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3rd ICCV 1990: Osaka, Japan
- Third International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 1990. Osaka, Japan, 4-7 December, 1990, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 1990, ISBN 0-8186-2057-9
- Shree K. Nayar, Katsushi Ikeuchi, Takeo Kanade:
Shape from interreflections. 2-11 - Katsushi Ikeuchi, Kosuke Sato:
Determining reflectance parameters using range and brightness images. 12-20 - Marco Campani
, Alessandro Verri:
Computing optical flow from an overconstrained system of linear algebraic equations. 22-26 - James R. Bergen, Peter J. Burt, Rajesh Hingorani, Shmuel Peleg:
Computing two motions from three frames. 27-32 - Michael J. Black, P. Anandan:
A model for the detection of motion over time. 33-37 - Vishal Markandey, Bruce E. Flinchbaugh:
Multispectral constraints for optical flow computation. 38-41 - Robert J. Woodham:
Multiple light source optical flow. 42-46 - Mark C. Allmen, Charles R. Dyer:
Computing spatiotemporal surface flow. 47-50 - Pietro Perona, Jitendra Malik:
Detecting and localizing edges composed of steps, peaks and roofs. 52-57 - Margaret M. Fleck:
Multiple widths yield reliable finite differences. 58-61 - Daniel Reisfeld, Haim J. Wolfson, Yehezkel Yeshurun:
Detection of interest points using symmetry. 62-65 - Rachid Deriche, Gérard Giraudon:
Accurate corner detection: an analytical study. 66-70 - Joon H. Han:
Detection of convex and concave discontinuous points in a plane curve. 71-74 - Paul L. Rosin, Geoff A. W. West:
Segmenting curves into elliptic arcs and straight lines. 75-78 - Atul K. Chhabra, Timothy A. Grogan:
Uniqueness, the minimum norm constraint, and analog networks for optical flow along contours. 80-84 - Fredrik Bergholm:
Decomposition theory and transformations of visual directions. 85-90 - Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade:
Shape and motion without depth. 91-95 - David J. Heeger, Allan D. Jepson:
Simple method for computing 3D motion and depth. 96-100 - Yuh-Lin Chang, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Reconstructing 3D lines from a sequence of 2D projections: representation and estimation. 101-105 - Rabindranath Dutta, Mark A. Snyder:
Robustness of correspondence-based structure from motion. 106-110 - Trevor Darrell, Stan Sclaroff, Alex Pentland:
Segmentation by minimal description. 112-116 - Chen-Chau Chu, Jake K. Aggarwal:
The integration of region and edge-based segmentation. 117-120 - Ales Leonardis, Alok Gupta, Ruzena Bajcsy:
Segmentation as the search for the best description of the image in terms of primitives. 121-125 - Peng-Seng Toh, Andrew K. Forrest:
Occlusion detection in early vision. 126-132 - Lance R. Williams:
Perceptual organization of occluding contours. 133-137 - Mark Nitzberg, David Mumford:
The 2.1-D sketch. 138-144 - Staffan Truvé:
Image interpretation using multi-relational grammars. 146-155 - Hyonam Joo, Robert M. Haralick, Linda G. Shapiro:
Toward the automatic generation of mathematical morphology procedures using predicate logic. 156-165 - Ajit Singh:
An estimation-theoretic framework for image-flow computation. 168-177 - Alex Pentland:
Photometric motion. 178-187 - Masatoshi Okutomi, Takeo Kanade:
A locally adaptive window for signal matching. 190-199 - Juyang Weng:
A theory of image matching. 200-209 - Gary Whitten:
A framework for adaptive scale space tracking solutions to problems in computational vision. 210-220 - Ning Cui, Juyang Weng, Paul R. Cohen:
Extended structure and motion analysis from monocular image sequences. 222-229 - Daphna Weinshall:
Direct computation of qualitative 3D shape and motion invariants. 230-237 - Aimé Meygret, Monique Thonnat:
Segmentation of optical flow and 3D data for the interpretation of mobile objects. 238-245 - Jacques G. Verly, Richard L. Delanoy:
Appearance-model-based representation and matching of 3-D objects. 248-256 - Sven J. Dickinson, Alex Pentland, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Qualitative 3-D shape reconstruction using distributed aspect graph matching. 257-262 - Patrick J. Flynn, Anil K. Jain:
BONSAI: 3D object recognition using constrained search. 263-267 - Joseph L. Mundy, Aaron Heller:
The evolution and testing of a model-based object recognition system. 268-282 - Haim Shvaytser:
Towards a computational theory of model based vision and perception. 283-286 - Paul R. Cooper:
Parallel structure recognition with uncertainty: coupled segmentation and matching. 287-290 - Joachim Heel:
Temporally integrated surface reconstruction. 292-295 - Robert B. Fisher:
Determining back-facing curved model surfaces by analysis at the boundary. 296-299 - Yuan-Fang Wang, Jih-Fang Wang:
Surface reconstruction using deformable models with interior and boundary constraints. 300-303 - Hiromi T. Tanaka, Daniel T. L. Lee:
Representing surface curvature discontinuities on curved surfaces. 304-308 - Robert L. Stevenson, Edward J. Delp:
Viewpoint invariant recovery of visual surfaces from sparse data. 309-312 - Hiroshi Murase:
Surface shape reconstruction of an undulating transparent object. 313-317 - Bruce A. Draper, Edward M. Riseman:
Learning 3D object recognition strategies. 320-324 - Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Wei Li, Chang Y. Choo:
Object recognition by a Hopfield neural network. 325-328 - Ruud M. Bolle, Andrea Califano, Rick Kjeldsen, Rakesh Mohan:
Active 3D object models. 329-333 - W. Eric L. Grimson, Daniel P. Huttenlocher:
On the sensitivity of geometric hashing. 334-338 - Hemant D. Tagare, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
Simultaneous estimation of shape and reflectance maps from photometric stereo. 340-343 - Lawrence B. Wolff:
A photometric invariant and shape constraints at parabolic points. 344-349 - Constantinos Marinos, Andrew Blake:
Shape from texture: the homogeneity hypothesis. 350-353 - John Krumm, Steven A. Shafer:
Local spatial frequency analysis of image texture. 354-358 - Todd A. Cass:
Feature matching for object localization in the presence of uncertainty. 360-364 - Rakesh Kumar, Allen R. Hanson:
Sensitivity of the pose refinement problem to accurate estimation of camera parameters. 365-369 - Kenichi Kanatani:
Hypothesizing and testing geometric attributes of image data. 370-373 - Homer H. Chen:
Pose determination from line-to-plane correspondences: existence condition and closed-form solutions. 374-378 - Jacques Lévy Véhel:
About lacunarity, some links between fractal and integral geometry, and an application to texture segmentation. 380-384 - Masato Tsukada, Yuichi Ohta:
An approach to color constancy using multiple images. 385-389 - Michael J. Swain, Dana H. Ballard:
Indexing via color histograms. 390-393 - Mark S. Drew, Brian V. Funt:
Calculating surface reflectance using a single-bounce model of mutual reflection. 394-399 - Robert T. Collins, Richard S. Weiss:
Vanishing point calculation as a statistical inference on the unit sphere. 400-403 - William T. Freeman, Edward H. Adelson:
Steerable filters for early vision, image analysis, and wavelet decomposition. 406-415 - Tony Lindeberg, Jan-Olof Eklundh:
Scale detection and region extraction from a scale-space primal sketch. 416-426 - John Princen, John Illingworth, Josef Kittler:
Hypothesis testing: a framework for analysing and optimising Hough transform performance. 427-434 - David G. Lowe:
Integrated treatment of matching and measurement errors for robust model-based motion tracking. 436-440 - Jean-Luc Jezouin, Nicholas Ayache:
3D structure from a monocular sequence of images. 441-444 - Brian Y. Hayashi, Shahriar Negahdaripour:
Direct motion stereo: Recovery of observer motion and scene structure. 446-450 - M. Ali Taalebinezhaad:
Direct recovery of motion and shape in the general case by fixation. 451-455 - Chang Wen Chen, Thomas S. Huang:
Epicardial motion and deformation estimation from coronary artery bifurcation points. 456-459 - Masanobu Yamamoto, Pierre Boulanger, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Marc Rioux, Jacques Domey:
Direct estimation of deformable motion parameters from range image sequence. 460-464 - Arun P. Tirumalai, Brian G. Schunck, Ramesh C. Jain:
Dynamic stereo with self-calibration. 466-470 - Kim L. Boyer, Daniel M. Wuescher, Sudeep Sarkar:
Dynamic edge warping: experiments in disparity estimation under weak constraints. 471-475 - Masaki Watanabe, Yuichi Ohta:
Cooperative integration of multiple stereo algorithms. 476-480 - Eric Thirion, Long Quan:
Geometrical learning from multiple stereo views through monocular based feature grouping. 481-484 - Subhodev Das, Narendra Ahuja:
Multiresolution image acquisition and surface reconstruction. 485-488 - A. Lynn Abbott, Narendra Ahuja:
Active surface reconstruction by integrating focus, vergence, stereo, and camera calibration. 489-492 - Harpreet S. Sawhney, John Oliensis, Allen R. Hanson:
Description and reconstruction from image trajectories of rotational motion. 494-498 - Shigang Li, Saburo Tsuji, Masakazu Imai:
Determining of camera rotation from vanishing points of lines on horizontal planes. 499-502 - Xueyin Lin, Zhigang Zhu
Detecting height from constrained motion. 503-506 - Naoki Mukawa:
Estimation of shape, reflection coefficients and illuminant direction from image sequences. 507-512 - Thierry Viéville, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Feed-forward recovery of motion and structure from a sequence of 2D-lines matches. 517-520 - Sifen Zhong, Stéphane Mallat:
Compact image representation from multiscale edges. 522-525 - George C. Stockman, Greg Chungmou Lee, Sei-Wang Chen:
Reconstructing line drawings from wings: the polygonal case. 526-529 - Luc Van Gool, Johan Wagemans, Johan Vandeneede, André Oosterlinck:
Similarity extraction and modeling. 530-534 - Jorja G. Henikoff, Linda G. Shapiro:
Interesting patterns for model-based machine vision. 535-538 - Hiroshi Ishiguro, Masashi Yamamoto, Saburo Tsuji:
Omni-directional stereo for making global map. 540-547 - Minoru Asada, Masahiro Kimura, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Dynamic integration of height maps into a 3-D world representation from range image sequences. 548-555 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Matthew J. Barth, Saburo Tsuji:
Qualitative route scene description using autonomous landmark detection. 558-562 - Hsiang-Lung Wu, Alec Cameron:
A Bayesian decision theoretic approach for adaptive goal-directed sensing. 563-567 - Junichi Hoshino, Tetsuya Uemura, Isao Masuda:
Region-based reconstruction of an indoor scene using an integration of active and passive sensing techniques. 568-572 - Shoujie He, Norihiro Abe, Tadahiro Kitahashi:
Understanding assembly illustrations in an assembly manual without any model of mechanical parts. 573-576 - Zhengyou Zhang, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Tracking and grouping 3D line segments. 577-580 - Fatih Ulupinar, Ramakant Nevatia:
Shape from contour: straight homogeneous generalized cones. 582-586 - Laurent D. Cohen, Isaac Cohen:
A finite element method applied to new active contour models and 3D reconstruction from cross sections. 587-591 - Donna J. Williams, Mubarak Shah:
A fast algorithm for active contours. 592-595 - David A. Forsyth, Joseph L. Mundy, Andrew Zisserman, Christopher M. Brown:
Invariance-a new framework for vision. 598-605 - Demetri Terzopoulos, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Dynamic 3D models with local and global deformations: deformable superquadrics. 606-615 - Roberto Cipolla, Andrew Blake:
The dynamic analysis of apparent contours. 616-623 - Yoshinori Kuno, Yasukazu Okamoto, Satoshi Okada:
Object recognition using a feature search strategy generated from a 3D model. 626-635 - Maha Sallam, John H. Stewman, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Computing the visual potential of an articulated assembly of parts. 636-643 - W. Eric L. Grimson:
The effect of indexing on the complexity of object recognition. 644-651 - David M. Chelberg:
Uncertainty in interpretation of range imagery. 654-657 - Lang Hong, Dragana Brzakovic:
An approach to 3D scene reconstruction from noisy binocular image sequences using information fusion. 658-661 - Bikash Sabata, Farshid Arman, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Segmentation of 3D range images using pyramidal data structures. 662-666 - Anil K. Jain, Sateesha G. Nadabar:
MRF model-based segmentation of range images. 667-671 - Terunori Mori, Masanobu Yamamoto:
A dynamic depth extraction method. 672-676 - Jeffrey J. Rodríguez, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Terrain matching by analysis of aerial images. 677-681 - E. Saud:
Representation and the dimensions of shape deformation. 684-689 - Peter Whaite, Frank P. Ferrie:
From uncertainty to visual exploration. 690-697 - W. Brent Seales, Charles R. Dyer:
Modeling the rim appearance. 698-701 - J. Brian Subirana-Vilanova:
Curved inertia frames and the skeleton sketch: Finding salient frames of reference. 702-708 - Stan Z. Li:
Reconstruction without discontinuities. 709-712 - Saeid Tehrani, Terry E. Weymouth, Brian G. Schunck:
Interpolating cubic spline contours by minimizing second derivative discontinuity. 713-716 - Venu Govindaraju, Sargur N. Srihari, David B. Sher:
A computational model for face location. 718-721 - John C. Lee, Evangelos E. Milios:
Matching range images of human faces. 722-726 - Demetri Terzopoulos, Keith Waters:
Analysis of facial images using physical and anatomical models. 727-732 - André Gagalowicz:
Collaboration between computer graphics and computer vision. 733-737 - Hiroyasu Koshimizu, Munetoshi Numada:
On the extensive reconstruction of Hough transform. 740-743 - Xing Cao, Farzin Deravi:
An efficient method for multiple-circle detection. 744-747 - Ping Liang:
A new transform for curve detection. 748-751 - Dan Gutfinger, R. Nishimura, H. Doi, Jack Sklansky:
Robust curve detection by temporal geodesics. 752-756

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