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25th ECIS 2017: Guimarães, Portugal
- Isabel Ramos, Virpi Tuunainen, Helmut Krcmar:
25th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017, Guimarães, Portugal, June 5-10, 2017. 2017
Research Papers
- Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, Tarun Goyal, Yannick Ouardi, Andreas König:
Political Ideology as a predictor of Online Media Piracy. 1 - Simon Chanias:
Mastering Digital Transformation: the Path of a Financial Services Provider towards a Digital Transformation Strategy. 2 - Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Jan Zibuschka, Oliver Hinz:
About User Preferences and Willingness to Pay for a Secure and Privacy Protective Ubiquitous Personal Assistant. 3 - Yizhou Li, Phillip Haake, Benjamin Müller:
Explaining the Influence of Workarounds on Effective Use - the Case of a supply Chain Management System. 4 - Yu Zhang, Shijia Gao, Frada Burstein:
Exploration of Healthcare Information System Users' lifeworld: an Empirical Study Informed by Heidegger's phenomenology. 5 - Carolin Ebermann, Benjamin Brauer, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Decoding the Motivational Black Box - the Case of Ranking, Self-Efficacy, and Subliminal Priming. 6 - Rebecca Bregant, Claudia Jandl, Philipp Brune, Heiko Gewald:
How to Manage the Segment-of-One? A Framework to Reduce Customer Complexity. 7 - Manuel Holler, Falk Uebernickel, Walter Brenner:
Defining Archetypes of E-Collaboration for Product Development in The Automotive Industry. 8 - Sandra Oomen, Benny De Waal, Ademar Albertin, Pascal Ravesteyn:
How can Scrum be Succesful? Competences of the Scrum Product Owner. 9 - Gerrit Remané, Andre Hanelt, Florian Wiesböck, Lutz M. Kolbe:
Digital Maturity in Traditional industries - an Exploratory Analysis. 10 - Martin Böckle, Jasminko Novak, Markus Bick:
Towards adaptive Gamification: a synthesis of current Developments. 11 - Felix Haeussinger, Johann Kranz:
Antecedents of Employees' Information Security Awareness - Review, synthesis, and Directions for Future Research. 12 - Charlotte Shahlaei, Masood Rangraz, Dick Stenmark:
Transformation of Competence - the effects of Digitalization on communicators' Work. 13 - Valentina Lichtner, Tony Cornford, Ela Klecun:
'IT's People heavy': a Sociotechnical View of Hospital discharge. 14 - Mark Govers, Pierre Amelsvoort:
A Socio-Technical Perpective on the Design of IT Architecture: the lowland Lens. 15 - Paolo Depaoli, Stefano Za:
Sme E-Business Development: an Interaction based Approach. 16 - Andrea Resca:
The Question of the Circulation of Agency in two Judicial Information Infrastructures. 17 - Nick Letch, Jessica Murray:
Integrative Infrastructuring for Global Collaboration. 18 - Angela Locoro, Aurelio Ravarini, Federico Cabitza, Luca Mari:
Is Making the New Knowing? Tangible and Intangible Knowledge Artifacts in Didiy. 19 - Dennis D. Fehrenbacher, Vincent Castro:
Contract Frame and Participation: mitigating Disadvantages of penalty Contracts. 20 - Quang V. Nguyen, Mary Tate, Philip James Calvert, Benoit Aubert:
Intellectual Capital, Organizational Learning Capability, and ERP Implementation for stra-Tegic Benefit. 21 - Benedikt Pittl, Hans-Georg Fill, Gerald Honegger:
Enabling Risk-Aware Enterprise Modeling using Semantic Annotations and Visual Rules. 22 - Thuy Duong Oesterreich, Frank Teuteberg:
Evaluating Augmented Reality Applications in Construction - a Cost-Benefit Assessment Framework based on VOFI. 23 - Daniel Schellong, Jan Kemper, Malte Brettel:
Generating Consumer Insights from Big Data Clickstream Information and the Link with Transaction-Related Shopping Behavior. 24 - Jing Ren, Robert J. Kauffman:
Understanding Music Track Popularity in a Social Network. 25 - Ronny Schüritz, Ella Brand, Gerhard Satzger, Johannes Kunze von Bischhoffshausen:
How to Cultivate Analytics Capabilities within an Organization? - Design and Types of Analytics Competency Centers. 26 - Frantz Rowe, Patrick Besson, Aymeric Hemon:
Socio-Technical inertia, Dynamic Capabilities and Environmental uncertainty: Senior Management Views and Implications for Organizational Transformation. 27 - Rouven Wiegard, Dennis Eilers, Dennis Gercke:
What does YouTube Say about Your Product? An Aspect based Approach. 28 - Jan Kemper:
The Power of Online Customer Reviews in Fashion E-Commerce - an Empirical Analysis across Categories and Brands. 29 - Olgerta Tona, Sven A. Carlsson:
Enhancing Decision-Making Efficiency through M-bi Use. 30 - Rikke Gaardboe, Tanja Svarre Jonasen:
Critical Factors for Business Intelligence Success. 31 - Dana Naous, Johannes S. Schwarz, Christine Legner:
Analytics As A Service: Cloud Computing and the Transformation of Business Analytics Business Models and Ecosystems. 32 - Mario Nadj, Christian Schieder:
Towards a Taxonomy of Real-Time Business Intelligence Systems. 33 - Nikolai Stein, Christoph Flath:
Applying Data Science for shop-Floor Performance Prediction. 34 - Jeannette Stark, Werner Esswein:
Using secondary Notation to Improve the Cognitive Effectiveness of BPMN-Models. 35 - Toomas Saarsen, Marlon Dumas:
On the effect of mixing Text and Diagrams on Business Process Model Use. 36 - Jeroen Pillaerds, Rik Eshuis:
Assessing Suitability of adaptive Case Management. 37 - Kathrin Figl:
User Evaluation of Symbols for Core Business Process Modeling Concepts. 38 - Florian Imgrund, Marcus Fischer, Christian Janiesch, Axel Winkelmann:
Managing the Long Tail of Business Processes. 39 - Tillmann Grupp, David Schneider:
Seamless Updates - How Security and Feature Update Delivery Strategies Affect continuance Intentions with Digital Applications. 40 - David Langley, Jan-Willem Tel:
Effects of Firm responses to anti-Firm Episodes on Social Media. 41 - Christina Sarigianni, Lena Waizenegger, Manfred Geiger, Ulrich Remus:
"we Need to Talk!" - Project Teams Dealing with low connectivity. 42 - Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, Jan Ondrus, Thomas Kude:
Launch Strategies of Digital Platforms: Platforms with switching and non-switching Users. 43 - Jean-Charles Pillet, Federico Pigni, Claudio Vitari:
Learning about Ambiguous Technologies: Conceptualization and Research Agenda. 44 - Jesper Holgersson, Ida Lindgren, Ulf Melin, Karin Axelsson:
Not Another New Wine in the same Old bottles - Motivators and Innovation in Local Government E-Service Development. 45 - Michael Kunz, Oliver Englisch, Ulrich Bretschneider:
Build Your City! - Engaging Citizens in Crowdfunding Projects. 46 - Annette Felgenhauer, Solveigh Hieronimus, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Lea Thiel:
Mobile Job Search Applications - New pathway to Increase youths' Job Application Efforts? 47 - Steffen Höhenberger, Hendrik Scholta:
Will Government Forms Ever be Consistent? Detecting Violations in Form Structures by utilizing Graph Theory. 48 - Nnanyelugo Aham-Anyanwu, Honglei Li:
E-Public Engagement: Formulating a Citizencontent Engagement Model. 49 - Luoxia Chen, Alex Zarifis, Julia Kroenung:
The Role of Trust in Personal Information Disclosure on Health-Related Websites. 50 - Christina Keller:
A Third Person in the Room: a Case Study of the Swedish rheumatoid Register. 51 - Bendik Bygstad, Ole Hanseth, Anette Siebenherz, Egil Øvrelid:
Process Innovation Meets Digital Infrastructure in a High-Tech Hospital. 52 - Dimitra I. Petrakaki:
Producing Communal Health through Self Care: the Emergence of Digital Patient Activism. 53 - Olli Korhonen, Minna Isomursu:
Identifying Personalization in a Care pathway: a single-Case Study of a Finnish Healthcare Service Provider. 54 - Dinh Dang:
Enterprise Architecture Institutionalization: a Tale of two Cases. 55 - Magnus Bergquist, Jan Ljungberg, Bjorn Remneland, Bertil Rolandsson:
From E-Government to E-Governance: Social Media and Public Authorities Legitimacy Work. 56 - Egil Øvrelid, Bendik Bygstad, Ole Hanseth:
Discursive formations and Shifting Strategies in E-Health programmes. 57 - Risto Paavola, Petri Hallikainen, Amany R. Elbanna:
Role of Middle Managers in Modular Digital Transformation: the Case of Servu. 58 - John Stouby Persson, Anja Reinwald, Espen Skorve, Peter Axel Nielsen:
Value Positions in E-Government Strategies: Something is (not) Changing in the State of Denmark. 59 - Hendrik Scholta, Willem Mertens, Angela Reeve, Marek Kowalkiewicz:
From One-stop-shop to no-stop-shop: an E-Government stage Model. 60 - Randall Smith, Jocelyn Cranefield:
"having Skin in the Game": a Value tension Study of an Inter- Agency IT Project. 61 - Jose Benitez-Amado, Laura Ruiz, Francisco Javier Lloréns Montes, Ana Castillo López:
Corporate Social Responsibility, Employer Reputation, and Social Media Capability: an Empirical Investigation. 62 - Daniel Leonhardt, Ingmar Haffke, Johann Kranz, Alexander Benlian:
Reinventing the IT function: the Role of IT Agility and IT Ambidexterity in Supporting Digital Business Transformation. 63 - Michael Scholz, Lauri Frank:
The effect of Textual Producer-Generated Descriptions on demand of Mobile Applications. 64 - Jürgen Neumann, Dominik Gutt:
A Homeowner's Guide to Airbnb: Theory and Empirical Evidence for Optimal Pricing Conditional on Online Ratings. 65 - Olga Abramova, Hanna Krasnova, Chee-Wee Tan:
How Much will You Pay? Understanding the Value of Information cues in the Sharing Economy. 66 - Nihal Islam, Peter Buxmann, David Ding:
Fostering Digital Innovation through Inter-Organizational Collaboration between Incumbent Firms and Start-UPS. 67 - Rania El-Gazzar, Helle Henriksen, Fathul Wahid:
It Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Emerging economies - is Cloud Computing a Magic ingredient for Egyptian Entrepreneurs? 68 - Benedikt Notheisen, Florian Hawlitschek, Christof Weinhardt:
Breaking down the Blockchain Hype - towards a Blockchain Market Engineering Approach. 69 - Thomas Niemand, Coen Rigtering, Andreas Kallmünzer, Sascha Kraus, Stevan Matijas:
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Digitalization in the Financial Service Industry: a Contingency Approach. 70 - Boriana Rukanova, Mark de Reuver, Stefan Henningsson, Fatemeh Nikayin, Yao-Hua Tan:
Overcoming blockages to Collective Innovation in Digital Infrastructures: the Case of Mobile Payment. 71 - Kenny Lienhard, Oliver Job, Lucas Bachmann, Nicolas Bodmer, Christine Legner:
A Framework to Advance Electronic Health Record System Use in Routine Patient Care. 72 - Grace Kenny, Regina Connolly:
Towards an Inclusive World: Exploring M-Health Adoption across Generations. 73 - Hawa Nyende, Urban Ask, Peter Nabende:
Adopting a Service-dominant Logic to Prediction of pregnancy Complications: an Exploratory Study of Maternal Healthcare in Uganda. 74 - Vincent Bremer, Dennis Becker, Burkhardt Funk, Dirk Lehr:
Predicting the Individual Mood Level based on diary Data. 75 - Diana Renner:
Predictors for Motivation to Learn in the Context of Technology-Related Training - an Exploratory Study in the Healthcare Sector. 76 - Manjula Devananda, Stephen Cranefield, Michael Winikoff, Hywel Lloyd:
Workload Prediction Model of a Primary Health Centre. 77 - Marta Vos, Jocelyn Cranefield:
Rfid/Internet of Things Systems on the boundary between Public and Private Sectors: an Ant Study of multiplicity. 78 - Mira Slavova, Panayiotis Constantinides:
Digital Infrastructures as Platforms: the Case of Smart electricity Grids. 79 - Kathrin Kuehne, Marc-Oliver Sonneberg, Michael H. Breitner:
Ecological & Profitable Carsharing Business: emission Limits & Heterogeneous Fleets. 80 - Piyush Yadav, Souleiman Hasan, Adegboyega Ojo, Edward Curry:
The Role of Open Data in driving Sustainable Mobility in Nine Smart Cities. 81 - D. Sandy Staples, Jane Webster, Shunan Lv:
Comparing Goal Setting Approaches to Boost Computer-Related Pro-Environmental Behaviors. 82 - Elena Gorbacheva, Benjamin Barann:
It-Enabled Idea Crowdsourcing - a mean to Promote Gender equity in IT Research Institutions. 83 - Firouzeh Taghikhah, Jay Daniel, Grant Mooney:
Profit, Planet and People in supply Chain: Grand Challenges and Future Opportunities. 84 - John McAvoy, Tom Butler:
Causal Framework through Retroduction and retrodiction. 85 - Matthias Eickhoff, Nicole Neuss:
Topic modelling Methodology: its Use in Information Systems and other Managerial disciplines. 86 - Paidi O'Raghallaigh, Stephen McCarthy, Frédéric Adam:
Sociomateriality: an Object-Inspired Proposal for is scholars. 87 - Dimitra I. Petrakaki:
Technology and Authenticity: Patienthood in a technological World. 88 - Matthias Murawski, Markus Bick:
Demanded and imparted Big Data Competences: towards an integrative Analysis. 89 - Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop:
Personalising the is Classroom - Insights on Course Design and Implementation. 90 - Anna Wiedemann, Andy Weeger:
Developing Intellectual Capital within Agile IT Teams: a literature Review. 91 - Martin Wiener, W. Alec Cram, Ulrich Remus:
The View from the Top - How Senior Executives Exercise control over Information Systems Projects to Enhance Performance. 92 - Tadhg Nagle, David Sammon:
The Data Value Map: a Framework for Developing Shared Understanding on Data Initiatives. 93 - Rogier van de Wetering, Patrick Mikalef, Adamantia G. Pateli:
A Strategic Alignment Model for IT Flexibility and Dynamic Capabilities: toward an Assessment Tool. 94 - Guilherme Wiedenhöft, Edimara Mezzomo Luciano, Gabriela Viale Pereira:
Institutionalization of Information Technology Governance and the Behavior of Individuals in the Public Organizations Context. 95 - Nico Wunderlich, Roman Beck:
We've Got the Power - the Relevance of IT Leadership and Organizational IT Capabilities in the Fully Digitized Business Era. 96 - David Hoffmann, Thomas Müller, Frederik Ahlemann:
Balancing Alignment, Adaptivity, and Effectiveness: Design Principles for Sustainable IT Project portfolio Management. 97 - Jan Jöhnk, Maximilian Röglinger, Markus Thimmel, Nils Urbach:
How to Implement Agile IT setups: a Taxonomy of Design options. 98 - Tomi Dahlberg, Ari Helin:
Why and How do Municipal areas Govern Interorganizational ICT Cooperation: Indeed, "the Emperor has no Clothes". 99 - Isaias Scalabrin Bianchi, Rui Dinis Sousa, Rúben Pereira, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Baseline Mechanisms for IT Governance at Universities. 100 - Dimitris Karagiannis, Robert Buchmann, Michael Walch:
How can Diagrammatic Conceptual modelling Support Knowledge Management? 101 - Hongyi Mao, Shan Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Yajun Zhang:
Information Technology Competency and Organizational Agility: Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Information Intensity. 102 - Jiayuan Liu, Joe Nandhakumar, Markos Zachariadis:
'Guanxi' as a shock Absorber: Lessening the detrimental effect of Structural Holes on the Acquisition and Integration of Knowledge. 103 - Matthias Trier, Magdalene Fung, Abigail Hansen:
Uncertainties as Barriers for Knowledge Sharing with Enterprise Social Media. 104 - Erik Kolek, Eva A. C. Bittner:
Usability Evaluation of Cooperation Visualisation in Enterprises: Framework Development and Validation Based on Empirical Results. 105 - Melanie Steinhüser, Lena Waizenegger, Shahper Vodanovich, Alexander Richter:
Knowledge Management without Management - Shadow IT in Knowledge-Intensive manufacturing Practices. 106 - Ioanna D. Constantiou, Arisa Shollo, Kristian Kreiner, Morten Vendelø:
Digitization in maritime Industry: Coping with a vessel's Engine Failure. 107 - Jean-Francois De Moya, Jessie Pallud:
Quantified Self: a literature Review based on the Funnel Paradigm. 108 - Stephen Treacy, Joseph Feller, Brian O'Flaherty, Tadhg Nagle:
Competitive Market Innovation Contests and Social Capital: Diametrically opposed, or Inherently Linked? 109 - Christian Janze:
Design of a Decentralized Peer-to-Peer reviewing and Publishing Market. 110 - Maximilian Schreieck, Manuel Wiesche:
How established Companies Leverage IT Platforms for Value Co-Creation - Insights from Banking. 111 - Jascha-Alexander Koch:
A Framework for the Notion of 'Utility' in the Landscape of Crowdfunding. 112 - Maximilian Raab, Thomas Friedrich, Sebastian Schlauderer, Sven Overhage:
Understanding the Role of Social presence in Crowdfunding: Evidence from Leading U.S. And German Platforms. 113 - Simon Bründl, Christian Matt, Thomas Hess:
Consumer Use of Social Live Streaming Services: the Influence of Co-Experience and effectance on enjoyment. 114 - Safa'a AbuJarour, Hanna Krasnova:
Understanding the Role of ICTs in Promoting Social Inclusion: the Case of Syrian Refugees in Germany. 115 - Michael Mayer:
Multi-User Service Re-Selection: react Dynamically to Events occurring at Process Execution. 116 - Steven Alter:
Answering Key Questions for Service Science. 117 - Michael Leyer, Mary Tate, Florian Bär, Marek Kowalkiewicz, Michael Rosemann:
Customer Acceptance of Pro-Active Services - a Scenario-based Empirical Study. 118 - Arne Gruettner, Janek Richter, Dirk Basten:
Explaining the Role of Service-Oriented Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems by Establishing Logical Links. 119 - Mateusz Dolata, Gerhard Schwabe:
Involvement Practices in Persuasive Service Encounters: the Case of Home Security Advice. 120 - Alexander Frey, Manuel Trenz, Daniel Veit:
The Role of Technology for Service Innovation in Sharing Economy Organizations - a Service-dominant Logic Perspective. 121 - Margareta Heidt, Rabea Sonnenschein, André Loske:
Never Change a Running System? How Status Quo-Thinking can Inhibit Software as a Service Adoption in Organizations. 122 - Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula, Tonja Molin-Juustila, Leena Kuure:
Multiple voices in the Maker movement - a Nexus analytic literature Review on children, Education and Making. 123 - Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Wael Soliman:
Understanding Crowdturfing: the Different Ethical Logics behind the Clandestine Industry of Deception. 124 - Raphael Rissler, Mario Nadj, Marc T. P. Adam, Alexander Maedche:
Towards an integrative Theoretical Framework of IT-Mediated interruptions. 125 - Wanda Presthus, Linda Andersen:
Information Privacy from a Retail Management Perspective. 126 - Olga Abramova, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova, Stefan Lessmann:
To Phub or not to Phub: Understanding off-Task Smartphone Usage and its Consequences in the Academic Environment. 127 - Zafor Ahmed, Ahmed Alzahrani:
Social Capital and ICT Intervention: a Search for Contextual Relation. 128 - Anna-Maria Seeger, Tillmann Neben, Armin Heinzl:
Information Failures, Trust Violation, and Customer feedback in Web-Enabled Transactions: the Role of Causal Transparency as a Trust Repair Mechanism. 129 - Josef-Michael Schwaiger, Markus Lang, Florian Johannsen, Susanne Leist:
"What does the Customer Want to Tell US?" an Automated Classification Approach for Social Media Posts at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. 130 - Nugi Nkwe, Jason F. Cohen:
Impact of Social Network sites on Psychological and Behavioural Outcomes in the Work-Place: a Systematic literature Review. 131 - Benjamin Wehner, Thomas Falk, Susanne Leist:
What Benefits do they Bring? A Case Study Analysis on Enterprise Social Networks. 132 - Wietske van Osch, Yi-Chuan Wang:
Enterprise Social Media: the Opportunities and Challenges for Start-up Companies. 133 - Annette Felgenhauer, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Georg Lindner:
The Impact of Social Engagement on Customer Profitability - Insights from a Direct Banking Institution's Online Customer Network. 134 - Adrian Engelbrecht, Jin Gerlach, Alexander Benlian, Peter Buxmann:
Analysing Employees' Willingness to Disclose Information in Enterprise Social Networks: the Role of organisational Culture. 135 - Alper Beser, Richard Lackes, Markus Siepermann:
Silence is Golden - when Firms Should react to Negative Word of Mouth. 136 - Ilias O. Pappas, Patrick Mikalef, Michail N. Giannakos, Paul A. Pavlou:
Value Co-Creation and Trust in Social Commerce: an fsQCA Approach. 137 - Milad Mirbabaie, Elisa Zapatka:
Sensemaking in Social Media Crisis Communication - a Case Study on the Brussels Bombings in 2016. 138 - Christian Reuter, Marc-André Kaufhold, Inken Leopold, Hannah Knipp:
Katwarn, NInA, or FEMA? Multi-method Study on Distribution, Use, and Public Views on Crisis Apps. 139 - Nadine Rückeshäuser:
Typology of Distributed Ledger based Business Models. 140 - Oktay Türetken, Paul Grefen:
Designing Service-dominant Business Models. 141 - Florian Plenter, Erwin Fielt, Moritz von Hoffen, Friedrich Chasin, Michael Rosemann:
Repainting the Business Model Canvas for Peer-to-Peer Sharing and Collaborative Consumption. 142 - Jan F. Tesch, Anne Brillinger:
The Evaluation Aspect of Digital Business Model Innovation: a literature Review on Tools and Methodologies. 143 - David Schneider:
Rewarding prosociality on non-Commercial Online Sharing Platforms. 144 - Johannes S. Schwarz, Nicola Terrenghi, Christine Legner:
From One to Many Business Models: Uncovering characteristics of Business Model Portfolios. 145 - Jamie Dowie, Stefan Henningsson, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp:
Merging Platform Ecosystems in Technology Acquisitions: a Governance Perspective. 146 - Jamie Dowie, Stefan Henningsson, Thomas Kude, Karl Michael Popp:
Merging Platform Ecosystems in Technology Acquisitions: a Governance Perspective. 147 - Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, Katharina Buhtz:
Social Influence in Technology Adoption Research: a literature Review and Research Agenda. 148 - Raluca Bunduchi:
Overlapping Logics and Institutional Alignment Spaces: Mapping the organisational trajectory of an is Innovation. 149 - Manfred Geiger, Lena Waizenegger, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Christina Sarigianni, Ronald Maier, Stefan Thalmann, Ulrich Remus:
Not Just Another Type of Resistance - towards a Deeper Understanding of Supportive non-Use. 150 - Jian Mou, Jason F. Cohen, Yongxiang Dou, Bo Zhang:
Predicting Buyers' Repurchase Intentions in Cross-Border E-Commerce: a Valence Framework Perspective. 151 - Maximilian Fischer, Arna Wömmel, Riccardo Reith, Bettina Lis:
A Generation Comparison of Mobile Payment Acceptance Factors: an Empirical Investigation. 152 - Eva Hartl, Benedikt Berger:
Escaping Reality: examining the Role of presence and Escapism in User Adoption of Virtual Reality glasses. 153 - Veronica Luu, Lesley Land, Wynne Chin:
Safeguarding against Romance Scams - using Protection Motivation Theory. 154 - Rita Marques, Gonçalo Costa, Miguel Mira da Silva, Pedro Gonçalves:
A Survey of Failures in the Software Development Process. 155 - Markus Salo, Henri Pirkkalainen, Cecil Chua, Tiina Koskelainen:
Explaining Information Technology Users' Ways of mitigating Technostress. 156 - Rania El-Gazzar, Eli Hustad, Dag Håkon Olsen:
An Institutional Lens on Cloud Computing Adoption - a Study of Institutional Factors and Adoption Strategies. 157
Research-in-Progress Papers
- Johannes Schneider, Markus Weinmann, Jan vom Brocke, Christoph Schneider:
Identifying Preferences through mouse cursor movements - Preliminary Evidence. - Kalle Lyytinen, Frantz Rowe:
Increasing Relevance in is Research: Contextualizing Knowledge in Networks. - Tilahun Muluneh Arage, Tibebe Tesema:
Influence of National Culture on Employees' Intention to Violate Information Systems Security Policies: a National Culture and rational Choice Theory Perspective. - Lennart Jaeger, Andreas Eckhardt:
Making cues Salient: the Role of Security Awareness in shaping Threat and Coping Appraisals. - Robert Linden, Christoph Rosenkranz:
The Impact of Advisory Services on Clients and Vendors in IT Outsourcing Engagements. - Volkmar Mrass, Mahei Manhai Li, Christoph Peters:
Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Work. - Gary Spurrier, Heikki Topi:
When is Agile Appropriate for Enterprise Software Development? - Moufida Sadok, Christine E. Welch:
A Socio-Technical Approach to Sustainability in Organizations: an Exploratory Study. - Christian Meske, Tobias Potthoff:
The Dinu-Model - a Process Model for the Design of Nudges. - Helena Vallo Hult:
The Emergence of Sharing and Gaining Knowledge: towards Smartwork in Healthcare. - Sebastian Göhrig, Christian Janiesch, Daniel Neuß, Julian Kolb, Axel Winkelmann:
Identification of current Key Topics in ERP Post-Implementation Research: a literature Review Classification Framework. - Jeffrey S. Saltz:
Acceptance Factors for using a Big Data Capability and Maturity Model. - Patrick Zschech, Kai Heinrich, Marcus Pfitzner, Andreas Hilbert:
Are You up for the Challenge? Towards the Development of a Big Data Capability Assessment Model. - Jonathan McCarthy, David Sammon, Ciaran Murphy:
Changing Leadership Behaviours: a Journey towards a Data Driven Culture. - Marcel Rhyn, Ivo Blohm:
Combining Collective and Artificial Intelligence: towards a Design Theory for Decision Support in Crowdsourcing. - Tobias Lohse, Jan Kemper, Malte Brettel:
How Online Customer Reviews Affect Sales and Return Behavior - an Empirical Analysis in Fashion E-Commerce. - Humza Naseer, Graeme G. Shanks, Atif Ahmad, Sean B. Maynard:
Towards an Analytics-Driven Information Security Risk Management: a contingent Resource based Perspective. - Sven Jannaber, Dennis M. Riehle, Patrick Delfmann, Oliver Thomas:
Help is on the Way - Providing User Support for EPC modelling via a Systematic procedure Model. - Darius Schlangenotto, Dennis Kundisch:
Achieving More by Paying Less? How Retailers can Benefit by Bidding Less Aggressively in Paid Search Auctions. - Dennis Hummel, Silvia Schacht, Alexander Maedche:
Designing adaptive Nudges for Multi-channel Choices of Digital Services: a Laboratory Experiment Design. - Grace Kenny, Ciara Heavin, Yvonne O'Connor, Edmund Onyemaechi Ndibuagu:
Bridging the Knowledge Gap: towards a comprehensive mHealth Training Framework. - Stefanie Paluch, Sven Tuzovic:
Leveraging pushed Self-tracking in the Health Insurance Industry: How do Individuals perceive Smart Wearables offered by Insurance Organization? - Samantha Dick, Yvonne O'Connor, Ciara Heavin:
Randomised controlled Trials as a method of Evaluating Mobile Health Interventions. - Imran Muhammad, Paul Paddle, Chandrashan Perera, Peter Haddad, Nilmini Wickramasinghe:
The Development of a Hospital Secure Messaging and Communication Platform: a Conceptualization. - Kim Hurtta, Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque:
Digital Innovation in Public Service Ecosystem: Enacting the Generative Affordance. - Björn Häckel, Daniel Miehle, Stefan Pfosser, Jochen Übelhör:
Development of Dynamic Key Figures for the identification of Critical Components in Smart Factory Information Networks. - Natallia Pashkevich, Darek M. Haftor:
Software Programmer productivity: a complementary-based Research mode. - Gaurav Gupta, Indranil Bose:
New Venture Ambidexterity in Emerging Markets: the Case of Crowdfunding in India. - Sean Nevin, Rob Gleasure, Philip O'Reilly, Joe Feller, Shanping Li, Jerry Cristoforo:
Large Crowds or Large Investments? How Social Identity Influences the Commitment of the Crowd. - Dirk F. Gerritsen, J. P. Coen Rigtering, Carla G. Janse van Vuuren:
The Benefits of DCC Implementation for Retailers. - Nyree J. Taylor, Reeva Lederman, Rachelle Bosua:
Medical Record Support for Effective discharge Planning. - Martin Riekert, Marc Premm, Achim Klein, Lyubomir Kirilov, Hannes Kenngott, Martin Apitz, Martin Wagner, Lena-Marie Ternes:
Predicting the duration of surgeries to Improve Process Efficiency in Hospitals. - Jing Ma, Hoa Hong Nguyen, Farhaan Mirza, Oliver Neuland:
Two Way Architecture between IoT Sensors and Cloud Computing for Remote Health Care Monitoring Applications. - Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Peter Haddad:
Using Healthcare Information Systems to Facilitate Smart and Sustainable Knowledge Flow in Healthcare: the Case of Allergy Care in Australia. - Christoph Fuchs, Thomas Hess:
Adapting Agile Methods to Develop solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things. - Carola Stryja, Gerhard Satzger, Verena Dorner:
A Decision Support System Design to Overcome Resistance towards Sustainable Innovations. - Jacqueline Corbett, Sarah Cherki El Idrissi:
Assessing the Influence of Persuasive Systems for Sustainability across Work-Home-Community Boundaries. - Dimosthenis Kotsopoulos, Stavros Lounis, Cleopatra Bardaki, Katerina Pramatari:
Effecting Employee Energy conservation behaviour at the Workplace by utilising Gamification. - Sahar Sabbaghan, Lesley A. Gardner, Cecil Eng Huang Chua:
A Threshold for a Q-Sorting Methodology for Computer-adaptive Surveys. - Silvia Schacht, Florian Keusch, Nils Bergmann, Stefan Morana:
Web Survey Gamification - Increasing Data Quality in Web Surveys by using Game Design Elements. - Lester Allan Lasrado, Ravi Vatrapu, Raghava Rao Mukkamala:
Whose Maturity is IT Anyway? The Influence of Different Quantitative Methods on the Design and Assessment of Maturity Models. - Patrick Föll, Frédéric Thiesse:
Aligning is curriculum with Industry Skill Expectations: a Text Mining Approach. - Yvonne Hong, Lesley A. Gardner:
An Exploration of First-Year undergraduates' Preparedness and Experiences in Blended Courses. - Roman Rietsche, Matthias Söllner, Sabine Seufert:
Digital Formative Learning Assessment Tool - towards Helping Students to Take Ownership of their Learning. - Jeffrey S. Saltz, Robert Heckman, Ivan Shamshurin:
Exploring How Different Project Management Methodologies Impact Data Science Students. - Thomas John, Matthias Feldotto, Paul Hemsen, Katrin Klingsieck, Dennis Kundisch, Mike Langendorf:
Towards a Lean Approach to Gamifying Education. - Jannis Hanke, Frédéric Thiesse:
Leveraging Text Mining for the Design of a Legal Knowledge Management System. - Simon Kloker, Tobias T. Kranz:
Manipulation in Prediction Markets - Chasing the Fraudsters. - Mads Bødker, Tina Blegind Jensen:
Sounding out is? Moods and Affective Entanglements in Experiential Computing. - David Durward, Ivo Blohm:
I am a Crowd Worker - How Individuals identify with a New Form of Digital Work. - Thomas Lister, Michael C. Cahalane, Felix Ter Chian Tan, Barney Tan, Leo Saito:
The Yin-and-Yang of Collaborative Consumption Development: the Role of Ambidextrous is Capabilities at Goget Carshare. - Nikolaus Lipusch, Dominik Dellermann, Philipp Ebel:
Using Crowdfunding For Start-Up Evaluation: How Task Representation Influences Predition Accuracy of The Crowd. - Jose Ortiz, Arvind K. Tripathi:
Resource mobilization in Social Media: the Role of Influential Actors. - Nicolas Zacharias, Ferdinand Rausch:
Selling Center Heterogeneity and its Interplay with the Buying Center for Increasing Adoption of IT-Supported Service Innovations. - Stefan Kleinschmidt, Christoph Peters:
Towards an Integrated Evaluation of Humancentered Service Systems and corresponding Business Models: a Systems Theory Perspective. - Arne Buchwald, Albert Letner, Nils Urbach, Matthias von Entreß-Fürsteneck:
Towards Explaining the Willingness to Disclose Personal Self-tracking Data to Service Providers. - Juuli Lintula, Tuure Tuunanen, Markus Salo, Tuomas Kari:
Understanding Augmented Reality Game Players' Value Co-Destruction Process in PokéMon Go. - Sofia Schöbel, Matthias Söllner, Abhay Nath Mishra:
Does the Winner Take IT All? - towards an Understanding of Why there might be no One-Size-Fits-All Gamification Design. - Vijay Kanabar, Kalinka Kaloyanova:
Identifying and Embedding Behavioral Competencies in Information Systems Courses. - Deepa Ray, Monideepa Tarafdar:
How does Twitter Influence a Social movement? - Najmeh Hafezieh, Farjam Eshraghian:
Affordance Theory in Social Media Research: Systematic Review and synthesis of the literature. - Johana Cabinakova, Julia Kroenung:
Maternal Identity and Maternal Role Attainment - Determinants of mothers' Participation in Maternal Virtual Communities. - Thomas Wagenknecht, Timm Teubner, Christof Weinhardt:
Peer Ratings and Assessment Quality in Crowd-based Innovation Processes. - Sven Dittes, Stefan Smolnik:
Why are we Doing this Again? Towards Uncovering the Outcome Perspective of Enterprise Social Software Use. - Anuja Hariharan, Verena Dorner, Christof Weinhardt, Georg W. Alpers:
Detecting Panic potential in Social Media Tweets. - Tobias Riasanow, Gabriela Galic, Markus Böhm:
Digital Transformation in the Automotive Industry: towards a Generic Value Network. - Joschka Mütterlein, Thomas Hess:
Exploring the impacts of Virtual Reality on Business Models: the Case of the Media Industry. - Yumeng Wang, Cheng-Suang Heng:
Sharing behind the Scenes: Understanding User Bypassing Behavior in Sharing Economy. - Katharina Jahn, Oliver Heger, Henrik Kampling, Krzysztof Stanik, Björn Niehaves:
Designing for Knowledge-based familiarity, Trust, and Acceptance: the Case of Affective Technology. - Dorothee Rocznik, Klaus Goffart, Manuel Wiesche:
Designing Hedonic User Experiences: the effect of Psychological Need fulfilment on Hedonic Motivation. - Michelle Carter, Deborah Compeau, Michael Ian Lawrence Kennedy, Marc L. Schmalz
The Content and Context of Identity in a Digital Society.
- Safa'a AbuJarour, Hanna Krasnova, Antonio Díaz-Andrade, Sebastian Olbrich, Chee-Wee Tan, Cathy Urquhart, Manuel Wiesche:
Empowering Refugees with Technology: Best Practices and Research Agenda. - Carol Saunders, Martin Wiener:
Making an Impact in a Publish-or-Perish World. - Jane Fedorowicz:
Politics and AIS: where do we Draw the Line? - Robert M. Davison, Gerhard Schwabe, Amany R. Elbanna, Antonio Díaz-Andrade:
Unleashing Innovation in Information Systems Research Together.

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