Multi-objective learning of hybrid classifiers. 717-722 - Daniele Porello
, Nicolas Troquard
A resource-sensitive logic of agency. 723-728 - Nico Potyka
, Matthias Thimm:
Consolidation of Probabilistic Knowledge Bases by Inconsistency Minimization. 729-734 - Henry Prakken:
On support relations in abstract argumentation as abstractions of inferential relations. 735-740 - Steven D. Prestwich, Marco Laumanns
, Ban Kawas:
Symmetry Breaking for Exact Solutions in Adjustable Robust Optimisation. 741-746 - Ruurdje Procee, Bart A. Kamphorst, Arlette van Wissen, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
An Agent-Based Model of Procrastination. 747-752 - Wenzhao Qiao, Nico Roos:
An argumentation system for reasoning with LPm. 753-758 - Merel T. Rietbergen, Linda C. van der Gaag, Hans L. Bodlaender
Provisional Propagation for Verifying Monotonicity of Bayesian Networks. 759-764 - Gabriele Röger
, Florian Pommerening
, Malte Helmert
Optimal Planning in the Presence of Conditional Effects: Extending LM-Cut with Context Splitting. 765-770 - Nico Roos:
The semantics of behavior. 771-776 - Roberto Rossi
, Steven D. Prestwich, S. Armagan Tarim
Statistical Constraints. 777-782 - Enrico Scala
, Pietro Torasso:
Proactive and Reactive Reconfiguration for the Robust Execution of Multi Modality Plans. 783-788 - Christoph Schaefer, Daniel Hienert
, Thomas Gottron:
Normalized Relevance Distance - A Stable Metric for Computing Semantic Relatedness over Reference Corpora. 789-794 - Carl Schultz
, Mehul Bhatt
Declarative Spatial Reasoning with Boolean Combinations of Axis-Aligned Rectangular Polytopes. 795-800 - Christoph Schwering, Gerhard Lakemeyer:
A Semantic Account of Iterated Belief Revision in the Situation Calculus. 801-806 - Paolo Serafino, Carmine Ventre
Heterogeneous Facility Location without Money on the Line. 807-812 - Kostyantyn M. Shchekotykhin
, Gerhard Friedrich, Patrick Rodler, Philipp Fleiss:
Sequential diagnosis of high cardinality faults in knowledge-bases by direct diagnosis generation. 813-818 - Eric Anyung Shieh, Albert Xin Jiang, Amulya Yadav, Pradeep Varakantham
, Milind Tambe:
Unleashing Dec-MDPs in Security Games: Enabling Effective Defender Teamwork. 819-824 - Alexander Shleyfman, Antonín Komenda, Carmel Domshlak:
On Combinatorial Actions and CMABs with Linear Side Information. 825-830 - Gilles Simonin, Barry O'Sullivan
Optimisation for the Ride-Sharing Problem: a Complexity-based Approach. 831-836 - Dhirendra Singh, Lin Padgham
OpenSim: A framework for integrating agent-based models and simulation components. 837-842 - John K. Slaney
Set-theoretic duality: A fundamental feature of combinatorial optimisation. 843-848 - Henry Soldano
, Guillaume Santini:
Graph abstraction for closed pattern mining in attributed networks. 849-854 - Giorgos Stoilos, Giorgos B. Stamou:
Hybrid Query Answering Over OWL Ontologies. 855-860 - Xingyu Su, Alban Grastien:
Verifying the Precision of Diagnostic Algorithms. 861-866 - Piotr L. Szczepanski, Tomasz P. Michalak
, Michael J. Wooldridge:
A Centrality Measure for Networks With Community Structure Based on a Generalization of the Owen Value. 867-872 - Moritz Tenorth, Georg Bartels, Michael Beetz
Knowledge-based Specification of Robot Motions. 873-878 - John Thangarajah
, James Harland
, David N. Morley, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Quantifying the Completeness of Goals in BDI Agent Systems. 879-884 - Dilhan J. Thilakarathne
, Jan Treur
Modelling the Dynamics of Emotional Awareness. 885-890 - Matthias Thimm:
Coherence and Compatibility of Markov Logic Networks. 891-896 - Michaël Thomazo, Sebastian Rudolph
Mixing Materialization and Query Rewriting for Existential Rules. 897-902 - Willy Ugarte
, Patrice Boizumault, Samir Loudni, Bruno Crémilleux:
Computing Skypattern Cubes. 903-908 - Toby Walsh:
The PeerRank Method for Peer Assessment. 909-914 - Timothy Wiley
, Claude Sammut, Ivan Bratko:
Qualitative Simulation with Answer Set Programming. 915-920 - Nic Wilson
Preference Inference Based on Lexicographic Models. 921-926 - Min Yang, Dingju Zhu, Rashed Mustafa, Kam-Pui Chow:
Learning Domain-specific Sentiment Lexicon with Supervised Sentiment-aware LDA. 927-932 - Roman Záluský, Daniela Duracková, Viera Stopjaková
, Lukás Nagy
, Vladimír Sedlák:
Novel architecture of a digital neuron for FFNN employing special multiplication. 933-938 - Benjamin Zarrieß, Jens Claßen
Verifying CTL* Properties of GOLOG Programs over Local-Effect Actions. 939-944 - Dengji Zhao, Siqi Luo, Taiki Todo
, Makoto Yokoo
False-name-proof Combinatorial Auction Design via Single-minded Decomposition. 945-950 - Yoosef B. Abushark, Michael Winikoff, Tim Miller, James Harland
, John Thangarajah
Checking The Correctness of Agent Designs Against Model-Based Requirements. 953-954 - Kamil Adamczewski, Szymon Matejczyk, Tomasz P. Michalak
How good is the Shapley value-based approach to the influence maximization problem? 955-956 - Alessandro Artale, Davide Bresolin
, Angelo Montanari, Guido Sciavicco
, Vladislav Ryzhikov:
DL-Lite and Interval Temporal Logics: a Marriage Proposal. 957-958 - Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, Federico Capuzzimati:
Social Computing in JaCaMo. 959-960 - Max Barer, Guni Sharon, Roni Stern
, Ariel Felner
Suboptimal Variants of the Conflict-Based Search Algorithm for the Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem. 961-962 - Salem Benferhat, Sylvain Lagrue, Karim Tabia:
Analysis of interval-based possibilistic networks. 963-964 - Salem Benferhat, Karim Tabia, Mouaad Kezih, Mahmoud Taibi:
Post-processing a classifier's predictions: Strategies and empirical evaluation. 965-966 - Salem Benferhat, Zied Bouraoui, Odile Papini, Éric Würbel:
Assertional-based Prioritized Removed Sets Revision of DL-LiteR Knowledge Bases. 967-968 - Stefano Bistarelli
, Fabio Rossi
, Francesco Santini
A First Comparison of Abstract Argumentation Reasoning-Tools. 969-970 - Janneke H. Bolt, Silja Renooij
Sensitivity of Multi-dimensional Bayesian Classifiers. 971-972 - Andrea Bonisoli, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini
, Alessandro Saetti, Ivan Serina
A Privacy-preserving Model for the Multi-agent Propositional Planning Problem. 973-974 - Guillaume Bosc, Mehdi Kaytoue-Uberall, Chedy Raïssi, Jean-François Boulicaut, Philip Tan:
Mining Balanced Sequential Patterns in RTS Games. 975-976 - Björn Böttcher, Natalia Moriz, Oliver Niggemann
From Formal Requirements on Technical Systems to Complete Designs - A Holistic Approach. 977-978 - Loris Bozzato
, Luciano Serafini:
Combining Reasoning on Semantic Web Metadata. 979-980 - Tim Brys, Matthew E. Taylor
, Ann Nowé:
Using Ensemble Techniques and Multi-Objectivization to Solve Reinforcement Learning Problems. 981-982 - Siqi Chen, Jianye Hao, Gerhard Weiss, Karl Tuyls
, Ho-fung Leung
Spatial evolutionary game-theoretic perspective on agent-based complex negotiations. 983-984 - Kan-Leung Cheng, Inon Zuckerman
, Dana S. Nau, Jennifer Golbeck:
Predicting Agents' Behavior by Measuring their Social Preferences. 985-986 - Simona Colucci
, Silvia Giannini, Francesco M. Donini
, Eugenio Di Sciascio
A deductive approach to the identification and description of clusters in Linked Open Data. 987-988 - Wojciech M. Czarnecki
, Igor T. Podolak:
Adaptive Active Learning as a Multi-armed Bandit Problem. 989-990 - Cristhian A. D. Deagustini, Maria Vanina Martínez
, Marcelo A. Falappa
, Guillermo Ricardo Simari:
Inconsistency resolution and global conflicts. 991-992 - André van Delden:
Quality in Quantity - Relative Direction Constraints using Sector Sets around Oriented Points. 993-994 - Louise A. Dennis, Michael Fisher
Actions with Durations and Failures in BDI Languages. 995-996 - Heshan Du
, Natasha Alechina:
A Logic of Part and Whole for Buffered Geometries. 997-998 - Ioannis Efstathiou, Oliver Lemon
Learning non-cooperative behaviour for dialogue agents. 999-1000 - Patricia Everaere, Sébastien Konieczny
, Pierre Marquis:
Propositional Merging and Judgment Aggregation: Two Compatible Approaches? 1001-1002 - Moser Silva Fagundes, Sascha Ossowski
, Felipe Meneguzzi:
Analyzing the tradeoff between efficiency and cost of norm enforcement in stochastic environments. 1003-1004 - Xiuyi Fan, Francesca Toni
On Computing Explanations in Abstract Argumentation. 1005-1006 - Alberto Garbajosa, Tomás de la Rosa, Raquel Fuentetaja
Planning with Ensembles of Classifiers. 1007-1008 - Dario Garcia-Gasulla
, Sergio Álvarez-Napagao
, Arturo Tejeda-Gómez, Luis Oliva Felipe, Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià, Javier Béjar
, Javier Vázquez-Salceda
Social network data analysis for event detection. 1009-1010 - Thomas Geier, Felix Richter, Susanne Biundo:
Conditioned Belief Propagation Revisited. 1011-1012 - Ilche Georgievski, Alexander Lazovik:
Utility-Based HTN Planning. 1013-1014 - Hristijan Gjoreski
, Simon Kozina, Mitja Lustrek, Matjaz Gams:
Using multiple contexts to distinguish standing from sitting with a single accelerometer. 1015-1016 - Éric Grégoire, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Bertrand Mazure:
Enforcing Solutions in Constraint Networks. 1017-1018 - Valeriia Haberland
, Simon Miles
, Michael Luck
Negotiation to Execute Continuous Long-Term Tasks. 1019-1020 - Anna Harutyunyan, Tim Brys, Peter Vrancx, Ann Nowé:
Off-Policy Shaping Ensembles in Reinforcement Learning. 1021-1022 - Cédric Herpson, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Vincent Corruble:
ADS2 : Anytime Distributed Supervision of Distributed Systems that Face Unreliable or Costly Communication. 1023-1024 - Elizabeth M. Hilliard, Amy Greenwald
, Victor Naroditskiy:
An Algorithm for the Penalized Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem. 1025-1026 - Birgit Hofer
, Rui Abreu
, Alexandre Perez
, Franz Wotawa
Generation of Relevant Spreadsheet Repair Candidates. 1027-1028 - Birgit Hofer
, Franz Wotawa
Comparing Models for Spreadsheet Fault Localization. 1029-1030 - Xin Hong, Yan Huang, Wenjun Ma
, Paul Miller, Weiru Liu
, Huiyu Zhou
Video Event Recognition by Dempster-Shafer Theory. 1031-1032 - Anthony Hunter
, Matthias Thimm:
Probabilistic Argumentation with Incomplete Information. 1033-1034 - Anisse Ismaili:
Multiobjective Prices of Stability and Anarchy for Multiobjective Games. 1035-1036 - Saïd Jabbour, Yue Ma, Badran Raddaoui, Lakhdar Sais:
Prime Implicates Based Inconsistency Characterization. 1037-1038 - Jianmin Ji
, Hannes Strass:
From Default and Autoepistemic Logics to Disjunctive Answer Set Programs via the Logic of GK. 1039-1040 - Krystian Jobczyk, Maroua Bouzid, Antoni Ligeza
, Jerzy Karczmarczuk:
Fuzzy Logic for Preferences expressible by convolutions. 1041-1042 - Anup K. Kalia, Zhe Zhang, Munindar P. Singh
Estimating Trust from Agents' Interactions via Commitments. 1043-1044 - Timo Klerx, Maik Anderka, Hans Kleine Büning:
On the Usage of Behavior Models to Detect ATM Fraud. 1045-1046 - Dionysios Kontarinis, Elise Bonzon
, Nicolas Maudet, Pavlos Moraitis:
On the Use of Target Sets for Move Selection in Multi-Agent Debates. 1047-1048 - Georg Krempl, Daniel Kottke, Myra Spiliopoulou:
Probabilistic Active Learning: A Short Proposition. 1049-1050 - Philippe Laborie:
An Optimal Iterative Algorithm for Extracting MUCs in a Black-box Constraint Network. 1051-1052 - Claudio Landi, Arjan J. C. van Gemund, Marina Zanella
Heuristics to Increase Observability in Spectrum-based Fault Localization. 1053-1054 - Jérôme Lang, Marija Slavkovik
, Srdjan Vesic:
A weakening of independence in judgment aggregation: agenda separability. 1055-1056 - David Lesaint, Deepak Mehta, Barry O'Sullivan
, Vincent Vigneron
A Decomposition Approach for Discovering Discriminative Motifs in a Sequence Database. 1057-1058 - Nir Lipovetzky
, Hector Geffner
Width-based Algorithms for Classical Planning: New Results. 1059-1060 - Wenjun Ma
, Weiru Liu
An Intelligent Threat Prevention Framework with Heterogeneous Information. 1061-1062 - Kleanthis Malialis
, Sam Devlin
, Daniel Kudenko:
Coordinated Team Learning and Difference Rewards for Distributed Intrusion Response. 1063-1064 - Yuri Malitsky, Barry O'Sullivan
, Alessandro Previti, João Marques-Silva:
Timeout-Sensitive Portfolio Approach to Enumerating Minimal Correction Subsets for Satisfiability Problems. 1065-1066 - Nicholas Mattei
, Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh:
How Hard Is It to Control an Election by Breaking Ties? 1067-1068 - Gregor Mehlmann, Kathrin Janowski
, Tobias Baur
, Markus Häring, Elisabeth André
, Patrick Gebhard:
Modeling Gaze Mechanisms for Grounding in HRI. 1069-1070 - Svetlana Obraztsova, Zinovi Rabinovich
, Alexandra Madunts
Faustian Dynamics in Sarkar's Social Cycle. 1071-1072 - Nardine Osman
, Patricia Gutierrez, Carles Sierra
Trustworthy Advice. 1073-1074 - Jihong Ouyang, You Lu, Ximing Li:
Momentum Online LDA for Large-scale Datasets. 1075-1076 - François Pachet, Pierre Roy:
Imitative Leadsheet Generation with User Constraints. 1077-1078 - Jan Paredis:
(Co)evolution Leads towards ROMAs. 1079-1080 - Abdulhakim Ali Qahtan, Suojin Wang, Raymond J. Carroll, Xiangliang Zhang
A New Study of Two Divergence Metrics for Change Detection in Data Streams. 1081-1082 - Julia Radoszycki, Nathalie Peyrard, Régis Sabbadin:
Finding good stochastic factored policies for factored Markov decision processes. 1083-1084 - Rudy Raymond
, Teruo Koyanagi, Takayuki Osogami:
An Approximate Counting for Big Textual Data Streams. 1085-1086 - Christophe Rodrigues
, Henry Soldano
, Gauvain Bourgne, Céline Rouveirol:
Multi Agent Learning of Relational Action Models. 1087-1088 - Markus Schneider, Fabio Ramos:
Transductive Learning for Multi-Task Copula Processes. 1089-1090 - Anika Schumann, Freddy Lécué, Joern Ploennigs
Exploiting the Semantic Web for Systems Diagnosis. 1091-1092 - François Schwarzentruber
, Caroline Semmling:
STIT is dangerously undecidable. 1093-1094 - Raquel Sebastião
, João Gama
, Teresa Mendonça
Comparing Data Distribution Using Fading Histograms. 1095-1096 - Silvan Sievers, Martin Wehrle, Malte Helmert
Bounded Intention Planning Revisited. 1097-1098 - Marius Stanescu, Nicolas A. Barriga
, Michael Buro:
Introducing Hierarchical Adversarial Search, a Scalable Search Procedure for Real-Time Strategy Games. 1099-1100 - Christoph Suter, Alexander A. Navarini
, Marc Pouly
, Ruedi Arnold, Florian S. Gutzwiller, René Meier, Thomas Koller:
Detection and Quantification of Hand Eczema by Visible Spectrum Skin Pattern Analysis. 1101-1102 - Ales Tavcar, Bostjan Kaluza, Marcel Kvassay
, Bernhard Schneider, Matjaz Gams:
Surrogate-Agent Modeling for Improved Training. 1103-1104 - Arsène Fansi Tchango, Vincent Thomas, Olivier Buffet, Fabien Flacher, Alain Dutech:
Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition (STAR) using Advanced Agent-Based Behavioral Simulations. 1105-1106 - David Tolpin, Oded Betzalel, Ariel Felner
, Solomon Eyal Shimony:
Rational Deployment of Multiple Heuristics in IDA. 1107-1108 - Bin Tong, Tetsuro Morimura, Einoshin Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Idé
Probabilistic Two-Level Anomaly Detection for Correlated Systems. 1109-1110 - Jan Tozicka, Jan Jakubuv
, Antonín Komenda:
Generating Multi-Agent Plans by Distributed Intersection of Finite State Machines. 1111-1112 - Ricardo Usbeck
, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
, Michael Röder, Daniel Gerber, Sandro Athaíde Coelho
, Sören Auer
, Andreas Both:
AGDISTIS - Agnostic Disambiguation of Named Entities Using Linked Open Data. 1113-1114 - Thaís Gobet Uzun, Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro
Community Detection based on a Naming Game. 1115-1116 - Mauro Vallati
, Federico Cerutti
, Massimiliano Giacomin
Argumentation Frameworks Features: an Initial Study. 1117-1118 - Carlos Vicient, Antonio Moreno
Unsupervised semantic clustering of Twitter hashtags. 1119-1120 - Jean-Noël Vittaut, Jean Méhat:
Fast Instantiation of GGP Game Descriptions Using Prolog with Tabling. 1121-1122 - Sören Volgmann, Francisco M. Rangel Pardo, Oliver Niggemann
, Paolo Rosso:
Emotional Trends in Social Media - A State Space Approach. 1123-1124 - Hui Wei, Zheng Dong
Local Image Descriptor Inspired by Visual Cortex. 1125-1126 - Matthias Westphal, Julien Hué:
A Concise Horn Theory for RCC8. 1127-1128 - Fuhan Yan, Zhaofeng Li, Yichuan Jiang:
Noised Diffusion Dynamics with Individual Biased Opinion. 1129-1130 - Yongjie Yang
Election Attacks with Few Candidates. 1131-1132 - Yuan Yao
, Brian Logan, John Thangarajah
SP-MCTS-based Intention Scheduling for BDI Agents. 1133-1134 - Cheng Zeng, Nir Oren
Dynamic Taxi Pricing. 1135-1136 - Yulin Zhang, Yang Xu, Haixiao Hu, Xianggen Liu:
Semantical Information Graph Model toward Fast Information Valuation in Large Teamwork. 1137-1138 - Yi Zhou:
From Disjunctive to Normal Logic Programs via Unfolding and Shifting. 1139-1140 - Caroline Even, Victor Pillac, Pascal Van Hentenryck:
NICTA Evacuation Planner: Actionable Evacuation Plans with Contraflows. 1143-1148 - Jan Hrncír, Qing Song, Pavol Zilecky, Marcel Nemet, Michal Jakob:
Bicycle Route Planning with Route Choice Preferences. 1149-1154 - Prabhu Natarajan, Kian Hsiang Low, Mohan S. Kankanhalli
No One is Left "Unwatched": Fairness in Observation of Crowds of Mobile Targets in Active Camera Surveillance. 1155-1160 - Gerald Ninaus, Alexander Felfernig, Martin Stettinger, Stefan Reiterer, Gerhard Leitner, Leopold Weninger, Walter Schanil:
INTELLIREQ: Intelligent Techniques for Software Requirements Engineering. 1161-1166 - Takayuki Osogami, Rudy Raymond
Efficient Policy Iteration for Periodic Markov Decision Processes. 1167-1172 - Ariella Richardson, Uzy Smilansky:
Geometrical Feature Extraction for Cuneiforms. 1173-1178 - Noelia Sánchez-Maroño
, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
, Oscar Fontenla-Romero, C. Brinquis-Núñez, J. Gareth Polhill
, Tony Craig:
Influence of internal values and social networks for achieving sustainable organizations. 1179-1184 - Peter Struss, Raymond Sterling, Jesús Febres, Umbreen Sabir, Marcus M. Keane
Combining Engineering and Qualitative Models to Fault Diagnosis in Air Handling Units. 1185-1190 - Mohamed Tlig, Olivier Buffet, Olivier Simonin:
Stop-Free Strategies for Traffic Networks: Decentralized On-line Optimization. 1191-1196 - Marina Velikova, Peter Novák, Bas Huijbrechts, Jan Laarhuis, Jesper Hoeksma, Steffen Michels:
An Integrated Reconfigurable System for Maritime Situational Awareness. 1197-1202 - Charilaos Akasiadis
, Georgios Chalkiadakis
Stochastic Filtering Methods for Predicting Agent Performance in the Smart Grid. 1205-1206 - Pavel Krc
, Krystof Eben
, Emil Pelikán:
Clustering weather situations with respect to prediction of solar irradiance by multiple NWP models. 1207-1208 - Tomás Plch, Matej Marko, Petr Ondrácek, Martin Cerný
, Jakub Gemrot, Cyril Brom
Modular Behavior Trees: Language for Fast AI in Open-World Video Games. 1209-1210 - Joern Ploennigs
, Anika Schumann, Freddy Lécué:
Extending Semantic Sensor Networks for Automatically Tackling Smart Building Problems. 1211-1212 - Aleksander Sadikov, Vida Groznik
, Jure Zabkar, Martin Mozina, Dejan Georgiev, Zvezdan Pirtosek, Ivan Bratko:
ParkinsonCheck Smart Phone App. 1213-1214 - Jonas Vlasselaer, Wannes Meert
, Rocco Langone
, Luc De Raedt
Condition Monitoring with Incomplete Observations. 1215-1216 - Steven P. D. Woudenberg, Linda C. van der Gaag, Ad Feelders, Armin R. W. Elbers:
Real-time Adaptive Problem Detection in Poultry. 1217-1218 - Andreas Arzt, Sebastian Böck
, Sebastian Flossmann, Harald Frostel, Martin Gasser, Cynthia C. S. Liem
, Gerhard Widmer
The Piano Music Companion. 1221-1222 - Florin Chertes, Ingo Feinerer
VMAP: A Visual Schema Mapping Tool. 1223-1224 - Michal Jakob, Jan Hrncír, Luis Oliva, Francesco Ronzano
, Pavol Zilecky, Jason Finnegan:
Personalized Fully Multimodal Journey Planner. 1225-1226 - Tomás Kliegr, Jaroslav Kuchar:
Orwellian Eye: Video Recommendation with Microsoft Kinect. 1227-1228 - Jan Nykl, Michal Jakob, Jan Hrncír:
Advanced Public Transport Network Analyser. 1229-1230 - Richard Schaller, Martin Hacker:
Mobile Tourist Guide: Bridging the Gap between Recommending, Planning and User-Centered Interaction. 1231-1232

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