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48th HICSS 2015: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- Tung X. Bui, Ralph H. Sprague Jr.:
48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2015, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5-8, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-7367-5
Collaboration Systems and Technology Track
- Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Robert O. Briggs
Introduction to Collaboration Systems and Technology Track. 1
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
- Cayley Guimarães
, Moisés H. R. Pereira, Sueli Fernandes
A Framework to Inform Design of Learning Objects for Teaching Written Portuguese (2nd Language) to Deaf Children via Sign Language (1st Language). 2-10 - Mohammad T. Alshammari
, Rachid Anane
, Robert J. Hendley:
An E-Learning Investigation into Learning Style Adaptivity. 11-20 - Margit Scholl:
An Implementation of User-Experience-Based Evaluation to Achieve Transparency in the Usage and Design of Information Artifacts. 21-32 - Liana Razmerita
, Kathrin Kirchner
Collaboration and E-Collaboration: A Study of Factors that Influence Perceived Students' Group Performance. 33-42 - Sarfraz Iqbal, Devinder Thapa, Ali Ismail Awad
, Tero Päivärinta
Conceptual Model of Online Pedagogical Information Security Laboratory: Toward an Ensemble Artifact. 43-52 - Jennifer Ellis, Derrick L. Cogburn, Marilyn Arnone, Nanette S. Levinson
Developing and Evaluating an Accessible Cyberteaching Training (ACT) Program for Faculty via a Virtual Center for Teaching and Learning. 53-62 - Wei Peng
, Rabindra A. Ratan
, M. Laeeq Khan
Ebook Uses and Class Performance in a College Course. 63-71 - Ali Saleh Alammary, Angela Carbone, Judy Sheard:
Identifying Criteria that Should be Considered when Deciding the Proportion of Online to Face-to-Face Components of a Blended Course. 72-80 - Margit Kastner
Incorporating Students' Self-Efficacy and Subject Value in the Evaluation of Audience Response Systems. 81-90 - Jim Waters, Susan Gasson
Supporting Metacognition in Online, Professional Graduate Courses. 91-100 - Travis K. Huang:
The Role of User Resistance in the Adoption of Screenshot Annotation for Computer Software Learning. 101-110 - Anne-Marie Croteau, Vivek Venkatesh, Anne Beaudry, Jihan Rabah:
The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in University Students' Learning Experience: The Instructors' Perspective. 111-120
Analytics and Big Data in Computer Mediated-Collaboration
- Dorit Nevo, Saggi Nevo, Nanda Kumar, Jonas Braasch
, Kusum Mathews:
Enhancing the Visualization of Big Data to Support Collaborative Decision-Making. 121-130 - Jinie Pak, Lina Zhou:
Temporal Patterns of Structural Deception Behavior in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. 131-140
Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management
- Jose J. Gonzalez, Murray Turoff, Julie Dugdale:
Introduction to Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management Minitrack. 141-142 - Sharvari Kulkarni, Gezinus J. Hidding, Serhat Cicekoglu:
A Framework for Post-crisis Business Continuity Plans. 143-152 - Andrea Salfinger
, Sylva Girtelschmid, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger
, Wieland Schwinger:
Crowd-Sensing Meets Situation Awareness: A Research Roadmap for Crisis Management. 153-162 - Kenneth M. Anderson
, Ahmet Arif Aydin
, Mario Barrenechea, Adam Cardenas, Mazin Hakeem
, Sahar Jambi
Design Challenges/Solutions for Environments Supporting the Analysis of Social Media Data in Crisis Informatics Research. 163-172 - Yasuki Iizuka, Kayo Iizuka:
Disaster Evacuation Assistance System Based on Multi-agent Cooperation. 173-181 - Mario Barrenechea, Kenneth Mark Anderson
, Leysia Palen, Joanne I. White:
Engineering Crowdwork for Disaster Events: The Human-Centered Development of a Lost-and-Found Tasking Environment. 182-191 - Leire Labaka
, Ying Qian, Peter Lango, Jose J. Gonzalez:
Insights from a Computer Simulation Model of a Landslide Disaster. 192-199 - Fuko Nakai
, Michinori Hatayama, Katsuya Yamori
Integrating Computer Simulation and the Fieldwork to Discover Possible Alternatives for Tsunami Evacuation. 200-207 - Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale:
The Design of an Agent Based Model of Human Activities and Communications in Cardiac Resuscitation. 208-215
Creativity in Teams and Organizations
- Thanaporn Sundaravej, Dinesh A. Mirchandani, Albert L. Lederer:
Synchronous Collaboration Technology Use in Teamwork. 216-225 - Stefan Werner Knoll, Graham Horton:
The Impact of Analogical Distance as a Mental Stimulus in Ideation Processes Using Change of Perspective: Jumping. 226-235 - Dominik Siemon, Linda Eckardt, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Tracking Down the Negative Group Creativity Effects with the Help of an Artificial Intelligence-Like Support System. 236-243
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
- Sebastian Zander, Simon Thanh-Nam Trang, Lutz M. Kolbe:
E-Collaboration in Interorganizational Networks: A Literature Review and an Agenda for Future Research. 244-253 - Pietro Cunha Dolci
, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada
, Gerald G. Grant
Understanding the Influence of IT Investment on Supply Chain Governance (SCG). 254-263 - Darshana Karna, Ilsang Ko:
We-Intention, Moral Trust, and Self-Motivation on Accelerating Knowledge Sharing in Social Collaboration. 264-273
Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology
- Tung Bui, Melvin F. Shakun:
Introduction to Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology Minitrack. 274 - Zhaleh Semnani-Azad, Katia P. Sycara, Michael Lewis:
Cooperation in Face and Dignity Cultures: Role of Moral Identity and Gender. 275-283 - Gregory E. Kersten
Improving Successful A+B Procurement Auctions with Negotiations. 284-293 - Katja Tiefenbacher, Sebastian Olbrich:
Increasing the Value of Big Data Projects - Investigation of Industrial Success Stories. 294-303
Design and Innovation of Social Networking Services
- Ben C. F. Choi, Zhenhui Jiang, Bharath Ramesh, Yizhou Dong:
Privacy Tradeoff and Social Application Usage. 304-313 - Tommy K. H. Chan
, Christy M. K. Cheung, Zach W. Y. Lee
, Tillmann Neben:
Why Do I Keep Checking My Facebook? The Role of Urge in the Excessive Use of Social Networking Sites. 314-323 - Xinlin Yao
, Chee Wei Phang, Hong Ling:
Understanding the Influences of Trend and Fatigue in Individuals' SNS Switching Intention. 324-334
Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges
- Tino Schuppan, Theresa A. Pardo, Elin Wihlborg
Introduction to Emerging Topics in Electronic Government Minitrack. 335 - Graham Horton, Jana Görs:
A Criterion-Mining Method for Group Idea Selection - Increasing Consensus with Minimal Loss of Efficiency. 336-343 - Ugochukwu O. Etudo, Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Mohammad Al-abdullah:
Adaptive Structuration Theory and Media Richness Theory in GDSS Research: A Critical Review. 344-353 - Xusen Cheng, Yuanyuan Li, Ying Zhao:
Can We Solve Low Participation, Distraction, and Inefficiency? A Case Study of Distributed Collaborative Learning in Industries. 354-363 - Sandra Dunn, Cheryl Grannan, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Heather Stalling:
Communication Strategies for Successful Virtual Teams. 364-373 - Jorge A. Colazo
The Evolution of Network Structure and Media Choice in Operational Emergency Swift Teams: An Exploratory Study. 374-381 - Dai Nishioka, Yuko Murayama:
The Influence of User Attribute onto the Factors of Anshin for Online Shopping Users. 382-391
Global Virtual Teams
- Michael J. Hine
, Derrick L. Cogburn:
Introduction to Global Virtual Teams Minitrack. 392 - Bettina Cassandra Riedl, Y. Dora Cai, Rabindra A. Ratan
, Cuihua Shen, Arnold Picot:
Champions of Equality: Examining Gender Egalitarianism in Virtual Teams across Cultures. 393-401 - Emma S. Nordbäck, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Cognitive and Behavioral Leadership Coordination: Linking Shared Leadership to High Performance in Global Teams. 402-411 - Erik Wende, Gregory King:
Exploring Storytelling for Relationship Building in Offshore Outsourced Projects: An Action Research Investigation. 412-421 - Aditya Johri:
Supporting Global Virtual Work through Blogs and Micro-blogging. 422-431 - Karin Väyrynen, Riitta Hekkala:
The Concept of Maintaining Face in Global Virtual Teams. 432-441
Human-Computer Interaction: Informing Design Utilizing Behavioral, Neurophysiological, and Design Science Methods
- Sharoda A. Paul, Joe Bolinger:
Ask an Expert: Mobile Workspaces for Collaborative Troubleshooting. 442-451 - Suzanne Kieffer
, Ugo Braga Sangiorgi, Jean Vanderdonckt:
ECOVAL: A Framework for Increasing the Ecological Validity in Usability Testing. 452-461 - Elena Francesca Corriero, Stephanie Tom Tong
, Pradeep Sopory:
Behaviors, Perceptions, Responsiveness, and Presence: The Dyadic Model of Mediated Communication. 462-471 - Maximilian Wich, Tommi Kramer:
Enhanced Human-Computer Interaction for Business Applications on Mobile Devices: A Design-Oriented Development of a Usability Evaluation Questionnaire. 472-481 - Soussan Djamasbi
, Siavash Mortazavi:
Generation Y, Baby Boomers, and Gaze Interaction Experience in Gaming. 482-490 - J. Eric Case, Nathan W. Twyman
Embodied Conversational Agents: Social or Nonsocial? 491-496 - Malin Nilsson, Stefan Olsson, Per Bagmark:
Stereoscopic 3D to Reduce Product Uncertainty in E-commerce. 497-506 - David Raneburger, Hermann Kaindl
, Roman Popp
Strategies for Automated GUI Tailoring for Multiple Devices. 507-516 - Adriane B. Randolph, Sandra Pierquet:
Bringing Advertising Closer to Mind: Using Neurophysiological Tools to Understand Student Responses to Super Bowl Commercials. 517-522 - Diana Reich, Rainer Stark
The Influence of Immersive Driving Environments on Human-Cockpit Evaluations. 523-532 - Ricardo Buettner, Sebastian Sauer, Christian Maier, Andreas Eckhardt:
Towards Ex Ante Prediction of User Performance: A Novel NeuroIS Methodology Based on Real-Time Measurement of Mental Effort. 533-542
IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries
- Xusen Cheng, Xiangbin Yan, Deepinder S. Bajwa:
Introduction to IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries Minitrack. 543 - Xusen Cheng, Jianhua Yu
Designing of a Mobile Collaboration Application for Student Collaborative Group Work: Evidence from China. 544-551 - Chen Yang, Jianshan Sun, Jian Ma
, Shanshan Zhang
, Gang Wang
, Zhongsheng Hua
Scientific Collaborator Recommendation in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks. 552-561 - Qiuju Li, Jinhong Cui, Yun Gao:
The Influence of Social Capital in an Online Community on Online Review Quality in China. 562-570
Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration (CE)
- Douglas A. Druckenmiller, Daniel D. Mittleman:
A Design Theory for Digital Habitats: Building Virtual Communities of Practice. 571-580 - Isabella Seeber
, Ronald Maier, Barbara Weber
, Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Triparna de Vreede, Abdulrahman Alothaim
Brainstorming is Just the Beginning: Effects of Convergence Techniques on Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness of Moderation, and Shared Understanding in Teams. 581-590 - Amit V. Deokar
, Thomas O. Meservy
, Joel H. Helquist:
Creating and Sustaining Collaborative Efforts for Scientific Idea Exchange through Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. 591-599 - Nils L. Randrup, Robert O. Briggs
Evaluating the Performance of Collaboration Engineers. 600-609 - Bianca M. Zongrone, Douglas C. Derrick, Gina Scott Ligon:
Individual Differences that Predict Interactions in Mixed-Initiative Teams. 610-618 - Christopher B. R. Diller:
The "Sort-Your-Own (SYO) Method" of Collaborative Sorting: A Practical Technique to Improve the Efficiency of Group Convergence. 619-624
Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation
- Imed Boughzala, Hélène Michel, Sara de Freitas:
Introduction to the Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation Minitrack. 625 - Imed Boughzala:
A Field Application to Vet a Serious Game toward Learning Objectives. 626-634 - Benedikt Morschheuser
, Christian Henzi, Rainer Alt
Increasing Intranet Usage through Gamification - Insights from an Experiment in the Banking Industry. 635-642 - Amir Matallaoui, Philipp Herzig, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Model-Driven Serious Game Development Integration of the Gamification Modeling Language GaML with Unity. 643-651 - Oihab Allal-Chérif, Mohamed Makhlouf
Serious Games and Their Use in HRM: A Typology of Uses in CAC40 Companies. 652-661 - Isys Macedo, Daniela G. Trevisan
, Cristina Nader Vasconcelos
, Esteban Clua
Observed Interaction in Games for Down Syndrome Children. 662-671 - Ayoung Suh
, Christian Wagner
, Lili Liu:
The Effects of Game Dynamics on User Engagement in Gamified Systems. 672-681 - Juho Hamari
, Tuula Nousiainen:
Why Do Teachers Use Game-Based Learning Technologies? The Role of Individual and Institutional ICT Readiness. 682-691
Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research
- Nikolai Sobotta, Markus Hummel:
A Capacity Perspective on E-mail Overload: How E-mail Use Contributes to Information Overload. 692-701 - David W. Wilson, Sherry M. B. Thatcher, Susan A. Brown
Media Capabilities that Support Identity Communication in Virtual Teams. 702-711 - Abdulrahman Alothaim
, Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Roni Reiter-Palmon
Predicting the Behavioral Intention to Use Collaborative Meeting Technologies: A Goal Attainment Mediated by Meeting Satisfaction Model. 712-721 - Xiao Liang:
The Changing Impact of Geographic Distance: A Preliminary Analysis on the Co-author Networks in Scientometrics (1983-2013). 722-731 - Robert M. Fuller
, Michelle Harding
The Impact of Interaction Anticipation and Incentive Type on Shared Leadership and Performance in Virtual Teams. 732-741
Social Media and E-business Transformation
- Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee
, Christian Wagner
Introduction to Social Media and E-business Transformation Minitrack. 742 - Caitlin Lustig, Bonnie A. Nardi:
Algorithmic Authority: The Case of Bitcoin. 743-752 - Ahmed Doha, Khaled Hassanein
, Kaleem Mahmood:
An Electronic Clearance Marketplace Leveraging Collaborations in Supplier and Buyer Communities: A Design Science Research Study. 753-762 - Wietske van Osch, Charles W. Steinfield
, Brigitte A. Balogh:
Enterprise Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Communication and Collaboration. 763-772 - Ling Jiang, Christian Wagner
, Bonnie A. Nardi:
Not Just in it for the Money: A Qualitative Investigation of Workers' Perceived Benefits of Micro-task Crowdsourcing. 773-782 - Tillmann Neben, Dennis Lips, Aliona von der Trenck:
The Effects of Network Diversity and Social Norms on Social Structuring: Empirical Evidence from Online Social Networks. 783-792
Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare
- Souren Paul
, Arkalgud Ramaprasad
, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Introduction to Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare Minitrack. 793 - Nilmini Wickramasinghe
, Hoda Moghimi, Peter Haddad, Richard De Steiger, Jonathan L. Schaffer
Leveraging Key Aspects of Collaborative Techniques to Assist Clinical Decision Making: The Case of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. 794-802 - Anaga Ojo, Samir Chatterjee, Harold W. Neighbors, Gretchen A. Piatt
, Sanjoy Moulik, Bonita D. Neighbors, Jamie Abelson, Chris Krenz, Darlene Jones:
OH-BUDDY: Mobile Phone Texting Based Intervention for Diabetes and Oral Health Management. 803-813 - Mohanraj Thirumalai, Arkalgud Ramaprasad
Ontological Analysis of the Research on the Use of Social Media for Health Behavior Change. 814-823 - Ahmad Alaiad, Lina Zhou:
Patients' Behavioral Intentions toward Using WSN Based Smart Home Healthcare Systems: An Empirical Investigation. 824-833 - Janis L. Gogan, Sunayana Karra:
Post-Hoc CIT: A Useful Method for Qualitative IS Research. 834-843
Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science Track
- Christer Carlsson, Haluk Demirkan:
Introduction to the Decision Analytics, Mobile and Service Science Track (DA/MS/SS). 844
Analytics, Information Systems, and Decision Technologies for Sustainability
- Omar F. El-Gayar
, PingSun Leung, Arno Scharl
Introduction to Analytics, Information Systems, and Decision Technologies for Sustainability Minitrack. 845 - Stefan Bensch, Christoph Kolotzek, Christoph Helbig
, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma:
Decision Support System for the Sustainability Assessment of Critical Raw Materials in SMEs. 846-855 - Miadreza Shafie-khah
, João P. S. Catalão
Multi-layer Agent-Based Decision Making Model with Incomplete Information Game Theory to Study the Behavior of Market Participants for Sustainability. 856-865 - Patrick Lubbecke, Markus Reiter, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Simulation-Based Decision Support for the Reduction of the Energy Consumption of Complex Business Processes. 866-875 - Imke Wasner, Tim A. Majchrzak:
Sustainability Management Control Practice: A Study of German SMEs. 876-885
Big Data Analytics: Concepts, Methods, Techniques
- Frank Armour, Stephen H. Kaisler, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Introduction to Big Data Analytics: Concepts, Methods, Techniques Minitrack. 886 - Donald J. Kridel, Daniel R. Dolk, David G. Castillo:
Adaptive Modeling for Real Time Analytics: The Case of "Big Data" in Mobile Advertising. 887-896 - Sebastian Wagner, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann
Data Analytics in Free-Floating Carsharing: Evidence from the City of Berlin. 897-907 - Martin Vanauer, Carsten Böhle, Bernd Hellingrath
Guiding the Introduction of Big Data in Organizations: A Methodology with Business- and Data-Driven Ideation and Enterprise Architecture Management-Based Implementation. 908-917 - Véronique Van Vlasselaer, Leman Akoglu, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Monique Snoeck
, Bart Baesens:
Guilt-by-Constellation: Fraud Detection by Suspicious Clique Memberships. 918-927 - Gabriele Piccoli, Joaquin Alfredo Rodriguez
, Richard T. Watson:
Leveraging Digital Data Streams: The Development and Validation of a Business Confidence Index. 928-937 - Yousra Harb
, Surendra Sarnikar, Omar F. El-Gayar
SenseCluster for Exploring Large Data Repositories. 938-947
Data, Text, and Web Mining for Business Analytics
- Dursun Delen
, Asil Oztekin:
Introduction to Data, Text, and Web Mining for Business Analytics Minitrack. 948 - Dailing Zhang, Wei Xu, Yingqiu Zhu, Xinwei Zhang:
Can Sentiment Analysis Help Mimic Decision-Making Process of Loan Granting? A Novel Credit Risk Evaluation Approach Using GMKL Model. 949-958 - Nicolas Prollochs, Stefan Feuerriegel, Dirk Neumann
Enhancing Sentiment Analysis of Financial News by Detecting Negation Scopes. 959-968 - Sahil Zubair, Krzysztof J. Cios:
Extracting News Sentiment and Establishing Its Relationship with the S&P 500 Index. 969-975 - Prem Timsina, Omar F. El-Gayar
, Jun Liu:
Leveraging Advanced Analytics Techniques for Medical Systematic Review Update. 976-985
Decision Making in Production Processes
- Norbert Gronau, Dieter Armbruster, Américo Azevedo
Introduction to Decision Making in Production Processes Minitrack. 986 - Jens F. Lachenmaier, Heiner Lasi, Hans-Georg Kemper:
A Concept for Extracting and Sharing Technical Data from Digital Product Models for Subsequent Processing. 987-996 - Robert Weidner
, Jens Peter Wulfsberg:
Knowledge-Based Planning and Evaluation of Production Systems. 997-1006 - Laura Kassner, Bernhard Mitschang:
MaXCept - Decision Support in Exception Handling through Unstructured Data Integration in the Production Context: An Integral Part of the Smart Factory. 1007-1016
ICT Enabled Services
- Tilo Böhmann
, David Tilson, Tuure Tuunanen
Introduction to ICT Enabled Services Minitrack. 1017 - Gerald Däuble, Deniz Özcan, Christina Niemöller, Michael Fellmann
, Markus Nüttgens, Oliver Thomas:
Information Needs of the Mobile Technical Customer Service - A Case Study in the Field of Machinery and Plant Engineering. 1018-1027 - Sabine Berghaus, Andrea Back:
Requirements Elicitation and Utilization Scenarios for In-car Use of Wearable Devices. 1028-1037 - Yong-Young Kim, Sangjo Oh:
What Makes Smart Work Successful? Overcoming the Constraints of Time Geography. 1038-1047
Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Hans-Jürgen Sebastian, Stefan Voss
Introduction to Intelligent Decision Support for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Minitrack. 1048 - Peer Küppers, Philipp Saalmann, Bernd Hellingrath
An Approach for Assessing the Applicability of Collaborative Planning Concepts. 1049-1058 - James F. Campbell, Gilberto de Miranda Jr.
, Ricardo Saraiva de Camargo, Morton E. O'Kelly
Hub Location and Network Design with Fixed and Variable Costs. 1059-1067 - Jörg Homberger, Hermann Gehring, Tobias Buer
Integrating Side Payments into Collaborative Planning for the Distributed Multi-level Unconstrained Lot Sizing Problem. 1068-1077 - Astrid M. C. Dettenbach, Sarah Ubber:
Managing Disruptions in Last Mile Distribution. 1078-1087 - Halil Ibrahim Gündüz:
Optimization of a Two-Stage Distribution Network with Route Planning and Time Restrictions. 1088-1097 - Dayi Shi, Yong He
, Lindu Zhao, Peng Zhang:
Pricing Strategies in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Local Advertising. 1098-1107
Interactive Decision Analytics
- David S. Ebert
, Thomas Ertl, Kelly P. Gaither:
Introduction to Interactive Decision Analytics Minitrack. 1117 - Sebastian Mittelstädt, Xiaoyu Wang, Todd Eaglin, Dennis Thom, Daniel A. Keim, William J. Tolone, William Ribarsky:
An Integrated In-Situ Approach to Impacts from Natural Disasters on Critical Infrastructures. 1118-1127 - Mark Tannian:
Initial Steps for IT Incident Visualization: Understanding Leadership Needs, Design, and Evaluation. 1128-1137 - Paul Parsons
, Kamran Sedig, Arman Didandeh, Arash Khosravi:
Interactivity in Visual Analytics: Use of Conceptual Frameworks to Support Human-Centered Design of a Decision-Support Tool. 1138-1147 - Robert Krüger
, Florian Heimerl, Qi Han, Kuno Kurzhals, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl:
Visual Analysis of Visitor Behavior for Indoor Event Management. 1148-1157
Mobile Value Services
- Pirkko Walden, Harry Bouwman
, Esko Penttinen
Introduction to Mobile Value Services Minitrack. 1158 - Avinash Gannamaneni
, Jan Ondrus
, Kalle Lyytinen
A Post-failure Analysis of Mobile Payment Platforms. 1159-1168 - Christian Thomas Ruf, Andrea Back, Richard Bergmann, Michael Schlegel:
Elicitation of Requirements for the Design of Mobile Financial Advisory Services - Instantiation and Validation of the Requirement Data Model with a Multi-method Approach. 1169-1178 - Chun-Hua Hsiao
, Chao-Chi Yang:
Exploring the Effect of Experiential Marketing on Movie-Watching Intention - The Example of Mobile Movie Theme Games. 1179-1186 - Nikita Dzhain, Jussi Nykänen, Esko Penttinen
, Timo Saarinen:
Impact of Switching Costs and Network Effects on Selection of Mobile Platforms. 1187-1196 - Felix Ter Chian Tan
, Barney Tan
, Lesley Land
The Affordance of Gamification in Enabling a Digital Disruptor: A Case Study of the goCatch Taxi Booking App. 1197-1206 - Riccardo Bonazzi, Yves Pigneur:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy of Dynamic Ridesharing. 1207-1216
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Support Systems
- Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Rakesh Sarin:
Introduction to the Multi-criteria Decision Analysis and Support Systems Minitrack. 1217 - Gilberto Montibeller, Detlof von Winterfeldt:
Biases and Debiasing in Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. 1218-1226 - Robert T. Clemen:
Creating Value: Data Exploration, Multiple Objectives, and Real Options. 1227-1232 - Spyros Angelopoulos
, Fotis Kitsios
Decision Making for Content Management Systems: Criteria Identification and Categorisation. 1233-1239 - Clayton Arlen Looney, Andrew M. Hardin
Multi-criteria Decision Support for Investment Decisions: Examining the Interactive Effects of Risk Profile, Information Horizon, and Prospect Format. 1240-1247 - Alya Asarina, Olga Simek:
Recommending Documents for Complex Question Exploration by Analyzing Collective Browsing Behavior. 1248-1255 - Yibo Wang, Wei Xu, Hongxun Jiang
Using Text Mining and Clustering to Group Research Proposals for Research Project Selection. 1256-1263
New Economic Models of the Digital Economy
- Roger S. Maull, Catherine Mulligan
, Philip Godsiff:
Introduction to New Economic Models of the Digital Economy Minitrack. 1264 - Feng Li
Digital Technologies and the Changing Business Models in Creative Industries. 1265-1274 - Ana Isabel Canhoto, Sally Dibb, Lyndon Simkin, Lee Quinn, Mathew Analogbei:
Preparing for the Future - How Managers Perceive, Interpret, and Assess the Impact of Digital Technologies for Business. 1275-1284 - Roger S. Maull, Philip Godsiff, Catherine Mulligan
Transitioning to the Pull Economy: The Case of the UK Railways. 1285-1294
Open Data Services
- Juho Lindman, Matti Rossi, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
Introduction to Open Data Services Minitrack. 1295 - Christoph Peters
, Theresa Kromat, Jan Marco Leimeister:
Complex Services and According Business Models - Design and Evaluation of an Analysis Framework in the Field of Telemedicine. 1296-1305 - Juho Lindman, George Kuk
From Open Access to Open Data Markets: Increasing the Subtractability of Open Data. 1306-1313 - Anders Hjalmarsson, Niklas Johansson, Daniel Rudmark:
Mind the Gap: Exploring Stakeholders' Value with Open Data Assessment. 1314-1323
Service Analytics
- Hansjörg Fromm, Thomas Setzer:
Introduction to the Service Analytics Minitrack. 1324 - Saligrama R. Agnihothri, Anu Banerjee, Gail Thalacker:
Analytics to Improve Service in a Pre-admission Testing Clinic. 1325-1331 - Qiwei Gan
, Yang Yu:
Restaurant Rating: Industrial Standard and Word-of-Mouth - A Text Mining and Multi-dimensional Sentiment Analysis. 1332-1340 - N. Raghu Kisore, P. Ganga Reddy:
Empirical Determination and Evaluation of Factors that Impact ATM Placement. 1341-1348 - Fu-ren Lin, Paul P. Maglio, Michael J. Shaw:
Introduction to Service Science Minitrack. 1349 - Stephen L. Vargo
, Pamela R. Clavier:
Conceptual Framework for a Service-Ecosystems Approach to Project Management. 1350-1359 - Regine Dörbecker, Daniela Böhm, Tilo Böhmann
Measuring Modularity and Related Effects for Services, Products, Networks, and Software - A Comparative Literature Review and a Research Agenda for Service Modularity. 1360-1369 - Ralph Hoch, Hermann Kaindl
, Roman Popp
, Dominik Ertl, Helmut Horacek:
Semantic Service Specification for V&V of Service Composition and Business Processes. 1370-1379 - Anssi Smedlund, Hoda Faghankhani:
Platform Orchestration for Efficiency, Development, and Innovation. 1380-1388 - Ramona Blanes, Robert A. Paton
, Iain Docherty:
Public Value of Intelligent Transportation System. 1389-1399 - Sukruth Suresh, T. Ravichandran
Firm Transitions from Products to Services and Mode of Entry. 1400-1409 - Tobias Lenz, Heiko Gewald, Sascha Coccorullo:
Concept for a Multimodal Business Travel Portal: Identification of a Holistic Business Travel Process and the Required Functional Building Blocks. 1410-1421 - Masashi Ono:
Service Science Perspective for Open Source Project Survivability. 1422-1431 - Christoph F. Breidbach
, Jennifer Chandler, Paul P. Maglio:
The Duality of Second Screens: A Phenomenological Study of Multi-platform Engagement and Service Experiences. 1432-1441
Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Cognition, and Innovation
- James C. Spohrer, Haluk Demirkan:
Introduction to the Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Cognition, and Innovation Minitrack. 1442 - Tayfun Keskin, Deanna M. Kennedy
Strategies in Smart Service Systems Enabled Multi-sided Markets: Business Models for the Internet of Things. 1443-1452 - Paul P. Maglio, Eser Kandogan, Eben M. Haber, John H. Bailey:
How Tangential Problems Limit Value Creation in IT-Based Service Systems. 1453-1461 - Ozan Erdinç, Nikolaos G. Paterakis
, João P. S. Catalão
, Iliana N. Pappi, Anastasios G. Bakirtzis:
Smart Households and Home Energy Management Systems with Innovative Sizing of Distributed Generation and Storage for Customers. 1462-1471
Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis Minitrack
- Rudolf Kruse, Gabriella Pasi
, José Maria Alonso
Introduction to the Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis Minitrack. 1472-1473 - Pasi Luukka
, Mikael Collan
, Mario Fedrizzi:
A Dynamic Fuzzy Consensus Model with Random Iterative Steps. 1474-1482 - Kuang Yu Huang, Ting-Hua Chang, Shann-Bin Chang:
Rough Set-Based Dataset Reduction Method Using Swarm Algorithm and Cluster Validation Function. 1483-1492 - Vilém Novák, Irina Perfilieva
Time Series Mining by Fuzzy Natural Logic and F-Transform. 1493-1502 - Christian Braune, Martin Glauer, Rudolf Kruse:
Towards Online Detection of Neural Assemblies in Parallel Spike Trains. 1503-1511
The Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics
- Frederick J. Riggins, Samuel Fosso Wamba
, Matthias Dehmer:
Introduction to the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Minitrack. 1512 - Vivek Kumar Singh, Kaushik Dutta:
Dynamic Price Prediction for Amazon Spot Instances. 1513-1520 - Robert P. Minch:
Location Privacy in the Era of the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics. 1521-1530 - Frederick J. Riggins, Samuel Fosso Wamba
Research Directions on the Adoption, Usage, and Impact of the Internet of Things through the Use of Big Data Analytics. 1531-1540
Digital and Social Media Track
- Kevin Crowston
, Karine Nahon:
Introduction to the Digital and Social Media Track. 1541
Citizen Journalism and Social Media Archiving
- Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi
, Natalie Harrower:
Introduction to Citizen Journalism and Social Media Archiving Minitrack. 1542 - Daniel Nylén:
Tracing Emergent Structure in Self-Organized Citizen Journalism. 1543-1552 - Jessica Bushey
Trustworthy Citizen-Generated Images and Video on Social Media Platforms. 1553-1564 - Prashant Khare, Pablo Torres-Tramón, Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi
What Just Happened? A Framework for Social Event Detection and Contextualisation. 1565-1574
Collective Intelligence and Crowds: Structure, Roles, and Identity
- John Prpic, Jean-François Lemoine, Prashant Shukla, Yannig Roth:
A Geography of Participation in IT-Mediated Crowds. 1575-1584 - Qianqian Liu, Elena Karahanna:
An Agent-Based Modeling Analysis of Helpful Vote on Online Product Reviews. 1585-1595 - Taraneh Khazaei, Lu Xiao
Computational Analysis of Collective Intelligence in Conversational Text. 1596-1605 - Guy Kelman
, David S. Brée, Eran Manes, Marco Lamieri, Natasa Golo, Sorin Solomon:
Dissortative from the Outside, Assortative from the Inside: Social Structure and Behavior in the Industrial Trade Network. 1606-1615 - Rich Gazan
First-Mover Advantage in a Social Q&A Community. 1616-1623 - Corey Brian Jackson, Carsten S. Østerlund
, Gabriel H. Mugar, Katie DeVries Hassman
, Kevin Crowston
Motivations for Sustained Participation in Crowdsourcing: Case Studies of Citizen Science on the Role of Talk. 1624-1634 - Roger M. Whitaker, Martin J. Chorley
, Stuart M. Allen:
New Frontiers for Crowdsourcing: The Extended Mind. 1635-1644 - Cheng-Hsin Chiang, Jyun-Cheng Wang:
The Impact of Interaction Networks on Lurkers' Behavior in Online Community. 1645-1656 - Asta Zelenkauskaite
, Bruno Simões
User Interaction Profiling on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ across Radio Stations. 1657-1666
Data Analytics and Data Mining for Social Media
- Dominique Haughton, Jennifer J. Xu, David J. Yates, Xiangbin Yan:
Introduction to Data Analytics and Data Mining for Social Media Minitrack. 1667 - Wietske van Osch, Constantinos K. Coursaris:
A Meta-analysis of Theories and Topics in Social Media Research. 1668-1675 - Aparup Khatua, Apalak Khatua
, Kuntal Ghosh
, Nabendu Chaki
Can #Twitter_Trends Predict Election Results? Evidence from 2014 Indian General Election. 1676-1685 - Ju-Sung Lee, Jürgen Pfeffer:
Estimating Centrality Statistics for Complete and Sampled Networks: Some Approaches and Complications. 1686-1695 - Daniel D. Suthers, Nathan Dwyer:
Identifying Uptake, Sessions, and Key Actors in a Socio-technical Network. 1696-1705 - Chenyan Xu, Yang Yu:
Measuring NBA Players' Mood by Mining Athlete-Generated Content. 1706-1713 - Dennis Thom, Thomas Ertl:
TreeQueST: A Treemap-Based Query Sandbox for Microdocument Retrieval. 1714-1723 - Sehwan Oh
, JoongHo Ahn
, Hyunmi Baek
Viewer Engagement in Movie Trailers and Box Office Revenue. 1724-1732
Ethical Challenges Accompanying Digital and Social Media
- Robert M. Mason, Dianne P. Ford:
Introduction to the Social and Ethical Challenges Accompanying Digital and Social Media Minitrack. 1733 - W. E. Chapin:
"Almost, " "More Than, " or "Truly" Human?: Examining Sci-Fi TV through the Lenses of Digital and Theological Anthropologies. 1734-1741 - Paul A. Watters
, Maya F. Watters, Jacqueline Ziegler:
Maximising Eyeballs but Facilitating Cybercrime? Ethical Challenges for Online Advertising in New Zealand. 1742-1749 - Markus Tschersich, Michael Niekamp:
Pros and Cons of Privacy by Default: Investigating the Impact on Users and Providers of Social Network Sites. 1750-1756
Materiality of Information, Documents, and Work
- Carsten S. Østerlund
, David Ribes, Daniela K. Rosner:
Introduction to Materiality of Information, Documents, and Work Minitrack. 1757 - Samantha R. Meyer, Casey S. Pierce
, Yubo Kou
, Paul M. Leonardi, Bonnie A. Nardi, Diane E. Bailey:
Offshoring Digital Work, but Not Physical Output: Differential Access to Task Objects and Coordination in Globally Distributed Automotive Engineering and Graphic Design Work. 1758-1767 - Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi:
Digital and Physical Materiality of Information Technologies: The Case of Fitbit Activity Tracking Devices. 1768-1777
Network Analysis of Social and Digital Media
- Devan Rosen, George A. Barnett:
Introduction to Network Analysis of Social and Digital Media Minitrack. 1778 - George A. Barnett, Jeanette B. Ruiz
, Han Woo Park:
Globalization or Decentralization of Hyperlinked Content among Websites: An Examination of Website Co-citations. 1779-1787 - Michael A. Stefanone, Gregory D. Saxton
, Michael J. Egnoto, Wayne Wei, Yun Fu:
Image Attributes and Diffusion via Twitter: The Case of #guncontrol. 1788-1797 - Ju-Sung Lee, Jürgen Pfeffer:
Robustness of Network Centrality Metrics in the Context of Digital Communication Data. 1798-1807 - Jiawei Sophia Fu, Michelle Shumate
Social Media Activity and Hyperlink Network Analysis: A Holistic Media Ecology Perspective. 1808-1817
Social Media and Enterprise: Job and Work Design Issues
- Xuefei (Nancy) Deng, K. D. Joshi, Yibai Li:
Introduction to the Social Media and Enterprise Minitrack: Job and Work Design Issues. 1818 - Ricardo Buettner:
Analyzing the Problem of Employee Internal Social Network Site Avoidance: Are Users Resistant due to Their Privacy Concerns? 1819-1828 - Terri L. Griffith, Emma S. Nordbäck, John E. Sawyer
, Ronald E. Rice:
Back to Basics: Facilitating Engagement in Modern Work Environments. 1829-1838 - Hillol Bala
, Anne P. Massey, John Rajanayakam, Christine J. Hsieh:
Challenges and Outcomes of Enterprise Social Media Implementation: Insights from Cummins, Inc. 1839-1848 - Juho Lindman, Niko Nykanen:
Factory without Walls? Work and Non-work in the Facebook-Policies of Finnish Companies. 1849-1858 - Sylvia Geyer, Barbara Krumay
Development of a Social Media Maturity Model - A Grounded Theory Approach. 1859-1868 - Terence Chun-Ho Cheung
, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Hokling Cheung:
Does Gender Make a Difference? Undergraduate Students' Use of Smart CVs for Career Planning. 1869-1878 - Robyn L. Brouer, Michael A. Stefanone, Rebecca L. Badawy, Michael J. Egnoto, S. R. Seitz:
Losing Control of Company Information in the Recruitment Process: The Impact of LinkedIn on Organizational Attraction. 1879-1888 - Babak Abedin
, Hamed Jafarzadeh
Relationship Development with Customers on Facebook: A Critical Success Factors Model. 1889-1898 - Ester Gonzalez, Dorothy E. Leidner
, Hope Koch:
The Influence of Social Media on Organizational Socialization. 1899-1908 - Ayoung Suh
, Gee-Woo Bock:
The Impact of Enterprise Social Media on Task Performance in Dispersed Teams. 1909-1918
Social Media and Learning
- Maarten de Laat
, Caroline Haythornthwaite
, Shane Dawson
, Daniel D. Suthers:
Introduction to Social Media and Learning Minitrack. 1919 - Sarah Gilbert, Drew Paulin:
Tweet to Learn: Expertise and Centrality in Conference Twitter Networks. 1920-1929 - Cynthia Hood, Jason Watters, Brittany Halverstadt, Kayleigh Hood:
What Happens When Animals Tweet? A Case Study at Brookfield Zoo. 1930-1939 - Mihaela Vorvoreanu, David Sears, Aditya Johri:
Teaching and Learning in a Social Media Ecosystem: A Case Study. 1940-1950 - Christina Di Valentin, Andreas Emrich, Johannes Lahann, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Adaptive Social Media Skills Trainer for Vocational Education and Training: Concept and Implementation of a Recommender System. 1951-1960 - Manli Wu, J. Leon Zhao, Shuk Ying Ho, Liang Liang:
Effect of Feedback on Creativity in Social Learning Contexts. 1961-1971
Social Media and Location Information
- Jim Thatcher, Britta Ricker
Introduction to Social Media and Location Information Minitrack. 1972 - Teriitutea Quesnot
, Stéphane Roche:
Platial or Locational Data? Toward the Characterization of Social Location Sharing. 1973-1982 - Colin Fitzpatrick, Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Jed R. Brubaker:
Social and Personal Disclosure in a Location-Based Real Time Dating App. 1983-1992
Social Networking and Communities
- Anatoliy A. Gruzd
, Caroline Haythornthwaite
, Karine Nahon:
Introduction to Social Networking and Communities Minitrack. 1993 - Spyros Angelopoulos
, Yasmin Merali
Bridging the Divide between Virtual and Embodied Spaces: Exploring the Effect of Offline Interactions on the Sociability of Participants of Topic-Specific Online Communities. 1994-2002 - Huaye Li, Yasuaki Sakamoto:
Computing the Veracity of Information through Crowds: A Method for Reducing the Spread of False Messages on Social Media. 2003-2012 - David Choi, Judy Chen, Stephanie Wu, Debra Lauterbach, Aruna Balakrishnan:
From Dorms to Cubicles: How Recent Graduates Communicate. 2013-2022 - Dave Harley
, Kate Howland
, Eric Charles Harris, Cara Redlich:
"Nearer to Being Characters in a Book": How Older People Make Sense of Online Communities and Social Networking Sites. 2023-2032 - Laurie Phillips Honda:
Motivations for Participation in the YouTube-Based "It Gets Better Project". 2033-2042 - Marco T. Bastos
Outcompeting Traditional Peers? Scholarly Social Networks and Academic Output. 2043-2052 - Amy de Vries:
The Use of Social Media for Shaming Strangers: Young People's Views. 2053-2062 - Stanislav Mamonov, Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
To Give or Not to Give? An Exploratory Study of User Beliefs Influencing Adoption of Facebook Gifts. 2063-2072
Electronic Government Track
- Hans Jochen Scholl
Introduction to the 2015 Electronic Government Track. 2073
Big, Open, and Linked Data (BOLD), Analytics, and Interoperability Infrastructures in Government
- Yannis Charalabidis, Marijn Janssen
, Helmut Krcmar:
Introduction to the Big, Open, and Linked Data (BOLD), Analytics, and Interoperability Infrastructures in Government Minitrack. 2074 - Rose Paquet Kinsley, Jason Portenoy
Perspectives of Emerging Museum Professionals on the Role of Big Data in Museums. 2075-2084 - Ariana Polyviou
, Nancy Pouloudi
Understanding Cloud Adoption Decisions in the Public Sector. 2085-2094
E-justice and E-law
- Jay P. Kesan, Carlos E. Jimenez
, Mila Gascó
Introduction to E-justice and E-law Minitrack. 2095 - Kincho H. Law, Siddharth Taduri, Gloria T. Lau, Jay P. Kesan:
An Ontology-Based Approach for Retrieving Information from Disparate Sectors in Government: The Patent System as an Exemplar. 2096-2105 - Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán
, J. Ramón Gil-García
Understanding Judicial Websites: An Exploration of Portals in the States of Mexico. 2106-2114
Emerging Topics in Electronic Government
- Anil K. Aggarwal, Doug Vogel, Yuko Murayama:
Introduction to the Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges. 2115 - Sirko Hunnius, Benedikt Paulowitsch, Tino Schuppan:
Does E-government Education Meet Competency Requirements? An Analysis of the German University System from International Perspective. 2116-2123 - Kimberly Stoltzfus:
Information System Digital Government Change in Justice Agencies: The Complexity of Stakeholder Identification. 2124-2133 - Loni Hagen, Özlem Uzuner
, Christopher Kotfila, Teresa M. Harrison, Dan Lamanna:
Understanding Citizens' Direct Policy Suggestions to the Federal Government: A Natural Language Processing and Topic Modeling Approach. 2134-2143
ICTD: Information and Communication Technologies for Development: Contributing to Human Development and Social Justice
- Ricardo Gómez
, Øystein Sæbø, Luis Fernando Baron-Porras:
Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) Minitrack: Contributing to Human Development and Social Justice. 2144 - Martin Hilbert:
ICT4ICTD: Computational Social Science for Digital Development. 2145-2157 - Bjørn Furuholt, Fathul Wahid
, Øystein Sæbø:
Land Information Systems for Development (LIS4D): A Neglected Area within ICT4D Research? 2158-2167 - Lakshmi Mohan, Devendra Potnis:
Mobile Banking for the Unbanked Poor without Mobile Phones: Comparing Three Innovative Mobile Banking Services in India. 2168-2176 - Joseph W. Weiss, Girish J. Gulati, David J. Yates, Lauren E. Yates:
Mobile Broadband Affordability and the Global Digital Divide - An Information Ethics Perspective. 2177-2186
Open, Participatory, and Anticipatory Government
- Scott P. Robertson
, John Carlo Bertot, Mitchell Cochran:
Introduction to Open, Participatory, and Anticipatory Government Minitrack. 2187 - Marlen Christin Jurisch, Markus Kautz, Petra Wolf, Helmut Krcmar:
An International Survey of the Factors Influencing the Intention to Use Open Government. 2188-2198 - Fu-Ren Lin, Shih-Yao Chou, Dachi Liao, De Hao:
Automatic Content Analysis of Legislative Documents by Text Mining Techniques. 2199-2208 - Karine Nahon, Alon Peled:
Data Ships: An Empirical Examination of Open (Closed) Data. 2209-2220
Policies and Strategies for Digital Government
- Antonio Cordella
, Frank Bannister, Peter Parycek:
Introduction to Policies and Strategies for Digital Government Minitrack. 2221 - Finn Debri, Frank Bannister:
E-government Stage Models: A Contextual Critique. 2222-2231 - Djoko Sigit Sayogo, J. Ramón Gil-García
Analyzing the Influence of Governance Structure Determinants on the Success of Inter-organizational Information Sharing Initiatives. 2232-2241 - Osden Jokonya:
Investigating Open Source Software Benefits in Public Sector. 2242-2251
Secure Cyberspace in 21st Century Government
- Gregory B. White, Wm. Arthur Conklin, Rayford B. Vaughn:
Introduction to the E-government Secure Cyberspace in 21st Century Government Minitrack. 2252 - Stef Schinagl, Keith Schoon, Ronald Paans:
A Framework for Designing a Security Operations Centre (SOC). 2253-2262 - Timothy J. Perez:
Municipal E-government Security: What is the Greatest Challenge? 2263-2271 - Kranthi Kurra, Brajendra Panda, Wing-Ning Li, Yi Hu:
An Agent Based Approach to Perform Damage Assessment and Recovery Efficiently after a Cyber Attack to Ensure E-government Database Security. 2272-2279 - Wm. Arthur Conklin:
State Based Network Isolation for Critical Infrastructure Systems Security. 2280-2287 - Keith Harrison, James Rutherford, Gregory B. White:
The Honey Community: Use of Combined Organizational Data for Community Protection. 2288-2297 - B. Michael Thomas, Neal L. Ziring:
Using Classified Intelligence to Defend Unclassified Networks. 2298-2307
Services and Information
- Ludwig Christian Schaupp, Lemuria D. Carter
Introduction to Services and Information Minitrack. 2308 - James H. Moore:
A Comparative Value Assessment of Private Sector and E-government Services in the Production of a Non-label Affiliated Jazz Album. 2309-2315
Smart Cities and Smart City Government
- Elsa Negre, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, Mila Gascó
Introduction to Smart Cities and Smart City Government Minitrack. 2316 - Elsa Negre
, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, Mila Gascó
A Knowledge-Based Conceptual Vision of the Smart City. 2317-2325 - Adegboyega K. Ojo
, Edward Curry
, Fatemeh Ahmadi Zeleti
A Tale of Open Data Innovations in Five Smart Cities. 2326-2335 - Álvaro de Oliveira, Margarida Campolargo
From Smart Cities to Human Smart Cities. 2336-2344 - Kaja Fietkiewicz
, Wolfgang G. Stock
How "Smart" Are Japanese Cities? An Empirical Investigation of Infrastructures and Governmental Programs in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, and Kyoto. 2345-2354 - Hans Jochen Scholl
, Suha AlAwadhi
Pooling and Leveraging Scarce Resources: The Smart eCity Gov Alliance. 2355-2365 - Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazán
, David Valle Cruz, Juan Carlos Nunez Armas:
Social Media in Smart Cities: An Exploratory Research in Mexican Municipalities. 2366-2374 - Margus Välja, Tobias Ladhe:
Towards Smart City Marketplace at the Example of Stockholm. 2375-2384 - Joachim Van den Bergh, Stijn Viaene:
Key Challenges for the Smart City: Turning Ambition into Reality. 2385-2394
Social Media, Citizen Participation, and Government
- Marko M. Skoric
, Suha AlAwadhi
, Margit Scholl:
Introduction to Social Media, Citizen Participation, and Government Minitrack. 2395 - Ludwig Christian Schaupp, Jack Dorminey, Richard Dull:
A Resource-Based View of Using Social Media for Material Disclosures. 2396-2405 - Pinar Öztürk
, Huaye Li, Yasuaki Sakamoto:
Combating Rumor Spread on Social Media: The Effectiveness of Refutation and Warning. 2406-2414 - Peter Parycek, Ralph Schöllhammer
, Judith Schossböck
Emotions and E-participation of Young People: A Preliminary Study. 2415-2424 - Cayetano Medina Molina
, Ramón Rufín:
Social Media Use and Perception of Transparency in the Generation of Trust in Public Services. 2425-2434 - Edward G. Anderson Jr.:
The Effect of Increased Connectivity on Serial Regime Change. 2435-2444 - Claudia A. López
, Yu-Ru Lin, Rosta Farzan:
What Makes Hyper-local Online Discussion Forums Sustainable? 2445-2454
Transformational Government
- Leif Skiftenes Flak, A. Miriam B. Lips, J. Ramón Gil-García
Introduction to Transformational Government Minitrack. 2455 - Dian Balta, Vanessa Greger, Petra Wolf, Helmut Krcmar:
E-government Stakeholder Analysis and Management Based on Stakeholder Interactions and Resource Dependencies. 2456-2465 - Arjan J. Knol, Marijn Janssen
, Henk G. Sol:
A Decision Enhancement Service for Stakeholder Analysis to Achieve Transformations in the Public Sector. 2466-2475 - Hun Myoung Park:
Should E-government be Transformational and Participatory? An Essay on E-government in the Utilitarian Mode of Information Technology Use. 2476-2485 - Leif Skiftenes Flak, Hans Solli-Sæther
, Detmar W. Straub:
Towards a Theoretical Model for Co-Realization of IT Value in Government. 2486-2494
Electric Energy Systems Track
- Thomas J. Overbye
, Robert J. Thomas:
Introduction to the Electric Energy Systems Track. 2495
Economics, Markets, and Policy
- Shmuel S. Oren:
Introduction to the Economics, Markets, and Policy Minitrack, Electric Energy Track. 2496 - Daniel Shawhan, John Taber, Ray Zimmerman, Jubo Yan
, Charles Marquet, William Schulze, Richard E. Schuler, Robert J. Thomas, Daniel J. Tylavsky, Di Shi, Nan Li, Ward Jewell, Trevor Hardy
, Zhouxing Hu:
A Detailed Power System Planning Model: Estimating the Long-Run Impact of Carbon-Reducing Policies. 2497-2506 - Anupam A. Thatte, Le Xie
A Two-Layered Framework for Robust Dispatch with Transmission Constraints. 2507-2515 - Evgeniy Goldis, Xiaoguang Li, Michael C. Caramanis, Aleksandr Rudkevich, Pablo A. Ruiz:
AC-Based Topology Control Algorithms (TCA) - A PJM Historical Data Case Study. 2516-2519 - Steve Whitley:
Broader Regional Markets. 2520-2529 - Hao Lu, Wooyoung Jeon, Timothy Mount, Alberto Lamadrid
Can Energy Bids from Aggregators Manage Deferrable Demand Efficiently? 2530-2539 - Enzo E. Sauma
, Miguel Perez de Arce, Javier Contreras:
Multiple Equilibria in Oligopolistic Power Markets with Feed-in Tariff Incentives for Renewable Energy Generation. 2540-2548 - Yuting Ji, Robert J. Thomas, Lang Tong:
Probabilistic Forecast of Real-Time LMP via Multiparametric Programming. 2549-2556 - Seth Blumsack
, Oladipu Ositelu:
The Response of Investors in Publicly-Traded Utilities to Blackouts. 2557-2565
Integrating Distributed and Renewable Resources
- Seth Blumsack
, Kameshwar Poolla, J. Charlie Smith:
Introduction to Distributed and Renewable Electric Energy Resources Minitrack. 2566 - Shaobo Zhang, Nikita G. Singhal, Kory W. Hedman, Vijay Vittal, Junshan Zhang:
An Evaluation of Algorithms to Solve for Do-Not-Exceed Limits for Renewable Resources. 2567-2576 - Maria Gabriela Martinez, C. Lindsay Anderson:
A Risk-Averse Optimization Model for Unit Commitment Problems. 2577-2585 - Miroslav Begovic, Jun Zhang, Damir Novosel, Namhun Cho:
Harmonic Distortion in Microgrids and Distribution Systems with Photovoltaic Generators. 2586-2594 - Agustín A. Sánchez de la Nieta, João P. S. Catalão
, Javier Contreras, José Ignacio Muñoz:
Mid-Term Effects of Optimal Wind-Reversible Hydro Offering Strategies in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. 2595-2603 - David P. Chassin, Yannan Sun, Abhishek Somani:
Optimization of Customer Subscription Rates to Electric Utility Tariffs. 2604-2609 - Richard D. Tabors
, Lorna Omondi, Aleksandr Rudkevich, Evgeniy Goldis, Kofi Amoako-Gyan:
Price Suppression and Emissions Reductions with Offshore Wind: An Analysis of the Impact of Increased Capacity in New England. 2610-2615 - Anthony Papavasiliou
, Shmuel S. Oren, Ignacio Aravena:
Stochastic Modeling of Multi-area Wind Power Production. 2616-2626 - Justin T. Huges, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García, Kameshwar Poolla:
Virtual Battery Models for Load Flexibility from Commercial Buildings. 2627-2635
Monitoring, Control, and Protection
- Joseph H. Eto:
Introduction to the Monitoring, Control, and Protection Minitrack, Electric Energy Track. 2636 - Meng Wang, Joe H. Chow, Pengzhi Gao, Xinyu Tony Jiang, Yu Xia, Scott G. Ghiocel, Bruce Fardanesh, George Stefopoulos, Yutaka Kokai, Nao Saito, Michael P. Razanousky:
A Low-Rank Matrix Approach for the Analysis of Large Amounts of Power System Synchrophasor Data. 2637-2644 - Gregory S. Ledva, Evangelos Vrettos, Silvia Mastellone
, Göran Andersson, Johanna L. Mathieu
Applying Networked Estimation and Control Algorithms to Address Communication Bandwidth Limitations and Latencies in Demand Response. 2645-2654 - A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, George J. Cokkinides, Raheem A. Beyah
, Seth Walters, Paul Myrda:
Cyber Security and Operational Reliability. 2655-2663 - Stanton T. Cady, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Finite-Time Approximate Consensus and Its Application to Distributed Frequency Regulation in Islanded AC Microgrids. 2664-2670 - Zhifang Wang
, Robert J. Thomas:
On Bus Type Assignments in Random Topology Power Grid Models. 2671-2679 - Changhong Zhao
, Michael Chertkov
, Scott Backhaus
Optimal Sizing of Voltage Control Devices for Distribution Circuit with Intermittent Load. 2680-2689 - Ebrahim Rezaei, Lu Zhang, Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian:
Self-Correction Strategies for Frequency Domain Ringdown Analysis. 2690-2699 - Prabir Barooah
, Ana Busic
, Sean P. Meyn:
Spectral Decomposition of Demand-Side Flexibility for Reliable Ancillary Services in a Smart Grid. 2700-2709
Resilient Networks
- Jeff Dagle:
Introduction to Resilient Networks Minitrack. 2710 - Gokturk Poyrazoglu
, HyungSeon Oh:
Electric Power Market Experiments with Optimal Topology Control. 2711-2718 - Mladen Kezunovic, Tatjana Djokic, Po-Chen Chen
, Vuk Malbasa:
Improved Transmission Line Fault Location Using Automated Correlation of Big Data from Lightning Strikes and Fault-Induced Traveling Waves. 2719-2728 - Benjamin A. Carreras, David E. Newman, Ian Dobson:
Lambda-Gaga: Toward a New Metric for the Complex System State of the Electrical Grid. 2729-2737 - Michael Chertkov
, Michael W. Fisher, Scott Backhaus
, Russell Bent
, Sidhant Misra:
Pressure Fluctuations in Natural Gas Networks Caused by Gas-Electric Coupling. 2738-2747 - Pooya Rezaei, Margaret J. Eppstein, Paul D. H. Hines:
Rapid Assessment, Visualization, and Mitigation of Cascading Failure Risk in Power Systems. 2748-2758 - Wonhyeok Jang, Saurav Mohapatra, Thomas J. Overbye
Towards a Transmission Line Limit Preserving Algorithm for Large-Scale Power System Equivalents. 2759-2765 - Christina Jaworsky, Catalina Spataru, Konstantin S. Turitsyn:
Vulnerability Assessment for Interdependent Gas and Electricity Networks. 2766-2775
Information Technology in Healthcare Track
- William G. Chismar, Thomas A. Horan:
Introduction to the Information Technology in Healthcare Track. 2776
Evidence-Based Mobile and Web Health Design and Analysis
- Janet Brigham, Benjamin L. Schooley, Rochelle K. Rosen, Beth Bock:
Introduction to Evidence-Based Mobile and Web Health Design and Analysis Minitrack. 2777 - Rochelle K. Rosen, Megan Ranney, Edward W. Boyer:
Formative Research for Mhealth HIV Adherence: The iHAART App. 2778-2785 - Shogo Kamei, Masakazu Ohashi, Mayumi Hori:
Social Impact Information as the Cause for the Formation of Ties in Enterprises. 2786-2793 - Sonya H. Y. Hsu, Ryan Benton
, Raju N. Gottumukkala:
Real-Time Flu Monitoring System and Decision Informatics. 2794-2803 - Jordan Eschler, Katie O'Leary, Logan Kendall, James D. Ralston, Wanda Pratt
Systematic Inquiry for Design of Health Care Information Systems: An Example of Elicitation of the Patient Stakeholder Perspective. 2804-2813
Global Health IT Strategies
- Joseph Tan, Michael S. Dohan, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Introduction to the Global Health IT Strategies Minitrack. 2814 - Kaushik Ghosh, Kabir Sen:
A Conceptual Model to Understand the Factors that Drive Individual Participation in Crowdsourcing for Medical Diagnosis. 2815-2823 - Thi Thanh Hai Nguyen, Tom Roar Eikebrokk, Carl Erik Moe, Rony Medaglia
, Hannu Larsson
, Tommi Tapanainen:
A Cross-Country Comparison of Success Factor Priorities for Health Information Technology Managers: Evidence of Convergence in the Nordic Countries. 2824-2833 - Mohan Tanniru
, Linda Kaljee, Benjamin Eveslage, John Zervos, Dana Parke, Tyler Prentiss, Nineetha Turaka, Shlpa Konkani:
Global Health Information Technology Solutions for a Community Health Innovation Framework. 2834-2842 - Au Vo, Kun Liu, Thomas A. Horan, Yusheng He:
Toward Global Health Interoperability: Ontology Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Through Comparative Analyses. 2843-2852 - Michael S. Dohan, Norm Gale, Joseph Tan:
Healthcare Informatics Competencies as Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities: Theory Development and Methodological Considerations. 2853-2863
HCI and Consumer Health Informatics
- Ann L. Fruhling
, Richard J. Burkhard, Soussan Djamasbi:
Introduction to HCI and Consumer Health Informatics Minitrack. 2864-2865 - Constantinos K. Coursaris, Sandra L. Spoelstra, Charles W. Given, Alla Sikorskii, Atreyee Majumder
, Tracy DeKoekkoek, Monica Schueller, Barbara A. Given:
A Health Belief Messaging Framework and a Randomized Controlled Trial of an SMS-Based Intervention for Cancer Patient Outcomes. 2866-2875 - Susan Feng Lu, Huaxia Rui:
Can We Trust Online Physician Ratings? Evidence from Cardiac Surgeons in Florida. 2876-2885 - Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan, Edward Lee, Nagla Alnosayan, Samir Chatterjee, Linda Houston-Feenstra, Wayne Dysinger, Mercy Kagoda:
Designing Patient-Centered mHealth Technology Intervention to Reduce Hospital Readmission for Heart-Failure Patients. 2886-2895 - Ming Yang, Melody Y. Kiang:
Extracting Consumer Health Expressions of Drug Safety from Web Forum. 2896-2905 - Priya Nambisan, Zhihui Luo
, Akshat Kapoor, Timothy B. Patrick, Ron A. Cisler:
Social Media, Big Data, and Public Health Informatics: Ruminating Behavior of Depression Revealed through Twitter. 2906-2913 - Soussan Djamasbi
, E. Vance Wilson:
The Relationship of Demographics to Consumers' Use of an Extended Range of E-health Services. 2914-2921
IT Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation in Healthcare
- Leigh W. Cellucci, Arnold Kamis, Ton A. M. Spil, Carla Wiggins:
Introduction to IT Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation in Healthcare Minitrack. 2922 - Karsten Helbig, Thomas Stoeck, Taïeb Mellouli:
A Generic Simulation-Based DSS for Evaluating Flexible Ward Clusters in Hospital Occupancy Management. 2923-2932 - Aaron Luntala Nsakanda
, Gerald G. Grant
, Maryam Vafei, Michelle Leafloor:
A Simulation Modeling Approach to Understanding Workflow Changes in Healthcare: The Case of CPOE Deployment at the Ottawa Hospital. 2933-2941 - Huixin Wu, Elizabeth M. LaRue
Barriers and Facilitators of Health Information Exchange (HIE) Adoption in the United States. 2942-2949 - Johnie Rose
, Laura Homa, Peter Hovmand, Alison Kraus, Kelly Burgess, Anindita Biswas, Heide Aungst, Sarah Cherng, Rick L. Riolo, Kurt C. Stange:
Boundary Objects for Participatory Group Model Building of Agent-Based Models. 2950-2959 - Vitali Mindel, Lars Mathiassen:
Contextualist Inquiry into Hospital Revenue Cycle Transformation: Bridging Research and Practice. 2960-2969 - Gordana Culjak, Nick Kowalenko, Mark Spranca, Christopher Tennant:
Internet Health Promotion and Behavior Change Theory: An Integrated Model Applied to Internet Interventions to Enhance Prevention and Early Detection. 2970-2975 - Dezhi Wu, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Dongsong Zhang:
Patient Compliance Behavior in a Mobile Healthcare System: An Integration of Theories of Rational Choice and Planned Behavior. 2976-2984 - Priya Nambisan:
Patient Portal Readiness (PPR) among the Underserved: Impact of PHIM Activities, Health Information Seeking, and Patient Attitudes towards Record Keeping. 2985-2991 - Bahae Samhan, K. D. Joshi:
Resistance of Healthcare Information Technologies; Literature Review, Analysis, and Gaps. 2992-3001 - Mike Krey:
Significance and Current Status of Integrated IT GRC in Health Care: An Explorative Study in Swiss Hospitals. 3002-3012 - Charlotte Tang
, Yunan Chen:
Technology Readiness through Collaborative Reflection: A Qualitative Case Study of an Under-resourced Nurse-Managed Clinic. 3013-3022 - Arkalgud Ramaprasad
, Thant Syn
, Khin Than Win
The Bright, Light, and Blind/Blank Spots in HIPAA Research: An Ontological Analysis. 3023-3032 - Louis Raymond, Guy Paré, Ana Ortiz de Guinea, Placide Poba-Nzaou, Marie-Claude Trudel, Josianne Marsan
, Thomas Micheneau:
The Contribution of Office-Based EMR Systems to the Performance of Family Physicians and Primary Care Medical Practices. 3033-3042
IT Architectures and Implementations in Healthcare Environments
- Radmila Juric
, Jasna Kuljis, Suzanne Miller:
Introduction to IT Architectures and Implementations in Healthcare Environments Minitrack. 3043 - Yichuan Wang
, LeeAnn Kung
, Chaochi Ting, Terry Anthony Byrd:
Beyond a Technical Perspective: Understanding Big Data Capabilities in Health Care. 3044-3053 - Juha Kemppinen, Jukka Korpela, Kalle Elfvengren, Jussi Polkko:
Clinical Decision Support System for Opioid Substitution Therapy. 3054-3063 - Tomi Dahlberg
Cooperation Benefits in the Establishment of Voluntary Inter-organizational IT Governance for Healthcare and Social Welfare IT - A Case Study. 3064-3073 - Xiping Hu
, Xitong Li, Edith C. H. Ngai, Jidi Zhao, Victor C. M. Leung, Panos Nasiopoulos:
Health Drive: Mobile Healthcare Onboard Vehicles to Promote Safe Driving. 3074-3083 - Reza Shojanoori, Radmila Juric
Ontology Design for Supporting Decision Making in Self Care Homes. 3084-3093 - Dan Dumbrell, Robert Steele:
#worldhealthday 2014: The Anatomy of a Global Public Health Twitter Campaign. 3094-3103
Learning Health Systems, Big Data, and Socio-technical Change
- Charles P. Friedman, Kevin Sullivan:
Introduction to the Learning Health Systems, Big Data, and Socio-technical Change Minitrack. 3104 - Shahadat Uddin
, Arif Khan, Mahendra Piraveenan:
Administrative Claim Data to Learn about Effective Healthcare Collaboration and Coordination through Social Network. 3105-3114 - Donghui Shi, Jozef M. Zurada, Jian Guan:
A Neuro-Fuzzy System with Semi-supervised Learning for Bad Debt Recovery in the Healthcare Industry. 3115-3124 - Dilhari Dealmeida, Mohammed Al-Jaghbeer, Mervat Abdelhak, John A. Kellum
A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Currently Utilized Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Alert: A Use Case Example for a Learning Health System. 3125-3131 - Fumbeya Marungo, Scott Robertson, Harry Quon, John Rhee, Hilary Paisley, Russell H. Taylor, Todd McNutt:
Creating a Data Science Platform for Developing Complication Risk Models for Personalized Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology. 3132-3140 - Sanjeev Kumar, Theodore Hanss, Lynn Johnson, Charles P. Friedman, Katherine Donaldson, Janee Tyus, Kathleen Omollo
, Joshua C. Rubin:
Leveraging Contextual Inquiry Methods to Empower Patients in a Learning Health System. 3141-3147 - Shi Ying Lim, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Holly Jordan Lanham:
Review of Research on Knowledge Transfer in Care Transitions: Trust-Enhancing Principles for Information Systems Design. 3148-3157 - Allen J. Flynn
, Johmarx Patton, Jodyn Platt
Tell it Like it Seems: Challenges Identifying Potential Requirements of a Learning Health System. 3158-3167 - Alon Y. Ben-Ari, Kenric W. Hammond:
Text Mining the EMR for Modeling and Predicting Suicidal Behavior among US Veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. 3168-3175 - Sarah N. Lim Choi Keung
, Lei Zhao, Vasa Curcin
, Jean-François Ethier
, Anita Burgun, Mark M. McGilchrist, Piotr Bródka
, Wodzimierz Tuligowicz, Brendan C. Delaney, Theodoros N. Arvanitis
, Anna Andreasson
Transform: Implementing a Learning Healthcare System in Europe through Embedding Clinical Research into Clinical Practice. 3176-3185
Mobile and Sensing Solutions for Health Promotion and Maintenance
- Freimut Bodendorf, Carolin Durst, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Introduction to the Mobile and Sensing Solutions for Health Promotion and Maintenance Minitrack. 3186 - Miloslava Plachkinova
, Steven Andrés, Samir Chatterjee:
A Taxonomy of mHealth Apps - Security and Privacy Concerns. 3187-3196 - Andreas Hamper:
A Context Aware Mobile Application for Physical Activity Promotion. 3197-3206 - Farruch Kouliev, Carolin Durst, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
CarepariZn: Translating Social Comparison Elements into a Mobile Solution to Support Weight Loss. 3207-3216 - Majid Dadgar, K. D. Joshi:
ICT-Enabled Self-Management of Chronic Diseases: Literature Review and Analysis Using Value-Sensitive Design. 3217-3226 - Sajda Qureshi
, Cherie Noteboom, Alice Schumaker:
Mobile Access for Patient Centered Care: The Challenges of Activating Knowledge through Health Information Technology. 3227-3236 - Paula Alexandra Silva
, Kelly Holden, Phillip Jordan:
Towards a List of Heuristics to Evaluate Smartphone Apps Targeted at Older Adults: A Study with Apps that Aim at Promoting Health and Well-Being. 3237-3246 - Megan Ranney, Margaret Thorsen, John V. Patena
, Rebecca M. Cunningham, Edward W. Boyer, Maureen A. Walton, Anthony Spirito, Douglas F. Zatzick, Kathleen Morrow:
"You Need to Get Them Where They Feel it": Conflicting Perspectives on How to Maximize the Structure of Text-Message Psychological Interventions for Adolescents. 3247-3255
Internet and the Digital Economy Track
- David R. King, Alan R. Dennis:
Introduction to Internet and Digital Economy Track. 3256
E-Commerce, Engagement, and Social Influence
- Petri Parvinen
, Maurits Kaptein, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Christy M. K. Cheung:
Introduction to E-Commerce, Engagement, and Social Influence Minitrack. 3257 - Oliver Posegga
, Matthäus Paul Zylka
, Kai Fischbach:
Collective Dynamics of Crowdfunding Networks. 3258-3267 - Moritz C. Weber:
Conceptualization and Realization of Agile Building Blocks for a User-Configurable Trading Platform. 3268-3277 - Essi Pöyry
, Petri Parvinen
, Richard G. McFarland:
Consistency or Complementarity? Optimizing Multi-channel Selling Based on Online Click-Through Data. 3278-3287 - Priyanga Gunarathne, Huaxia Rui, Avi Seidmann:
Customer Service on Social Media: The Effect of Customer Popularity and Sentiment on Airline Response. 3288-3297 - Moustafa Abu El Fadl, Boris Abbey, Kyungsub Stephen Choi:
Effect of IT Trading Platform on Financial Risk-Taking and Portfolio Performance. 3298-3306 - Tobias Riasanow, Hua Jonathan Ye
, Suparna Goswami
Generating Trust in Online Consumer Reviews through Signaling: An Experimental Study. 3307-3316 - Hoon Seok Choi:
Pricing Strategies of Mobile Apps and Their Effects on Piracy: An Empirical Study. 3317-3325 - Nicolai Hanner, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Purchasing Behavior in Free to Play Games: Concepts and Empirical Validation. 3326-3335 - Talal M. I. Alsaif, Ahmad Ghoneim:
Trust Transference from Brick to Click Retailers: A Conceptual Model for Impersonal Trust. 3336-3343
Electronic Marketing
- Bruce D. Weinberg, Arnold Kamis, Ajit Kambil, Dominic Thomas
Introduction to Electronic Marketing Minitrack. 3344 - Libo Ivy Liu, Jimmy S. J. Ren
, Long Song
, Kristijan Mirkovski
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Disclose the Influence of Twofold Information Usefulness on Sales. 3345-3353 - Il Young Choi, Jae Kyeong Kim, Young U. Ryu
A Two-Tiered Recommender System for Tourism Product Recommendations. 3354-3363 - Theresa Lauraéus, Timo Saarinen, Anssi Öörni:
Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction of Online Purchase. 3364-3373 - Cenying Yang
, Zhang Cheng:
Modeling Correlated Effect and Random Effect of Advertising and Word-of-Mouth on Product Diffusion. 3374-3383 - Benedikt Berger, Christian Matt
, Dennis M. Steininger, Thomas Hess:
Paper or Screen - Differences in Customer Preferences and Willingness to Pay between Traditional and Digital Content Services. 3384-3393 - Alan R. Dennis, Lingyao (Ivy) Yuan
, Christine J. Hsieh, Xuan Feng, Aleesha P. Hedge, Eric M. Webb:
The Priming Effects of Relevant and Irrelevant Advertising in Online Auctions. 3394-3404 - En Mao, Jing Zhang:
What Drives Consumers to Click on Social Media Ads? The Roles of Content, Media, and Individual Factors. 3405-3413
Global, International, and Cross Cultural Issues in IS
- Victor Lawson, Richard T. Watson, Lakshmish Ramaswamy:
C-SenZ-IS: A Customizable Sensor IS Model for Energy Efficient SaaS. 3414-3423 - Gregory D. Larosiliere, Christian Meske, Lemuria D. Carter
Determinants of Social Network Adoption: A Country-Level Analysis. 3424-3433 - Sune Dueholm Müller, Frank Ulrich
The Competing Values of Hackers: The Culture Profile that Spawned the Computer Revolution. 3434-3443 - Gwang Jae Kim, So Ra Park
The Relationship between Online Engagement and Users' Perceived Benefits: Exploring the Differences among Rural and Urban Internet Users. 3444-3451
Innovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Research
- Merrill Warkentin
, Allen C. Johnston, Anthony Vance
Introduction to the Innovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Research Minitrack. 3452 - Markus Tschersich:
Comparing the Configuration of Privacy Settings on Social Network Sites Based on Different Default Options. 3453-3462 - Ran Yang, Yu Jie Ng, Arun Vishwanath:
Do Social Media Privacy Policies Matter? Evaluating the Effects of Familiarity and Privacy Seals on Cognitive Processing. 3463-3472 - Soohyun Jeon
, Anat Hovav:
Empowerment or Control: Reconsidering Employee Security Policy Compliance in Terms of Authorization. 3473-3482 - Brynne Harrison, Arun Vishwanath, Yu Jie Ng, H. Raghav Rao:
Examining the Impact of Presence on Individual Phishing Victimization. 3483-3489 - Berhanu Borena, France Bélanger, Dejene Ejigu:
Information Privacy Protection Practices in Africa: A Review through the Lens of Critical Social Theory. 3490-3497 - Jie Gu, Yunjie Xu, Heng Xu, Hong Ling:
Interaction Effects of Contextual Cues on Privacy Concerns: The Case of Android Applications. 3498-3507 - Waldo Rocha Flores, Hannes Holm
, Mathias Ekstedt, Marcus Nohlberg:
Investigating the Correlation between Intention and Action in the Context of Social Engineering in Two Different National Cultures. 3508-3517 - Michele Maasberg, John Warren, Nicole Lang Beebe
The Dark Side of the Insider: Detecting the Insider Threat through Examination of Dark Triad Personality Traits. 3518-3526 - Salvatore Aurigemma, Thomas Mattson:
The Role of Social Status and Controllability on Employee Intent to Follow Organizational Information Security Requirements. 3527-3536
Organizational Impacts of Online Games
- Kafui Monu, Paul Ralph
Introduction to Organizational Impact of Online Games Minitrack. 3537 - Eui Jun Jeong
, Hye Rim Lee, Jung Hyun Woo:
Brand Memory, Attitude, and State Aggression in Violent Games: Focused on the Roles of Arousal, Negative Affect, and Spatial Presence. 3538-3547 - (Withdrawn) I'm Not a Transvestite: Antecedents and Consequences of Gender Swapping in Online Games. 3548-3558
- Juho Hamari
, Lauri Keronen, Kati Alha
Why Do People Play Games? A Review of Studies on Adoption and Use. 3559-3568
The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption, and Usage of ICTs upon Society
- Jyoti Choudrie, Sherah Kurnia, Ranjan Vaidya:
Introduction to the Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption, and Usage of ICTs upon Society Minitrack. 3569-3570 - Yvette Blount
, Marianne Gloet:
Adoption of ICT Enabled Telehealth Services in the Australian Context: Implications of Technology Use for Telehealth Workers. 3571-3580 - Seonjin Shin, Joon Koh, Chenxi Hu
, Sang-Joon Lee:
Analysis of Mobile Broadband Service Penetration in Korea. 3581-3590 - Mirmahdi Darban, Hosseini Amirkhiz:
Herd Behavior in Technology Adoption: The Role of Adopter and Adopted Characteristics. 3591-3600 - Tommi Laukkanen
How Uncertainty Avoidance Affects Innovation Resistance in Mobile Banking: The Moderating Role of Age and Gender. 3601-3610 - Anssi Öörni, Kalle Lyytinen
Looking Past Planned and Habitual IT Use. 3611-3620 - Christine Bauer
, Michael Schiffinger
Self-Disclosure in Online Interaction: A Meta-analysis. 3621-3630 - So Ra Park
, Julie Freeman
, Catherine A. Middleton
, Matthew Allen
, Robin Eckermann, Richard Everson:
The Multi-layers of Digital Exclusion in Rural Australia. 3631-3640
Web Mining
- David R. King, Alan R. Dennis:
Introduction to Web Mining Minitrack. 3641 - Yusan Lin, Yilu Zhou, Heng Xu:
Text-Generated Fashion Influence Model: An Empirical Study on Style.com. 3642-3650 - Fernando Silva Parreiras
, Gerd Gröner, Daniel Schwabe
, Fernando de Freitas Silva:
Towards a Marketplace of Open Source Software Data. 3651-3660 - Muhammad Shoaib
, Muddassar Farooq:
USpam - A User Centric Ontology Driven Spam Detection System. 3661-3669
Knowledge Systems Track
- David T. Croasdell, Murray E. Jennex
Introduction to the Knowledge Systems Track. 3670
Cultural Knowledge
- David T. Croasdell, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Introduction to the Cultural Knowledge Minitrack. 3671 - Katya Yefimova, Moriah Neils, Bryce Clayton Newell, Ricardo Gómez
Fotohistorias: Participatory Photography as a Methodology to Elicit the Life Experiences of Migrants. 3672-3681 - Catherine Han Lin, Angela Wei Hong Yang, Siddhi Pittayachawan
, Doug Vogel, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Inquiring Knowledge Management Systems - A Chinese Medicine Perspective. 3682-3690 - Torstein E. L. Hjelle:
The Role of Strategies of Practice-Based Learning for Becoming a Member of a Community of Practice. 3691-3700
Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems
- Stefan Smolnik, Timo Käkölä:
Introduction to Designing and Deploying Advanced Knowledge Systems Minitrack. 3701 - Meshari M. S. Alwazae
, Paul Johannesson
, Erik Perjons:
Evaluation of a Classification System for Best Practices. 3702-3711 - Fabian Schmidt, Jörg Gebhardt, Rudolf Kruse:
Handling Revision Inconsistencies: Creating Useful Explanations. 3712-3718 - Jie Tao, Omar F. El-Gayar
, Amit V. Deokar
, Yenling Chang:
Term Extraction and Disambiguation for Semantic Knowledge Enrichment: A Case Study on Initial Public Offering (IPO) Prospectus Corpus. 3719-3728
Knowledge Management for Innovation, Agility, and Complexity Management
- Suzanne Zyngier
, Danny Samson, Marianne Gloet:
Introduction to Knowledge Management for Innovation, Agility, and Complexity Management Minitrack. 3729 - Marianne Gloet, Danny Samson:
Capturing Value through Knowledge and Innovation Management: Comparisons across the Manufacturing and Services Sectors. 3730-3739 - Louis Raymond, François Bergeron, Anne-Marie Croteau, Josée St-Pierre:
Entrepreneurial Orientation and E-business Capabilities of Manufacturing SMEs: An Absorptive Capacity Lens. 3740-3749 - Dong Kyoon Yoo:
Innovation: Its Relationships with a Knowledge Sharing Climate and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Integration in Cross-Functional Project Teams. 3750-3759 - Xiahua Wei, Wei Chen, Kevin Zhu:
Motivating User Contributions in Online Knowledge Communities: Virtual Rewards and Reputation. 3760-3769 - Andréa C. F. Albuquerque, José Laurindo Campos dos Santos, Alberto Nogueira de Castro Júnior:
OntoBio: A Biodiversity Domain Ontology for Amazonian Biological Collected Objects. 3770-3779 - Weiwei Wang, Yuqiang Feng, Luning Liu
The Effect of Organizational Levers and the Mediating Role of Individual Absorptive Capacity in Information System Innovation. 3780-3789
Knowledge Management Value, Success, and Performance Measurements
- Murray E. Jennex
, Stefan Smolnik, David T. Croasdell:
Introduction to the Knowledge Management Value, Success, and Performance Measurements Minitrack. 3790 - Hongyi Mao
, Shan Liu, Jinlong Zhang:
IT Resource and Competitive Advantage: Role of Knowledge Management Capability and Resource Commitment. 3791-3800 - Simon Cleveland
, Timothy J. Ellis:
The Impact of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Locus of Control on Organizational Knowledge Sharing Practices. 3801-3810 - Youngsoo Kim, Lingxiao Jiang
The Knowledge Accumulation and Transfer in Open-Source Software (OSS) Development. 3811-3820
Knowledge Economics
- Carsten Brockmann, Narcyz Roztocki:
Introduction to Knowledge Economics Minitrack. 3821 - Alexandra Kees:
Knowledge Economics Based upon a 4-Pillar-Model - A Field Report. 3822-3833 - Carsten Brockmann, Narcyz Roztocki:
Topics on Knowledge Management: An Empirical Insight into Articles Published in the International Journal of Knowledge Management. 3834-3840 - Martin Hilbert:
Toward a Theory of Knowledge Economics: An Information Systems Approach. 3841-3849
Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange
- K. D. Joshi, Lynne P. Cooper:
Introduction to Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing, and Exchange Minitrack. 3850 - Ken Dozier, David Chang:
A Collaborative Manufacturing Collective. 3851-3859 - Julee H. Hafner:
Computer System Unlearning in Individuals. 3860-3869 - Dirk Basten, Bjoern Michalik, Mahmut Yigit:
How Knowledge Management Systems Support Organizational Knowledge Creation - An In-depth Case Study. 3870-3879 - W. David Holford
Knowledge Construction as Movement via Boundary Constructions and Dialogue. 3880-3889 - Susan Gasson
Knowledge Mediation and Boundary-Spanning in Global IS Change Projects. 3890-3899 - Kee-Young Kwahk, Do-Hyung Park:
Network Sharing beyond Knowledge Sharing: The Mediating Role of Tertius Iungens Orientation in Social Media Contexts. 3900-3909 - Heinz-Theo Wagner, Bernhard Moos:
Social Capital and Usefulness of External Knowledge: The Moderating Role of Group Affiliation. 3910-3919 - Aliona von der Trenck, Fahame Emamjome, Tillmann Neben, Armin Heinzl:
What's in it for Me? Conceptualizing the Perceived Value of Knowledge Sharing. 3920-3928
Intellectual Property and Security
- Alexandra Durcikova, Murray E. Jennex
Introduction to Intellectual Property and Security Minitrack. 3929 - A. J. Burns
, Tom L. Roberts, Clay Posey, Rebecca J. Bennett, James F. Courtney:
Assessing the Role of Security Education, Training, and Awareness on Insiders' Security-Related Behavior: An Expectancy Theory Approach. 3930-3940 - Ilona Ilvonen
, Jari Jussila
, Hannu Kärkkäinen
, Tero Päivärinta
Knowledge Security Risk Management in Contemporary Companies - Toward a Proactive Approach. 3941-3950 - Marilyn Phelps, Murray E. Jennex
Yours, Mine, or Ours: Discussing Ownership of Collaborative Works in the Cloud. 3951-3958
Reports from the Field
- Vince Scovetta, Timothy J. Ellis:
Introduction to the Reports from the Field Minitrack. 3959 - James R. Elste, Travis Schweiger, David T. Croasdell:
Contrasting Voting, Multi-criteria Decision-Making, and Collaborative Decision-Making Using Election Results. 3960-3969 - J. Richard Kiper:
Eliciting User Needs for a Knowledge Management System to Align Training Programs with Processes and Policies in Large Organizations. 3970-3979 - Davi Viana
, Tayana Conte
, Sabrina Marczak, Raymundo Ferreira, Cleidson R. B. de Souza
Knowledge Creation and Loss within a Software Organization: An Exploratory Case Study. 3980-3989 - Suzanne Zyngier
, Aarti Nagpal:
Knowledge Management Ethics: Located within a Governance Framework. 3990-3999 - Stephen Larson:
Knowledge Management Success and Failure: 2 Case Studies. 4000-4006 - James L. Parrish Jr.
, James F. Courtney:
New Inquiring Systems as Kernel Theories for Knowledge Management: The Case of the Sense Man System. 4007-4016
Organizational Systems and Technology Track
- Hugh J. Watson:
Introduction to the Organizational Systems and Technology Track. 4017
Advances in Design Research
- Joseph Walls:
Introduction to Advances in Design Research for Information Systems Minitrack. 4018 - Tuure Tuunanen
, Tero Vartiainen, Mehdi Ebrahim, Murong Liang:
Continuous Requirements Risk Profiling in Information Systems Development. 4019-4028 - Tanguy Coenen, Vincent Donche
, Pieter Ballon:
LL-ADR: Action Design Research in Living Labs. 4029-4038 - Leona Chandra
, Stefan Seidel
, Shirley Gregor
Prescriptive Knowledge in IS Research: Conceptualizing Design Principles in Terms of Materiality, Action, and Boundary Conditions. 4039-4048
Business and Enterprise Architecture: Processes, Approaches, and Challenges
- Frank Armour, Stephen H. Kaisler:
Introduction to Business and Enterprise Architecture Minitrack: Processes, Approaches and Challenges. 4049 - Thomas Müller, Sven Dittes, Frederik Ahlemann, Nils Urbach
, Stefan Smolnik:
Because Everybody is Different: Towards Understanding the Acceptance of Organizational IT Standards. 4050-4058 - J. Alberto Espinosa, Frank Armour, Wai Fong Boh
, Stephen H. Kaisler:
Cognitive Coordination in Large-Scale Enterprise Architecting: A Case Study. 4059-4068 - Svyatoslav Kotusev
, Mohini Singh, Ian Storey:
Consolidating Enterprise Architecture Management Research. 4069-4078 - Alexander W. Schneider, Thomas Reschenhofer, Alexander Schutz, Florian Matthes
Empirical Results for Application Landscape Complexity. 4079-4088 - Peter Andersen
, Andrea Carugati, Morten Grue Sørensen:
Exploring Enterprise Architecture Evaluation Practices: The Case of a Large University. 4089-4098 - Sebastian Hanschke, Jan Ernsting, Herbert Kuchen:
Integrating Agile Software Development and Enterprise Architecture Management. 4099-4108 - Karn Yongsiriwit, Nguyen Ngoc Chan, Walid Gaaloul
Log-Based Process Fragment Querying to Support Process Design. 4109-4119 - Oumaima Saidani
, Colette Rolland, Selmin Nurcan:
Towards a Generic Context Model for BPM. 4120-4129 - Philipp Zellner, Marcus Laumann, Wieland Appelfeller:
Towards Managing Business Process Variants within Organizations - An Action Research Study. 4130-4139
Digital Innovation
- Nicholas Berente, Kalle Lyytinen
, Youngjin Yoo
Introduction to the Digital Innovation Minitrack. 4140 - Fredrik Svahn
, Rikard Lindgren, Lars Mathiassen:
Applying Options Thinking to Shape Generativity in Digital Innovation: An Action Research into Connected Cars. 4141-4150 - Sanja Tumbas, Theresa Schmiedel
, Jan vom Brocke:
Characterizing Multiple Institutional Logics for Innovation with Digital Technologies. 4151-4160 - Lena Hylving:
Competing Values in the Era of Digitalization. 4161-4170 - Yasser Rahrovani
, Alain Pinsonneault:
Individually Perceived IS Slack Resources and Innovating with IT. 4171-4180 - Oliver Oechslein, Mario Haim
, Andreas Graefe
, Thomas Hess, Hans-Bernd Brosius, Anton Koslow:
The Digitization of News Aggregation: Experimental Evidence on Intention to Use and Willingness to Pay for Personalized News Aggregators. 4181-4190 - Kristen Guth, Marshall Scott Poole:
Value Chain Creation through Digital Innovation: The Ebb and Flow of Communality and Connectivity in a Networked Interorganizational System. 4191-4200
Enterprise System Integration: Issues and Answers
- Ravi Seethamraju
Barriers to the Adoption of Management Accounting (MA) Processes in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Environments. 4201-4210 - Björn Johansson
, Amar Alajbegovic, Vasileios Alexopoulo, Achilles Desalermos:
Cloud ERP Adoption Opportunities and Concerns: The Role of Organizational Size. 4211-4219 - Elin Uppström, Carl-Mikael Lönn, Madeleine Hoffsten, Joakim Thorstrom:
New Implications for Customization of ERP Systems. 4220-4229 - Euripidis N. Loukis, Niki Kyriakou:
Organizational Factors Affecting Propensity to Adopt Cloud Computing. 4230-4239
Ethical Issues in Organizational Information Systems
- Sutirtha Chatterjee
Introduction to the Ethical Issues in Organizational Information Systems Minitrack. 4240 - Mohamed Alaskar, Shahper Vodanovich, Kathy Ning Shen
Evolvement of Information Security Research on Employees' Behavior: A Systematic Review and Future Direction. 4241-4250 - Abraham Seidmann, Yabing Jiang, Jie Zhang:
Introduction to the Impacts of Advanced Information Technologies on Business Operations Minitrack. 4251 - Tong Wu, Abraham Seidmann:
Are Groups Better Than Individuals at Making Decisions? An Experimental Study on Newsvendor Problem. 4252-4261
Impacts of Advanced Information Technologies on Business Operations
- Indika Dissanayake
, Jie Zhang, Feirong Yuan, Jingguo Wang
Peer-recognition and Performance in Online Crowdsourcing Communities. 4262-4265 - Eric T. G. Wang, Chi-Hsing Chiu, En Chen:
Impact of IT Intellectual Capital on IT Explorative-Exploitative Innovation Strategy and Performance. 4266-4275 - Jin Li, Zhiling Guo
, Robert J. Kauffman:
Recovering Household Preferences for Digital Entertainment. 4276-4284 - Michael A. Katell, Suzann Q. Parker, Travis J. Warren, Hazel Taylor:
Remade to Measure: Applying Impact Measurement Theory to Non-profit Organizations - A Case Study. 4285-4293 - Otávio P. Sanchez
, Paulo Henrique Silva E. Costa, Paulo B. Góes:
Shaping Customer Confidence in Online Purchasing Decision: The Role of DSS Tools Supporting an Information Aggregator. 4294-4303 - Victor Diba, Christian Wagner
Success within App Distribution Platforms: The Contribution of App Diversity and App Cohesivity. 4304-4313
Information Technology for Development
- Mehruz Kamal, Sajda Qureshi
, James B. Pick:
Introduction to Information Technology for Development Minitrack. 4314 - Jie Xiong, Sajda Qureshi
, Teresa Trumbly-Lamsam:
A Framing Analysis of African-American and Native-American Owned Micro-enterprises: How Can Information and Communication Technology Support Their Development? 4315-4324 - Frederick J. Riggins, David M. Weber:
Information Asymmetries and Identification Bias in P2P Social Microlending. 4325-4334 - Esther Namatovu, Øystein Sæbø:
Motivation and Consequences of Internet and Mobile Phone Usage among the Urban Poor in Kampala, Uganda. 4335-4344 - Rania Fahim El-Gazzar
The Start of a Journey to the Cloud in the Developing World: A Case Study of Egypt. 4345-4354
Inter-organizational Collaborative Dynamics
- Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Holly Jordan Lanham:
Introduction to the Inter-organizational Collaborative Dynamics and Role of Information Technology Minitrack. 4355 - Kar-Hai Chu, Elena Hoeppner, Thomas W. Valente, Luanne Rohrbach:
A Social Network Analysis of a Coalition Initiative to Prevent Underage Drinking in Los Angeles County. 4356-4365 - Timo Ali-Vehmas
, Thomas R. Casey:
Examining Possible Value System Transitions: The Case of Smart Mobility Services. 4366-4375 - Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi, Max-Peter Menzel
, Jens Peter Wulfsberg, Pascal Krenz, Tobias Redlich
, Sissy-Ve Basmer:
Modularization and the Dynamics of Inter-organizational Collaboration: Producing and Bridging Spatial and Organizational Distances. 4376-4385
IT and Project Management
- Joseph W. Weiss, Sue Newell, Jacky Swan:
Introduction to the IT/Project Management Minitrack. 4386 - Nigel P. Melville
Digital Fitness: Four Principles for Successful Development of Digital Initiatives. 4387-4396 - Rahul Thakurta
IS Project Success from Practitioner's Perspective: Evidences from India. 4397-4405 - Oliver Krancher, Jens Dibbern:
Knowledge in Software-Maintenance Outsourcing Projects: Beyond Integration of Business and Technical Knowledge. 4406-4415 - Oleg Pankratz, Dirk Basten:
One Size Does Not Fit All - Contingency Approach on Relevance of IS Project Success Dimensions. 4416-4425 - Magali Simard
, Danielle Laberge:
Project-Based Organizing: The Unexpected Trajectory of the Project to the Crisis. 4426-4435 - Arviansyah
, Yvette ter Halle, Ton A. M. Spil, Jos van Hillegersberg:
Project Evaluation: A Mixed-Method Study into Dilemmas in Continuation Decisions. 4436-4445 - Hany Wells
, Darren Dalcher
, Hedley Smyth:
The Adoption of Agile Management Practices in a Traditional Project Environment: An IT/IS Case Study. 4446-4453 - James J. Jiang, Jacob Chia-An Tsai, Jamie Y. T. Chang, Houn-Gee Chen, Fei Ren:
The Impacts of Program Goal Ambiguity on Inter-team Integrative Conflict Management during IT Program Implementation: Theory of Controversy. 4454-4462 - Taru Salmimaa, Riitta Hekkala, Samuli Pekkola
"They Do Not Get Along without Us and We Do Not Get Along without Them...": Uncertainty in Information System Development. 4463-4472 - Merja Mattila, Matti Rossi, Joe Nandhakumar:
Trajectory of IT Artifacts in Live Routines: Organizing Project-Based Workforce in Professional Services through Enterprise Systems. 4473-4482 - Konrad Dongus, Simon Ebert, Michael Schermann, Helmut Krcmar:
What Determines Information Systems Project Performance? A Narrative Review and Meta-analysis. 4483-4492
IT Governance and Its Mechanisms
- James S. Denford
, Gregory S. Dawson, Kevin C. Desouza
An Argument for Centralization of IT Governance in the Public Sector. 4493-4501 - Joseph Taylor
, Arvin Sahym, Joseph Vithayathil:
Do Powerful Technology Leaders Make a Difference in Firm Performance? 4502-4512 - Elizabeth Valentine, Glenn Stewart:
Enterprise Business Technology Governance: Three Competencies to Build Board Digital Leadership Capability. 4513-4522 - Mohamed El Mekawy, Lazar Rusu, Erik Perjons, Karl-Johan Sedvall, Murat Ekici:
From Theory to Practice: Barriers to Business-IT Alignment in Organizations Acting in Sweden. 4523-4533 - Daniel Smits, Jos van Hillegersberg:
IT Governance Maturity: Developing a Maturity Model Using the Delphi Method. 4534-4543 - François Bergeron, Anne-Marie Croteau, Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu, Louis Raymond:
IT Governance Theories and the Reality of SMEs: Bridging the Gap. 4544-4553 - Yannick Bartens, Steven De Haes, Yannick Lamoen, Frederik Schulte, Stefan Voss
On the Way to a Minimum Baseline in IT Governance: Using Expert Views for Selective Implementation of COBIT 5. 4554-4563 - Anna Wiedemann, Andy Weeger, Heiko Gewald:
Organizational Structure vs. Capabilities: Examining Critical Success Factors for Managing IT Service Delivery. 4564-4574 - Mohamed Makhlouf
, Oihab Allal-Chérif:
Pertinence and Feasibility of a Unifying Holistic Approach of IT Governance. 4575-4584 - Michael Milovich, Dorothy E. Leidner
, David S. Preston:
The Influence of Middle Management on Information Technology Alignment. 4585-4594 - Jacques Coertze, Rossouw von Solms:
Towards a Cybernetics-Based Communication Framework for IT Governance. 4595-4606
Life in the Fast Lane: The Intersection of Mobile Computing and the IS Workforce
- Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, Deborah J. Armstrong:
Introduction to the Life in the Fast Lane: The Intersection of Mobile Computing and the IS Workforce Minitrack. 4607-4608 - Ricardo Buettner:
A Systematic Literature Review of Crowdsourcing Research from a Human Resource Management Perspective. 4609-4618 - Michelle Carter
, Stacie Petter
Leveraging Consumer Technologies: Exploring Determinants of Smartphone Use Behaviors in the Workplace. 4619-4628 - Jaime B. Windeler, Jo Ellen Moore, Cindy K. Riemenschneider:
Viewing Turnover through a Wide-Angle Lens: Conceptualizing Locality Turnover. 4629-4639
Practice-Based IS Research
- Dorothy E. Leidner
, Michael Milovich:
Introduction to the Practice-Based IS Research Minitrack. 4640 - Richelle L. Oakley, Lakshmi S. Iyer, Al F. Salam:
Examining the Role of Business Intelligence in Non-profit Organizations to Support Strategic Social Goals. 4641-4650 - Stefan Henningsson, William J. Kettinger:
Late to the Game: Assessing IT Integration Risk after the Acquisition Target Has Been Identified. 4651-4660 - Daniel Gozman
, Wendy Currie:
Managing Governance, Risk, and Compliance for Post-crisis Regulatory Change: A Model of IS Capabilities for Financial Organizations. 4661-4670 - Jordan Eschler, Hazel Taylor, Shrikant Palkar:
Researching Dynamic Phenomena in Complex Organizations: Collaborative Practice Research with Theory Triangulation. 4671-4680
Organizational and Social Dynamics in Information Technology
- Dragos Vieru, Simon Bourdeau, Amelie Bernier, Severin Yapo:
Digital Competence: A Multi-dimensional Conceptualization and a Typology in an SME Context. 4681-4690 - Parisa Aasi, Ivan Nunes, Lazar Rusu, Georg Hodosi:
Does Organizational Culture Matter in IT Outsourcing Relationships? 4691-4699 - Kevin P. Gallagher, Xiaoni Zhang, Vickie Coleman Gallagher:
Institutional Drivers of Assimilation of Information Security Policies and Procedures in U.S. Firms: Test of an Empirical Model. 4700-4709
Organizational Issues for Big Data, Business Analytics, and Business Intelligence
- Olivera Marjanovic
, Thilini Ariyachandra, Barbara Dinter:
Introduction to Organizational Issues for Big Data, Business Analytics, and Business Intelligence Minitrack. 4710-4711 - Henning Baars, Heiko Hutter
A Framework for Identifying and Selecting Measures to Enhance BI-Agility. 4712-4721 - Tom Hänel, Carsten Felden:
An Empirical Investigation of Operational Business Intelligence Perspectives to Support an Analysis and Control of Business Processes. 4722-4731 - Catherine A. Hardy:
Business Analytics and Continuous Assurance: Theoretical Matters, Practice Issues, and Future Directions. 4732-4741 - Olivera Marjanovic
From Analytics-as-a-Service to Analytics-as-a-Consumer-Service: Exploring a New Direction in Business Intelligence and Analytics Research. 4742-4751 - Anna Queralt
, Jonathan Martí
, Henning Baars, André Brinkmann
, Toni Cortes
Fusing Storage and Computing for the Domain of Business Intelligence and Analytics - Research Opportunities. 4752-4761 - Robert Krawatzeck, Barbara Dinter, Duc Anh Pham Thi:
How to Make Business Intelligence Agile: The Agile BI Actions Catalog. 4762-4771 - Jacqueline Corbett
, Jane Webster:
Organizational Sensemaking and Big Data Frames: Opportunity, Control, and Data Limitation. 4772-4781 - Michael Goul, Sule Balkan, Daniel R. Dolk:
Predictive Analytics Driven Campaign Management Support Systems. 4782-4791 - Dongwoo Kang, Soung Hie Kim:
Process of Big Data Analysis Adoption: Defining Big Data as a New IS Innovation and Examining Factors Affecting the Process. 4792-4801
Society, Information, Technology, and Economics
- Eric K. Clemons, Robert J. Kauffman, Thomas A. Weber
Introduction to Society, Information, Technology, and Economics Minitrack. 4802 - Stefan Feuerriegel, Sebastian Felix Heitzmann, Dirk Neumann
Do Investors Read Too Much into News? How News Sentiment Causes Price Formation. 4803-4812 - Qian Tang
, Andrew B. Whinston:
Improving Internet Security through Mandatory Information Disclosure. 4813-4823 - Zhiling Guo
, Robert J. Kauffman, Mei Lin
, Dan Ma:
Mechanism Design for Near Real-Time Retail Payment and Settlement Systems. 4824-4833 - Matthew J. Hashim
, Jesse C. Bockstedt:
Overcoming Free-Riding in Information Goods: Sanctions or Rewards? 4834-4843 - Eric K. Clemons, Joshua S. Wilson:
Students' and Parents' Attitudes towards Online Privacy: An International Study. 4844-4853 - Reza Mousavi, Bin Gu:
The Impact of Twitter Adoption on Decision Making in Politics. 4854-4863 - Shun-Yang Lee
, Liangfei Qiu
, Andrew B. Whinston:
The Perils of Online Manipulation. 4864-4873 - Thomas A. Weber
The Question of Ownership in a Sharing Economy. 4874-4883 - So Young Yoo, Ingoo Han:
The Role of Environmental Information Disclosure Systems and Their Impact on Firm Performance. 4884-4893 - Indika Dissanayake
, Jie Zhang, Bin Gu:
Virtual Team Performance in Crowdsourcing Contest: A Social Network Perspective. 4894-4897 - Liangfei Qiu
, Huaxia Rui, Andrew B. Whinston:
When Cellular Capacity Meets WiFi Hotspots: A Smart Auction System for Mobile Data Offloading. 4898-4907
Theory and Information Systems Research
- Roland M. Müller
A Meta-model for Inferring Inter-theory Relationships of Causal Theories. 4908-4917 - Allen S. Lee
, Dirk S. Hovorka:
Crafting Theory to Satisfy the Requirements of Interpretation. 4918-4927 - Saggi Nevo, Dorit Nevo, Alain Pinsonneault:
Differentiating Post-implementation Change Behaviors towards Information Technology. 4928-4937 - Sophie Cockcroft:
Exploring the Impact of IS Theory on Health Informatics. 4938-4947 - Daniel S. Soper, Ofir Turel
Identifying Theories Used in North American IS Research: A Bottom-Up, Computational Approach. 4948-4958 - Sebastian K. Boell
, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic
What is an Information System? 4959-4968
Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology
- Mark N. Frolick, Kelly Rainer, Jim Ryan:
Introduction to the Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology Minitrack. 4969 - Hannu Kivijärvi, Jussi Toikkanen:
A Systemic Approach for Evaluating and Developing IT Outsourcing Measurement Systems. 4970-4979 - Antti Salovaara
, Kalle Lyytinen
, Esko Penttinen
Flexibility vs. Structure: How to Manage Reliably Continuously Emerging Threats in Malware Protection. 4980-4989 - Malte Unger, Henrik Leopold, Jan Mendling:
How Much Flexibility is Good for Knowledge Intensive Business Processes: A Study of the Effects of Informal Work Practices. 4990-4999 - Marie Marchand, Louis Raymond:
Performance Management Information Systems as IT Artefacts: Characterization and Theorization from the User's Perspective. 5000-5009 - Gustavo Percio Zimmermann Montesdioca, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada
Quality Dimensions of the DeLone-McLean Model to Measure User Satisfaction: An Empirical Test on the Information Security Context. 5010-5019 - Joseph K. Nwankpa
, Yaman Roumani:
Real Options and Subsequent Technology Adoption: An ERP System Perspective. 5020-5027
Software Technology Track
- Rick Kazman, Gul Agha:
Introduction to the Software Technology Track. 5028
Agile and Lean Organizations: Management, Metrics, and Products
- Daniel R. Greening
, Jeff Sutherland:
Introduction to Agile and Lean Organizations: Management, Metrics, and Products Minitrack. 5029 - Rami Sirkiä, Maarit Laanti:
Adaptive Finance and Control: Combining Lean, Agile, and Beyond Budgeting for Financial and Organizational Flexibility. 5030-5037 - Daniel R. Greening
Agile Enterprise Metrics. 5038-5044 - Markus Hummel, Alexander Epp:
Success Factors of Agile Information Systems Development: A Qualitative Study. 5045-5054 - Troy Magennis:
The Economic Impact of Software Development Process Choice - Cycle-Time Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation Results. 5055-5064 - David Socha, Troy Frever, Chunchao Zhang:
Using a Large Whiteboard Wall to Support Software Development Teams. 5065-5072
Agile and Lean Software Engineering: In Principle and Practice
- John Tripp, Ashley M. Aitken:
Introduction to Agile and Lean Software Engineering Minitrack. 5073 - Daniel Pauly, Bjoern Michalik, Dirk Basten:
Do Daily Scrums Have to Take Place Each Day? A Case Study of Customized Scrum Principles at an E-commerce Company. 5074-5083 - Bernardo José da Silva Estácio, Natasha M. Costa Valentim
, Luis Jorge Enrique Rivero Cabrejos
, Tayana Conte
, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Evaluating the Use of Pair Programming and Coding Dojo in Teaching Mockups Development: An Empirical Study. 5084-5093 - Johannes Schönböck
, Juergen Etzlstorfer, Elisabeth Kapsammer, Angelika Kusel, Werner Retschitzegger
, Wieland Schwinger:
Model-Driven Co-evolution for Agile Development. 5094-5103 - Nicholas Berente, Sean W. Hansen, Christoph Rosenkranz
Rule Formation and Change in Information Systems Development: How Institutional Logics Shape ISD Practices and Processes. 5104-5113 - Aaron Read, Joseph C. Clark:
Technology Frame Disruption during Short-Term Agile ISD Projects. 5114-5123 - Alexander Scheerer, Saskia Bick, Tobias Hildenbrand, Armin Heinzl:
The Effects of Team Backlog Dependencies on Agile Multiteam Systems: A Graph Theoretical Approach. 5124-5132 - Tiago Silva da Silva, Milene Selbach Silveira, Frank Maurer
Usability Evaluation Practices within Agile Development. 5133-5142
Analytical Software Project Management
- Günther Ruhe, Dietmar Pfahl
Introduction to Analytical Software Project Management Minitrack. 5143 - Felipe Pinto, Uirá Kulesza, Leo Silva
, Eduardo Martins Guerra
Automating the Assessment of the Performance Quality Attribute for Evolving Software Systems: An Exploratory Study. 5144-5153 - Sanjeev Kumar
Using Social Network Analysis to Inform Management of Open Source Software Development. 5154-5163
Cybersecurity and Software Assurance
- Luanne Burns Goldrich, Richard George, Rick Linger:
Introduction to the Cybersecurity and Software Assurance Minitrack. 5164 - Arnaud Bannier, Nicolas Bodin, Eric Filiol:
Automatic Search for a Maximum Probability Differential Characteristic in a Substitution-Permutation Network. 5165-5174 - Christian D'Orazio, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
A Generic Process to Identify Vulnerabilities and Design Weaknesses in iOS Healthcare Apps. 5175-5184 - Luanne Burns Goldrich, Lauren Davis, Daniel Miller, Robert Gatlin, Brian R. Gattoni:
Embedded R&D for Cybersecurity in an Operational Environment. 5185-5191 - Margus Välja, Matus Korman, Khurram Shahzad, Pontus Johnson:
Integrated Metamodel for Security Analysis. 5192-5200 - Jim Alves-Foss, Jia Song, A. Scott Amack, Lawrence Kerr, Stuart Steiner
Evaluating the Use of Security Tags in Security Policy Enforcement Mechanisms. 5201-5210
CyberWarfare: Offensive and Defensive Software Technologies
- Brian Hay, Steven LaFountain:
Introduction to CyberWarfare: Offensive and Defensive Software Technologies Minitrack. 5211 - Yanjun Zuo:
Belief-Based Decision Making for Service Migration. 5212-5221 - Kara Nance, Robert Wesley McGrew:
Cyber Operations Education: Building Capacity in a Priority Area. 5222-5226
Digital Forensics: Education, Research, and Practice
- Kara L. Nance, Matt Bishop
Introduction to Digital Forensics: Education, Research, and Practice Minitrack. 5227 - Vassil Roussev:
Building a Forensic Computing Language. 5228-5233 - Kiyoshi J. Berman, William Bradley Glisson
, L. Milton Glisson:
Investigating the Impact of Global Positioning System Evidence. 5234-5243 - Napoleon Paxton, Dae-il Jang, Stephen Russell, Gail-Joon Ahn
, Ira S. Moskowitz, Paul Hyden:
Utilizing Network Science and Honeynets for Software Induced Cyber Incident Analysis. 5244-5252
Innovations in Education and Training
- Alan R. Dennis, Kelly McNamara
, Anastasia S. Morrone, Joshua Plaskoff:
Improving Learning with eTextbooks. 5253-5259 - Matthew L. Hale, Rose F. Gamble, Philip Gamble:
CyberPhishing: A Game-Based Platform for Phishing Awareness Testing. 5260-5269
Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents, Open Access, and Open Communities
- Wolfgang W. Bein, Clinton Jeffery, Megan Squire:
Introduction to Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents, Open Access, and Open Communities Minitrack. 5270 - Jessica Andersson, Sofia Larsson, Morgan Ericsson, Anna Wingkvist
A Study of Demand-Driven Documentation in Two Open Source Projects. 5271-5279 - William N. Robinson, Tianjie Deng:
Data Mining Behavioral Transitions in Open Source Repositories. 5280-5289 - Megan Squire
, Rebecca Gazda:
FLOSS as a Source for Profanity and Insults: Collecting the Data. 5290-5298 - Igor Steinmacher, Tayana Uchôa Conte
, Marco Aurélio Gerosa:
Understanding and Supporting the Choice of an Appropriate Task to Start with in Open Source Software Communities. 5299-5308
Secure Cloud Computing
- William J. Yeager, Jean-Henry Morin:
Introduction to Secure Cloud Computing Minitrack. 5309 - Russell G. Shirey, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Kyle E. Stewart, Douglas D. Hodson, Brett J. Borghetti:
Analysis of Implementations to Secure Git for Use as an Encrypted Distributed Version Control System. 5310-5319 - Hsia-Ching Chang
, Chen-Ya Wang:
Cloud Incident Data Analytics: Change-Point Analysis and Text Visualization. 5320-5330 - Sarra M. Alqahtani
, Rose F. Gamble:
DDoS Attacks in Service Clouds. 5331-5340 - Kaushik Ravichandran, Ada Gavrilovska, Santosh Pande
PiMiCo: Privacy Preservation via Migration in Collaborative Mobile Clouds. 5341-5351 - Sebastian Lins, Scott Thiebes, Stephan Schneider, Ali Sunyaev:
What is Really Going On at Your Cloud Service Provider? Creating Trustworthy Certifications by Continuous Auditing. 5352-5361
Software Product Lines: Engineering, Services, and Management
- Timo Käkölä, Andrea Leitner:
Introduction to Software Product Lines: Engineering, Services, and Management Minitrack. 5362 - Timo Käkölä, Yikun Lu:
Best Practices for International eSourcing of Software Products and Services from the Service Providers' Perspective. 5363-5372 - Carsten Kolassa, Holger Rendel, Bernhard Rumpe
Evaluation of Variability Concepts for Simulink in the Automotive Domain. 5373-5382 - Jessica Díaz
, Jennifer Pérez
, Juan Garbajosa
, Carlos Fernández-Sánchez
Modeling Product-Line Architectural Knowledge. 5383-5392 - Iris Groher
, Rainer Weinreich
Variability Support in Architecture Knowledge Management Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review. 5393-5402
Wireless Networks
- Edoardo Biagioni
, John C. McEachen, Murali Tummala:
Introduction to Wireless Networks Minitrack. 5403 - Xiaofei Wang, Xiuhua Li, Victor C. M. Leung, Panos Nasiopoulos:
A Framework of Cooperative Cell Caching for the Future Mobile Networks. 5404-5413 - Thomas Parker, Jamie Johnson, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen, James Scrofani:
Analysis of the Robustness Dynamics of Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks via Time Varying Dual Basis Representation. 5414-5421 - Carson McAbee, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen:
GSM to UMTS Network Handover Vulnerability Testing Using Software-Defined Radio. 5422-5431 - John D. Roth, Murali Tummala, John C. McEachen, James Scrofani, Allison Hunt:
Location Estimation via Sparse Signal Reconstruction in Subsampled Overcomplete Dictionaries for Wireless 4G Networks. 5432-5438 - Bernd Pfitzinger, Tommy Baumann, Dragan Macos, Thomas Jestädt:
Modeling Regional Reliability of 2G, 3G, and 4G Mobile Data Networks and Its Effect on the German Automatic Tolling System. 5439-5445 - Byung-hun Song, Junho Shin, Seungwon Kim, Jongpil Jeong
On PMIPv6-Based Mobility Support for Hierarchical P2P-SIP Architecture in Intelligent Transportation System. 5446-5452 - Glen W. Sagers
, Bryan Hosack, R. J. Rowley, Douglas P. Twitchell
, Ranjitha Nagaraj:
Where's the Security in WiFi? An Argument for Industry Awareness. 5453-5461 - Tomi Dahlberg
, Hannu Kivijärvi, Timo Saarinen:
The Role of IT Investment Consistency among the Enablers behind the Success of IT Deployment. 5462-5471

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